Shade A Cell Red If Two Separate Conditions Apply (in Separate Cells)
Dec 3, 2013
I'm trying to use a formula in conditional formatting to highlight a cell red if the cell contains a 0 but the date shown in another cell has passed. I want to copy the formatting throughout a column but I don't want the cell to highlight if there is no date in the other cell concerned.
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Mar 12, 2014
I have to prepare sheet 2-sales for my job and I cannot find the way to fill the price and sales results depending from the three other inputs required of the table.I belive we will need the functions addif, match, & others but still can't make it. Another tag when there is no result it needs to show "No existe producto".
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Feb 13, 2014
I'm trying to separate text from numbers into two separate cells...
Essentially, I would like the users to copy and paste data into Column A, as seen below. Then, hopefully by formula separate the text characters into Column B and the numbers into Column C.
Input: Output 1: Output 2:
Col A Col B Col C
Wells 123 Wells 123
Wells 1234 Wells 1234
Wells Fargo 123 Wells Fargo 123
Wells Fargo 1234 Wells Fargo 1234
Wells Fargo Inc 123 Wells Fargo Inc 123
Wells Fargo Inc 1234 Wells Fargo Inc 1234
Ideally, I would like to do this with a formula...
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Apr 23, 2014
I need to separate row data from one workbook into separate workbooks based on cell data. Currently I filter the data, copy and paste it to a new workbook and save it. It's a tedious process and was hoping to find a way to automate it. I have attached a sample file. In this instance, I would like a separate workbook for the filtered data in Column 1 and then all the row data gets copied to new workbook. So all of Pennsylvania data would get copied to new workbook, then all of the Michigan data gets copied to a new workbook. I have also attached an example of the end result that I need.
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Aug 15, 2008
I am trying to use conditional formatting in Excel 2003 to indicate when certain tasks are overdue (by highlighting the cell in red). My problem is that I have multiple criteria. If my line item is a "priority" item, it is considered aged if not resolved after 2 days; if the line item is "routine", the item is not considered aged until after two weeks (14 days). My goal is:
1) I would like the "status" cell in column D (which says "open" or "closed") to turn red if the item is aged.
2) Aging depends on the "priority" status in column A .......
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Nov 20, 2012
I receive an extraction from AutoCAD that lists the electrical devices in a drawing. I don't have any problems extracting the letters. I have a problem extracting the device number and the device number extension.
The device label extraction is similar to this:
I want to create 3 columns from the device label: (I separated the column with commas)
A1, B1, C1, D1
DCM1005-1, DCM, 1005, 1
DCM1005-10, DCM, 1005, 10
DCM1005A, DCM, 1005, A
MTR1005-1, MTR, 1005, 1
MTR1005-10, MTR, 1005, 10
MTR1005A, MTR, 1005, A
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Oct 9, 2013
How can I separate the following numeric/text combination into two (2) separate columns in Excel?
The result would be:
302 ALTO
406 AMZN
451 AMRC
404 AMAD
605 ANCC
405 ADRC
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Feb 25, 2013
I have 10 very large workbooks that are all setup in the same format. In column Z is a numerical value from 1 to 83. I have been trying to filter the sheet and then copy one at a time from 1 to 83 but that takes a LONG time especially when there is 10 workbooks to do.
Is there anyway I can run a function or macro or something that would just automatically look down the column Z and put each row into a it's own workbooks?
I have attached a sample of what the workbooks look like right now.
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Nov 21, 2006
I have a giant data sheet. I have to cherry pick certain data out of the list and send it to certain associates, in a new spreadsheet.
I want to do this automatically.
I can create the macro to select the data I want, and copy it over (values only), but I cannot find out how to do it in a new sheet with a new name that automatically gets generated with a unique filename (probably using the date).
Essentially, I want to copy my data spreadsheet (post-filter) into a new spreadsheet titled X mm-dd (where X is whatever I pick). I then want to delete several rows from it.
Ideally, the macro would do this (I will put a * next to things I can handle the code for, to save work):Filter Data *
Copy Data *
Create a New Spreadsheet named (Person's Name) mm-dd.xls
Paste Data (values, formats, column widths) to the new spreadsheet *
Delete Several Columns from the new spreadsheet *
Rename the sheet it's been pasted to
Re-filter data (new filter) *
Copy Data *
Paste Data (values, formats, column widths) to the same spreadsheet, only Sheet 2 *
Set the header of the spreadsheet with (Person's Name) and the date
Save the new spreadsheet
There will be as few as 1 sheet (in which case I would only want one worksheet in the new excel file), or as many as 4 sheets. I don't need a fancy way to do this, as it will only be done once a week, and I can just make the various cases required to do it even if it isn't pretty, but I can't figure out how to manipulate other files that haven't been created yet...
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Feb 21, 2014
Is it possible to that the contents of a single cell and and place text of that cell into separate cells? From a web output I have some like the following in my first cell
asdfsdf|adkjoi|fdf234sd|fsf3ie43|||asdfjlkei393|dfjvie|d||adfjei|...goes on with 28 "|"
The text is in A1 and I would like it to take the first string of characters up to the | and place it into cell A2
Then take the next set of characters up to the next | and place into cell A3 and so on.
Once the cell in A1 has been completely separated, go down to the next row and do the same until it reaches the end of the data.
Normally I would create a text file with the web data and then import that in with "|" delimited fields but I don't want to create that extra step for the user.
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May 18, 2008
This is where you introduce yourself? I make lists for my gf's dad's company using excel. One of my most excruciating tasks is to separate the first and lasts names from one cell into two cells. Does anyone know a quicker way to do this other than manually? I have 10,000 names to do and it's going to be hours if I do it by hand.
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Feb 4, 2009
The database that I'm working on divides patient names into three separate columns: lastName, firstName, midInit. My department has several old spreadsheets that have data my boss suddenly wants included in my database. The trouble is, these old spreadsheets have the patient's last name, first name, and middle initial entered into the same column.
There are at least 200 hundred names in these spreadsheets. I absolutely do not want to go back and separate the names into separate columns by hand.
Is there any way to get Excel to take the names entered into one cell and split them into three cells?
I've attached a spreadsheet example that shows what I need to do.
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Oct 23, 2009
I use Excel 2003. I need help building a macro, please, that will copy data to a specific page in another workbook based on two criteria. Here's the deal:
The data in Workbook A, Sheet 1, Cell A1 may contain the word ALPHA, BAKER, or CHARLIE. Cell A2 may contain the number 1, 2, or 3. Cell B1 contains the data I want to collect from various Workbook As and keep in a list to analyze.
Over in Workbook B, Sheets 1 through 3 are named ALPHA, BAKER, and CHARLIE. Rows A, B, and C are titled 1, 2, and 3.
How can I copy the data from Workbook A, identified as ALPHA 3, to it's place in Workbook B, Sheet ALPHA, Row C?
Furthermore, Workbook A is a one time form will be used many times. Thus, when I copy B1 to Workbook B, Sheet ALPHA, Row C, I need to paste the data in the first empty cell in the row.
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Mar 15, 2008
I receive a large spread sheet weekly, one or the column contains comma separated values (CSV), I need to separate those values 1 per cell. Maximum CSV is 5; I would need to get the output to 5 cells next to them, Example,
Source data
(A1) 10,11,12,13,14
Output needed
(B1) 10
(C1) 11
(D1) 12
(E1) 13
(F1) 14
(note, not all field contain 5 values, but they all contain at least one)
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Jun 3, 2008
How do I split data in one cell into three cells?
Not all the data is the same, some have more words than others.
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Sep 10, 2012
I have a sheet labled Parsed and a sheet labled Prices. The Data on the Parsed sheet is in W2:W1000. the data on the Parsed sheet, can have anywhere from one value to up to ten values in it. (again all sparated with a space.)
the data is separated by a space between each number value. I am trying to find a way to take the values from Parsed!W6 for example and separate the data into the prices sheet in to different columns. Some cells may be blank.
[Code] .......
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Apr 2, 2013
I need to return a value from a cell in Column H, but with a row number that varies with each entry.
I repeat this formula every 5 rows or so. But the cells referenced on another spreadsheet are only one row apart. Because of this discrepance, when I copy my highly developed cluster of formulas, they only reference every 5th entry on the other sheet. What I've been doing is manually altering long, complicated formulas by hand. I can't do a replace function because every once in awhile it'll find an extra instance of the digit I'm replacing and mess up parts of the formula I don't want changed. I could avoid this tedious, time-consuming work-around if I could make a formula that would do something like this:
=Display Value from in column H: (row number per cell B1)
And cell B1 would include the number 3789.
So the returned result is the value from cell H:3789
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Nov 29, 2013
New task for work today, which involves creating a spreadsheet for all existing members of an organization. I went to the organization's website and copied all of the names & info, then pasted into a blank spreadsheet. All of the entries were separated into their own rows, but all of the information is only in one column. Take a look at my sample:
(NOTE: does not contain actual names or info) Book1.xlsx
This sample only contains 5 entries, but my actual list contains about 200; if it had just been the 5, I would have been fine with manually separating the information, but for 200 entries I need something much faster. You'll notice in the sample that the company, person, address, phone number, email, and website (when there) are not separated by anything. I know that using Text-to-Columns, I would technically be able to achieve what I need using the Delimited option, but I can't imagine this working without separators. I thought perhaps there might be a way to separate them based off font changes or something? Or maybe some way that I can insert a semi-colon or some kind of separator between the necessary data?
While the font is Arial for the majority of the entries, in terms of font changes: company font size is 12 and color is navy blue; the person's name is size 18, bolded, and dark grey; the address & phone number are size 9 and the color is light gray; and finally, the email & website are also size 9, but navy blue in color. However, you'll notice that two of the five entries are formatted differently. This is because formerly, the entire cell & its text were a hyperlink to the email. I went ahead and removed these hyperlinks, simply using a "Remove Hyperlink" macro walk through I found on the web, but now these cells are uniformly set to Calibri and size 11, my default font setting.
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Jul 15, 2009
I want to use a value in one cell as a row designation, and a value in another cell as a column designation. Ultimately, the values will be text which will refer to row and column headers. What formula would allow me to do this? example:
A1 contains B
B1 contains 2
B2 contains "tribbles"
An imaginary function might go like this........
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Sep 23, 2013
Now the problem, Each client has a sheet in a workbook. In each sheet, I input the number of days of service available to that particular client in a single cell. We'll say cell [G8] is the cell used for this input in all sheets. If the client has 30 days of service available then we type [30] in cell [G8]. Each sheet is a 100 day template. I want to shade in dark grey and lock from input the days NOT available to the client based on the days of service input in cell [G8]. If 30 days of service are available in cell [G8] then the remaining 70 days on the 100 day template would be shaded dark grey and locked from input. That is, day 31 through day 100 of the template would be locked and shaded. Each individual day has multiple cells in a column. I want to lock and shade each column of cells in each day not available.
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Aug 5, 2014
I'm working on a spreadsheet that includes items I sell as well as the packaging it goes in.
The formula I'm looking for basically will tell a cell that if one cell (# of box) is equal a certain # it will add two separate cells by the weight of the box.
I have cells for each of the following: Weight in lb and weight in oz of the item (no box), a cell which holds the number of the box (ranging from 1-15) and two cells with weight in lb and weight in oz which would be the total weight of the item + box.
So, for example, if weight of item equals 1 and box cell equals 2 then it will put the weight of item + weight of box into a third cell.
Here's a picture of my current spreadsheet : [URL] .....
Basically, I would like to do something such as if P3 = 5, then Q3 will equal N3 + U6 and R3 will equal O3 + V6.
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Feb 18, 2014
I have a workbook that uses the values that a user had entered into 3 cells to calculate multiple other charts/diagrams on multiple sheets within the workbook. Each sheet would show what the user had entered in the 3 cells to allow them to see what is being used to calculate each table. Is it possible to link these cells so that the user can change the 3 values without having to go back to where he originally entered the 3 values?
For example, a user has entered in 3 values in Sheet 1. A formula in Sheet 2 displays what is entered by the user and uses these calls in Sheet 2 for calculations. When the user wants to change the three values, he would have to navigate to Sheet 1 and enter in the new values to have the workbook recalculate all the tables. Is there a way to link the three cells from Sheet 1 and Sheet 2 so when the user is on Sheet 2, he has the opportunity to change the values on the current Sheet without having to navigate to Sheet 1 to do so?
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Jan 21, 2009
when i copied data from text to excel it becomes all in one cell ,how can i separate in deferent cells ,file attached
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Nov 5, 2009
I would like a formula that will take the info from 2 cells (not adjacent to each other or in the same row) and then look these up in a table giving the answer in the 3rd column somewhere else on the worksheet.
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Dec 10, 2013
Need to adjust the length of a countif formula from a separate cell
something like this ?
H21 being the cell i will change value to indicate rows
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Dec 16, 2013
Im using a table so I can sort diffrent catagories and I'm trying to put other functions to the right of the table I noticed as I change the sort on the table is moves the information outside the table as well is there a way to seperate that information or do I just need to move it above my table?
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May 14, 2014
I need to find a way of updating cells in two separate worksheets. The cell address can vary.
Right now I am using a "button" which when clicked updates the cell value by an increment.
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Nov 30, 2009
I have a worksheet with 6,500 rows of data. In each row, there are up to 6 cells containing a name in "Last, First" format. I need to alphabetize the data from these 6 cells so they go across the row in order left to right, alpha by last name.
Example of my data layout:
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Row 1 Jackson, Bob / Anderson, Lisa / Cardinal, Mike
Row 2 Tomlinson, Steve / Dodge, Sarah / White, Brian
I need them to be in this order:
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Row 1 Anderson, Lisa / Cardinal, Mike / Jackson, Bob
Row 2 Dodge, Sarah / Tomlinson, Steve / White, Brian
Is there a formula I can apply that will pull from only the portion of the data before the comma in each cell? Or do I need to separate out all of the names so the first and last names are in separate columns for this to work?
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Nov 17, 2011
Is there any way to create a macro for the following:
I have the following format
First Name MI Last Name in Column A.
Sometimes there is a space on the last name for someone with a last name Mc Cormick (for example)
Also, sometimes the list of names is short and sometimes the list of names is long. Is there a way to get a "universal" macro in place, that will not depend on the number of names in the list but will be able to detect when the list ends?
So far I was able to run the macro to get them from text-to-column into cells A, B, and C. However, the middle column sometimes contains the last name if there isn't a middle initial. I need a way to test the middle column for more than one character. If there is more than one character, it is a last name and needs to be in the third column.
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Jan 25, 2012
I have a table that I've imported into excel. Below are 2 samples of the information in the cells..
Basically I would like to separate into 3 columns as such
From A1;
D1 = Unspecified
From A2;
D2 = U
When Importing I can't use delimited or fixed width. I can do this with Find and Replace and copying cells, but thought there might be a more savvy way to do this.
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