Move Cell One Column Right Offset Rows

Nov 4, 2006

I have sheet1 with four columns. Team, Issue, Discussion and Recommendation. Discussion and Recommendation headings were placed in column B along with the data in the file I was sent. I need to get it back into table format to eventually load into Access. What I'm trying to do is to loop reading down column B. When I find the word “Discussion” (exact format) I need to drop down one row below the word, cut whatever is in the row, move one column to the right, Column C, and two rows up and paste. For example, cell B3 has “Discussion”. I need to drop to B4, cut whatever is in the cell and move to C2 and paste. I also need the same to happen for Recommendation. Find the word, drop down one row, cut whatever is in the cell, move two columns to the right and up four rows. I would like to delete the rows I moved data from, but will do that by hand if it’s too hard to do in a macro.

An example of my data:
Design4. Reuse existing code to extent possible.
DesignNo discussion
DesignEstablish a baseline and work to the plan.
Design5. Delete old code
DesignNo discussion
DesignNo recommendation
Design6. Plan to work without full details.
DesignIncremental design
DesignWork on smaller details first

Sub Discussion()..................

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Getting Number Of Rows To Move To Gradually Increase With Offset Function

Jun 17, 2014

I need an OFFSET function to start off by moving down 1 row from the starting point and then on the next run through the loop, to move down 2 rows, then 3 rows, etc.


Workbooks(Thisname).Worksheets("Run Set Up").Range("Duration").Offset(1, 0).Value = Workbooks(Filename2).Worksheets("Front Page").Range("T20").Value

This is what I'm working with. At the moment, I have the value for the number of rows to move set to 1 because I can't figure out how I'd accomplsih what I need.

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Move Adjacent Cell Into Rows, Same Column

Aug 9, 2007

I need to create a repeatable macro/module to help me prepare a spreadsheet for import into Microsoft Access. In each row of the spreadsheet is various information including Order Number, Model, and Serial Number. The problem lies in the Serial Number column, which often contains several Serial Numbers delimited by commas. In order to serve my needs in Access, each Serial Number instance needs to become a new row ( record) wherein all of the information (except for the Serial Number) is the same. It is crucially important that all of the serial numbers are in the same column. (I tried using text to columns as a starting-off point, but seemed to dead end).


Order#1; Model1; Serial1, Serial2, Serial3

Needs to become:

Order#1; Model1; Serial1
Order#1; Model1; Serial2
Order#1; Model1; Serial3

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Using OFFSET Function To Return The Value From Another Cell With Row And Column Offset

May 31, 2014

I am having some difficulties using a combination of IF and the OFFSET function to display a range of cell values from another column based on a simple condition. The values I need to display at the destination cells should be offset by 8 columns to the right and "X" rows down from the reference column. The value "X" is to be determined via the IF function to check for the row index number.

For example, if Index value "X" = 8, then display the value of B2 in cell I9. IF X = "9", display B2 in cell I10 etc.

I have attached a sample worksheet that provides some examples.

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Find Rows W/same Value In Column A And B And Offset Column C To Next Available Column

Aug 3, 2006

I need to combine rows that have the same value in column a and column b to the same row by offsetting column c to the next available column. For example, I would like the first 6 rows of the provided sample to appear like this.

0014B22<@44>Soil Properties and Qualities<@44>Soil Properties and Qualities<@44>Soil Properties and Qualities

Sometimes the values are the same in column c, sometimes they are different. I do not want to delete duplicate rows where they are the same. Sometimes there are 2 rows that have the same values in column a and column b, other times there may be 3 or even 4 rows with the same values in column a and column b. Regardless, I would like the values in column c combined on the same row in the next available column. It would be nice if the duplicate column a and column b rows (with a null column c cell) were then removed, but I could do that in the next step.

0014B22<@44>Soil Properties and Qualities
0014B22<@44>Soil Properties and Qualities
0014B22<@44>Soil Properties and Qualities
0014B24<@33><i>Available water capacity:<p> High (about 11.5 inches)
0014B24<@33><i>Available water capacity:<p> Very low (about 2.9 inches)
0014B24<@33><i>Available water capacity:<p> High (about 9.0 inches)
0014B25<@33><i>Slowest saturated hydraulic conductivity:<p> Moderately high (about 0.57 in/hr)
0014B25<@33><i>Slowest saturated hydraulic conductivity:<p> High (about 1.98 in/hr)
0014B25<@33><i>Slowest saturated hydraulic conductivity:<p> Moderately high (about 0.57 in/hr)
0014B26<@33><i>Depth class:<p> Very deep (more than 60 inches)
0014B26<@33><i>Depth class:<p> Very deep (more than 60 inches)
0014B26<@33><i>Depth class:<p> Very deep (more than 60 inches)
0014B27<@33><i>Depth to root-restrictive feature:<p> More than 60 inches
0014B27<@33><i>Depth to root-restrictive feature:<p> More than 60 inches..............

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Move Rows With Anything In Specific Column

Dec 16, 2007

I am working on the attached price proposal and need my user to be able to enter a number into column E indicating that that row should be printed on the quote. The 'quote' can be new sheet or another area of current sheet that is formatted to look like letterhead.

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Move Column Data To Row Then Delete Those Rows

Jul 23, 2007

We have a client that provided us with a text file that we imported into
Excel. Rather than have the entire record in one row, they have the record
in 4 rows.

What I need a macro or something to do is move award 2 award 3 and award 4 into the same row and after doing this delete the other rows.

Below is an idea how this looks.
1JohnSmithstreetcitystateZIPaward 1
2JohnSmithstreetcitystateZIPaward 2
3JohnSmithstreetcitystateZIPaward 3
4JohnSmithstreetcitystateZIPaward 4
5BillJonesstreet2city2state2ZIP2award 1
6BillJonesstreet2city2state2ZIP2award 2
7BillJonesstreet2city2state2ZIP2award 3
8BillJonesstreet2city2state2ZIP2award 4

What we need for our data to work is:
1JohnSmithstreetcitystateZIPaward 1award 2award 3award 4
2BillJonesstreet2city2state2ZIP2award 1award 2award 3award 4

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Test The B Column And Move All Rows That Match Together

Sep 21, 2009

This must be a simple fix. But I can't seem to get it. I need to test the data of each cell in column B against each other cell in column B. If the data is equal then move it under the first cell of the test.


Group the 2's and 3's in order.
Finally, then create borders around each group of numbers.

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Move Blocks Of Data In 1 Column To Rows

Nov 15, 2006

Moving Data And Deleting Blank Rows. I am a complete newbie to excel VBA and require assistance (if at all possible). I have data in the following format in an excel sheet (I have a lot more rows but give an example for two rows)... in 1 column but I wish to separate it (i.e. move data along onto the first row in other columns) and delete blank rows.

For Example:


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Move Rows, Meeting Conditions In Column, To Another Workbook

Sep 17, 2009

I'm working with transcribed comments from patient satisfaction surveys. The goal is to produce a single Excel file that contains all of the positive comments from source files where physicians are mentioned by name. Our vendor notes this by preceding any person's name with an asterisk (e.g., *Dr. Smith or *Doctor Smith"). I've attached a sample source file (Ambulatory.xls), so you can see what I'm starting with (I've deleted the identifying data in columns B, C, and D).

I'm looking for the appropriate VBA code to cut and paste the row in one file (in this case, Ambulatory.xls) to a separate Excel file (Weekly Physician Comment Report.xls) IF the cell contents in column G of that row contain either of the following text pieces:



Each week's file will obviously have an unknown number of total rows - and will contain lots of positive comments that DON'T mention a physician by name. In the file I've attached here, for example, there is only one such comment (highlighted in yellow). I simply want to cut and paste the rows with physician names into the new file. If you can provide me with the code to do this for this example file, I can repeat the process for my other files (there are 6 source files in all).

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Move Rows Based On Specific Text Being In Column

Mar 21, 2008

I am trying to have rows moved from (Schedule) to (Complete) in the attached workbook. The criteria to have the row moved would be the user-selected "Status" list changing to "COMPLETE" in Column G.

I would like to have the row cut and deleted from Sheet4 (Schedule) once "COMPLETE" is selected from the list in Column G with rows below moving up. The row would then be inserted into Sheet2 (Complete) at the top of the list (Row 7) and rows would move down below the new entry. I would also like to have the formatting remain uniform (every other row fill)

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Use Offset Formula To Move To Next Row Data?

Jan 11, 2013

Is it possible to use offset formula to move to the next row data? I am trying to achieve all H&S data will be captured in sheet 2. I know there is an easy way to do that by filtering it. But I am trying to automate the summary template in sheet by putting a formula from the data in sheet 1 below.

Customer Unit Price


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VBA Search / Replace With Offset 1 Column And Offset 2 Column

Mar 22, 2013

I am trying to work out how to nest offset in a code using search replace. The goal is to find a value from cell A1 (example) and replace the values in the cells next to the cell containing samuel and the cell containing samuel.

A sort of search and remove data tool if you like So for example:

[QUOTE]A1: "samuel" (the search criteria)
Search range is: B1:D400
(for example)
Cell B40 = samuel
C40 = Driver
D40 = year

So, the macro is activated and finds "samuel" in B40 and I would like C40 & D40 replaced with "" The code I'm using is below: (this is just replacing the cell containing the search criteria with "test". I would like to nest offset(0,2) & offset(0,3).Value = ""

Sub Macro1()
Selection.Replace What:=Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value, Replacement:="test", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
End Sub

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If Column A Contains Ohio Then Offset By 3 Cell

Mar 17, 2014

I am looking to create a Macro that says: look at all of the data in column E:E and if you find a cell that has the word "Ohio" in the string of information, then offset that cell by 3 to the right and make that cell equal to "4"

Sub Test()

Dim rng As Range, cell As Range
Dim worksh As Worksheet
Set worksh = Worksheets("Axys Layout")
Set rng = Range("E:E")
For Each cell In rng
If InStr(1, cell, "Ohio", 1) Then
cell.Offset(, 3).Value = 4
End If
Next Ecell
End Sub

This is not working and I'm not even sure that I am on the right track!

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Find All Instances Of Cell In Column & Check Offset Cell

May 21, 2008

how to explain this except by showing it, so I explained it as best I could in the attachment. Anyone think they have a solution for this? Let me know if you need more information. Thanks!

the macro will look at the value I entered in cell A1, then find all instances of it in Column A
in every row that A1 matches, if the value in column E is "0", I need the macro to change the value in column E of that row from "0" to (that row's column B * $B$1)

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Macro To Find A Cell Containing Text /select Range Offset / Cut And Paste To Lower Rows?

Feb 4, 2014

I am trying to find a macro that can search a sheet for any cell that contains the text "Not on AOI" selects a range that contains that cell, 81 rows below, and 2000 columns to the right, then cuts the selection and pastes it 162 rows below the original cell where the text was found. What's hard is that the number of columns between the "Not on AOI" cells is variable.

I'm very new to excel macros and the parts I think I've put together are:

Cells.Find("Not on AOI", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:= _
xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:= _
xlNext, MatchCase:=True).Activate


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VBA Copy Offset Cells To Another Worksheet If Cell In Column B Contains (text)

Feb 13, 2014

I want to do the following:

If cells in column B from Sheet 1 contains ''text'',

Copy Cells from column D and F from Sheet 1 - TO - Sheet 2 in columns C and E -

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Move Rows Into Worksheet Depending On Cell Value

Jul 7, 2009

One of the worksheets contains all of the data and the rest are empty. I need to do is move entire rows of from the main worksheet in to worksheets named the same as the value in column C of the row.

for example one row may have TEST in column C so i want to move it to the worksheet called TEST. The next row might have TESTING in column C so that would go to the worksheet called TESTING. and so on.

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Move Rows To Another Worksheet Based On A Cell Value In That Row

Jul 16, 2005

I currently have a consolidated worksheet (thanks Bill!) called " Dashboard" that contains closed items that are marked by a validated column that can only contain "Closed, Open, or In-Progress." Is there a way to move the rows with a value of "Closed" to another worksheet called "Completed"? Also when this move is done, that row is no longer necessary in Dashboard and should be removed. So I'm guessing its a lot like a cut and paste and then a delete row/shift cells up?

here are some additional information:

The worksheet has a locked header that is 6 rows deep (the values for the "Status" column begins on row 7 and on.)

The "status" column is at column 11.

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Move Cell Contents & Delete Rows

May 23, 2006

I have a spreadsheet with a serial number is row 1 in column A with the rest of Row 1 empty. Column A is empty in Row 2, but has the data associated with the row above in columns B through L of Row 2. Then comes 2 blank rows and the pattern repeats with a new serial number in column A of row 5 and so on. I would like to move the serial number down one row, delete the now empty first row, delete the following 2 empty rows, and then loop to do the same thing again for all 9000 rows of the spreadsheet.

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Move Rows To Another Worksheet Based On A Cell Value In That Row ...

Jan 15, 2008

I have a excel file to keep track of tasks or actions that need to be performed. What I am looking for, is an automated utility or code that will allow excel to automatically move entire rows (so an entire task) of completed tasks to another sheet called, "Completed Actions". In Actions sheet I have a column for " status" and here you have to select from a drop down menu, either "On-going", "Urgent" or "Done". What I would like, is that once you have selected "Done", the entire row or entry, will be automatically moved to the "Completed Actions" sheet.

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Move Data From One Cell In One Row Into Several Rows And Copy Rest Of Row

Mar 2, 2013

I publish a green building mag, and we run an enquiry system for readers on our website. This is the link: [URL] .......

The idea is that readers tell us some info about themselves, including what types of products/services they'd like to receive information about, and we pass their details on to advertisers offering those products/services.

When someone fills out a form, we get data in Excel on their enquiry. It's all in one row - name, contact details, and then the products/services they've enquired about are included in one cell, separated by commas.

So for instance, suppose a listing currently came in as follows (column headings in brackets:

(name) Joe Soap / (job title) Architect / (organisation) Joe Soap Architecture / (address) 123 Soap St, Soapville / (enquiries) insulation, solar panels, windows

Essentially I want it to run like this:

(name) Joe Soap / (job title) Architect / (organisation) Joe Soap Architecture / (address) 123 Soap St, Soapville / (enquiries) insulation
(name) Joe Soap / (job title) Architect / (organisation) Joe Soap Architecture / (address) 123 Soap St, Soapville / (enquiries) solar panels
(name) Joe Soap / (job title) Architect / (organisation) Joe Soap Architecture / (address) 123 Soap St, Soapville / (enquiries) windows

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VBA - Move Entire Rows From One Sheet To Another Based On Cell Value?

Jun 3, 2012

I have two sheets:

1. Not yet printed
2. Printed

My data is in sheet 1 (Not yet printed). I would like to move automatically entiry rows (sometimes more then one) to sheet 2 (Printed) based on one cell's value. Here is a screenshot:

For example when I enter into Sheet 2 '264450' then row 2 would have been moved to Sheet 2.

And also with multiple rows, if I enter '264461' then row 4 and row 6 would have been moved to sheet 2 as well. I wouldn't like to enter a value more than once.

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Move Rows To Worksheets Based On Cell Text In Row

Mar 16, 2008

I download our monthly bank transactions (.csv). I have a workbook with sheets named for each creditor or expense.

I would like move each row, based on the specific word in a cell row, to the specific worksheet.

Here are some typical transactions in the Description column:

Some are specific:
“Moved to the Vonage worksheet.”

Others are not so obvious:
“Moved to the Eat Out worksheet.”

“Moved to the ASPCAPS worksheet.”

“Moved to the Grocery worksheet.”

I was able to find the following while during a Search:

Move Cells Containing Specific Word In Column To New Sheet

The question was answered, in addition to Dave Hawley, by Bill Rockenbach who inserted the following code - “Sub FindWord()”

Option Explicit
Sub FindWord()
Dim Sentences
Dim Word As String
Dim i As Long
Dim iWordPos As Integer
Dim lRow As Long
Dim sWord As String

If this is a possibility for what I'm looking for, I’m not sure how to implement it into my situation.

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Move Rows In Table Based On Cell Values

May 1, 2008

I need to CUT & PASTE records according a cell value. For example:
Columns A2 to AC1000 there are some values. In each rows of AD2:AD1000 the values repeats with the result something like "YES", "NO", "N.A.", "LESS CHANCE". So, I need to shift (to another sheet) only the entire rows with values of "NO" and "N.A."

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Move Down Column And For Every Blank Cell Clear Contents Of Cell To The Left?

Jun 1, 2014

i need a code that moves down a column and for every empty cell in the column the cell to the left is cleared and then it moves on to the next cell down. the column is not always the same and will start from a selected cell, and the column will contain no more than 5 rows

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Move Rows To Another Sheet When Value Is Chosen From Dropdown Menu In Cell

Nov 25, 2013

i am making a simple complaint tracking system and there is a column where there are two choices Resolved and Unresolved if you choose resolved it copies the row to the resolved sheet and if it's unresolved it copies the row to the unresolved sheet. i attached a template to give you an idea, i want the first complaint to be copied to the resolved sheet and second one to the unresloved sheet, i don't want the status column which contains the choices to be copied to the other sheets, also the unresolved sheet doesn't have a 'date closed' column because the complaint is not yet resolved so i dont want it to be copied there, i want it only in the resolved sheet.


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Move The Content Of Cell From One Column To Other

Aug 21, 2007

I want to enter a number 0 to 999 in cell A1 and when the enter key is pressed move the contents of cell A1 to A2 and A2 to A3, cascading down until A40. So after five numbers the first number I entered woul now have cascaded down to cell A5 ready to go into cell A6.

Would I have to use some kind of program or does excel have a command for this?

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Highlight Row And Column On Move Down Of Cell

Jun 18, 2009

As I move down a cell, I would like the entire row and column be highlighted. Is that possible?

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Move Duplicated Cell Into New Column

Mar 14, 2014

Basically I have an export which I need to manipulate so I can do a mail merge. I've managed to find a solution to remove the data I don't need and also managed to create the mail merge (even fixing the weird American date issue)

The data that is left looks a bit like this

Staff ID
week ending
week ending
Bob Smith


basically what i need the macro to do is to see theres two Bob Smiths (or 2 Staff Id's "1") and put the second instance in column 4


Staff ID
week ending
week ending
Bob Smith


in some instances there could be 20+ week ending dates to go into the row.

also I don't need to have the dates all in seperate boxes, I just need the information in a row so the mail merge reads and sends out one message rather than 20 messages to the same person asking for each week by itself.

I've manually moved the dates into the boxes up to now and everything else is working

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