Set PivotItem Visible To True

Aug 16, 2006

I recorded the following in a macro.

Sub Macro3()
' Macro3 Macro
' Macro recorded 8/16/2006 by BPETTIS

With ActiveSheet. PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("CT Comp")
.PivotItems("0.9").Visible = True
.PivotItems("1.3").Visible = True
.PivotItems("1.4").Visible = True
.PivotItems("1.5").Visible = True
.PivotItems("1.6").Visible = True
.PivotItems("1.7").Visible = True
.PivotItems("1.8").Visible = True
.PivotItems("1.9").Visible = True
It was recorded when in the indcated PivotField is selected the "ShowAll" option.

However, when I try to run this macro I get the following error

"Run-time error '1004':
Unable to set the Visible property of the PivotItem class

Why am I not able to execute a recorded macro. Also how do I set a Pivot Item's visiblity to "TRUE"

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Excel 2010 :: Error 1004 - Unable To Set Visible Property Of Pivotitem Class

Jul 10, 2014

I use Excel 2010 andexample.xlsx cannot make my code working because of the so famous errore above.

I have several pivot tables (pt) in different worksheets (ws), and a list of items stored in an array I created. I've written a macro for setting ON all items in pt except those ones in the array (listOffnet within the code). Everything works properly.

Now, I would like to do the complementary action: setting OFF all items that are not in the array. Unfortunately, I get the error at line:


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Determine If Visible Dropdown Is True For Field In AutoFilter

May 9, 2014

I would like to determine if the VisibleDrowndown is TRUE in the attached table.

The current macro sets it to FALSE in field 1. However, I want to identify when it is TRUE so I can run this macro.

Attached File : V1.xlsm‎

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Hide And Password Protect The VBA Code So That They Can't Just Change The Pictures Visible Section To True

Nov 7, 2008

I've used VBA to make a picture appear when all the correct answers have been entered and it all works well. However, not to be too mean to 15 year olds, many of my students can be devious little feckers, and I want to hide and password protect the VBA code so that they can't just change the pictures visible section to true. I can password protect the workbook and worksheet, but not the VBA.

I'm entering the Visual Basic editor and I can see my simple script. I then click Tools - VBproject properties - protection. I'm clicking the "Lock Project for Viewing" box then filling in the password and confirming the password and clicking OK. But I can still see and edit my script, despite protecting the sheet and workbook.

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Hide Checkbox TRUE/FALSE & Sum Values Adjacent To TRUE

Aug 2, 2009

I have a worksheet where I have around 300 rows, each with 7 columns. What I want to do is add a checkbox to each column. I plan on setting non-applicable checkboxes to mixed status and locking the worksheet. I will unlock applicable checkboxes and sumif or countif their value according to row-based scoring, for example, each checked checkbox represents a value of 3. I do not know VBA and have chose to use the form control checkboxes rather than ActiveX.

I believe that a formula for this would be something like: =SUMIF(B1:B3,True,"3") or =COUNTIF($B$1:$B$3,True)*3

I am wondering firstly if I have that right and secondly if there is a way to stop my checkboxes from displaying labels. Currently, if I click on one it displays True behind the active checkbox. If I uncheck it, it displays False.

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Resize Visible Rows Based Only On Visible Columns Text

Apr 22, 2009

Need to correct code to resize all visible rows on a sheet based only on the text in the visible columns. I have tried the below code but when it resizes it is using the largest amount of text in the rows including that in the hidden columns.

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Multiple Checkboxes Visible Or Not Visible?

Jul 1, 2014

I have many checkboxes (1 to 26) that I want visible or not, based on whether the cell states "n/a" (are in a column in a different worksheet). Rather than writing this code multiple times, I'm looking to condense the code.

[Code] .....

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Count Of TRUE & FALSE And Assign 1 To True And Yes And 0 To False And No When I Total The Rows

Nov 15, 2006

I am trying to Sum lines of info with "True or False" and "Yes and No". I would like to assign 1 to True and Yes and 0 to False and No when I total the rows. Never tried this in Excel, on Lotus and the formula does not work. I can find and replace, but I would like to be able to use a formula.

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Copy Visible Rows And Paste To Visible Rows In Same Sheet Of Excel / VBA Code

Oct 27, 2013

I need to write a macro where i need to copy set of rows from few columns of an excel sheet to another set of columns in same sheet . My excel looks something like this...



Now when i filter this table for Product PR01 only rows 1,3,4 will be visible while the other rows remains hidden





when i use the code


i get to select ones those are visible but i am not sure how i can PASTE them to rows visible under column f1020 to f1025

Tried this in a frantic effort

Selection.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).PasteSpecial xlValues

But got an error for " multiple selection"

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How To Copy From Visible Cells To Visible Cells

Apr 16, 2014

Every time i do a filter and copy a data. Keep the filter on and past in another column. The data does not copy just into the visible cells. It pretend the filter is not there.

I have tried selecting only vible cells when copying and pasting into cells by selecting only visible cells but does not seem to work. Get the error message "command cannot be used on multiple section". There must be a solution but looked on the web and really cannot find one.

Table below so i filter out the "a" so i just have numbers then want to past into vible cells.

CopyPaste ResultsResults wanted

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Finding Next TRUE Value?

Aug 3, 2014

I'm currently using a formula which is exactly what i want but i need it to do something additional.

The formula is: =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("Level 1 ",$I:$I)),$K:$K,"")

My understanding of this formula is that the cell the formula is in then searches column I for the value "Level 1 ", if it's true it returns what is in column K, if false then it returns the cell blank/0. This is a great function and works well.

What i want to know, is there a way to add another rule on to it that instead of returning the value blank/0, it finds the next cell in the column that has a TRUE value and omits it instead.

For example:
At the moment it shows:
Level 1A
Level 1B
Level 1C
(Blank Cell)
Level 1D
(Blank Cell)
Level 1E

But i want it to show like this:
Level 1A
Level 1B
Level 1C
Level 1D (Replaces blank cell with the next TRUE value)
Level 1E (Replaces cell that previously had "Level 1D" in it to the next TRUE value seeing as "Level 1D" is now above)

I don't want the cell to appear as blank.

In column K, i would only have the data for "Level 1 ", i can then copy the formula to other columns for "Level 2 " and so on. I don't need it to return the cells in alphabetical order, just the next true value in the column that matches the values in the reference column.

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Or Exact = True

Nov 19, 2008

I am trying to compare two columns (store names) to verify if a store purchased a certain product. column a is all our stores and column c are the stores that got the product. the formula i am using is: =OR(EXACT(A2,C2:C93)) in column B and it returns a true or false value. However, when I copy the formula down column B, not only does the A value change, but so do the C values. How do I keep the c2:c93 portion of the function the changing, while the a2 goes to a3, a4, a5 etc.?

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If Month (), TRUE

Oct 23, 2007

I have two cells, each with month values in them.

In the first, C3, the full date is entered in format dd/mmm/yy. In the second, C5, the month is entered in full, say "November".

I want in C7, to have a formula that tells me when the month part of C3 is the same as either the month in C5, or any of the other quarter ends starting from that month.

So for example, if November is in C5, then my four months would be November, February, May, and August. If the month part of C3 (=MONTH(C3)) is equal to any of these months. I want to have to enter only one of the four months though!

Is there a formula that allows me to do this?

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How Is This Returning A True Value

Dec 5, 2007

i have used the following formula


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May 29, 2009

Is there another formula that I could use that would return YES or NO instead of TRUE or FALSE? This is the formula that I am currently using.


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True Or False

Nov 8, 2009

I guess the answer for this is simple but can't find the answer.


Excel tables to the web >> Excel Jeanie HTML 4

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IF All Possible Values Are True THEN

Jan 20, 2010

I want to lookup a value using * and ? and have the result tell me whether all possible values have a "yes" next to them.

Let me explain. Example.

If I have this in table1:
Records Yes/No adfcjks7as Yes 91521cg N/A 215a786 N/A 9194215g Yes 2154a6 N/A 614asdff No asdf562 Yes as895as Yes a5s5d8d6 No

And I type *as in cell A1
THEN I want cell A2 to lookup "*as" in Table1[Records] and determine if all possible records have "Yes" next to them in column Yes/No. The result is "ALLYES" if its true or "NOTALLYES" if its false.

In this example the result is "ALLYES" because adfcjks7as and as895as are the only records that *as applies to and "Yes" is next to them in the same row. If there is only one possible value then it still applies.

Of course * and ? will be used in different arrangements to find possible values.

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Screenupdating = True

Feb 3, 2010

I've added a sort descending With Activesheet in this macro How can I better enable the completion before Application.Screenupdating = True.

Sub InsertRows_Xslopes25cb2()
Dim LR As Long, i As Long

Unload UserForm8
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

UserForm9.Show vbModeless

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

LR = Cells.Find("*", SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, SearchOrder:=xlByRows).Row
On Error Resume Next
Range("F9:F" & LR).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).Delete shift:=xlShiftUp
Range("G9:G" & LR).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).Delete shift:=xlShiftUp
On Error GoTo myErr

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Using IF Statements To Get Value True Or False

Apr 2, 2014

In Column A I have the following values below.


Questions how do you created a formula, Example If Cell A2 = Y or Yes Cell B2 will be 1, if not then 0.

Currently I was successful in writing this formula =IF(BB2="Y","1","0") but this formula only returns the value for Y, not Yes

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Counting True Statements

May 6, 2009

I've collected some GPS data of an athlete running and want to quantify both the number and duration of individual sprints.

In the attached xls file, there is a column for time, speed and another that returns whether the speed column is >18 kph or not. False is <18, sprint if >18 kph.

Each entry with a "sprint" means they are sprinting (running above 18 kph) and each entry is 0.2-s. Thus 5 entries added together = 1-s.

I want to know, not the total number of sprint entries but the number of sprint groupings for example.

false, false, sprint, sprint, sprint, false, false,false,false, sprint, sprint, false = two seperate groups of "sprints". I would therefore conclude that the athlete sprinted twice.

I also want to know the duration of the sprint for each of the groupings. For example based upon each entry being 0.2-s, the first sprint grouping would total 0.6-s and the second grouping 0.4-s.

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Look, Find, And If True, Replace?

May 14, 2009

I have two groups of numbers. The first group is x amount of rows and each row has 6 numbers. The second group is x amount of rows and each row is 7 numbers.

Each number from the first group needs to check to see if it exists in the second group. If it does exist, the cell should change to a highlighted cell, or switch to an 'X' or something else that identifies it has been matched. Note: Numbers may be duplicated in both groups. Is there an easy way to do this, or will it involve programming? I'm attaching an example of the "group" setup.

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IF Formula And If The Result Is True

Aug 13, 2009

Is it possible to use the IF formula and if the result is true, to run another formula and if the result is false put a "0" in the cell???

Here is an example...

In cell A1, I have an amount of money.
In cell B1, I have a quantity.
In cell C1, I want to use the following IF formula:


At the present time, when I do this, when the result is true, I see ((A1)*(B1)*0.15) in the cell instead of what that formula should give.

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Pop-Up Notification IF Condition Is True

Dec 10, 2009

I have a row of values TRUE and FALSE from a IF statement..

If one or more are true can i get a notification to come up saying

"Rents are Due" Press ok to continue..

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Can't Get Checkbox To Go True From Another Userform

Aug 14, 2009

I am trying to do is develop a electronic visitors log in excel that has three statements visitors must read and accept before they can enter. I have a userform with date/time, name etc, then the three buttons that open another user form with the statements for them to read and 2 command buttons (Accept and Decline), Accept takes them back to the log-in userform and Decline closes all forms.

The problem I am having is I can’t get the checkbox on the log-in form next to each statement to go true when the accept button is clicked for said statement. I would like to disable the checkbox on the visitorsignin form so the only way it goes true is from the statement form.

I hope I explained myself well enough for someone to understand what I’m trying to do, the code is not finished yet either, still waiting for signature pad to come in so I can paly with it and figure out how to incorporate it into the file.

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Return A List If True

Sep 12, 2013

As a 'true' result of an 'IF' statement, I would like to return a data validation list, as a false result, the term "Not I/C"

The below isn't right, but its the best explanation of what I'm trying to do........

=if(A1="Yes",(the list, eg B1:B5),("Not I/C))

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If Cell Is Blank Then True?

Jan 24, 2014

how to denote a cell as blank? I'm trying to do an IF formula for if the cell is blank.. Actually it would also work if the formula reads if the cell was NOT blank. Either one would work I just can't figure out the name of an empty cell. So I'm looking for this with the right word in the formula. =if(A1="blankcell",true,false)

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Joining Value If Condition Is True?

Feb 19, 2014

Below is the data layout. I want to join values in value column if Condition is true. SO, for below situation answer should come ACE.






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ScreenUpdating :: False Or True?

Jan 5, 2007

I am using the following code in my Macro

Application.ScreenUpdating = False (I set it to "True" at the end of the sub)

But I can still see Excel changing tabs etc.

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SUMIF If More Than One Condition Is True

Mar 26, 2007

I want to perform a SUMIF if more than 1 condition is true. I can do a regular SUMIF if, for example, values in column A is > than 10,000, then SUM associated values in column F.

However, what if I want a SUMIF if values in column A is > 10,000, values in column B = “Yankees”, then SUM associated values in column F.

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If Cell Is True Then Allow LIST

Jun 22, 2007

I have one tiny qs which I hope someone can answer for me.

I need to allow a user to see a dropdown list (with options) only when the previous cell has the word "complete".

For example, cell B1 can have:
On going

If B1 has complete then I want the user to be able to select a number from a drop down list in C1 otherwise I want it to say "wait" or if its Blank to be [Blank].

I tried the Validation > Custom and put in

Where OptionsList is a defined list of 5->1 but this lot didnt work. I tried similar things in conditional formating but nothing again.

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