Sorting Excel Alphabetically Maintaining Spaces

Feb 24, 2014

I have data arranged in columns A-F. I am wanting to set it up so those groups are all based on the name in column A:

Name Location Quantity Notes Etc.

Joe Likes bread
Hates butter


Column A only takes up one space, while the other columns take up 3-4 spaces on average. I am looking to sort column A alphabetically while maintaing the spaces between so that the info doesn't become jumbled.

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Excel 2007 :: Sorting While Maintaining Subtotals?

May 6, 2013

I have a spreadsheet with nested subtotals. i need to sort it based on one of the nested subtotals, but maintain the rows that comprise the subtotals, together with the subtotal.

is there a way to do this? I don't want a macro because then the whole project will be done as a macro. this is just a small part of what i am doing.

sample included. my goal is to sort by column F (ABS value) high to low so that rows 8-13 are together and maintain the subtotal and on top, then rows 34-36 are together and maintain the subtotal and are next, etc.

I am in Excel 2007.

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Sorting SOME Worksheets Alphabetically

Aug 27, 2009

I have been looking at Macros that sort worksheets alphabetically, but there are sheets within my workbook that I want to leave static. I have two sheets, names 'Start' and 'Spacer', what I would ideally like to have is a marco that will alphabetically arrange the sheets between these sheets, leaving the others where they are and obviously leaving 'Start' and 'Spacer' at the front and end of the range respectivly!

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Sorting Multiple Columns Alphabetically

May 2, 2013

How do I sort multiple columns alphabetically with the last name first, then the first name as the 2nd sorting option?

Here is an example of what I have:

year; first; last
2011 chrisBell
2010 chrisBell
2009 chrisBell
2008 chrisBell

[Code] .......

As you can see, the first names aren't sorted 100% alphabetically. I think issue stems from the years 2001 n-2006 n. I have to use the 2001 n since its a different data than the normal 2001.

The default sorting was by year:

[Code] .......

So I want it to sort by last first, then first name. Then it should sort by the default sort I already had in the left column (years).

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Columns Sorting Alphabetically Seperately And Each Has A Header Row

Oct 14, 2008

I have the following code that sorts each column sperately and it works, but believe this is a long way round and not the best way. I need the columns sorting alphabetically seperately and each has a header row.

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Excel 2013 :: Importing Data And Maintaining History

Aug 5, 2013

I have to import data from an external source(oracle database) to an Excel(2013) table.

Now the data in the staging table in the database keeps refreshing/changing, However in Excel i need the data to come into a new row everytime instead of refreshing the whole table and looking like the staging table in the database. So basically i need to build history in Excel.

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Excel 2010 :: Maintaining Format In A Cell When Using Formula

Jan 10, 2014

I just upgraded to Excel2010 and noticed that if I calculate percentages resulting from other formulas, the result displays as a percentage with 15 decimal places and it ignores the format of the cell. My guess is that since formulas are being used in cells A1,B1, and C1, Excel is ignoring the format. When I hard code the numbers, I obtain the desired result.

Is there a way to change the default of 15 decimal places for formula results involving inputs that use formulas in their own creation? (outside of the Round function in each cell? Within Options?)

The data looks like this:

A1 = formula resulting in 1.76%
B1 = formula resulting in 1.90%
C1 = formula resulting in 1.69%

D1 = C1*B1/A1 resulting in 1.8218147382920100%

The desired result is 1.82%.

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Excel 2010 :: Making Hard Coded Cell Dynamic While Maintaining Original Content

May 16, 2014

I pulled a set of financial statements from a database into Excel. All of the values are hard coded but I would like to make them dynamic, while maintaining the original content. For example, If cell C3 is a revenue figure for 2012 ($1,000) I would like to link it to cell C5, which will be a currency conversion rate (2.0). So I would like cell C3 to read =1000*C5, which would equal 2000, and for cell D3 to equal 2013 sales*D5, etc. I would also like this to go across a specified range so that I can also change operating expenses, taxes, etc over a number of columns (dates) that I define, all linking to the conversion rate for the given year. Having another tab where you link and anchor is an option but I would prefer something in VBA where I can qickly include this functionality with new workbooks that I download.

I am using Excel 2010.

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Excel 2010 :: Sort Worksheets Alphabetically And Keep The Data In Worksheets

May 15, 2013

I have read that there is a VBA macro in F11, but I also read that it would only sort the workshhet names, but not the data. I have Excel 2010.

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Trim Spaces On Excel Headings

Nov 8, 2013

I have n rows which has headings. I would like to remove spaces in between them.

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Fill Cell With Blank Spaces Using Excel Formula?

May 12, 2013

I need to clear a value in a cell(what ever may be the value) based on a condition in another cell and set it to blank. Ex: If cell A is blank and then i need make cell B also blank, if cell A has some value then i should not disturb B I need to do this using formula. I have tried the below, but no use, IF(AA1="",REPLACE(Y1,1,10,""))

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Excel 2010 :: Quick Remove Spaces Macro?

Oct 29, 2012

I'm working on a sheet with about 10,000 rows and 8 columns worth of data. Most of them are formatted as 12345,12345,12345,23456 how they are supposed to be, but some of them will have spaces inbetween each sequence, or some even a couple spaces, or spaces at the end. For the most part I can use the replacement function with ", " to "," but some of the double spaces throw it off, and end spaces also. Is there a macro that can just search through the selected cells I pick to just remove all spaces so the data falls back onto the commas?

Working in excel 2010

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Excel 2007 :: Macro That Saves To A Specific File But Has Spaces In It

Jun 24, 2013

I am using Excel 2007. I have pasted my code below. It works fine unless it has a space, in which case it inserts %20. In this case, sRange2 = ActiveSheet.Range("E11") will always have a space in it since this is where i store a job's name.

Sub Macro1()
Dim sRange1 As String
Dim sRange2 As String
Dim sRange3 As String
Dim sRange4 As String
Dim sFullPath As String


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Excel 2007 :: Ensure Cell Postcode Have 8 Characters (including Spaces)

Oct 8, 2012

Excel 2007.I have a list of postcodes (UK) which have different lengths of characters (including spaces) from 6-8, however our system seems to add additional spaces inbetween the postcode, so it could have upto 11/12 characters (inc spaces) Below is what could come out:

EH21 6PQ - 1 Space (8 Char)
EH12 9HG - 3 Spaces (10 Char)
E1 8DF - 3 Spaces (8 Char)
LL5 1GH - 2 Spaces (8 Char)
L5 1FG - 1 Space (6 Char)

What I need is a formula to ensure each postcode only has 8 characters by inserting spaces between if there's less than 8 char and trimming if there's more than 8 char

So from the above postcodes the desired results would be:

EH21 6PQ - 1 Space (8 Char) - This would be correct
EH12 9HG - 3 Spaces (10 Char) - Trim off 2 spaces from the middle
E1 8DF - 3 Spaces (8 Char) - This would be correct
LL5 1GH - 2 Spaces (8 Char) - This would be correct
L5 1FG - 1 Space (6 Char) - Insert 2 spaces in the middle

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Excel 2010 :: Reduce Many (and Variable) Spaces Between Text Strings With One Space Only

Jun 12, 2014

is there a way to reduce spaces between text stings to one space only when there are many spaces? To make it worse, the number of spaces between the text strings vary. I am using Excel 2010.

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Excel 2013 :: Removing Extra Spaces Form Address Book

Jul 22, 2014

I have an Excel 2013 address book that has extra spaces between first names, last names and middle initials all in 1 cell.

Is there an easy way to remove all the spaces between these components?

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Maintaining Row Format

Feb 28, 2007

I have a table where alternate rows are formatted with interiror colorindex 15. Macros will result in 1 or more of the rows in the table being hidden (this can be consequtive rows).

Obviously, when a row is hidden (unless that results in 2 consequtive rows hidden) the alternating row format no longer works (ie either 2 grey rows or 2 nofill rows together)

I am struggling with the code to set the format when a row is hidden. I loop through the table to set format, fine if no row hidden. But when row is hidden everything I try to do to take account of the hidden row results in an endless loop when the hidden row is encountered.

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Excel 2011 :: Removing Brackets And Spaces From Phone Numbers From Within Cell (formatting)

Feb 21, 2012

I have a spreadsheet with Mobile phone numbers in the following format:

+44(0)77 7296 5210

The spreadsheet has 2500 of these phone numbers.

Is there a way to remove the brackets and the +44 to leave:


I am using Microsoft Office for Mac 2011

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Sort Maintaining Format

Jan 1, 2007

I have a spreadsheet that has tons of entries for revenues and expenses. Some cells on the rows with revenues have a different format than these same cells on the rows with expenses.

The problem is that, when I sort the rows to organize them by date, Excel seems to only organize the values in the cells, screwing up all the formats, mixing the revenues format with the expenses format.

Is there any way to organize the information maintaining each cell's formats?

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Maintaining The Color Of A Cell

Feb 2, 2007

if i am copying cell A and pasting it into cell B, and cell B is shaded gray and cell A was plain white, how do I make sure the color of cell B wont change?

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Maintaining A Sorted List In 2003

Jan 27, 2009

I have an Excel sheet with a list of data, which is likely to change frequently and has to remain in sorted order.

Requiring that users of the spreadsheet maintain the data in this way (i.e. sort it every time it changes) is a really bad solution and I'd rather not use a macro if I can avoid it (too much stuff can go wrong).

Is there a good way of doing this? At the moment, I've implemented merge-sort within a sheet, which works, but is a heavyweight solution, taking 6 columns per merge-sort iteration (so 60 columns to sort 1024 rows, 96 columns to sort 65536 rows). I could try to compact it, but my head was starting to implode programming it even with as few as 6 columns.

There must be a better way of getting Excel to maintain an automatically sorted list.

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Copying A Value Whilst Maintaining Format

Mar 2, 2009

Cell A1 could contain either % value (eg 50.0%) or could contain a numeric value (eg 50.0). (It's input is written by a macro that performs a sorting function, hence the mix of % and absolutes).

I need to copy the contents of A1 to cell B1 with a simple formula "=A1"

The problem is that Cell B1 will either show 0.5 or 50.0 depending on whether A1 is a % or number, respectively.

Doesn anyone know how I can output in B1 with the format from A1?

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Rounding Values And Maintaining Total

Oct 10, 2006

I need to round a number of values to 2 decimal places. Problem is this sometimes results in the total changing as the values after the 2 decimal places make up the remainder. I need to maintain the total. See attached..

Has anyone done this before? Probably something very simple but for some reason it's not coming to me. Well not without vba anyway..

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Sort Alphabetically

Jan 10, 2010

I am having difficulties with sorting my ranges alphabetically. Please see the attached file to see the structure of the data. I have a user form that inserts new rows at the bottom of each month and I need to sort column "A" each time a new record is inserted.

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Copying Cells From One Worksheet To Another And Maintaining Format

Aug 7, 2008

I have a worksheet that gets autofiltered by the user. I need take the unhidden data and copy it to a new worksheet.

Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim Cell As Range
Dim Txt As String
For Each Cell In Sheets("Panel Check List").Range("H18:H5000")
If Cell.EntireRow.Offset(1, 0).Hidden = False Then
Sheets("Query Results").Range("A6").Select
If IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0)) = True Then
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial
End If
End If
Next Cell

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Alphabetically Start From Letter

Jan 30, 2010

If i type some word (first 4 to 5 word) or more.

if I m start letter from AK …….

possible to display in side popup window which letter start from ak in our previous record i.e. akashwani or akshare like that. I dont want through vba or access because i m not use before. I want same excel sheet.

We have attach sample sheet.

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Add A Row And Insert A Name Alphabetically In A Range

Feb 27, 2008

I have a range of names which are sorted alphabetically. I need a procedure that will find where a new name entered via a textbox will reside, insert a blank row into the range, and insert the name into the blank cell within the range.

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Sort This Combo Box Alphabetically

Jan 19, 2009

I have a combo box I populate with the following

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Auto Sort Alphabetically

Sep 16, 2009

is it possible to auto sort data using VB script?

as i know i can manually do it but i would like to run a script to sort data on sheet 2

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Alphabetically Order Sheets Between First/last

May 17, 2007

has anybody got a little code that will sort the worksheets between sheets "First" and "Last" alphabetically before close.

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