Show / Hide Sheets Based On Values Of Cells In Range?
Sep 11, 2013
I have a workbook wherein I have 7 sheets.Lets say they are called Tom, Peter, John, Sia, Mia, Tia and "Home Page". I have 2 buttons for Report 1 and 2 to which I want to assign the macros.I also have a table wherein I have defined which sheets I want to show. First Column of table has sheet names from A2:A6(Home Page,Tom, Peter, John, Sia, Mia, Tia). Column 2 has report 1 sheets - Home Page, Tom, John, Mia and Column 3 has report 2 sheet names- Home Page, Peter, Sia, Tia
What I want to do is, if I click on "Report 1" button, I only want to show sheets whose names are there in cells under report 1 so for report 1 it will be Home Page, Tom, John, Mia. For Report 2, it will be Home Page, Peter, Sia, Tia. Since I have many reports I want this to be one macro. Stepwise, here is what I want
1. Click on button for Report, macro should check which report I am referring to and select the range on basis of that. Report 1 = column B, if Report 2, Range is column C.
2. Basis the range I want sheets to show or hide.
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May 30, 2008
excal VBA programming.I have attached the file name "help" for your easy explanation purpose.
1. Is it possible to hide sheet nos. 1,2,3,4 & unhide the sheet as wished by me by puting the value (1or 2 or 3 or 4) in B3 cell.
2.There are per day production rate in E18 to E22 cell. Now whenever I will give value in H18 or H19 or H20 or H21 or H22, it will check whether the value is same with the respective E 18 or E19 or E20 or E21 or E22 cell. If both the values are not equal then give a message box "WARNING!!! YOUR VALUE IS NOT SAME". Can it be possible by creating VBA programming.
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Dec 19, 2006
I made one file with 13 sheets.
sheet1 tab name is : MAIN
and other sheet tab name like following
2. xyz-Sales
3. xyz-Rev
4. xyz-SSN
5. xyz-ddn
6. abc-Sales
7. abc-Rev
8. abc-ddn
9. abc-ssn
10. ddd-sales
11. ddd-Rev
12. ddd-ssn
13. ddd-ddn
In Main sheet There are 3 buttons
1 . XYZ
2. abc
3. ddd
when user press on xyz button then only xyz sheets (like sheet 2 to 5) are shows to user and other sheets are very hide
if user press abc button then only abc sheets (like sheet 6 to 9) are shows to user and other sheets are very hide
i don't want to use
Sheet2.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden
i want to use finde xyz sheet tab name and shows and other are hide.
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Dec 19, 2009
I'm newer in VBA. I will appreciate for help creating vba procedure. I would like to hide/show range of cells by that condition:
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Apr 8, 2008
i have a workbook with two sheets. i have a command button on sheet 1 that inserts another worksheet from another workbook based on a cell value in sheet 1. i would like this specific command button on sheet 1 to be hidden or disabled until a value is entered into a certain cell on sheet 1 that matches a value in a named range on sheet 2.
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May 25, 2007
I want to hide a sheet in an excel workbook based on a Yes or No answer in the first sheet in the file. Is there an easy way to do this?
The above operation will be repeated up to 10 times, but the decision to hide or not hide each sheet will depend on only one answer.
In some cases I want to hide several sheets based on one answer.
The overall objective is to have a flexibly sized workbook suitable for a range of users who will not be faced with sheets which are not relevant for their individual circumstances.
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Aug 13, 2014
I've been trying to put together some code to hide a range of rows on one page based on cell values on a different page. So basically Sheet1 cell A1 value is 10, A2 value is 20. When macro is run via button rows on Sheet2 from 10-20 would be hidden. The issue is the values in the cells on Sheet1 will vary. I thought something like the following would work but it doesn't.
[Code] ....
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Nov 30, 2012
I am trying to show a value in a cell, based on the values found in other cells. Essentially, here is what I've got:
If C2 is greater than A2, B2, D2, then put the value found in C1 in E1.
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Mar 8, 2014
I'm trying to only show specific sheets per user using the environ variable and this code seems to work for the single user / sheet but the master user does not function correctly i.e. the code does not show all sheets, this is the code I am using:
[Code] ......
Why the above code does not respect the Master User "Jane" should be able to see all sheets?
Original source for this code was found here:
HTML Code:Â [URL]....
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Dec 28, 2006
I would like to be able to use the before save event to hide some sheets before the save then after unhide some sheets. So that the user carrys on with the sheets they had before saving but when the document is reopened the correct sheets are hidden.
This is what I have so far but unfortunately when you click close and then save changes it runs the before save code and then goes around in circles, reasking the user if they want to save changes
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim ws As Worksheet
Cancel = True
Application.EnableEvents = False
Sheets("Protected Content").Visible = True
For Each ws In Worksheets
If ws. Name <> "Protected Content" Then ws.Visible = False
Next ws
For Each ws In Worksheets
ws.Visible = True
Next ws
Sheets("Protected Content").Visible = False
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
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Oct 29, 2008
I got a quite huge excel file with multiple sheets. For convenience sake I want to group and hide all the sheets not necessary for the viewer.
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Feb 9, 2010
Sub ComboBox1_Chg()
For Each Sheet In Worksheets
If Sheet. Name <> "CoverPage" And Sheet.Name <> Sheets("CoverPage").ComboBox1 Then
Sheet.Visible = False
Else: Sheet.Visible = True
End If
Next Sheet
End Sub
It works if I step through it (F8) but the ComboBox doesn't work. It's named ComboBox1, and in the properties the ListFillRange shows all of the names in the list in the ComboBox correctly.
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Mar 18, 2014
I am very new to VBA. I need to have a code that will hide/unhide cells based on a date range.
Cell A1 contains the formula for todays date, based on that answer, I want to hide/unhide columns based on a weekly date range.
Today is 03/18/2014 I want excel to say If A1(Today) is greater than 03/14/2014 and less than or equal to 03/21/2014 then unhide column E and hide the rest.
Then let's say Today is 03/22/2014. I want excel to say If A1(Today) is greater than 03/21/2014 and less than or equal to 03/28/2014 then unhide column F and hide the rest.
columns in questions are D-AC
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Jul 1, 2013
Basically, I am looking for a macro code to link to an 'Update' button that will do the following;
I will have 2 sheets, one sheet will be referencing data from other sheet with the following
=IF(Log Sheet!A4="Yes",(A1),"0")
This means, if it needs to be 'referred' it will go to the other sheet, and if it doesn't, then it wont and it will show up as 0.
Basically, every row will have this type of formula for 30 columns, and i would like a macro code that will hide values of 0, but even once hidden, will then show them again if in the other spreadsheet i change the value to yes, meaning i want the previously hidden row to show.
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Aug 21, 2009
I have a blank sheet and need to total values in cells to the right of certain information from a range in 90 sheets in other workbooks contained within the same folder.
for example the range is O13:AX500
the first text to search would be "P1", that could be found several times within the range in each workbook with the sheet named "plant"
The value to total would be found in the 2nd cell to its right, ie "P1" in cell O13 then value "£290" in Q13 ::: "P1" in cell X365 then value "£100" in Z365 and so on throughout all 90 workbooks.
The total of the referenced values would then be placed in say B1....
I have around 500 reference codes to total throughout the 90 workbooks so maybe having a list of the text reference down column A may help the process.
Is it possible and can anyone please help with the code to look at a piece of text in new sheet with cell A1 to A500 containing "P1 to P500" and then total all values in the cell 2 to the right in every workbook and place the total in new sheet cell B1 to B500
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Mar 31, 2009
I have a spreadsheet with two bitmap images inserted into it. In cell E2, I will enter a number, either a 1 or a 2. if I enter a 1, I want only the first image to be visible. If I enter a 2, I only want the second image to be visible. Is there a way to accomplish this (hopefully without the need for macros)? I've attached a spreadsheet as an example of what I'm trying to do. Also, note that I'd like the images to be stacked on top of each other so that they show up in the same place regardless of wether there's a 1 or a 2 in cell E5
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Jun 10, 2008
I have two sheets say:
Sheet1 has a few comboboxes saying (YES / NO) conditions Which are assigned to particular cells (for Ex: say Combobox1 value assignes to Sheet1!B5 )
If Sheet!B5 = YES some rows in Sheet2 Say ( Row12 ,Row 15,Row 16) has to be hide.
I will add a command button to sheet1 and call macro if i click command button checking the conditions in sheet1 combo boxes..rows in sheets2 has to hide..
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Mar 10, 2006
I have two options in a Cell as Applicable and Not Applicable. This is in a Drop-down menu and what I want is that when I choose Applicable, it should bring up additional 5 or 6 cells for me to complete. And if I choose Not Applicable, the additional cells should not show up. The default would be Not Applicable.
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Oct 27, 2006
Having a problem with a survey I'm creating in Excel.
I have a question with a Yes/No response cell. I want to show/hide several rows below it. The problem is that these rows also contain 6 option buttons, which I also need to hide/show depending on the response cell.
Is there a handy way to hide all of these shapes/controls in the defined range, and then "unhide" them if the cell value changes back to "Yes"?
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Aug 29, 2006
I want to zero out or blank out my running balance in the columns where I do not have an amount entered. So instead of having my running balance total run all the way down the spreadsheet, I want it to be blank at the first cell where I have not entered in a new bill. I have attached an example of what I am trying to do.
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May 7, 2013
Trying to have A1 in Sheet1 having three values 1,2,3 if A1 = 1 hide rows from 1:5 and 10:1500 in three Sheets2,3,4
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Jun 5, 2013
I'm quite new to VBA, but I am attempting to get a Forms ComboBox to appear or disappear based on whether a certain cell (P7) reads YES or NO. P7 in turn updates in turn based on a user-selected value. As of now, the ComboBox only appears or disppears if I go back in and out of the formula I entered into P7. Basically, I want my ComboBox to dynamically update based on the value in P7. That may sound a little muddled, so here is my code for the ComboBox:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("P7")) Is Nothing Then
If UCase(Target) = "YES" Then
Me.Shapes.Range("Drop Down 30").Visible = msoTrue
Me.Shapes.Range("Drop Down 30").Visible = msoFalse
End If
End If
End Sub
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Jun 28, 2008
What i am trying to do is make a command button appear when you hit any cell of the row its on. For example, If you were to hit any cell on rows 1 or 2 the command button will appear and when I am not on the visible property goes back to false. I have a ton of buttons on this sheet and I am trying to clean it up so buttons only appear as needed.
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Sep 6, 2007
I'm just beginning to work with userforms and have created a couple of forms for workbook navigation. The Menu form is set to appear only on the menu worksheet and the Navbar form is set to show on several database sheets. Both forms are set th hide when the workbook is deactivated.
Private Sub Workbook_Deactivate()
End Sub
The problem is that when I return to the workbook the forms do not unhide. Using the workbook_activate event causes both forms to show simultaneously. I also have the worksheet_activate event set to show the applicable form.
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = False
Navbar.Left = Range("B3").Left
Navbar.Top = Range("B3").Top
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Upon returning to this workbook, I only want the appropriate form to show relative to the worksheet that is active. That is, if I was on sheet2 when I switched to another workbook, sheet2 would be active when I return to the workbook and should show the Navbar form. The menu form should show on sheet1, and the navbar form on sheets 2-5. How do I get the correct form to show when I re-activate the workbook?
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Feb 27, 2008
I wrote a small code to hide some columns if a certain cell is equal to a certain string.
The cell is actually a drop down list and when they select a certain one, I want it to hide 2 columns. So I wrote the code with sub name Action, but I want it to be running all the time. I tried to achieve this by writing the following code however it gave me error 438 for my 2nd line.
Sub Auto_Open()
Range("A1").OnEntry = "Action"
End Sub
Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes;Oh, by the way error 438 states: Object doesn't support this property or method
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Mar 4, 2008
First, I realize there are plenty of hide cells threads but I have yet to find one pertaining to my situation and I apologize in advance if I this solution has already been posted.
The Problem: I am looking for macro code to a toggle button that will hide various rows that have no value between multiple sets of rows. The toggle should refresh the format of the rows as the information that was blank could later on have value.
The Setup: For each set of rows, the first row will have the label T and the last will have the label S. In between T and S there can be data. If the cells between T and S are all empty then the rows including T and S should be hidden other wise only the non blank cells between T and S should be visible.
The Reason: I have a master database worksheet, there are four copies of the master database worksheet each entitled phase1, ""2, ""3, & ""4 respectively. These phase sheets are linked to the master sheet and show the entire row's data based upon the beginning cell of each row showing either phase1, ""2, & so on.. The data is broken up into many sub databases and traditional auto filters or advanced auto filters will not be applicable as the title of the data and the empty rows in between need to be hidden if the data is empty.
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Jan 9, 2011
I looking for a macro that will go through multiple sheets & change specific cells to values if the column header is = to value set in specific cell.
for example
I would like the macro to look at row 3 in each tab (page 1, page 2, page 3) and if the value you is equal to X (parameter input on different sheet) then change the formula to a value in row 6 & row 12 of that column.
I'm attaching an simple example that i looking for this on. The green cells are the one i would like to change to a value.
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Apr 2, 2009
I have a workbook that I want to show or hide a selection of cells depending on another cell when printing it.
If cell x = A2A then display a certain cell set if anything else then exclude cell set from printing.
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Aug 8, 2006
code to write down to make a checkbox hide the text in a few cells..
What I want is..
When I tick the check box I want it to show me the text in the cells (C11:D11 to be specific) and then when I untick it I want it to hide the text so all you can see is the background colour.
Here is the attatchment of what I have so far:
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Mar 8, 2014
I have a very large table and i need to be able to Hide/show specific ranges based on:
Filter +and+ specific cell values in columns
brief example of the table : tablee.png
1. Filter Column "B" (in this case we select "HELPING")
2. Auto hide/show collumns. - IF "C1" = "Required" THAN Show "C:E", IF "C1" ="N/A" , HIDE "C:E" and so on for every column like above.
There are over 80 columns like the "C:E" range. and I only need to show those that are "Required".
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