Possible To Define Range For Combobox Input Based On Number Of Non-blank Cells?

Nov 25, 2013

Rather than having to give it a range, I'd like to have a generic range giving me room to add or subtract values in the column without changing this statement.


Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Combobox2").ControlFormat.ListFillRange = _

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Define Range Object Based On Cells Not Null

May 20, 2006

The problem that I am having today is defining a range object that cannot include null cells. If it does include Null cells then the filterwill fail. the cells that I need to define are all in a cohesive unit. the other thing to know is that the cells that are not null will never be mixed in with cells that are null. so for instance you might have a range of cells from one to 100, the first 50 might be full. the last 50 would all be null. in that situation I would need to loop through those cells to define a range object that would just see the first 50 cells ....

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Sum A Range Of Cells Based On User Input

May 2, 2009

I have a range of cells that I want to sum based on a range inputed by the user. The range begins with cell c27 and ends with cell au27. I want the user to be asked the beginning cell and ending cell of the range they want to sum and then output the answer.

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Colour Range Of Cells Based On Input Of Name

Feb 6, 2013

Trying to run a VBA to colour a range of cells based on the input of a name. I can write the basic level VBA to colour one cell by numerical input but struggling to see how this can be adapted to colour a range of cells and if instead of 1,2,3,4 etc the case could be replaced as text: eg Joe, John, Jason etc.

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Select Range Of Cells Based On UserForm Input Value?

Jun 18, 2012

So I'm creating a UserForm that takes user input to create a worksheet based on the values input. My question is: How to select a range of cells based on a variable input value? For example, it asks how many competitors there are, and the user can input 5, 8, 10, etc. So I want that many cells in Row 1 selected, whatever the value input is.

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Reference Cells Keeping Columns The Same But Change Row Number Based On User Input

Dec 10, 2012



With that said, I want to put the row number of a user in (I have a few thousand on this spreadsheet, and all the = data be automatically pulled based on the row number I put in cell B1. So I'm hoping to write in cell B1 the following - "143" (without the quotes), and the remaining cells in column B automatically pull that data based on that, so it would look like the following

Row #
=C143&" , "&D143&" "&E143


How do I write the functions to keep the columns the same, but change the row number based on the number I input?

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Count Number Of Blank Cells In Range Starting And Ending Will Cells That Match String Values

May 13, 2013

I'm trying to develop a new daily timesheet for my production workers, where non-production items are recorded in 15 minute intervals. The user would put in "Clock in" by the corresponding time, and the same for "Clock out" at the end of the day. Any non-production items will be type in next to their appropriate time. Since clock in and clock out times will vary, I need to set up a formula that searches the array of cells for the day, finds the "Clock in" and "Clock out" values, and counts any blank cells in between them. Basically the blank cells will equal production time, and the result of the Count function will be multiplied by 0.25 to get the hours.

I am having a very difficult time finding a way to set the "Clock in" and "Clock out" cells as the range for the Count function, because it won't always be the same cells. What would be the best way to automatically have excel find the cells containing these values and set them as the range criteria for a Count function?

The formula at the bottom was one of my initial attempts, but it didn't work. I took out the '=' for the screenshot, so that wasn't the problem.

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Excel 2007 :: Sum Cells Based On Date Range Input

May 28, 2014

I am using Excel 2007.

Sheet 1 - I have columns filled with dates (weekdays only) For example 28-May, 29-May, 30-May up to 28-Nov. Above 10 rows below each date columns and each cell has some values.


Sheet 2 - I have Start date defined in B1 Cell, and End date defined in B2 Cell

I need defining the formula to sum all the cell values fall between the date range defined in Sheet 2 B1 and B2.

For Example if B1=28-May B2=30-May, I want the sum of all the numbers come under the range of 28-May to 30-May, with this above example, it should be 19.5.

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Count The Max Number Of Blank Cells Between A Range On Data

Apr 17, 2007

For reference, I’ve attached a sample spreadsheet. I’m trying to find a way to calculate the max number of blank cells between a range of cells. As an example, in row two of my data, the result would be 3 using the range of F2:N2. Can this be done without the use of VB?

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How To Input One Range Into Combobox On Format Controls

Mar 31, 2013

How to input more than one range into the combobox on format controls. Im using the combox to change charts. The ranges are


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Find ComboBox Value On Sheet, Return Row Number & Use To Input TextBox Values

Apr 5, 2008

I've created a userform that has one ComboBox (ComboBox1) and two text fields. I am trying to get the userform to return information to my worksheet in the same row as the name that is displayed in the ComboBox. This is my VBA code.

Private Sub Cmdpayment_Click()
Dim iRow As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Sheet4
iRow = Cells. Find(What:=Me.ComboBox1.Value, After:=C5, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt _
:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
ws.Cells(iRow, 12).Value = Me.txtpdate.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 13).Value = Me.txtpayment.Value
Me.txtpdate.Value = ""
Me.txtpayment.Value = ""
End Sub

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Define Percentage Based On Value Range?

Nov 27, 2013

I need to be able to work out a percentage based on a value range. ie.

Cell D2 to D5 will define the percentages (so I can adjust it and play)

D2 = 18%
D3 = 15%
D4 = 13%
D5 = 10%

I need to work out:

If the value in cell A10 is between 11 and 200 calculate on D2, if between 201 - 500 calculate on D3, if between 501 - 2000 calculate on D4 ect ect

Cells A10 to A100 will have some figures put in them.I then want to calculate the %value used based on weather the figure in one of the A10 to A100 cells falls in a range. The data being put into the cells in column A will vary from report to report.

I'm trying to automate the calculations :

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IF And OR Statement (populate A Cell Based On Which Number Meets The Criteria I Define)

Dec 26, 2008

I am trying to populate a cell based on which number meets the criteria I define. This is based on sales revenue, so if the revenue is less than $6.5M, I want to use a certain value. If the value is equal to $6.5M but less than $8M I want to use another value and finally if the revenue is greater than $8M i want to use another value. Here's my formula, but it returns $0.


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Define Range Based On Named Row And Column

Jul 26, 2006

I would like to name a range based on a row number and a column number. I have found the row and column number using this code, but I can't seem to get the rest right.

Sub LastRowCol()
Dim intLastRow As Integer
Dim intLastCol As Integer
Dim ws As Worksheet

For Each ws In Worksheets

intLastRow = ws.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row
intLastCol = ws.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Column

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Define A Range For SumProduct Function Based On An If Statement?

May 31, 2006

I want to calculate a weighted average but I need it to only calculate on the months to date. I have a data validation drop down on a title page that is toggled to the current month each time a report is needed to define what months have actuals. I bring in data for all the months but only the current months have actuals. I need to calculate the weighted average on ONLY the ACTUALS. How can I set the ranges for sum product based on the data validation list on the title page?

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Define Range By Selected Cells

Jul 19, 2014

I am working on some code to copy data from one sheet to another, but I'm not sure if I'm going about defining the copy range correctly. I would like it so that the user can highlight a range of cells on the sheet between A3 and F last row (last row based on col C). However the user should be able to highlight rows in any column between A and F, and they could highly the records with just one column or multiple columns. It should take the row numbers of the highlighted range and use the that as the row number to extract the data from.

[Code] ........

Im currently getting runtime error 13 on 'CopyRange = Selection.Rows'

'CopyRange = Selection.Row' returns the single row number for the first cell in the selection, but i need the range of all the rows in the selection.

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Disable TextBoxes And Input Correct Data Based On ComboBox Choice

Mar 24, 2014

when i choose material from my combobox Options (cboTM), i wanted, only the textboxes regarding to the sheet material unlocked, and the others locked with the color of the form, and the same for the other options like worklabor and equipments. i could blocked for material with this code :

[Code] .....

The prob is, worklabor and equipments will be blocked too, and i dont know how to put correct info on the textboxes.

Attached File : teste1.zip

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How To Define A Cell For URL Input

Jul 3, 2012

I record this for retrieving some data from the web for a particular page

With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _
"URL;http://www.emiratesauction.ae/en/cars/OnlineAuction.aspx", Destination:= _

how I can make the URL be something in a particular cell on Sheet2 - cell B1?

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Input Number In Range?

Feb 7, 2014

With the inputbox I want to insert a numeric value to define a cell range, for example "C15:F15"

This is the code I'm using:

x = InputBox("Insert Row")

Where (x) represents the Inputbox data (the number "15") I want to insert, But it doesn't runs

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Ignore Blank Cells And Truly Blank Cells In Named Range?

Jan 13, 2014

Ok so my named range looks like this:


However, I want to ignore the "" cells and the truly blank cells... However, I think all of them will have "" since I have this formula in all of the ones I'm putting in the range:


How do I go about getting these results into a named range so I can use it on validation since validation only seems to ignore truly blank cells and not the "" ones.

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Copy And Paste Range Of Cells Based On Number Of Cell Values In Column A

Mar 17, 2014

Please see attached sample worksheet. Column A will be generated by the user manually.

I'm looking for a way in VBA to have A1:D20 in Sheet2 copied and pasted in the "Bank Reconciliation" Sheet based on how many "Markets" there are in Column A. Then, once that's complete to have A22:D30 (the smaller box in Sheet2) copied and pasted directly below those results.

I have what the macro would hopefully generate to the right in "Bank Reconciliation" (B6:E54) as an example. So if there's a market in A1, copy and paste the box to B6. If there's a market in A2, copy and paste the box directly below the first (B26) etc. etc. until it's done, then paste the smaller box directly below whatever the macro generates.


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Count Blank Cells Within A Range Not Including Fully Blank Rows

Jul 15, 2008

I can count the blank cells withiin a range using


But I dont want it to count the cells if the entire row, within that cell, i.e. C6:AD6, is blank.

It should only count the blank cells within a row if there has been some data entered on that row..provided it has been entered within the specified range.

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Insert Number Of Rows Based On User Input

Apr 23, 2014

I have an excel sheet that I've automated for my shop ... Basically it copies a set of rows from one sheet, asks for which cell you want to start the paste at, then pastes it... Here's what I have so far:

[Code] .....

So I tried to use a variation of strReturn to indicate number of rows wanted but that didn't work ... Basically I'm going to create the "data" to include 50 rows, but have it selectable for the user to say they only want 5, 7 or 29 rows ...

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VBA Code To Find Row Number Based On Data Via Input Box And Highlight Cell?

Jun 21, 2014

I want to enter a unique ID into an input box which will tell which row that id is available and then it will again ask me which column the cell needs to be highlighted. Once i enter the data, it will then ask me what is the change in data (again via input box). i can then enter the change data and then it stops.

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Go To Range & Sheet Based On Combobox Choice

Feb 2, 2008

3 work sheets nameWorksheets "InfoData" to save month NameWorksheet "Jan" for JanuaryWorksheet "Feb" for February1 x ComboBox = monthBox
4 x CommandButton = Week1Button,Week2Button,Week3Button,Week4Button
I have Problem opening worksheet from userform. Name of the months are in Combox. So when I select month January from comboBox and click on Week 1 command Button it should open worksheet named "Jan" and Select Cells(2,1) to show Week 1. And Same for week 2, week 3 and week4 but will select different Range or cells. I have attached the screenshot of userform and also the workbook.

Private Sub Week1Button_Click()

For i = 1 To 13

If monthBox.Value = Worksheets("infoData").Cells(i, 1) Then

Worksheets("jan").Range(2, 1).Select

End If

Exit For
Next i

End Sub

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Count Number Of Cells In Column Per Month Ignore Blank Cells?

Jan 13, 2014

I have this formula which is counting the number of cells in a column that fall within each calender month.

However, if there is a formula at the bottom of column B and C that yield a "", the formula breaks.

In my workbook, B/C:133 have a formula =""

I will need the formula in column E to work if there is a formula that yields a "" in column B and C.

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VBA To Hide Columns Based On Input Date Range?

Mar 26, 2014

I need some VBA code to hide columns if they are outside of a specified date range.

- the worksheet i need to run this VBA on is named 'Summary'
- Columns A to G need to remain un-hidden at all times
- from H17 to ZZ17 i have every month of the relevant years listed (all there chronologically)
- D3 holds the 'Date From' variable
- D4 holds the 'Date To' variable

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How To Reference Cells Value To Define Range Reference

Jul 14, 2014

Is it possible to reference a cells value to define a range reference?

[Code] ......

I am trying to define the row value in the range reference with a value in a secondary cell?

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ComboBox List = Range Of Cells

Dec 19, 2006

How can I get a combobox to list the values in a range of cells eg.

A1:A5 = 1,2,3,4,5 etc

I've tried...

ComboBox1.List = Range("A1:A5")
But that dont work (it was more of a guess)

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AutoFill Cells Based On Combobox Selection

Jul 14, 2014

What I'd like to do is fill specific cells with specific information drawn from other pages based on a combo box selection.

For example, if I were to pick 10131 in the combo box, I'd like it to fill out cells X, Y and Z with information from the three cells to the right of 10131. Assume X, Y and Z are not touching.

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