Scanning Range Instead Of Single Cell
Aug 5, 2006
I am trying to make this macro look at multiple cells in column X and perform the given operation based on what is found. I currently have it set to look at one cell, I am not sure how to make it look at a range of cells and change its cell refrences for the copy function.
Dim vS As Variant
vS = Sheets(3).Range("X5")
If Not IsNumeric(vS) Then
Exit Sub
Select Case vS
Case 1
If MsgBox("Are you sure you want to delete?", _
vbYesNo, "ExcelTips") = vbYes Then
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
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Dec 2, 2006
The table posted above is the schedule for my employee. I need an input box which asks for a date. When the user supplies date, it should look for people who are scheduled for that particular date and who are on leave and put the result in the next worksheet at the last occupied row.
For instance, if I supply the date as 2nd Dec then the next worksheet should be filled with @ row # 2 (Row1 has headings)
EmployeeEmp IDSchedule
A123409:00 PM - 06:00 AM
B123511:30 PM - 08:30 AM
C123602:30 AM - 11:30 AM
E123811:30 PM - 08:30 AM
G124009:00 PM - 06:00 AM
Then if I select 3rd Dec, the next worksheet should be filled with the following data starting fom row number 7 (just below the above data)
A123409:00 PM - 06:00 AM
B123511:30 PM - 08:30 AM
D123705:30 AM - 03:00 PM
G124009:00 PM - 06:00 AM
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Sep 5, 2013
I am working for a small job shop company that is producing many bespoke products and recently the company has grown up a bit and a shop floor data collection is required in order to have a control over the production process. The company has 14 machines which are operated by 7 operators and this means that each operator is running 2-3 machines at the same time. The best solution for data collection is barcoding into excel. However i need 3 macros (I think) in order to meet my needs. Those macros need to:
1) show what is currently on the machines (who is doing what and when the particular job has started)
Part No
Clock In
Note: Description will not be scanned, this can be filled in based on the vlookup from the waiting parts list
2)show what have been done (who did what, on which machine and clock in/out times). Here it is important to mention that sometimes jobs are stopped and taken off the machine and they are put on the machine later on. Sometimes it will be different machine or operator etc)
Part No
Clock In
Clock Out
Clock In
Clock Out
Clock In
Clock Out
3)show what is remaining to machine.
While searching for a solution I have found here a really nice topic which seems to be a good foundation for my needs Scan barcode to excel with date & time stamp in & out.
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Feb 14, 2014
I have a USB scanner connected to a PC. Data is entered into Excel when the part number barcode on a box is scanned. I have two worksheets that I will be scanning part numbers into, one is Group A and the other is Group B. On Group A's sheet there is a list of Group B part numbers that will be used for the lookup procedure when the barcode is scanned. The same is true for Group B's sheet. The groups should never be mixed, so if part number "B005" is scanned into Group A's sheet it should cause an error message to pop up. I've attached a workbook as an example. Is it possible to do this with VBA?
Barcode Scan Lookup.xlsx
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Jul 2, 2012
I have a range of cells each containing a name. Based on a number that has to be entered manually I want excel to return the names concatenated in one cell. So for example:
Number of variable entered: 5
Should give me: "q9001 q9002 q9003 q9004 q9005"
I have been trying to work with formulas using IF and CONCAT functions. But so far I haven't figured out how to have excel return me the correct amount of variables for each separate number that can be entered seeing the number of variables entered can vary from 1 up to 50.
(Using Excel 2010)
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Aug 1, 2014
I am in need of a way to pull keywords listed in B2:B10 from text in A2:A10 and then those pulled keywords combined in cell C11.See attached document. So I have colors for keywords in column B and some random text in the column A including the keywords in parenthesis. Is there a way for a formula to find all keywords in A2:A10 and then list them in cell C11 with commas in between.So the result would be one cell C11 showing BLUE,GREEN,BLACK,ORANGE, etc.I have been trying to mess around with index and match and while I could get one to pull up I don't know how to combine it.
Keyword Range.xlsx
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Jun 24, 2014
I am reading this fomular and cannot understand it.
Basically each input should be a matrix and the first one really is. However the other two are not and look unfamiliar to me.
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Nov 25, 2009
I want the numbers to give me a sum total if a cell that is not in the row contains an "x". Row of number from A1:A5 each cell has the number 1 in the cell. if there is a x in cell A2 i would like to get the sum of the numbers in A1:A5 in cell A3.
was trying =SUMIF(A2,"x",A1:E1) this is the formula in cell A3
I am expecting the result of 5, this formula returns the value of 1 since there is only 1 x in cell A2.
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Mar 20, 2009
I have a workbook with a named range myrange, cells a2:a1001. I have counter as a named range, mycount cell z2. I want to get the value of myrange at cell address mycount and put that value elsewhere using vba.
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Jan 18, 2011
Here is the set up:
I have a calendar sheet where the dates go down the rows, and there is one column per member of staff. The staff is split in to three streams (different apps to cover, etc).
In the calendar, we mark a "C" for when someone will be on-call, R for when they will be doing a release, and so on.
In a separate sheet in the workbook, rather than having people look at the whole calendar of 30+ people to see who is on what shift for a given stream, I have an On-Call Rota where the rows are again the dates, and the columns are the streams. In each cell of this sheet, there should be the names of all the people of that stream who will be on-call for that date, so a concatenation of the actual staff members from the calendar, separated by CHAR(10).
I have been unable to find a combination of INDEX, MATCH, LOOKUP, VLOOKUP, etc, etc that gets me past the main problem: they only ever match the first C (or the first R for the On-Release Rota). I can't get a formula for a single cell in the rota that will return all the names where there is a C in the calendar in such a way that I can concatenate them.
Here is the kind of thing I have had to do .....
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Nov 6, 2008
I have a large amounts of named ranges each of about 100 rows 20 column's each in its own sheet and I need to be able to refer to a singe cell in that range.
I want to do this so that I can use an offset to get another cell value relative to the cell in the named range.
F9 contains a hyperlink to the named range and is the same as the named range but with spaces.
A couple of things that I have tried are below:
Neither of these work, I am asuming it is because I dont have a specific cell reference named for the offset?
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Apr 4, 2007
I'm having trouble assigning a range of a single cell using vba. I'm doing this to create charts. Here's the sub containing the problem
Private Sub AddNewSeries(Target As CTarget)
Dim i As Integer
Dim Match As Boolean
Dim rValid, rInvalid As Range
i = 2
Match = False
Do While Match = False
If Sheets("Graph Data").Cells(1, i) = ReportTargetBox.value Then
Match = True
MsgBox ("report name match")
Exit Do
Else: i = i + 1
End If
This msg box :MsgBox ("Cell Value = " & Sheets("Graph Data").Cells(2, i).value) is working and returning the correct value.
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Jun 2, 2014
I've managed to write a macro to take data input into a column-oriented form and transpose it into the next available rows in 3 data sheets. In the blank workbook, you will find a functional data entry form with a "submit" button that transposes data from the first column of the form to the next available row in sheet "Data_R", data from the second column of the of the form to the next available row in sheet "Data_I", and the sum of both columns to the next available row in sheet "Data_C", clearing the form for further use.
Now, I need adding to the macro code that will sum data from the constituent columns of each multi-column category header (Marketing, Intake, etc.) in sheet "Data C", entering the sums under their respective single column headings in the next available row of sheet "Data_S".
I need to do this in order to use Defined Names (utilizing the OFFSET function) to create charts comparing the different categories that automatically update as new data is input via the form. I know how to do this, I just need the multi-column categories summed into single columns to make it work.
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Nov 30, 2008
The problem exists with the lists I use. I have a "settings" sheet, where users can choose from preset values to run in the program. E.g. "Urgent", "Semi Urgent" and "Non Urgent" (there are a lot more values, but those will do for now." and the idea is to run them 1 at a time.
However, I've now determined that 99% of the time, they're going to be run 1 after another, that is to say run the program once for "Urgent", then again for "Semi Urgent" and then again for "Non Urgent". So I'd like to loop through these. Again, not a problem, you'd think.
So I added a new value to the list; "All" which users can select to invoke a list. Again, not a problem, I already have the list as a named range, "DmgList" and I can cycle through it. I ran the following test code to see if it would work in theory...
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Mar 30, 2013
How can I identify the last cell of a single column range . . . i.e. the last cell address of range C1..C15 is C15. The range will have a name of "reg".
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Mar 10, 2008
i have my data in coloumn G. and i am trying to create a macro to copy all the data in coloumn G:G to cell K1. i am doing this so i cand simply extract some data to other cells useing the search formula.
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Jan 12, 2009
The following does paste the formula into the dynamic range, however, it doesn't move on to the next step in the code. It seems to get stuck on the last line. I let it run for 5 minutes and it still did not move to the next set of commands ...
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Mar 4, 2009
How can I merge into a single cell from a range of selected cells that contain text. If the range of cells do have empty cells it should be smart enough to skip over or not to create an additional space. Any idea how can this be done? Macro or formula?
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May 18, 2007
I have a list of ID's on one sheet that are also located in a large matrix on another sheet.
This macro uses the Find_Range function to find each ID within the matrix and return the column header where the ID was first located.
There is also a line which return a list of ranges, indicating all the places where the ID was found.
What I want is to convert the list of ranges into a list of corresponding column headers (ie row 1 of all columns in the range)
' Number of id's in list
RowCnt = Application.WorksheetFunction. CountA(Columns("A"))
For I = 2 To RowCnt
LookFor = Sheets("ID List").Range("A" & I)
Set InRng = Sheets("Matrix").Cells
Set Found = Find_Range(LookFor, InRng, xlValues, xlWhole)
On Error Resume Next ' If value is not found
Sheets("RateID Count").Range("C" & I) = Sheets("Matrix") _
.Cells(1, Range(Found.Address).Column) ' Return column header
Sheets("ID List").Range("D" & I) = Found.Address(False, False) ' Return cell address or range of addresses
On Error Goto 0
Next I
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Mar 25, 2008
I'm trying to separate a cell containing:
TSB w/6.5% NaCl - NS 29002TSB w/6.5% NaCl - NS 29003TSB w/6.5% NaCl - NS 29004
into a 2x3 table, in another sheet, like this:
TSB w/ 6.5% NaCl NS 29002
TSB w/ 6.5% NaCl NS 29003
TSB w/ 6.5% NaCl NS 29004
TSB..... in left column and NS...... in right column. This example includes 3 items as shown above but the single cell could contain more or less than 3 items
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Apr 11, 2008
I am trying to write a macro that will select and copy all cells in a row that do not have a zero value.
The data I am trying to select will be contained in 12 cells in a single row, i.e cells A1:L1 and all zero values will always be on the right hand side of the first non-zero value in this row (going left to right), for example:
Row: A B C D E F G H I J K L
(1) 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2
What I want to do here is to select and copy cells E1 to L1, since they are the cells with non-zero values. This can vary, so here there are 8 cells with non-zero values but the next time there might be only 5 cell or all 12 cells, etc. I have a lot of data to sort like this so doing this manually takes a lot of time.
Once the macro has selected and copied the right cells, I will manually paste the data where I need to put it.
The big problem I am having is knowing how to firstly select the appropiate cells.
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Sep 26, 2013
I'm trying to apply the code for accumulating value in a single cell to a range of cells.
I want to use the code found in this thread [URL] ..... but, it only lets me edit "B1" to another single cell. I need my cells G4 to G469 to operate the same way.
How to edit the code so I can include a range or show me a version of the code where I can enter my desired range?
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Mar 1, 2014
I have a series of columns (L - X) each representing a diagnosed disorder (Dx), coded as binary, with 1=Positive Diagnosis (Success). The reference cell contains diagnostic codes; for each respective Dx column I need a 1 or 0, obviously. Each Dx category has a range of values (Dx codes), so I need to write syntax that reflects this range. For example, =IF(A1=>141,AND(A1=<239.99)),"1","0")
In other words, if cell value is 141 through 239.99 then return 1, else 0
Would it be something like this:
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Feb 15, 2009
I would like to Insert the contents of a Range of Cells into a single Comment. ie:
The contents of Range A1:A50 into a Comment placed at F1. Is there a Macro that will do this?
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Dec 3, 2013
I would like to copy a cell in v2 to from v3 to end of column v where there are values in column u.
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Jan 20, 2007
I would like to select cell A6 after pasting a large range so that when send to user the entire range is not selected. I tried
I receive
Select method of range class failed
How can I select a single cell after pasting the large range?
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May 14, 2008
I want to add a Punctation mark (comma), like this: ,
and also want to add punctation mark (colon), like this: :
In this moment I have below macro:
Public Sub CombineCells
Dim Combined As String
Combined = ""
For Each Cell In Selection
Combined = Combined & Cell.Value & ":"
Next Cell
Selection.Cells(1, 4).Value = Combined
End Sub
the effect shoud be like this:
after transposed:
1-C:D,E:F Etc.
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Mar 16, 2007
1st - Need a macro to change a range of cells colours based on a single cell having a value greater than 0.001. ie. cells A1 - G1 need to change to grey based on cell F1 having a value greater than 0.001 entered in it?
2nd - Also a macro for deleting the text contents of cell C1 based on cell F1 having a value greater than 0.001. Therefor if cell F1 has a number greater than 0.001 it changes the colour of celss A1 - G1 and also deletes the text in cell C1?
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Jan 7, 2009
If I have, in one cell (call it D1):
and in a lookup table on another sheet:
1 ED T
2 EH F
3 DR G
4 HU H
5 SE E
6 YU E
I need to be able to lookup the values in D1 on the table and return the values in column B to a single cell (say E1), also comma separated...
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Oct 20, 2006
I try to multiply a range with a single value then put the result to another range. But I got the error. range("a1:a10").value = range("c1:c10").value * 5. the error message is the type dismatch. How to do that simple task?
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