Report Of Rows Between Numeric Conditions

Aug 14, 2007

I am trying to create a dashboard of reports. I want to be able to click a button and the user will be taken to the tab with the appropriate report. I am not a programmer so I am trying to use Excel formulas to the fullest.

I am trying to create a 30/60/90 report. I am using a named range for all data. Is there a way to create a dynamic named range and specify for rows where the age column is between 0 and 30, 31 and 90, 90 and 120, and so on?

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Report Of Data Meeting Multiple Conditions

Dec 15, 2007

I would like to return the value in the "Temp" column that meets all the conditions of the columns "letter", "day", and "time." Specifically, the "Temp" of "A", "Weekday", "East." I have attached a small spreadsheet to help.

The suggestion of an Index with a Match Array worked but the problem is that my spreadsheet has over 5000 rows and my data has to meet three criteria = 15000 cells to cross reference. And I need to set up a spreadsheet that would do about 300 arrays. So obviously my excel is soooo slow I can't even get 10% complete.

Any other suggestions? I've read (from Dave I think) that database is a powerful alternative but have not been able to find any info on this and it's not an Excel function. For your reference I'm attaching a demo spreadsheet of what I'm trying to do with the two Index + Match arrays that work for small files, not mine.

I looked into Pivot Tables but it can't handle all the row and column headings.

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Macro - Print N Rows Into Report?

Mar 14, 2014

I have n rows on a tab and I have counted them using Offset and Counta and put that count on B1.

I now need to make a little macro that print from row n to row number in B1. I've seen macros using things like "For i" "Next i", etc... but I do not know how to set the macro to start at a cell with a number n and repeat till the number in B1.

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Filling End Of Report With Blank Rows

Jul 19, 2006

I have a sheet that pulls hundreds of names with a query. These names are ordered by department and each department prints (in gridded table format) on a separate sheet of paper. I would like to set it up to add additional empty rows to the bottom of each table if there is any space available on the page. I'm clueless how to go about it, though...

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Insert Rows Subject To Conditions In Rows Above And Below

Jun 21, 2008

as per the attached, need to insert those grey rows subject to the following condition :

if current row date <> next row date, .and. current row latitude / longitude <> next row latitude / longitude , insert grey row with date = current row date, else insert grey row next row date

note that the coordinates in the repeated grey rows, for the "Home" location, are the same through the sheet, should be entered by the user, at the beginning of the process, since there will be a spreasheet per user.

date is in column K
latitude / longitude are in columns B / C

this will be of tremendous assistance in automating mileage claim review.

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Selection Of Rows Using Only Numeric Value Found Out By Formula

Jul 16, 2013

The following is how my sample worksheet looks like:


Count of A's


Count of B's



The two count cells, Count of A's & Count of B's have been calculated with the formulas

=COUNTIF(A$1:A$25,"=A") and =COUNTIF(A$1:A$25,"=B") respectively.

Now, my problem is I want to select the cells with only A's or only B's, along with their corresponding values, but I want to select it with the two count values I found above (12 and 13 respectively), because the data I have to work on is subject to change and each time there may be different numbers of A's and B's.

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Delete Non Numeric Rows Based On Column

Mar 12, 2008

The attached picture shows part of an excel file. It contains about 50.000 rows which I want to run a pivot on. The problem is though that the file contains some rows which stop my pivot from running correctly. These data which I mention are in rows 4, 7, 22-25. Seeing as deleting them manually would take me hours and hours I was wondering if there would be a macro which I can run which delete rows automatically. I think it should filter on the following: whenever there is not a numeric value in column A, the entire row should be deleted.

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Delete Rows With Values Between Numeric Range

Apr 16, 2008

I want to delete all the rows with values between -1 and 1 in column 'I'. I currently set up a macro to do the formatting and conditional stuff that highlights all values above 1 and below -1 - these are the values I need to conduct my analysis on, but I can't figure out how to delete the rows in between. The worksheet has approximately 5,000 rows (and growing) and this would help me clean up the data significantly.

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Displaying Selected Rows In Excel Report?

Jul 18, 2013

This is easy enough, but I only want to have items listed if every field on the row is unique which I can do, but is it possible to only display these unique lines and have any lines that contain a duplicate not be shown as a blank or anything else?

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Insert Duplicate Rows Based On Numeric Value In Column

Apr 6, 2012

I have to create 1000 dynamic ranges and do not want to do this manually. See the list below for the syntax I am using, I am only showing the first 10.

Name Range

I have tried the following code which works to an extent...

Range("=OFFSET(Date,0,1)").Name = "KPI_01"

..but the final result of the named range is an actual range, i.e. "A1:A13".

How can I keep the named range as a dynamic range?

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Create A Report Printing Rows By The Content Of A Column?

Apr 14, 2014

In the column marked SA I have some numbers. These are Sub-Accounts. I am looking to run off a report that prints off all rows with the respective SA number. I have only included a "4" and a "5" in my example but there is going to be more than one row "assigned" to Sub Account 4, Sub Account 5 etc. Ultimately it provides a break down of the accounts.

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Subtotal Rows & Summary Report Of Dynamic Table

Dec 1, 2008

writing a VBA to convert a set of data in sheet 1 to one in sheet 2(I am enclosing that as a Excel document"Test -Original").I have described what needs to be done ( step by step ) below.

Develop a macro
1. I have a report from SAP BW, the original format of which is in sheet 1.I need to develop a macro using VBA and need the report with the format in sheet 2.

2. I need a “Results “row after every Bill to Party in column A as below(screen shot 1.doc):

The number of customers is dynamic keeps changing every month

4. Nothing needs to be done to column.SAP BW will not overwrite the format and the data in column G.Hence leave it as it is.

5. Calculate the number of Sales document numbers for each customer and put the value of 1 for every value. If it is blank it should not be counted and put the value of 0 for those rows. (Shown below) Display the sum of the number of sales document numbers in the results row for column H

6. In the column I, put the value of 1 if the difference column (column G) is 0 and put the value of 0 if the value in the difference column (column G) is any value apart from sum the value in the results row for each customer and display the summation value in the results row under column I

7. Compute the percentage which is the values in (column I/Column J)*100 .This should be done only for the results row

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Number Rows In Numeric Order IF Adjacent Cell Not Empty

Sep 22, 2007

I am looking for a formula to number rows in A1:A500
I would like to skip a row when B1:B500 cells are empty
then skip that row and start renumbering from 1
This is what I tried so far
=If(b9>"", countif($B$9:$B9,">"""),"")

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Pivot Report Filter Doesn't Hide Non-Relevant Rows

Feb 3, 2014

So I have a pivot table of about 2000 rows with data on employees.

In the table, there is a field associating each employee with a location (midwest, southeast,where ever) and I have a report filter on it that lets me view only people from a given region.

It was working fine, but I'm doing a lot of VBA macro related to the pivot, and I think I somehow changed a setting somewhere in the process and don't know how to reverse it.

When I apply the filter now, it only shows data for people in the region i choose, except it still shows all the other lines that should be hidden, just with no values. Here is a crude visual

Name region sales


(jerry and aaron should not be visible at all)

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Creating Individual Report Cards (worksheets) Based On Template For Report Card

Aug 30, 2013

I have two worksheets in my report cards:

1) Data - the students are listed in Column A, math scores in Column B, reading scores in Column C and science scores in Column D. The grades of 300 students are entered in this sheet.




2) Report Card template - This is the report card that needs to be generated for each student. It's pulling the student name and grades from the Data worksheet.

Student Name




How do I create worksheets (report cards) for additional students? I have 300 students in the school. I need the next worksheet to reference Data!$A3. I know how to cut and paste the report card template and then edit =Data!A2 to be =Data!A3 to create a report card for Sally. How do I create the 300 report cards I need?

I've been teaching for 13 years. I can create a report card for each student in my class and edit each worksheet individually for each student. Now I've been asked to do this for the whole school and I don't know how to create the other 299 sheets I need.

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Extracting A Numeric A Specific Numeric String From A Description Cell

Oct 22, 2009

I am trying to do is extract the volume size of products in 'ml'
from 10k plus products from a description field cell.
this description field could also contain the weight of the product in grams
so I cannot just do a search for a numeric string ,
it has to be associated with the milli-litres statement .

is is possible to do a sort of ' *ml ' search and then select and copy to another cell ???

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Regression Error - Non-Numeric Data / Contiguous And Complete Rows Or Columns

Apr 10, 2013

However I have a subject at uni that requires me to create a series of regression models, histograms, correlation matrices etc.

For part of the assignment, i have to run 4 regressions (one for men & one for women) with dependent variable as average wages, and independent as bfast 1,2,3 and dinner 1,2,3 (all of which are dummy variables) (0 for male and 1 for female).

The second two regressions are exactly the same, except average wages must be transformed into log which i have already done.

I dont know how to differentiate the regression models into male and female (if possible). We must also include residuals and residual plots.

I keep getting an error that says non-numeric data, the other says input range must be a contiguous reference.

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Copy Data From Weekly Report To Monthly Report

Jul 2, 2008

How do you create a macro to copy the information from my weekly reports to a monthly report and be able to update automatically. If you had 4 worksheets (for each week of the month) and 1 mastersheet for the whole month in a workbook. All titles are the same and If you needed to copy all the data that is in the columns, say, A through I, starting with row 4 to however many rows are in a given week. The reports can be made up of numicerial values, text and dates. Let me know if more information is needed or an example worksheet.

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Find Text String And Report Back Data In Unknown Number Of Rows

Apr 26, 2007

For example

Name Address Phone # zip
Danielle 4561
Danielle 9852
Danielle 22
Danielle 69
Joe 895
Joe 28
John 9821
John 1114
John 698

Say I did a search for Joe. I want to report back all the addresses in which he resided but there's no way to tell how many rows of data each person has. Joe has 2 rows, Danielle has 4 rows and John has three. How do I report back all the relevant rows?

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Convert Numeric And Scientific Symbol To Numeric Only

Jun 4, 2014

I have a column of several thousand entries listed as numeric with a scientific symbol eg.

19.53mSv/1mSv (some have a mix and or alpha/numeric range)

I want to convert them to the numeric value only. I'm extracting to a chart which is not recognising the alpha and throwing the data out. I tried find and replace, trying various options within the 'replace format' tab with no joy.

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Finding A Non Numeric (or Numeric) Character In A Field

Sep 1, 2008

I have a few thousand products codes (i.e ABCD123BLA08 or SHU267BLA) They are non standardised in length or structure. I wish to pull out everything upto the end of the third numeric digit.( ie ABCD123 and SHU267) I cannot use left as they are all different lengths. Ideally i would serach for a non numeric char after the number then use left up to that point. Search can't do this, FIND can't do this.

ABCD123BLA08 would be ABCD123
SHU246BLU would be SHU246
I147ORT08-12 would be I147

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Copy & Append To Report, Rows From Multiple Sheets If Any Cell Meets Format Color

May 1, 2008

I've seen a few threads on here about this issue but none of them do quite what I am looking for. I'd like for a single page "report" to be created when a user presses a button (which runs a macro, of course) The macro should be able to run through certain named sheets (even if hidden) and if a cell in any row is red within a sheet then the entire row or rows that meet the criteria should be copied and pasted into the Report sheet.

On the report sheet, for each sheet that has had rows that were copied, I'd like to have the name of the sheet as the header above the pasted rows so that the user knows which sheet the data came from. Any sheet that doesn't have red cells would be excluded from the report. I've attached a sample file but had to limit the number of sheets because of Orgrid's file size limit. Hopefully, you'll see what I am getting at here.

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Deleting Rows On Conditions

Apr 24, 2009

I would like to delete rows that are based on these conditions: First ,Do a loop from row 2 to last available row. - Delete rows with same column(column B) that has the same value. However I want the last available row with the same ID to remain.

- Delete Rows with any values in found in other sheet column B. When the value taken from the first sheet(ABC) is compared to the column B in second sheet(DEF), if they are equal, the row will be deleted in the second sheet and the rows in first sheet will main. I had attached an simple example with the 2 sheets. The Result are shown in the example.

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Delete Rows On Conditions

Apr 25, 2009

I would like to delete rows that are based on these conditions:

First ,Do a loop from row 2 to last available row
- Delete rows with same column(column B) that has the same value. However I want the last available row with the same ID to remain.

- Delete Rows with any values in found in other sheet column B. When the value taken from the first sheet(ABC) is compared to the column B in second sheet(DEF), if they are equal, the row will be deleted in the second sheet and the rows in first sheet will main.

The comparsion of ID are compared between sheet ABC and sheet DEF
(the Highlighted are those rows to be deleted based on those conditions)
The final outcome are shown on col H I J for sheet ABC and col I J K for sheet DEF.



2100111Case 1

100222Case 33100222Case 3

50333Case 1450333Case 1

57444Case 3557444Case 3

150666Case 26200555Case 1

100111Case 17150666Case 2

100888Case 38100111Case 1

231999Case 19100888Case 3

200555Case 110231999Case 1

100112Case 411200555Case 1

100113Case 112100112Case 4

100114Case 2 13100113Case 1

100115Case 114100114Case 2

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Sum To Unknown Rows With Conditions

Apr 24, 2006

Need to sum through an unknown number of row generated by advanced filter at run-time

Formula at C16
Data starts at row 57 (from copy/paste - advance filter)
Last row unknown

Criteria to match in A16
Data to be evaluated in B57:B (row unknown)

Found this formula on microsoft.public.excel.misc
Which I modified formy start row

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Hide Rows By Conditions

Nov 8, 2006

Is it possible to close rows based on conditions? e.g if A1 contained Yes or No as the switch to close and a column contains open or closed in each row for the trigger. So if A1=Yes all rows with 'closed' will be hidden, if A1=No then all rows are shown

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Copy Rows If Two Conditions Are Met

Jun 4, 2008

Im making a timeplan for projects in our company. Each Sheet is for one month.
So long I only found macros for copying rows if checkbox is true, but without the date condition.

In cell C2 I have the current date shown with today() formula

On the end of the month for example on Sheet called "May" I want that
all rows witch are unchecked that means unfinished (H6;H50 are checkboxes)
are copied to the next Sheet "Juny". This must happen only once a month (on the first day of next month). Example: On Sheet "May" this macro should be run only on 1st of Juny.

The rows should be copied without spaces between rows (if rows 6 and 8 are unfinished in Sheet "May" the next Sheet "Juny" should contain this rows in line 6 and 7).

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Hide Rows Based On Two Conditions?

Apr 3, 2013

I'm trying to hide rows in an excel sheet based on two stipulations. I want to hide the row if it finds a particular value in column B and a different particular value in column K, otherwise i want it to do continue looping until it has hidden all rows that meet both stipulations.

Sub hide_loop()
Dim bl As Excel.Range
Dim blrange As Excel.Range


Currently I have tried different approaches, like a Do Loop, but I could not make that work, and this seems closer. The problem I'm having right now is that with this loop it hides everything found in column B regardless of what is in column K. I suspect this is because of the code following the if statement.''

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Combine 2 Rows Of Data If Conditions Are Met

Jan 17, 2013

combining 2 rows of data if certain conditions are met. I have attached an example of my worksheet for reference.


What I want to happen is if a number in column J is followed by an "x" then the values in columns AQ and AR should be combined with the row of the same number (e.g. if 236x is in column J2 then the values in AQ2 and AR2 should be combined with AQ3 and AR3 because 236 appears in column J3, the same process needs to be repeated for 237x with 237 etc.).

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Delete Rows, Multiple Conditions

Jul 20, 2009

I need help with the following conditions. I have attached a sample file with desired results.
Conditions required to delete row:

1Delete Row when cell E is blank (example: Row 6 will be deleted as E6 is blank)
2First character in column 'C' is an alphabet (for example: Row 5 will be deleted as the first character in the cell is an alphabet
3First character in column 'B' is an alphabet (for example: Row 29 will be deleted as the first character in the cell is an alphabet

Special Notes : All characters in column 'B' are not in number format (ex: 555-9999 is general)
There are more than 1500 rows of data that need to be sorted with the above conditions.

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