SUMIF Ignore Hidden Rows, Sumproduct/Offset Too Slow!

Jan 29, 2010

I'm using Excel 2003. The sumif function will not allow me to ignore hidden rows in my data set that have been autofiltered. I tried using the following formula and it worked:


The problem I am having is that the sumproduct and offset funtions used to ignore hidden rows are considered "volatile" and force a recalculation. Moreover, I have this fomula pasted 100+ times and this dramatically slows things down even when I turn autocalculate off. Is there another way to accomplish a sumif with a user defined custom function in VB? I really need to have the ability to do a sumif that ignores hidden rows and is not dramatically slow.

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Offset Formula Ignore Filtered / Hidden Rows?

Jun 16, 2014

I have a name which uses the formula


That populates a dropdown

However I want to exclude hidden / filtered rows?

Iv'e tried sumtotal etc but didnt get any results. I'm after using the rows as options.

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How Do I Create A SUMIF To Ignore Cells Hidden With Autofilter

Feb 5, 2009

I have a formula to search a sheet for certain criteria and sum up the total, data is entered into this sheet by week number, where I then filter it for whichever week I need. I following formula works fine, but adds all the cells including hidden ones, how can i get it to ignore hidden cells??

=SUM(IF('FT Line 1-RX'!$C$2:$C$2100='FT costs 1-Rx'!B$1,IF('FT Line 1-RX'!$E$1:$GT$1='FT costs 1-Rx'!$A11,'FT Line 1-RX'!$E$2:$GT$2100)))

There is raw data in the 'FT Line 1-RX' sheet which is summed up in the 'FT costs 1-RX' sheet.

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Sum, Ignore Hidden Rows

Sep 10, 2007

Is there a way to keep the Sum Funtion from adding in the values from Rows you have hidden? I want my total to be the result of only the visible lines, but have reasons for hiding rather than deleting rows (I may have to unhide some later depending on other factors)

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Using SUMIF With Hidden Rows

May 29, 2014

I am trying to use the SUMIF function to create a formula that will read the visible cells in Column B and if any visible cells in Column B are equal to or greater than zero I want Excel to sum the corresponding values in the visible cells of Column A. Not so hard but I'm having a difficult time getting Excel to ignore data in hidden rows.

See attached file for and further explanation : Sample.xlsx‎

I've tried using SUMIF as well as the AGGREGATE function but no success, yet.

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Ignoring Autofiler Hidden Rows With SUMPRODUCT And SUBTOTAL

Feb 18, 2009

I posted a thread a while back about how to ignore hidden rows from autofilter when using formulas.

The solution worked perfectly. But I have since had to use this on another sheet which is laid out a bit differently, I have tried everything to try and modify the formula to work on the new sheet but so far I have failed miserably!! I need to do the exact same thing on this sheet - filter the sheet by week and search the data for certain criteria ('Line' and 'Fail Reason') and sum up the total quantity, while ignoring autofilters hidden rows. Here is an example of the sheet, along with an attempt of mine to modify the formula, which I think I have got TOTALLY wrong!

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Sumif/Sumproduct Across Columns & Rows

Jul 2, 2009

Is there a way to replicate this code, so I don't have to Do the With [CODE] .......

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SUMPRODUCT Causes Slow Calculations

Jan 5, 2007

I made one excel file with 9 sheet. there are used sumproduct formula in 200 rows.

i am not used any vba macro for this file.

i am used sumproduct formula link to other files and other sheets.

my file size is 1.80 mb but when i am enter new data in file then file going in process of calculation and calculate all forumula it take some time. my file options calculation is automatic but for calculation it take time and i have to wait for that for Process.

There are any macro for calculation so my file work fast and don't want to wait for calulation process .

This file is not open like other files. it is take a time in update the link or calculation.

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Sumproduct Replacement. Calculations Slow

Aug 9, 2006

I was wondering if is possible to replace SUMPRODUCT with code. Right now I have formulas like these throughout my sheet and I think they are causing it to be slow:


I also have the following code in my worksheet. I don't know if anything here is causing it to take so long to "calculate cells." Also my code just stopped coloring the row ranges and I not sure what cause it to stop working.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Const WS_RANGE As String = "O:O"
If Not Intersect(Target, Me.Range(WS_RANGE)) Is Nothing Then
With Target
'Begin coloring row ranges based on these requirements
If .Row > 3 Then
If Me.Cells(.Row, "O").Value = "" Or Me.Cells(.Row, "O").Value = "O" Or Me.Cells(.Row, "O").Value = "H" Then
Me.Cells(.Row, "A").Resize(, 26).Interior.ColorIndex = 0
End If.................

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How To Get LARGE Function To Ignore Hidden Cells

Oct 2, 2012

How to get the LARGE function to ignore hidden cells? Is it possible?

I have a filter in a data set and am using a macro to pull in the top 5 largest values.

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Conditional Formatting To Ignore Hidden Cells?

Feb 1, 2014

I have conditionally formatted (Bold Italic) some data (the highest value in each column) and I have a macro that hides rows dependent on one value in that row. However I would like the conditional formatting to apply only to the visible cells, so that if the maximum value is in a row that is hidden the conditional formatting is applied to the highest, non-hidden value.

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Sumproduct Too Slow, Delete Seconds From Every Cell

Jun 10, 2008

I have 2 problems:

1) I am doing multiple sumproducts on 6 sheets within a workbook with last row now being in the 12,000 cell range. Since putting in this SumProduct, my excel is extremley slow and affecting other windows applications. Is there anything I can use to replace this sum product ?


It seems to be starting the calculations even before I put any values in column D ? I have already tried the manual calculation, but it is not making much of a difference.

2) After doing the sumproduct, I then need another row to look at the value of the sumproduct cell and report it in another sheet. My problem is that the cell contains the date and time in 1 cell, but in order to get the cell to lookup the value properly I need to delete the 00 in the seconds to refresh the cell or else it gives me back an n/a# value, even though the seconds are 00 and not 01 or 02 etc ?

example : ....

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Sumproduct Formula Causing Slow Calculations

Aug 23, 2007

I have the following formula in 220 cells in a workbook:

=( SUMPRODUCT(('General Journal'!$C$1:$C$44995>=$D$3)*('General Journal'!$C$1:$C$44995<=$E$3)*('General Journal'!$H$1:$H$44995=$A5),'General Journal'!$I$1:$I$44995))+(SUMPRODUCT(('General Journal'!$C$1:$C$44995>=$D$3)*('General Journal'!$C$1:$C$44995<=$E$3)*('General Journal'!$J$1:$J$44995=$A5),'General Journal'!$K$1:$K$44995))+(SUMPRODUCT(('General Journal'!$C$1:$C$44995>=$D$3)*('General Journal'!$C$1:$C$44995<=$E$3)*('General Journal'!$L$1:$L$44995=$A5),'General Journal'!$M$1:$M$44995))

Where D3 is a starting date, E3 is a closing date, and A5 is a sorting code. It looks at my general journal and looks for all the entries between the two dates, and then sums up all the entries linked to the sorting code in A5. The sorting code is in column H, and the amount to sum is in column I, and this is repeated 3 times.

You are already probably signering at how long I must have to wait while excel calculates all these formulas (* 220). I have resorted to a macro that turns caluculation to manual when I open this workbook, and back to auto when it closes.

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Sumproduct - Ignore #VALUE

Feb 12, 2008

Is there anyway I can change a sumproduct so that ig ignores any errors?

The formula I am using is:

=SUMPRODUCT(--(data!$L$2:$L$7441='Level 2'!$D3),--(data!$P$2:$P$7441='Level 2'!H$1))

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SUMIF Formula To Ignore #N/A

Sep 11, 2003

All I believe Juan Pablo posed a quick little diddy on how to have the SUMIF ignore #N/A?? I promised myself I would remember it but here I am asking if anyone remembers it or know how to have Excel add up a column even though the column contains #N/A's.

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Ignore Blanks Using =SUMIF/COUNTIF

Jun 2, 2009

I've come across a problem using the =SUMIF/COUNTIF function in excel. It incorrectly calculates blank cells as zeros.


The correct output should be 100%, but shows as 66.67% because of the blank cells in the column. How do I correct this?

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SUMPRODUCT - How To Ignore Blank Criteria

Feb 15, 2012

I have set up a formula to count the occurrences of multiple conditions in a table of data (see below..) the formula reads from 4 cells of criteria but I will not always use the 4 criteria and maybe only need to use say 2 criteria - when I do this my formula doesn't work - my example below shows this... How do I make the formula continue to work when some criteria cells don't have any entries?

This table is a simple example but my main work will have a much larger table (poss. several thousand rows) and probably about 10 criteria cells, so running a big formula with 10 nested IF statements will be too cumbersome... any smart workround for this within the SUMPRODUCT formula?

The top left cell (Fruit) is A1..


The formula currently in my Result cell is


which returns 0 and should be 1 in this example...

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Ranking With SUMPRODUCT To Ignore Blanks

Apr 14, 2013

I am ranking data using the below formula but if a cell is blank then I would like that cell ignored and only rank cells that contain data


The A2:A10243 is a column containing an id number for the data held in cells IR2:IR10243.

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Using SUMIF Function To Ignore Error Cells

Feb 27, 2006

I need to get a subtotal of a range (eg: A1:A30), however some cells in this range have #N/A errors due to particular formulas they contain. I could go into these cells and add a formula which 'catches' these errors, but there are far too many given my current time constraints.

Is there any way to use SUMIF to add the cells which do not contain errors and skip the ones that do? (ie: SUMIF($A$1:$A$30,""&"Error Parameter")).

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Sumproduct Formula - Ignore Empty Cells

Sep 26, 2013

I have a table that looks similar to the below. I want to be able to extract the numbers between the brackets and add all up in the last column (as shown in example below).

I have used something like the below however it returns #VALUE in column F because of the empty cells.


I need a formula that will be applicable even when there are empty cells and return the results as shown.


Worker (3)
Engineer (23)
Manager (1)


Plumber (2)
Designer (20)


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Sumproduct Multiple Criteria Ignore Error

Jun 6, 2014

I have the following two columns in A1:B4 (customer # followed by percentage)

1 0.5
2 0.9
3 0.8
4 #DIV/0!

In column D i have a list of the customer #s. In column E i try to identify if the customer in column D have a percentage >=.8.

I am using the below formula, but getting a #DIV/0! error due to the error in cell B4, which i am not allowed to change using an iferror formula.


Is there a way to get around this using sumproduct or any other method to determine if the customer in D has a percentage >= 80%?

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Aug 28, 2009

I want to use OFFSET in a SUMIF to define the sum range argument...

Essentially this is the OFFSET (simplified) =OFFSET(K108,-50,0,100) (which when I put a SUM around, works.

But, when I put it as the sum_criteria, I get a blank result. =SUMIF(OFFSET(I108,-50,0,100),I108,OFFSET(K108,-50,0,100))

What I want it to do is look at all the cells from 50 above I108 to 50 below I108, and sum the corresponding cells in colum K.

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Sumif With Offset Function?

Jul 2, 2014

I was wondering if there was a way to use sumif and offset to guide the summing column in the example below. Perhaps I need to add an additional column, then formulate a solution. I want to sum the daily returns for the TSX when the slope is positive (green), and sum the S&P when it is negative. Currently, on signal day, I am summing that day's return, which I don't want to do. I want to sum starting on the next day (blue). The B column switches back and forth from positive to negative, so I will summing different data periods going back 1000 days. I am summing the TSX returns and S&P returns seperately to make it easier. Currently I have in C1=(sumif(b2:b1000,">0",c2:c1000)) Same for D2.





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Sumif & Offset To Different Columns

Sep 1, 2006

I think this is simple, but I can't seem to get what I want. I have three columns.

A: months for a few years (rows 3 - 37)
B: data-set 1 that starts in the middle of the timeline to present (rows 20-23)
C: data-set 2 that starts at the beginning of the timeline to present (rows 3-23)

Now, I need to sum for the previous 12 months at the bottom of each column. For column B, I only have 4 data points, so I want to add the 8 data points for the previous 8 months from column C. How do I do this without just doing a couple sum functions -- is there a function that will evaluate the situation on its own?

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Jun 20, 2007

I would like to have a sumproduct formula to sum up in a paticular table in my worksheet. But its in a weird table format. Look in cell A1 that is my criteria it should sum cells G24 thru G28 and it should return the total of 1.8000. The rows could varies from time to time in those table formats. Does anyone knows how to accomplishment this.

******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - Book1___Running: 11.0 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutG27=
ABCDEFG1114Y1.8000 2 114C 3 Material #DescriptionMan/Machine ScrapMaterial 4 Operation # Std/Rate lbs5 100510 6 101010 0.56207 8 9 10 114D 11 Material #DescriptionMan/Machine ScrapMaterial 12 Operation # Std/Rate lbs13 14 S-SO2 0.400015 100510 0.895016 101010 0.200017 18 19 20 114Y 21 Material #DescriptionMan/Machine ScrapMaterial 22 Operation # Std/Rate lbs23 24 100910 25 670114X 1.000026 670114C 0.400027 670114D 0.4000Sheet1
[HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name box

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SUMIF With Multiple Conditions That Are Offset

Feb 8, 2010

I am really stuck here and need help with a formula. I have attached a sheet visuals. I want to add up all the numbers that contain two specific accounts#'s. One account is directly across from the number, where I can use this formula very easily: =SUMIF(Q1:Q288,AF245,Z1:Z294)

The second account is in a different column, but it is not directly across the number. It is five cells below. So basically am having a tuff time applying these two conditions, where one condition does not directly align with the data I want to add.

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Sumif With Offset Date Range

Sep 11, 2009

I am trying to sum multiple columns of data by a sumif based on a criteria in column C, the columns are weekly dated, and I wish to match columns by offset this initial column with a start date and end date and sum columns in between, I have been getting close but only returns one columns values?

FilterCol is column for criteria match
Start Col is name range - OFFSET(FilterCol,0,'Summary totals line groups'!$G$4,1,1) - End col similar, (G4 is a match date to find column ref)

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Oct 21, 2008

1 FA4,000.00 10%
2 CB1,500.00 15%
3 FA7,500.00 15%
4 AA700.00 5%
5 JG250.00 5%
6 FA1,200.00 5%
7 AA900.00 5%
8 CB175.00 15%
9 FA2,000.00 2%

At the foot of the spreadsheet I would like to show the total of the calculation
Col B * Col C, if Col A shows a value of "FA"

Having veiwed similar posts, I believe SUMPRODUCT may be the correct formula, but I cannot seem to achieve the result I am looking for.

So in the example the desired result is 1,625 B1 * C1 + B3 * C3 + B6 * C6 + B9 * C9

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Sumif Or Sumproduct?

Feb 26, 2009

How can I write a conditional sum formula that will skip a criterion when it is left blank?

I was able to make this work:

where column B has the criteria.

I was wondering if there was a better way using Sumif or Sumproduct.

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SumIf Or SumProduct

Aug 23, 2009

in colum A i have a list of dates, in colum B i have a list of amounts. what i need to get is the sum of the amounts where the dates in colum A are between the dates in cells C1 & D1. Tries sum producst but all I get is the total sum of colum B irrelevant of the date!

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