Multiple List Values In One Cell

Oct 14, 2009

I have a table in which you can select values from a pre-defined list. However on some days I need to be able to select multiple values from the list and not just one value. Is it possible to do this or if not is it possible that on the days I need to select multiple values I can get excel to auotmatically insert a line to enable me to select the second, third etc value without having to physically insert the extra line?

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List Values From Multiple Columns In A Dropdown List

Dec 17, 2012

how to list values from multiple columns in a dropdown list based on lookup value of 1st column as below.

This is how the table looks like.

4" AB1 AB2 AB3
6" ZA2 zd4 -

This is how the dropdown list should look like for Product 4"


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Use INDEX To Lookup Multiple Values In Multiple List

Dec 8, 2013

I am using the below array formula in G2 (that I then drag across) to show the score for all the times "mike" appears. I would like to match all the times "mike" OR "red" appears, so that the value in K2 is "99".




[Code] ..........

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List Box Multiple Values

Nov 28, 2009

I have userform1 & listbox1 that adds th selected value to the end of a list IN column A.

When i select add multiple values in he list box properties then no value is added. Can anyone explain how this function works, thanks Stevie p.

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Dropdown List With Multiple Values?

Sep 17, 2013

I am trying to create an excel spreadsheet that calculates nutrition based on a dropdown menu. The values would change depending on the formula selected. How to I pull the data from sheet 1 and bring it in sheet 2 in order to calculate protein, carbohydrates and fat content. I have attached a copy of the excel spread sheet.

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List Values Of Multiple Sheets

Sep 29, 2009

Is there a way to make the macro only list the selected cell values of Sheet6 and higher (not list the selected cell values of sheets 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

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How To Look Up Value In List And Return Multiple Corresponding Values Totaled

Dec 9, 2013

I have a file with multiple sales for each product, each month it can change depending on sales and i want to get the total of each product. As the range is not defined this is where i am stuck. I want the total for each product based on the product name or cell reference.

Logic: Look through range and sum total each product equal to "A2" for example.

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Returning Multiple Values As Dropdown List?

Apr 24, 2013

Actually I plan to create an eRequisition Form for our branch sites. My focus would be the consumable items of Lexmark printers. I want to create cascading drop-down lists based on data table (worksheet : All) as per attached. From lots of examples I've seen in this or other similar forums, I notice that in order to allow this cascading to work is by creating column with header name identical with the input in the 1st List. But I'm thinking, if I need to do that, then there gonna be hundreds or maybe thousands columns to create as the number of branches are expanding, so I think tht should not be practical.

I found examples that shows how lookup 1 value can return multiple values but I totally cannot think of a way to allow those multiple values to be returned as dropdown list rather than displaying all in rows of the worksheet.

What I need is that, in 1st list, upon selecting the branch, it'll populate all items related to the branch and when selecting the item, it'll populate brand/model list for the particular item only. The input in the dropdown list should not have duplicates. Been trying using pivot to do this with macro that enables auto refresh once any changes made in the table.

create this cascading drop-down lists just based on the table as per attached? I really want to avoid having to create extra tables to allow this cascading to work.


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Lookup - Bring Up List Of Multiple Possible Values?

Mar 25, 2012

I have a worksheet where data has been entered from a userform. For each entry, there is a separate reference number in the form of contract number-schedule number-machine type-cage number (e.g. 123-123-ABC-1).

The machien type will not always be known so the user will need to do a search for the contract number-schedule number and then bring up all the possible reference numbers.

For example this could look like:

I would like this list of all possible values to pop up.

what look up function would work and how I can do this?

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List Unique Values Of Multiple Columns

Mar 12, 2008

I need a UDF to make live easier. I have a huge excel file and I need a final function (I suppose a UDF) that lists all values from a range spanning over multiple columns and rows. I would not really like a macro, since it does not update when certain values are changed.

It's part of a bigger functionality, but I need this one, really bad, since it spans over 6000 rows as the search range, and 7000 as the search values. In short:
I got to list all the unique values. They are in specific cells on worksheet 1 (A1:C5 and A25:C31) and should be listed on worksheet2 starting in field A2. As 'simple' as that. Nothing more, nothing less, just list all unique values of a certain range, which I specify. If it can not be done, by selecting the two fields separately, it's no problem at all to list all values in eg A1:C6000. Do note that some of the cells will be blank, and I don't need blanks. I only need the actual data sets. I added a sample excel file, that shows a representation of the data. I can not upload the actual file, since it's way too big (60 MB). So a sample file should give you the idea.

Three sheets:
Data 1: some value lists multiple columns
Data 2: some value lists, again multiple columns
Desired result: the result as it should be listed.
example.xls. zip

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Multiple Combo Box Reference List But Remove Used Values

Aug 8, 2013

i have a list of 5 teams in a named range ("teams") within a worksheet.

On a userform I have 5 combo boxes.

What I would like to have is an easy way to remove a used name in the list for the next combo box.

i.e. someone selects team a in combobox1, combobox2 then has a list of team b,c,d and e. I'll be locking the combo boxes and writing code so the next one will unlock if the previous box is populated.

i also need this to work if someone puts team c in first combobox this then gets removed in combobox2 then in combobox2 they input team e then both these values are removed for combobox3.

only way I can think of doing it is creating a lot of named ranges and using a lot of if then code which I'd like to avoid.

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Return Multiple Values From A List That Fit Logical Test?

Nov 15, 2013

I need a formula that will return a range of values from a list.

Example: I need a formula in cell A2 that looks at the list and will return all numbers that are >99 but 199 but299 but

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Lookup To Return Multiple Values And List Sequentially

Mar 17, 2008

I need to lookup data based on a cells content. The answer has to output to a table as a sequential list. I have attached a sample workbook (there will be 100+ sheets in the final version!). The Register sheet lists competencies against page# and title. For each Evidence Sheet I need to populate the Competency grid (C4:D10) in a sequential manner i.e. no blank lines,and the Title (B13) based on the Page # (D2). I have looked at a great number of postings, but cannot see a solution that fits.

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Collecting Unique Values Of Multiple Ranges Into One Master List

Dec 20, 2012

I gather two lists of serial numbers (i.e.) from two different sources; one populated in sheet1, A:A (with variable row numbers) and the other in sheet2 B:B (again with varying number of rows)

I am trying to gather a master list of unique serial numbers in sheet3, C:C.

So far I have tried advanced filter, union.range, etc. but couldn't figure work it. I guess some of these columns need to have names assigned to it and have a header.

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Excel VLOOKUP Multiple Values From Data Validation List

Dec 12, 2011

I've found a nice looking formula for looking up multiple values from a Data Validation List which you can find here.

Unfortunately I dont know why im getting a #REF! error for one of my spreadsheets. Here is my Formula {=SUM(VLOOKUP(A2,D:D,{6,7,8},0))}

A2 is the Data Validation drop down list that has most of the Values (Letters & Numbers) I want to look up. D:D is where it will find the Values (Letters & Numbers) and {6,7,8} is the currency I want added up and displayed.

I've tried this formula on other spreadsheets with success, but no success with the spreadsheet im working on currently.

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Data Validation Indirect Where Multiple Values Show Specific List?

Feb 7, 2014

I have a data validation list where more than one value should show the same list. Instead of make multiple range, I want to make it so if any of the values are in a cell the data validation list will show the list that goes with those values.

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Creating Unique List Of Values From Column Of Data Across Multiple Sheets No Blanks

Jul 8, 2014

I have 6 worksheets in my file. In sheets 1-5, column A2:A26 list people's names. Some people's names appears on more than one sheet. Not all cells are populated with a value.



My attempt was... =INDEX('Week1:Week5-!$A$2:$A$26,MATCH(0,COUNTIF($A$1:A1,"Week1:Week5"!$A$2:$A$26),0))

where the sheets were Week1-Week5 and the values on each sheet was A2:A26. But I think there's an issue with Excel being able to 3D reference for these types of functions.

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VBA - Copy Range With Multiple Same Values Based On Other Cell Values

Aug 31, 2012

I want to build a database where the user can select a specific time period. I have a static file with the time periods and the related values. For instance I have in column A1:A15 the time periods from January 2011 to Dezember 2011, but I have some dates multiple times as there are more values attached to it. For instance I have in the first 4 rows January 2011...what I want is when someone puts in the value January 2011 in cell B1 and Dezember 2011 in cell B2 that the whole static file gets copied to another location (including the multiple dates) displaying the chosen time period. Similarly if someone puts in the value March 2011 to November 2011, I want only those values to be copied.

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Drop Down List Which Returns Values Based On What Has Been Selected In The Previous Drop Down List In The Adjacent Cell

Mar 19, 2009

I'm trying to create a drop down list which returns values based on what has been selected in the previous drop down list in the adjacent cell, e.g. if 'Apples' is selected in the previous cell then you should only be able to select from 'Gala, Granny Smith', or if 'Oranges' is selected you should only be able to select 'Seville, Blood Orange'. Is there a formula which would do this, or can I use a pivot table somehow? I'm totally stumped.

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Multiple Options Cell Values Based On Multiple Criteria Variable Inputs?

Mar 18, 2013

I maintain the data flow at my work. We send and receive the data using excel files with specific formatting that I then upload to the database. Each time I send or receive the excel file I must log them, this is what my code question refers to.

I use RDBMerge to merge all the contents of the 100 plus excel files into one worksheet. The first part of the macro cleans up the merge data for use in the log (i have attached an example of the clean data and finished log).

The blue shaded area of the "Raw_Data" is what the clean data looks like, the yellow column is what current macro records for each record.

As you can see by the example the Raw_Data is only two files LL_LLL_BOB_ToLLLLL_20121228_01 & LL_LLL_BOB_ToLLLLL_20121230_01, each with more that one record.

The log code in column "H" Is based on this criteria:
First Letter of the Unique ID in column "E" - O, M, or L
Program Type in Column "F" - U or R
1. O-U = U
2. O-R = RU
3. M-U = U2
4. M-R = R2U
5. L-R = R

You will note that Columns G-R of the "Log Sheet" correspond to the "Record Type" found in Column "G" of the "Raw_Data" sheet.

This is the area where my skill at using scripting dictionaries fails.

The results for the log list each file only once, but the log code for each corresponding "Record Type" in columns G-R of the "Log Sheet" must contain each unique instance of the code. In other words

if LL_LLL_BOB_ToLLLLL_20121228_01 contains an O-U with an "A" Record Type and an M-R with an "A" Record Type; then, on the log sheet there needs to be the codes "U/R2U" in the cell intersection of the LL_LLL_BOB_ToLLLLL_20121228_01 record row and "A" column (which is column "G")

So, If the File contains one of each code for each Record Type the corresponding cell must house one of each code separated by a "/" without any spaces. This means the cell value could no code, or one code and all the variations in between to all five codes. Also, for ease of human reading the log codes should be concatenated in the 1-5 order that I listed them in (U/RU/U2/R2U/R)

Here is my code so far.

Option Explicit
Sub test()
Dim dic As Object, a, i As Long, rng As Range, e, w, n As Long
Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")


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Vlookup Multiple Values Then Concatenate All Values In One Cell?

Jul 23, 2014

two formulas for one data set. The data is attached in the spreadsheet: "Product IDs". The data is a set of Master Product IDs (parent) and the Linked to them Products (children). I need to create a relationship between unique parents (Master Product IDs) and their children (Linked Products)

I need to create two formulas:

1. From the Data Set table, need to vlookup the unique value in column A (Master Product ID) and return comma delimited (concatenated) corresponding values from column B (Linked Products). So, the result will be as shown in Table 2.

2. From the Data Set table, need to vlookup the unique (de-duplicated) parent/children relationship in column A (Master Product ID) and return comma delimited (concatenated) corresponding values from column B (Linked Products). There are total 3 parent/children relationships in Table 1. So, the result will be as shown in Table 3.

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Paste Multiple Cell Values From Multiple Workooks Into One Workbook

Oct 30, 2009

I’ve got a folder on drive C named “Customer Sheets”. In this folder at any time there could be over 500 individual customer sheets. i also have a "Summary Workbook" on drive C

What I need is a macro in my "Summary Workbook" that copies cells (“B3, B6, B12, B13, G5, G6”) form every customer sheet in my “Customers Sheets” folder and paste it into my “Summary Workbook” onto sheet2, every customer in a new row.

The “Summary Workbook” should run this macro every time it is opened or on my command so that the database is continually refreshed when a new customer sheet is made.

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Match Value Of 1 Cell To Multiple Cells And Give Multiple Values

Oct 7, 2006

Sheet 2 is the problem.

I need to match cells e3:h3 whenver the dates change in in cells c5:c9 and then put there result of cells b5:b9 into the corresponding cells of e5:h9.

Basically what I'm saying is that I want to keep a track of all previous pay amounts from each pay period. So when the next period changes the date it also copies the new pay amount to the corresponding date of the previous pay section.

I have included a sample.

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Search Multiple Values In A Cell With Multiple Criteria

May 22, 2009

I am trying to search for multiple values in a cell with Multiple criteria.

E.g: Please find attached the sample excel data.

I tried using VLOOKUP which is not working as I am having multiple values in column A.

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Split Multiple Values In A Cell To Multiple Rows?

Mar 4, 2013

if there is a way to split multiple values in a cell to multiple rows. example check the attached sheet, macro/function with in excel etc.

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List Box Using Cell Values?

May 27, 2014

I am trying to build an information userform. I have 5 colomns on a sheet that include data, which I am keeping the sheet hidden.

What I am looking to do is have the information that is in these cells to populate in list boxes on a user form, I have tried

[Code] .....

I would like to do this as a loop though as there can be a mass range of information in the column.

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List Of Unique Values In One Cell?

Dec 27, 2013

I have a list of all transactions that happened during the day at different locations On another sheet I want to list all the locations and in another column to populate a list of unique transaction codes for each location from the first sheet (all unique values for each location in one cell). I am attaching a spreadsheet in case I am not clear enough (I need to create a Summary). This attachment is really a simplification of a file I work with. The real one has many columns and multiple subtotals, I would not be able to incorporate a method that involve filters

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Using List To Replace Cell Values

Feb 2, 2013

I want to replace the values in column A if a unique value is identified on a particular row. Here's some sample data from Column A

A2= 01/16 Petsmart Inc 1372 Miami FL Card 7777
A3= 02/13 Sir Nicks Brodhead WI Card 7777
A4= 01/05 Canal Center Walk C37436 Orlando Fl Card 7777
A5= 01/24 Shell Oil 5744417710 Atlanta GA Card 7777
A6= 8/12 05 Canal Center Walk C37436 Orlando Fl Card 7777
A7=09/01 05 Canal Center Walk C37436 Orlando Fl Card 7777
A8=12/21 Top Deck Bridges C37436 Denver CO Card 7777

Here's my list in cells D2:D6

Canal Center Walk
Sir Nicks
Top Deck Cafe

I created a list of values in Column D then created the below formula in column B and replicated it down.


What I would like the formula to do is look at the list in column D. If a particular row shows a match for that text string it will populate that value in column B, but delete everything preceding the text value and after.

Ex: A2 = 01/16 Petsmart Inc 1372 Miami FL Card 7777
B2 should = Petsmart

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Cell Color To List Of Values

Aug 14, 2006

I am trying to get a list of values for cells that have been colored.

The following is the macro that I have but I am not an expert on VBA

I think I need two things to achieve this.

1. Would really appreciate if someone would please help me debug this?

2. After I get this list of values I would like to be able to apply this to a worksheet and in one column define the differing row colors by a value. What would be method to do this?

Sub PrintRGBValues()

Dim intNumColor As Integer
Dim strHexVal, strRGBVal As String

'Create the column headers,
ActiveCell.Formula = "Color"
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Formula = "Index"
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Formula = "Red"
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4).Formula = "Green"
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5).Formula = "Blue"

ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate

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Adding Selected Cell Values From A List

Feb 3, 2014

Below is a list of sku's where column C contains values that represent quantities of items received. Now, column D contains 4 different categories of items, BK, BL, CBL and PP, so what I need to do, is add the numbers shown in column C, for each category separately. That is, all values from column C having a "PP" value on column D, should be added separately, and so on with the other categories from column D. The resulting values will be used to create pie charts, but that part I have resolved.

What I'm doing to achieve this, is selecting column D, then, conditional formatting→highlight cell rules→equals to, then typing each category so I can highlight the corresponding cells. Then, adding Filter to column C, then sorting by color, then, selecting the corresponding cells from column C to add their values. The process works, but takes too long, especially when considering my lists usually have a few hundreds of sku's each. The below list is just a shortened version of one of them.

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