Multiplying Hours By Different Dollar Amounts Based Upon Time Worked?
Feb 16, 2012
I charge one rate for day work and one for night shifts. My spreadsheet is set to figure the total number of hours worked and I know how to multiply by dollars to get answer #1, but is it possible to use a formula to multiply times a different rate for a night shift?
For example I use =IF(B2
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Aug 6, 2007
If a Rescue Officer is called out at 23:00 and is back at 04:00, this should equate to 5 hours worked.
It seems that if my times are all on one side or the other of a 24 hour cycle, my calculation work fine but it it breaks across the 24 hour (as above, it doesn't work.
Using (A2-A1)*24 give me -19.00 hours
My SS macro has a line:
s = (wks.Cells(c, 3) - wks.Cells(c, 2)) * 24 'calculates the duration of time worked
Is there any way of getting excel to calculate an elapsed time in hours when the start and end times roll over from one day to the next?
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Jan 13, 2009
I am making a schedule and I would like it to take out a 30 min break if the hours worked is over 6 hours.
I have so far
1 11:00 7:30
Gives me 8 hours, I would like it to subtract the 30 minutes only ifthe sum is over 6 and not alter the sum if it is under 6.
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Feb 21, 2013
Is there a way to conver a persons time spent (given in weeks) to adjust/convert to show per month. Attached is the sheet. Do note that week 2/25 - 3/1 is a combination of Jan and Feb so hours should be logically divided into jan and feb...
Name 2/18 - 2/22 2/25 - 3/1 3/4 - 3/8 3/11 - 3/15 Feb mar
Tom 40 10 0 20 ?? ??
2/25 - 3/1
3/4 - 3/8
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May 5, 2006
I have a user form with textBox1 = start time (entered as "[h]:mm") and text Box2 = finish time (entered as "[h]:mm"). I would like textBox3 to display the difference between the start time and finish time as a general number!
For example
Start time: 21:00
Finish time: 06:30
Hours worked: 9.50
Start time: 12:30
Finish time: 23:00
Hours worked: 10.50
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Mar 15, 2012
Is there a function or a macro to calculate number of hours worked from a single cell value.
For example, cell A1 has "1600 - 1715" and need it to convert to "1.25" on cell B1
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Feb 6, 2008
i have a timesheet that we are trying to use. the problem is the column that says shift diff. if an employee works after 6:30pm for 1and 1/2hr, he is entitled to shift hours. shift hours is between 6m and 8am.
As long as he works after 6.30pm but works for at least one and a half hour, he will get the shift.
if work, 9am to 7:30pm, and have break between 2-3pm, should have 1.5hrs shift and 9.5hrs total
if work, 7:45pm-9:45pm, and have break between 8:30-9pm, total hrs work is 1.5 and shift hrs s/b 1.5hrs
if work 3pm to 12am and have break between 7-8pm, total hrs work is 8 and shift hrs s/b 5hrs
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Sep 25, 2013
I'm trying to create a time sheet to calculate how many hours worked in a week, Once it reaches 40 hours, The excess over 40 hours goes into a "overtime" cell. The "40" hours remain in the regular hours cell.
Attachment 267704
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Sep 17, 2012
Any way to calculate the total hours staff work based on the mininum time of the first transaction to the maximum time of the transactions. I used a DMIN and DMAX function to get those times per employee. The issue is then the time goes over from one day to the next, such as from 11 PM to 4 AM the next day. As you can see in the data below,the fourth record shows the minimum time as 12 AM and the max as 11 PM with total time worked as 23 hours. In this example, the total hours worked should be five hours.
min time
max time
total hours
7:00 AM
[Code] .......
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Aug 4, 2013
My overtime pays is anything exceed over 8 hours per day or over 40 hours per week. Right now I can only calculate overtime by either over 8 hr/day or over 40 hr/ week. I need a way to combine both.
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Oct 15, 2007
I have a timesheet where user updates start and end time for various tasks.
I have placed a time capture button in the excel sheet (which is simply a macro saying =now() function)
The user clicks it before starting and after finishing the task. The start and end times are captured in adjacent cells.
If the user starts the work, and goes on a lunch break say for 20 min, comes back finishes the task and captures end time, the time difference will not consider break time which is non productive.
How can I incorporate something like 'pause' option so that before he goes for lunch he can temporarily pause the time.
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Feb 19, 2009
Is it possible that a cell contains both numeric and alphanumeric data and to do calculations on that?
For example: if a cell conatain the value "10a" or "8.5b" etc. Would it be possible to have a column that gives me the hours worked (the numeric value in the cell) and a line that gives me the amount of people that are working on shift "a" (the alphanumeric value in the cell).
Is this at all possible? Or does that require VBA/Macros and stuff (in which case this is posted in the wrong part of the forum )
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Sep 4, 2007
would save me a tremendous amount of time.
I have over a thousands cells that contains text such as:
For 20,000 lb loads add $1.50, replaces AC-4574;price increased $2.00/CWT rod increase
The order of the text in each cell is different.
Here is what I would like to do:
1. Extract only the dolloar amounts (here $1.50 and $2.00) and copy it to the row to the right.
Is there a way I can do it automatically without me going through each cell and extract it manually?
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Feb 26, 2013
In a single employee Timesheet spreadsheet:
Hrs Worked:.....8.46......
How to format the cells in the daily columns and what formula to calculate 'Hrs. Worked'?
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Jul 21, 2006
i am trying to make an excel spreadsheet so i can keep track of my hours and pay at work... i know how to do mult and add but i wanted to know how to do the 2 together.... for example
Hours ST OT Total Hrs Gross Pay
8 2 10 ?
i would like help figuring out the gross pay if say for example my st time rated is 21.21 an hr, and the ot rate is 31.82 how can i get the 8 times 21.21 = 169.68 and the OT 2hrs times 63.64 to show up in the gross pay as a total of 233.32 - what would the formula look like?
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May 1, 2008
In a single employee Timesheet spreadsheet:
Hrs Worked:.....8.5......8.75. How to format the cells in the daily columns and what formula to calculate 'Hrs. Worked'?
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Feb 14, 2008
It's been several years sine I had to look at calculating amount of time worked.
Can you please look at this old spreadsheet of mine and verify that the formula is correct?
It appears to be ok to me, but I don't want any errors when it comes to paying my employees
Formula: ...
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Jun 30, 2014
I would like to calculate staff meal deductions for each employee based on the number of hours they worked for that day.
I have the hours listed all on one page, per day, per employee.
I have the staff meal deductions range listed on another page in the workbook.
The range is as follows: *Please note anyone working over 8.00 hours is deducted a maximum of $2.40 for that shift/day.
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Jan 25, 2014
I need to gather total dollar amounts from a column based on their date/month entered.
I have a sample attached, in cell L2 for example I would need to gather all the dollar amounts in Column G that were entered for that month in column B that correspond to the month in column K.
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Dec 10, 2009
I have dollar amounts that I need to distribute amongst varying numbers of columns and not have have the total distributed be over or under the original amount by any number of cents. When I simply divide the dollar amount by the number of columns, the total of those columns can sometimes be more or less than the original dollar amount by a few cents.
Dollar # of A B C All Columns
Amount Columns Total
$25.05 2 $12.53 $12.53 $25.06
$11.47 3 $ 3.82 $ 3.82 $ 3.82 $11.46
$25.05 divided into 2 columns gives $12.53 in Column A and $12.53 in Column B. Total of Columns A and B is $25.06. Over by a penny.
$11.47 divided into 3 columns gives $3.82 in Columns A through C. Total of Columns A through C is $41.46. Under by a penny.
I know I could simply always add or take away the pennies from one column, but I would prefer the process to be random or formulated in such a way that the Column to which the extra pennies are added to or taken away from differs in order to be "fair to each column".
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Jan 13, 2014
Lunch is not paid. Holiday and vacation hours get calculated at the regular pay rate. Overtime is anything in excess of 8 hours per day and/or in excess of 40 hours per week and/or over 5 working days per week. Saturdays for most the employees will be overtime because it will be their 6th workday of the week; but it will be regular time for one employee as it will only be his 5th workday of the week.
For accounting and payroll purposes, we need the totals to display in both hour and decimal format.
So far, I have Lunch, Regular and Overtime hours figured out, but I still need to work with Saturday, Vacation and Holiday hours. Also, currently, the time in and out has to be typed in with the colon and AM or PM. Is there another way to input the info without having to type in those items? I'm trying to make it as user friendly as possible.
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Jun 23, 2009
I know the title is a bit vague, but I cant think how else to word it!
I have a sheet (attached) which works out hours worked, and if the amount is under a specified target, it counts how much time is owed. The problem occurs when someone works more hours than the specified target.
I guess I need an IF formula of some kind, to say if the figure is over the target, to put zero in the hours owed column.
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Dec 15, 2013
I'm attempting to make a simple time sheet for a handful of employees. I'd like to enter the clock in time and clock out time for each day. The end cell should be the running total for the week. The tricky part for me is having the formula subtract an hour for each day that is over 5 hours.
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Aug 11, 2010
I have been working on a timesheet but the problem I have come across is calculating actual hours worked only in the core hours and any work outside the core hours is calculated in the outside hours column. A standard work day is 7.6 hours working between 8.30am and 5.00pm. However if someone was to commence work either before 6am or after 8pm this is outside of core hours. I have attached an example of my timesheet for you to see what I am talking about.
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Jun 18, 2014
I have tried to make a sheet which has
Resource, Task, Rate (I'd like this to be on another sheet, as there is a lot of repetition) Also, right now the columns for hours are based on weeks, but i'd like to do it by days and then collapse by weeks, and months and get totals by weeks and months too. Then, I'd like to multiply the rate by the hours to find the total number of hours, however the way it is done right now is not very intelligent and very time consuming when creating the formula, which looks something like this :
what can be done to make this a bit better?
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Sep 24, 2012
Timekeeper to tally total hours worked by employee. When doing a pivot for sum total hours worked for FY13 it does not calculate correctly. I understand they formatted that column/custom h:mm but when I change the 8:00 hours to a number I come up with 0.33 .
I am attaching a sample file : sample time.xlsx
I just want them to get a running total of hours worked/pay.
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Jul 3, 2014
I'm trying to make a way to track if I've worked more or less than the 39 hours/week I'm paid for. At the end of each week, I have a total of how many hours and minutes that I've worked .
On column C I have what I should work.
On column D I have what I did actually work
On column E I'd like to convert automatically Columd D to minutes for calculation purposes
Column F to know if I worked more or less than what I should've subtracting C and E
Column G to have an ongoing tally to know if I need to work more or less
Column H and I could probably be the same thing. Ideally what I'd like is to have a formula pull the information from column G and put it into workdays, hours, and minutes with 1 workday being 7 hours and 48 minutes.
Since I tend to work too much, I'd like to know if I've worked 3 days too much during 1 month, I can take 3 days off the next month to get everything zeroed back to where I don't owe the company anything and vice versa.
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Dec 2, 2008
I am trying to create a spreadsheet that auto calculates my emp. time.
However I do not want to use military time. I can get it to work by =a2-a1 but only if it is 8.5 and 17.5. Any ideas how I can do clock in 8:30 clock out 4:30 = 8 hours?
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Feb 10, 2010
I'm trying to calculate the total hours worked for two given periods over a shift , which can span two consecutive days ie. start 15:45 and finish at 00:15 the next day. Hours worked between 6am and 6pm are paid at standard rate, whilst hours worked between 6pm and 6am attract penalty rates. Hours are cacluated in 24hr time
I have attached a copy of the timesheet that we use so you can see exactly what I'm trying to achieve, and included most of the shifts that we have.
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Jan 1, 1970
I can do the timesheet formula for adding the hours worked as follows:
Start Finish Total
08:45 17:15 8.5
However, it doesn't work when I fill in a whole week work of hours in this format:
Start Finish Total
08:45 17:15 08:30
It works on a daily basis, but when total hours exceeds 24, the formula get's all mixed up - how to I format the total column to account for every 5 minutes worked, which you can't do when converting to decimal??
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