Open Found Files & Copy / Paste Onto Subsequent Rows

Feb 15, 2008

I have a requirement to create a master spreadsheet using a macro to copy set cells from several other spreadsheets and paste them into the master one in a list for accounting purposes.

So far the macro reads in the spreadsheet filename(s) and copy/pastes the cells to the master one - I need to be able to paste the values onto subsequent rows for each input sheet which is where my problems lies. Currently the row just pasted in is overwritten over by the following one, I need to go to the next row down but am stuck on how to do it.

Sub EmployeeExp()
' EmployeeExp Macro
' Macro recorded 12/02/2008 by eugene.cross
Dim i As Integer
Dim f As String

I've attached an example master output sheet to show what I want to produce, albeit this has only one row!

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Copy/paste A Found Range

Aug 3, 2009

I found a macro that searches a column on each worksheet and copies the searched for value to another worksheet but. I would like to modify this to copy the searched for value and the next 10 cells in the row but I am not able to figure out how to accomplish this. I highlighted in red the piece I would like to modify.

For Each sh In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
With sh.range("c10:c10000") 'this determines where to search

For I = LBound(MyArr) To UBound(MyArr)
'If you use LookIn:=xlValues it will also work with a
'formula cell that evaluates to "@"
'Note : I use xlPart in this example and not xlWhole
Set Rng = .Find(What:=MyArr(I), _
After:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), _
LookIn:=xlValues, _
LookAt:=xlWhole, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
If Not Rng Is Nothing Then
FirstAddress = Rng.Address

Rng.Copy NewSh.range("d1000000").End(xlUp).Offset(1,0)

Set Rng = .FindNext(Rng)
Loop While Not Rng Is Nothing And Rng.Address FirstAddress
End If
Next I
End With
Next sh

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Copy And Paste Cells If Match Found

Sep 5, 2008

I have a spreadsheet (range A1:P5000). B2:B5000 would contain cheque numbers. Many of the cheque numbers would be repeated and would have common data in columns C, D, E, F, G, H, L and N.

I am trying to get VB code to copy and paste the common data when a user enters a cheque number.

For example:

When a user enters a cheque number in B3, VB would check B2 for a match. If a match is found, then VB would copy C2, D2, E2, F2, G2, H2, L2 and N2 and paste them in C3, D3, E3, F3, G3, H3, L3 and N3. If no match is found, then the user would have to manually enter the data in C3, D3, E3, F3, G3, H3, L3 and N3.

When a user enters a cheque number in B4, VB would check the B2:B3 for a match. If a match is found (in B2 – for example), then VB would copy C2, D2, E2, F2, G2, H2, L2 and N2 and paste them in C4, D4, E4, F4, G4, H4, L4 and N4. If no match is found, then the user would have to manually enter the data in C4, D4, E4, F4, G4, H4, L4 and N4.

When a user enters a cheque number in B100, VB would check the B2:B99 for a match. If a match is found (in B90 – for example), then VB would copy C90, D90, E90, F90, G90, H90, L90 and N90 and paste them in C100, D100, E100, F100, G100, H100, L100 and N100. If no match is found, then the user would have to manually enter the data in C100, D100, E100, F100, G100, H100, L100 and N100.

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Workbook Open Events Fires Once. Subsequent Opens Causes Error

Oct 3, 2007

I have a program that uses the Document Open event to display a custom form. This program is being used on about 50 computers for the past 8 years with no problems. One user has a problem now. They can open the program once and the code fires. But when the user tries to open the same file a second time, the "Microsoft Excel has encountered a problem and needs to close" dialog box is displayed. The document that is recovered has no vba modules and no code in the Document open event. I've uninstalled and reinstalled Office Professional. Shut down all firewalls.

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Copy Row From One Sheet And Paste To Another If A Key Word Is Found In 1 Column?

Apr 15, 2014

I have 10 worksheets in my workbook. The two that I'm concerned with in this post are "Main" and "Completed".
If Column AA in "Main" contains the word "Complete" (which is from a drop down list) I want to copy the entire row from "Main" and paste in the "Complete" sheet without over-writting previous pasted rows.

Back in sheet "Main" I want the data in that row to be cleared with the exception of Column A as it contains a formula for sorting blanks. If I delete that row it will mess up my links on other sheets.

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Open Multiple Files & Copy From

Jan 2, 2007

I want to know if its possible to write a macro that will prompt me to open a document, then once open it will copy data and paste it into the working spreadsheet. I have a mini macro that cuts and pastes data elsewhere in the sheet but at present I am manually opening a file then copying all and then pasteing the data which is rather slow.

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Open All Xls Files In Folder & Copy To 1 Spreadsheet

Nov 11, 2009

I’m wondering if this is possible, if I have a folder with say 30 excel spreadsheets (.xls) all named differently (number of files will always change), can I easily write something in VBA to Open all the spreadsheets and copy each sheet over to an existing Excel spreadsheet? For example, have a ‘template’ spreadsheet where the VBA would exist, then have the first sheet, (Sheet1) of each 30 sheets be copied back over to the template.xls? Even better, could I rename each Sheet1 to the name of the file before copying it over? This would basically be the first step in my process of getting the spreadsheet made.

I found this code in a similar question, so how can I rename the Sheet to the opened file name, then copy that over to template.xls?

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Open Files & Copy Data Between Workbooks

Sep 15, 2007

Simply trying to copy data from one worksheet to another. The source sheet is an excel file exported from an Access table. I recorded the macro using the recorder in Excel because I am no programmer, but when I try to run the code, I get this error:

"Code execution has been interrupted" ...and the Range I tried to select in the source file is highlighted by the Editor.

Is the source file protected somehow?

My ______________________________________________________________________________

Private Sub Workbook_Open()

ChDir "P:Databasesdownloads"
Workbooks.Open Filename:="P:Databasesdownloadsheadersflat.xls", Origin:= _
Range(Selection, ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell)).Select

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Prompt Open Closed Workbook Then Copy Range And Paste Special Into Open Workbook

Apr 6, 2013

I have created a spreadsheet some time ago and have been asked to improve on it but I'm rusty with VBA.

I have an automated ordering system that saves each sent order as the date e.g "05-04-2013.xls" but the management team want a graph with the data for the last 4 weeks compared. I have created a seperate workbook called "consumables report.xls" which has a column with the products listed followed by columns "Quantity" and "cost" which is repeated for the 4 weeks of the month.

I want to add a button to prompt the user to choose the saved order e.g "05-04-2013.xls" (all orders saved in same directory) to copy and paste the quantity and cost columns (c8,D69) into "consumables report.xls". I got this to work earlier but it would only paste the formulas and not the values. So I need

A prompt to open workbook
Copy range (c8,d69)
Close work sheet
Paste special .value (c8,D69)

I dont care if it has to open the workbook to copy the data as this will only be used once a month so it dosnt matter how slow the code is.

week 1 week 2 week 3 week 4


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Loop Macro To Open/copy List Of Files

Oct 24, 2007

I am trying to write a macro to open a specific file (i.e site 1) and copy a range and paste that data into another workbook (Comparisons).

I can manage to write the macro to do this one by one, but ideally I would like to write some sort of loop macro that will go down a specific range of files (column A), listing the copy range (column B), and where to paste (column C) until it hits a blank row.

That way I do not have to keep re-programming my comparison spreadsheet every time a new site opens.

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Updating Subsequent Rows On A Different Sheet

Mar 27, 2013

I'm trying to find a way of filling in a "form" on sheet1 and for that information to populate into the next empty row on sheet2. This would then give me a table of information in sheet2 generated from multiple entries into sheet1.

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Disable Cut Copy & Paste In .xls Files

Aug 26, 2009

I have a workbook in which i do not want the end user to be able to drag and drop cells. I noticed that when I set this in the Excel options to disallow this, it is local to the machine. Is there a way I can prevent others from dragging and dropping cells, through vba or other means, without changing the users local machine settings? I also need to prevent CUT and pasting of cells. I also need to leave the cells un-protected, becuase COPY and paste is ok, as it doesnt affect the formulas that refer to the cell. The worksheet and workbook are both protected.

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Macro To Replace Cells And Subsequent Rows

Apr 22, 2007

I have a list of values of sheet titled "exclusives" column B Row 2 to Row 250.

Hence, if any of these values are found in sheets "1", "2", "3" and "4" in column C (of each sheet) replace the existing value with "Brand".

In addition after this bit I then need it to look up every new "Brand" and for the eight columns preceding (after) the new value I need to be cleared (any entries in those columns in that specific row of the "Brand" value deleted).

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Copy Range & Subsequent Copies To Be Linked To 1st

Dec 5, 2007

I want to copy a range of cells and paste them in two different locations and have the new cells relate in data using a command button. This button would be clicked an infinite amount of times to provide the amount of copies desired and to be pasted underneath the previous copy. Example:.............

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Search For Files, Copy & Paste In Another Folder

Jun 29, 2006

I want to search for some text in a file. If found, I want to copy that file into another folder. I'm using the code below to do half the job.

Sub test()
With Application.FileSearch
.LookIn = "C:Documents and SettingscDesktop1"
.SearchSubFolders = True
.Filename = "*.htm"
.TextOrProperty = "Status Rekod"
.MatchAllWordForms = True
.FileType = msoFileTypeAllFiles
If .Execute() > 0 Then
For I = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
'I want to use the FileCopy function here to copy the found files to
'C:Documents and SettingscDesktop est. How do I do this?
Next I
MsgBox "There were no files found."
End If
End With
End Sub

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Copy/Paste Ranges From Files In Folder

Oct 5, 2006

I need a Excel VB Macro which copies specific ranges from all available Excel workbooks in a Folder and pastes the values in a target Excel workbook in different columns. In other words it would copy Cells F4-F15 from all excel files (say 20) in a folder and paste them in the target Excel file in 20 columns.

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Macro To Open Specific Files And Copy Data From Week Number Sheets

Jan 8, 2010

What im trying to do is have a macro that will open a file called Blue 1.xls in location "I:SchedulesBlue" and then copy data from cells N13:034. Then paste it into another excel file (Press.xls)on worksheet "Press Break" cell G14.

The data that is copied not always fills up the cells N13:O34 so I need it to go to the next blank cell in column N and paste the information from file Blue 2, and so on for Yellow 1, Yellow 2, YellNR, and Green.

So to summarise I need a macro to open 6 files copy data from the same location on each of the files(N13:O34) then close and paste it into a master document(Press.xls) worksheet "Press Break".

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Copy Paste Certain Sections From Multiple Excel Files?

Aug 14, 2014

I have one master excel file (masterexcel.xlsx) and 100 small excel files. The small excel files are saved as M30.xlsx, M31.xlsx, M32.xlsx, M33.xlsx, M34.xlsx....

I want to open the M30 file, copy a certain section and paste it into the master excel file, close the M30 file whilst saving the new information in a file called recording. Then open the next file which is M31, copy a certain section and paste it into the master excel file, close the M31 file and then open m32 and so on....

How do I create a loop for the files so it automatically opens the files in the order M30, M31, M32.......and performs the aforementioned actions.

I have attempted the following for m30 but i need to make it a loop for m31, m32, m33, m34, 35 and so on....

[Code] .....

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Copy Then Paste Specific Cells From Closed Files

Apr 30, 2006

Is there a way to copy then paste specific cells from closed .xls files in one directory ( more than 500 files ), and how, if all files are with one known password protection( my own files ).

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Find Column Values Between 2 Files & Copy Paste Into Another

Jul 31, 2008

1. For a file moving from one cell to the next, down the column, get the values and seach for the values in file number two.

2. If that value is found, copy a cell from file 1 to a cell of a column on the same row where the value was found on.

3. Do what was done on number two, but with a different column.

this is what i have so far...

Sub replace()
' Macro2 created by david

' for the entire sheet, moving from one cell to the next down the column, changing rows
' search for the contents in another sheet, and then if that is found,
' copy the row number to a variable, and then
' copy column K from sheet 1 to column N of sheet 2, using the same variable above
' after that same, but L goes to P.
Rng = Selection.Rows.Count
Dim toFind As String
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Select
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To Rng
toFind = Range("A + i")

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Create Macro That Can Copy / Paste Or Cut / Paste Rows Into Different Spreadsheet

Oct 1, 2012

I have one workbook that needs two macros.

On the "Complete Backlog" tab of my workbook, I want users to enter in the requested information based on the column header. Then I would like a Macro attached to a button that says "Refresh" that the user would click after they have entered in all of the information. This macro should look in Column M (WIP Status) and if any of the cells say "Close", it should Cut the entire row from the spreadsheet(Ex. A2:M2) and Paste it into the speadsheet titled "Closed Jobs".

This is so that as jobs are closed/finished, they are removed and stored on a separate sheet. The items would have to be pasted so that it pastes into the next available row - not just on top of each other.

I also need another macro that i can put into a button that doesn't "delete" a row from the sheet, but just copies over to another sheet - so that there are two instances in the workbook.

If would look something like: If a cell in "Column G / Director" of the "Complete Backlog" speadsheet is equal to "Snodgress" then copy columns A-L of the same row to the spreadsheet titled "Snodgress" - of course skipping down the rows to the next blank row. equal to "Herr" copy row to "Herr" spreadsheet. equal to "McCormick" copy row to "McCormick" spreadsheet.
and so on.

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Copy In One Workbook And Paste To Another Whether Closed Or Open?

Mar 4, 2014

I would like to copy all the items below the ITEM row and paste it to cell A2 of another saved workbook (say, Saved.xls).

If Saved.xls is closed, the macro would open it and paste. If it is open then it will just paste.

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Copy+paste From Closed To Open Workbook

Aug 11, 2007

how to go about taking data from a closed workbook with a range say A1 to A100, and place it in the work book i have open. I have 3 different sheets in the open work book but all the data is coming from the one sheet in the closed workbook.

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Copy A Range And Paste Into Another Workbook - Files Are Password Protected.

Jul 17, 2008

I need to copy and paste a range from one workbook to another workbook automatically.

Basically, I have 180 files in a folder. The details are:

1) 90 master files

2) from these a range named "COPYTOE" has to be copied and pasted into another 90 report files.

3) I have list of files & its passwords in a separate file named FNAME.XLS. In this, Sheet1, A1:C the details consist like this: ....

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Find Value, Copy Adjacent Cell & Paste To Corresponding Cell Of Another Found Value

Apr 5, 2008

I have found many posts similar to what I am trying to accomplish, but nothing that I have been able to modify and make work. I need a VBA script that will find a cell with the text data "Difference" and copy the adjacent (to the right) cell's data. I then need to find a cell with text data "Ops" and paste the previous data to it's adjacent cell.

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Open File & Copy Paste Cells From Workbook To It

Apr 30, 2008

Is it possible, in vba, to copy two sets of cell values to two clipboards (clipboard1 and clipboard2?), open another workbook and paste those two seperate clipboard values into another two cells?

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Make Cell Result Copy Itself Into Subsequent Cells X Number Of Times?

May 9, 2013

Say I have (cell A1) 10 salespeople and they each sell a (A2) $100/month membership, so I have (A3) $1,000 monthly revenue.

(A4) is an assumption about how many months the average person will stay a member.

So if A4 = 6, (6 month membership assumption) how would I get Excel to output $1,000 (the result from A3) into cells B3 through B8

but then for instance if A4 = 3 (3 month membership assumption) it would only output the the $1,000 result from A3 into cells B3 through B5

So like A1 through A4 of...


would output $1,000 into B3 through B8



would output $1,000 only to B3 to B5

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Transfers (copy/paste) Information From One Master File To Several Other Individual Files

Apr 16, 2009

I have a macro that transfers (copy/paste) information from one master file to several other individual files. The macro works, but I would like
to enhance it by have it spit out errors in the process as follows: if cell A42 on file VP1.xls is not equal to Cell C35 on file Masterfile.xls then make cell E2 ERROR and fomat E2 bold-red, otherwise do nothing. The macro should continue regardless, I just want it to spot errors.
I think this is pretty simple is just a matter of inserting an IF formula in the macro which is something i don't know how to do yet.

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VBA To Open Multiple Spreadheets And Copy/paste Cell Ranges

Feb 19, 2009

In my consolidating spreadsheet there are 6 columns that show the file path, the worksheet name, and cell range to copy. There can be an unlimited number of rows (each row represents another path). I would like the VBA to copy/paste values from each range specified in each row and copy them into the consolidating worksheet named "copied".

Each time the VBA copies/paste values from the cell range specified in each row it needs to copy below the previous copied and pasted information in the worksheet named copied.

In the worksheet with the file paths etc shown below (named "list"), I would like the VBA to show the Date and Time each piece was copied and pasted. For each path I would like to show in the last column if the copy and paste operation was successful ("yes" or "no"), this is more or less the error handeling....

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Open Chosen File, Copy Range & Paste Into Workbook

May 4, 2008

I'd like to know if it is possible to run a macro in a workbook that will open another workbook (of the users choice) extract data from it, such as columns from its sheets then paste that data into the workbook the macro is running from. The file to be opened will change, so i've found some code that enables the user to select the file to open then open it.

Dim strFile As String
strFile = Application. GetOpenFilename
If strFile <> "False" Then Workbooks.Open strFile

This brings up the standard windows choose file to open box, then opens the selected file. Am I correct in thinking that the Dim here will store the file name I select in the open file box? If so, I'd like to know how to select the workbook using the dim so I can manipulate it from the workbook I'm running the macro in. Incidentally, once the the data has been copied, I'd like the workbook opened with the macro to be closed.

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