Sort Data Ranges Across Multiple Worksheets

May 2, 2008

I have been asked to create an attendance worksheet where employee names and data are entered on a "main" worksheet and hours are entered on monthly worksheets. The names on the monthly worksheets are referenced from the main worksheet. Therefore, if I add a name and do a sort, the names on all pages will move, but the data will not. I imagine I will need an ID column to help sort. How do I make a macro to do the sort?

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Non Consecutive Rows Sort Data With Multiple Ranges

Feb 23, 2010

Once again, I'm seeking some further assistance to an issue that I have yet to resolve.

I have several rows of data which I'd like to be able to sort by the info in column "A".

The data rows are not all consecutive. The range for which the data resides are:

Range("A25:A73,A85:A105,A145:A193"), When I sort I want my data to stay within these limits/ranges.

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Sort Data On Multiple Worksheets

Aug 16, 2006

I am using the code below to transfer data from a single sheet to approx'
200 sheets. These sheets are staff training sheets, one per staff member.
This code works great. What I would like to know is, is there a way to then sort the data on these sheets in decending order? I have tried on sheet change but this seems to stop the transfer to other pages.

Sub Tranfser()
Dim shtTemp As Worksheet
Dim lngOutRow As Long
Dim rngData As Range
For Each rngData In Range("A5", Range("A5").End(xlDown))
Set shtTemp = GetWorksheet(rngData.Offset(0, 1).Value)
If Not shtTemp Is Nothing Then ..........................

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Sort Data To Multiple Worksheets

Dec 14, 2006

We are trying to sort a spreadsheet by the data in column I. This column refers to a state. I need help creating a macro that can sort column I so that different states go into different worksheets.

States ME, NH, MA, RI, CT, VT go to a worksheet titled 357899, states NY, NJ would go into worksheet 351835, states MI, IN, OH would go into worksheet 351857, and everything else would go into worksheet 351836. The main data worksheet where the info is being sorted from is named All_Accounts. Column I has a header labeled State, so data actually starts in Row 2. I need the full rows copied to the new worksheets while leaving the main All_Accounts worksheet in tact.

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Macro To Summarize Data From Multiple Worksheets With Different Ranges?

Jun 25, 2014

I have a requirement where I need to summarize multiple work sheets. And each work sheet as different range. Column names are same in each sheet but number of rows in each are different. Like consider there are 3 sheets with employee details. Each sheet has Employee Name, Employee Number, Employee Location. But in first sheet as 10 employees and second sheet has 20 employees and third as 25. So the requirement is I need to summarize all employees.

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Sort Ranges Across Multiple Sheets

Jan 24, 2010

Sub DynaSort()
Dim wsSheet As Worksheet
iRow = ActiveSheet.Columns("A").End(xlDown).Row
For Each wsSheet In Worksheets
Select Case wsSheet.CodeName
Case "Sheet2", "Sheet3", "Sheet4"
Range("A3:I" & iRow).Select
wsSheet.sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range("F2:F" & iRow) _
, SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
wsSheet.sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range _
("H2:H" & iRow), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, order:=xlDescending, DataOption:= _ ...................

The problem that I has is that I cannot put focus on a cell after the sort. Xl keeps the columns selected and then when I'm trying to put in the next data Excel selects all the rows in Sheet1 also. I know how to get rid of it and continue, the users on the other hand are not that experienced with excel. fun thing, even thou the, Range.value is inside the IF it putt "pucko" in sheet1. I have a code that copies the data and then put some several functions in each sheet, after that I call the sort routine.

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Excel 2010 :: Sort Worksheets Alphabetically And Keep The Data In Worksheets

May 15, 2013

I have read that there is a VBA macro in F11, but I also read that it would only sort the workshhet names, but not the data. I have Excel 2010.

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Adapt A Macro To Sort Multiple Ranges?

Jun 18, 2013

I'm trying to adapt this macro (without success) to sort a number of ranges rather than just one:

Dim rng As Range: Set rng = Range("B11:F45")
With rng
.Sort Key1:=Range("C11"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess
End With
Set rng = Nothing
End Sub

I want to ADD some further parameters

to set Rng H11:L45 and Sort Column I11:I45
to set Rng N11:R45 and Sort Column O11:045

There's many more but I've tried to add in ranges but it won't work.

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Sort: Multiple Varying Size Ranges

Dec 4, 2006

name data1 data2 total
chris a b 100
a a 100
a a 100
steve b b 90
b a 90
b a 91
jane b a 89
a a 90
a a 92

its hard to line things up in here..... anyway... each name has two more lines of data associated with it. i want to take the 4th column last line for each and sort from greatest to smallest and rearrange all the data but keeping all three lines associated with each person together. one added complication. the number of ppl in this will vary although i can do a count of every three lines and tell exactly how many there will be. so for this purpose we can just keep it at three.

in this case, all three lines associated with jane should be moved up above the three lines of steve but stay below the three lines of chris. and the three lines for each person stay in the same order they are now

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Sum Same Ranges Of Multiple Worksheets IF...

Aug 27, 2009

I am trying to use an ActiveX CommandButton on Sheet40 to do the following:

Sheet40 (E31:AN39) = sum of (E31:AN39) for sheets 6-15 PROVIDED that cell D3= "y" in those sheets

So the steps are:
(1) Among sheets 6-15 select those in which cell D3 = "y"
(2) Set the range of (E31:AN39) in sheet40 to the sum of the same range in the selected sheets

ie cell E31 = sum of cells E31 in selected sheets... cell E32 same... cell AN39 same

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Copy Multiple Ranges To Other Worksheets

Aug 27, 2006

I have this

Sub transpose_UPCID()
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
Sheets("BAUCS").Range("C11").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, _
Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False _
, Transpose:=True
Application.CutCopyMode = True
End Sub

This macro copies a range and paste it in another worksheet. I dont now how to make this macro to copy another range at the same time and copy it to row C37.

How can I make both things at the same time? The code I am showing here copies and paste product codes. I need to select and copy the production (which is in column F) for each product code and paste it starting in C37.

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Consolidate Ranges From Multiple Worksheets

Jan 4, 2008

What I am attempting to do is take data from two columns on multiple sheets within the same workbook file and consolidate them using a macro. (End result would be a sum of the numbers associated with the adjacent name calculated using all the sheets data--as some names would appear on other sheets as well).

The first column is a list of names and the second is a list of numbers. I have titled the columns the same on each sheet and placed them in the same location. However, the number of rows of data each sheet contains will vary per sheet. (For example: one sheet might have 10 rows of names while the next might have 15 or so). Also, each time this file is to be used, there might be a differing number of sheets, as users add or remove a sheet.

Is it possible to create a macro that can scan the all the varying sheets's data and output a consolidation?

I have been able to create both a pivot table and use the consolidation feature by selecting the date ranges manually, but I am lost on how to automate this for other users that have very little excel knowledge.

I've uploaded an example file in case my explanation isn't clear.

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Selecting Multiple Worksheets - Sort All

Mar 14, 2012

The code im using all worksheets. How do I make this sort all but the first

For Each WS In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets

If WS.Name "Sheet1" Then

Range("A1:X2270").Sort Key1:=Range("A2"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:= _
xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _

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Sort Set Range Across Multiple Worksheets

Oct 9, 2009

I would like to use a macro to sort multiple worksheets simultaneously. I need to sort on last name (column A) then first name (column B) and my data does not start until the 8th row (A8:AF8). The data range should be the same for all worksheets that I need to sort. I found the code below here on ozgrid (Dynamic Sort Across Multiple Sheets) but I'm not sure if its appropriate or the best way to customize it so that the 1. Can sort on two criteria

2. Is specified to nonblank cells in a specific range, A8:AF8 and below

Sub DynaSort()
Dim wsSheet As Worksheet

For Each wsSheet In Worksheets
Select Case wsSheet.CodeName
Case "Sheet1", "Sheet2", "Sheet3", "Sheet4"
With wsSheet
.UsedRange.Sort Key1:=. Range("B14"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlYes
End With
Case Else
End Select
Next wsSheet
End Sub

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Sort Data Into Ranges?

Mar 12, 2013

sort data into ranges like in the example below:

1,2,3,4,5,6,10,11,12,15,19,21,27,28,29,30 [Each value is in a cell vertically]
1 to 6
10 to 12
28 to 30

provide the vba code for this ?

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VBA To Sort Multiple Worksheets By Number Order

Feb 26, 2014

I found the code below on the Microsoft website and it works except it didn't treat the worksheet tabs as numbers so the sort is 1, 10, 100, 101 etc.

How can I get it to treat the worksheet values like numbers and sort accordingly?.


Sub Sort_Active_Book()
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim iAnswer As VbMsgBoxResult
' Prompt the user as which direction they wish to
' sort the worksheets.


' If the answer is No, then sort in descending order.
ElseIf iAnswer = vbNo Then
If UCase$(Sheets(j).Name) < UCase$(Sheets(j + 1).Name) Then
Sheets(j).Move After:=Sheets(j + 1)
End If
End If
Next j
Next i
End Sub

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Sort Data With Dynamic Ranges

Jun 8, 2014

I currently have two tables in one worksheet showing the sales of different region.

The problem is, when I sort the data in the table (I can't used the named ranges as it should exclude the first row which is the header), is there a way I can make it dynamic too??

**Attached, please find the example spreadsheet, I have only written the code for the first table.

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Sort Data On All Worksheets ..

Sep 22, 2007

I have a worksheet of about 75000 rows so I have to use 2 worksheets. I want to sort the data in column A in ascending order so I want to start at 4999 until whatever number happens to be in row 65536 then continue sorting the next highest number in another sheet. I tried using this but it didn't work: ..

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Sort Data On All Worksheets Active And Other

Aug 21, 2008

It sorts the ActiveSheet, but none of the other sheets and there's no runtime error. I am using this on a test workbook with the same data in 5 worksheets.

What's wrong with this code?

Sub SortSheets()

Dim ws As Worksheet

For Each ws In Worksheets

Cells.Sort Key1:=Range("A1"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:= _
xlYes, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _

Next ws

End Sub

This looping structure works for PageSetUp, but not this Sort.

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Copying Data From Multiple Worksheets To Multiple Worksheets In Another Workbook VBA

May 14, 2012

I have 2 nearly identical workbooks and I need to update historical data from the old workbook into the newer one.

My current Coding Snippets that I want to use look like the following:

Sub UpdateWorkbook()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim r1 As String
Dim r2 As String
Dim r3 As String
Dim r4 As String
Dim r5 As String
Dim r6 As String


Now, this code isn't working I suspect because the Copy and PasteSpecial Functions don't work the way I wish to.

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Sort Worksheets Using Custom Sort To Choose Certain Word?

May 30, 2012

As of right now these are the steps i do to sort...i click custom sort choose My data has headers and then i select from the drop down list the word FRNAME.

is there any way i can setup a macro to do this for me? i tried recording the macro but it just is recording me choosing the column FRNAME is in. This does not work for me since FRNAME end up being in different columns all the time but will always be in row 1.

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Consolidate All Data In Multiple Worksheets Of Multiple Workbooks In One Master File?

Jul 12, 2014

I need a macro that would consolidate all data in multiple worksheets of multiple workbooks in one Master file.

All the workbooks will be in one particular folder. The macro should search for data in all the workbooks and consolidate it in one master excel workbook.

I am currently using both excel 2007 and excel 2010. This macro would really reduce manual work as currently consolidating data from 45 to 50 sheets takes an ample amount of time...

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Countif. Multiple Data Ranges

Oct 7, 2006

I have cells containing data within C15:C22

I also have cells containing data within E25:E32

Some of these cells have the value '5' in them.

I want to have a running total of all the cells in these two ranges that have a value of '5' in them.

I did this formula:


This works okay but unfortunately this only covers the first data range. How do I specify the other data range in this formula?

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Sort Data Into Multiple Rows

Dec 2, 2008

I'm trying to merge 2 spreadsheets togeather but befor I can do this I need to resolve the following issue - my Excel worksheet has 2 columns with data that looks like this

I need it to change to this

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Sort Data Over Multiple Columns

Nov 6, 2009

I'm trying to figure out a way ( excel 2000) how to sort data over a range of columns.

Attached is a sheet.

So what I am looking for is this:

Bottom 10 for target 1, target 2, target 3.

I can sort them indervidually, but is there a way to sort the all?

Or would I need a agent column for each target to sort?

Or maybe there is a way to sort the data so it would work out that if they are in the bottom 10 of lets say 2 of the targets but not all 3 they would still show in the bottom 10?

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Pivot Table With Multiple Data Ranges

Mar 21, 2007

I have a workbook that contains 52 spreadsheets (one for each week of the year). Each contain the same column headings. The columns contain both numberic and text data which I need to pivot. I can individually pivot each sheet to obtain weekly data but I would like to obtain year to date data throughout the year. How can I merge all of my 52 sheets together to utilize just one pivot table.

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Macro To Sort Multiple Rows Of Data

Sep 16, 2008

I have a report that I drop down into Excel that is a transaction report for securities. The data for each security is in two rows. I would like to write a macro that would sort each two-line group by a certain cell in the group. If I could make the macro request the number of rows and columns in each range and the cell address of the cell to sort by, I would be able to use this macro for many different reports. Also, there has to be some way of telling the macro where to begin and where to end. I have some experience with macros although generally I "Frankenstein".

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Apply Data Validation Using Multiple Named Ranges

Oct 20, 2009

I am trying to apply data validation to a column of cells using named ranges. However, each row has a unique associated named range. For example:


I can easily apply data validation to these three rows separately using named ranges.
Ie three separate named ranges:

However, I need a way to quickly apply data validation to column B using different named ranges for each row because there are about 2,000 rows. Is there a way to reference text in the cells of column A that contains the name of the named range? Or maybe a bit of VB code that could do it quickly?

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Look For 1st Matching Entry For Multiple Data Ranges In Worksheet

Dec 30, 2008

hello. i'm new to excel and i'm really hoping for some serious help here. i have the basics down however i'm really stumped at this point. Let me try to explain my worksheet. the worksheet has a sheet for data which is used for drop list values in the new patient template sheet. the new patient template which is just that a blank entry sheet that the user duplicates and adds a new patient to the worksheet to track the visits made by medical staff. there could be over a hundred new patient sheets (each named by the patient) at any given time.

here is what i need help with: my sheet is setup on a monthly basis so each patient has a total of 4 - 5 weeks listed with entries for everytime a nurse visits that patient. what i need to know is how to search the cell entries for the first time a visit occurred and the date it occurred and this needs to be broken down by the 1st of the month - the 15th and then again for the 16th - the end of month for every patient sheet in the workbook. the ranges are not together that i need to search for example f14:f20, i14:i20, f35:f41 and so on for the first 15 days of the month. this all needs to happen like in a macro or somehow automatically.

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Data Validation List With Multiple Named Ranges?

Mar 25, 2014

Can you create a Pull-down List that contains data from Multiple Ranges.

If I have a List of Names Running down column A (A2:A10) another List of Names Running Down B (B2:B25) and a Third down C (C1:C15) each of them named Ranges ("List1", "List2" & "List3"), can I create a Pull-down list in Cell A1 that would include the names from all three ranges?

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