My Macro Won't Run For Other People
Feb 10, 2010
It runs fine for me, but when others (who are using Excel 2003) try to run it, it won't fire. The second macro entitled "Delete Foothill" runs fine though. "Run Foothill won't fire.
Sub Run_Foothill()
Sheets("Foothill Plaza (Weekly Call)").Unprotect Password:="Foothill"
' Run_Foothill Macro
Sheets("Foothill Plaza (Weekly Call)").Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone
Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlNone
With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop)
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.ColorIndex = 0
.TintAndShade = 0
.Weight = xlMedium
End With
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Mar 3, 2008
I am working on a sales sheet for my business. I have a worksheet that has the names of everyone in my store that has sold anything in column A. I want to create a list that has just my full time sales people and will delete everyone else.
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Sep 16, 2009
In column G of my excel 2003 worksheet named: Data, I have a list of people's first names. These names were extracted from an external database.
Some of the first names actually contain peoples second names or partner's names.
John & Jill
James and Sue
Joanna Lyn
I need a macro to please delete people's second name.
So in the example above I need to keep all names that are joined by: & or and or - (such as John & Jill, James and Sue, Kerrie-Anne).
Also, in the example above I need to delete all names that are joined by a <space> (such as Joanna Lyn).
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Jun 13, 2014
See attached.PMS 2.xlsx. I have a table with data on PMS sheet and would like to have something like the example on the Example sheet using data from the PMS sheet.
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Mar 14, 2008
I have a list of people in column A and in B to E there are 4 numbers from 1 to 13. (Each person has 4 different numbers). In the next 24 columns are concatenations of these numbers in every order possible. On a separate sheet I have a list of concatenations of all possible combinations of numers 1 to 13 in groups of 4. e.g. 1234, 1235 etc. I have then counted how many times each of the concatnations from the first sheet appear. What I want to do is put the names of the people whoes concatentaions match the ones on the third sheet.
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Oct 10, 2008
I am trying to do is create a document that will be available to sevaral people. The document will be edited by each person as needed. The completed document will then be used to order materials and supplies. What I want to hapen is each time the document is edited an alert is sent to the person responsible for the purchasing. I'm sure this is possible I just don't know how to do it.
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Sep 20, 2009
I have 3 spreadsheets I combined into one,
They are voters for 3 separate occasions. I would like to filter out how many people have voted 2 times or 3. I have sorted the information with 2 columns "LASTNAME" and "FIRSTNAME"
These first 3 show up 3 times, so I would like to take all the info from row one and two to get all the info for Janet and Stu,
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Dec 25, 2012
I have a sheet in which it is separated by zone area, name (about 200 names), and email. I am trying to add people to an email based on zone. For instance:
Nevada Billy
California Sal
New York Jim
Nevada JOe
Arizona Alex
So how can add all the people in X zone to a single outlook email (in this case Billy and Joe)?
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Aug 3, 2014
I want to create a monthly rota for 8 people to cover monday to friday. Only one person per day and I need to put this in a calendar .
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May 18, 2009
I am trying to find the first and last names of people in a cell. I have a userform to get their first and last names separately. I am trying to run a VBA macro to determine if each cell in a column contains both first and last names, and then put a "Y" in an adjacent column. The Code I have is as follows:
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Feb 5, 2012
I have an excel workbook which is a result of a sports survey I conducted. It basically shows who likes which sport, what level they're at, preferred time of play, etc, and their email address.
A colleague has created a type of form (using formulas, not VBA) wherein you select your criteria (Sport, Gender, Level etc) and it displays the matching names.
What I'd like is to be able to select, via a check box or similar, 1 or more names from the list of results for that sport, click a button, and their addresses automatically open in a new Outlook mail window for the person to send a mail to those people.
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Dec 19, 2006
how can you set up a workbook to display different sheets for different users depending upon what password they input to open the workbook? The manager should see all sheets but employees only data entry sheets.
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Jul 4, 2008
I want to do is to count the number of people under each class, eg. 2300 - primary, 3 ppl, but i gt many many classes in my spreadsheet, do u all have solution for me using VBA
2300 - primary
1234 - secondary
5603 - advanced
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Feb 20, 2009
I have a spreadsheet with ~350 people tracking 24 dates for classes each. On a seperate tab I have a macro that copies and pastes a pre-defined macro to display the due dates. My question is, can I have a macro run the calculation and put the result in the cell rather than have around 8,400 calculations on a sheet?
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Jun 28, 2009
I have a workbook with a sheet for each day of the month where guest information is entered. There is a column for each item. There is a summary sheet that summarizes the number of members, guests etc. One thing I would like to track is the number of people from ech zip code.
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Jun 10, 2009
I manage an emergency response team which consists of around 50 people, made of 5 different teams and these folks need to take part in emergency exercise to keep their skills up. I'm currently building a training/exercise/ roster database in Excel and would like to add a function that tells me who in each team is due to take part in the next exercise. For info: In the actual workbook, I have names defined on the team members and using vlookup to populate the roster via a drop down list.
To explain the attached example; once the person who is at the top of the list (Name1) has done their exercise, they move to the bottom of the list. Then over time, as the others also take part in execises, Name1 is eventually is back at the top of the list the and it is their turn again (this is quite often known as a Squash Ladder, here in the UK). Is there a way I can vba this process via a button or even better (!) by a drop down list?
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Aug 14, 2006
In the demographics sheet, I have ages listed from row F2 to F31 with different ages. I would like to get assistance with a formula that calculates the percentage of people within these age ranges:
It should be separate formulas. I'm sure if I'm given the first and last ones that I could do the others myself. Also, if I needed to know the percent of males and females, would i use the same formula?
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Apr 21, 2014
Count people per their classification between two dates. Spreadsheet attached.
The answer I need to show in column (S) is:
Cell (S4) = 1 (supervisor)
Cell (S24) = 1 (fitter)
Cell (S36) = 3 (rigger)
j906 count.xlsx
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Dec 11, 2013
I've put together a spreadsheet look at the time taken for a vehicle to get from one building to another when called. I've set up conditional formats where the timings turn orange after 5 minutes and red after 10 minutes taken. What I also have to show though is who is taking the vehicle and break it down to show any delays to patients. Is there a formula that will automatically tell me when there has been a delay to patients?? Be amazing if there is as it would save me uber amounts of time as i have to collate a whole years worth of data!
I've attached a small sample of what I've done to show you how the spreadsheet looks.
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Dec 22, 2008
I have a query where I am trying to find out how many people passed in green, amber and red from a series of data. I know (from the attached file) how to find out how many greens, ambers and reds there were, but how can I find out how many of the 7 in cell B12 passed in Green?
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Jul 3, 2009
to create a macro to send emails.
1. Attached is an excel spreadsheet. In column A, each time the word total is seen, i want an email to be sent to to someone with the total in colum E.
UAFEQ1 TOTAL xxxx xxxxxxxx xxx R 15 000
ALPROP TOTAL xxxx xxxxxxxxx xxx -R 20 000
For UAFEQ1 TOTAL I would like a mail to be sent to
For ALRPOP TOTAL I want like a mail to be sent to
If the total in column E is positive i want the mail to say:
Please see deposit of R 15 000
If the total in colum E is negative i want the mail to say:
Please see withdrawal of -R 20 000
The currency is Rands (South Africa)
Sometimes, i need to send 20 or more e-mails. And these can repeat themselves so, there may be two totals for UAFEQ1 TOTAL and a mail must be sent each time. See attached as an example.
The macro can stop when Grand Total is reached. No email needs to be sent for the grand total.
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Dec 3, 2009
I've created a file that uses three different variable to poll up people's names that are available for the task. I've got it to work using long formulas, containing if, index, match, etc. It's working well, but I think that the spreedsheet will become difficult to maintain (delete or add people to). I'm looking for a way to simplify my code, so that it won't be as time consuming to edit.
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Feb 28, 2007
Is there any way to find out how many people are scheduled between certain time ranges.
For example : I have 5 people scheduled with various start and finish times ie.:
1. 10:00 to 15:00
2. 11:00 to 16:00
3. 08:00 to 14:00
4. 13:00 to 15:00
5. 12:00 to 16:00
Is there any way to analise this schedule in format:
08:00 till 9:00 1 scheduled
09:00 till 10:00 1 scheduled
10:00 till 11:00 2 scheduled
11:00 till 12:00 3 scheduled
12:00 till 13:00 4 scheduled
13:00 till 14:00 5 scheduled
14:00 till 15:00 4 scheduled
15:00 till 16:00 2 scheduled
16:00 till 17:00 0 scheduled
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Jan 1, 2009
I'm using Excel 2003, and successfully working out start date (T2 in the formula below) plus duration in days (U2) minus any non-working days listed in a seperate worksheet. =WORKDAY(T2,U2,Holidays!C6:C17)
Each 'task' is on a seperate row, and the lead officer is named in Column E. How can I get the work day function to include the non-working days for each officer as well as the global non-working days in the seperate worksheet? I thought about using a vlookup, but that only matches the first non-working day for each officer rather than all of the non-working days.
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Sep 10, 2013
I am trying to average a range of data in column B, the values range from 0 up to 100. I want to average the data in column b for the lowest 5 people with a value higher than 0. I have searched the archives and the formulas i have tried give me a "False".
this is the formula I was using=IF(COUNTIF(B3:B22,"
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Nov 25, 2013
I am look for a way to send out an individual email to a list (Column A) in my excel spreadsheet.
I need to send out an email with a signature in to a lot of addresses.
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Apr 11, 2013
I need a formula that will search between dates and time to identify if the person will be present at the conference breakfasts, lunches and dinners.
Therefore the cell needs to look if the current date falls within the arrival and departure date and also if the time within eating times falls outside the arrival and departure times.
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Aug 19, 2014
I am trying to count the number of extra people scheduled for each hour of the day, from 2 dropdowns in A3:B7
The formula in (1) D11:D26 works, but when the shift passes over the midnight it will not count accurately.
The formula in (2) E11:E26 also works well, but only counts the number of times a particular hour is mentioned, but not the number of extras in C3:C7.
The results in (3) F11: F26 are what I need, which is based on looking at the times from the dropdowns and using the number of extras in C3:C7.
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Dec 18, 2012
I am trying to create a shared database that tracks training for about 100 people. I've built a workable sheet, but the only way I have to share it over e-mail (there is no office NAS set up, and we're on a military base so we can't establish wifi).
Is there a way to set up a workbook that can be updated on one computer and instantly reflect that information in the cloud?
My goal is to have each team responsible for updating their own form and then have that information update my master tracker.
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Jun 7, 2009
I am trying to send to multiple people so everyone sees each other received the email. How would I add other addresses?
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