Sorting On Column Within Range?
Nov 5, 2013
I am trying to sort a range of data by 1 column (column D), and get the following error:
"The sort reference is not valid. Make sure that its within the data you want to sort, and the first Sort By box isnt the same or blank."
Having googled and also checking some previous posts, I thought the issue may be around qualifying my key to ensure that I used the active sheet, but having done this, I still get the error.
CodeRange("A2:V2", Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
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May 16, 2014
The first line of the code chooses the columns to select; all columns until there is no value. From there I need to have it sort those columns based on row 1. The problem is that the columns chosen are variable. It could be columns I:N (as shown below) or column G:Z or any other combination. (The code below was recorded if that matters at all.)
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Mar 10, 2014
Basically i have 2 tables like the ones below:
Name Rd1Rd2Rd3Rd4Rd5
Zac 8
James 6
John 8
Frank 4
Name Total
Now i want the total column in the second table to update and add the numbers as i update the rounds in the first one Which i can do through SUM or SUBTOTAL. However i want to sort the total column so the highest number is at the top and everytime i do it changes the name column not the total column.
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Jan 31, 2008
I have a column which represents by each cell value's number the priority of each row in the table.
What I need to do is create an embedded code that updates the numbers in that column when any value in that column is changed.
For example:
Where the cell values in the column are..
and we change the fifth cell's value to 2
now there are two cells in the column with the same value, we want to keep the value we just changed in the 5th cell but update every other cell that is following the value of 2....
then I would like to resort the table by these new priorities.
similarly if the change is to increase rather than decrease the priority value...where the 3rd cell was increased from 3 ...
changed to 5..
the new change would become...
in this case the 4 becomes 3 and the previous 5 becomes 4 which keeps their relative place in the priority ranking.
I would like this to then resort the table based on this column.
I would like this to execute on the exit of the cell when a cell in the column is changed.
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Mar 12, 2009
I would like to use the value displayed in column H under the column header after filters have been applied. There will always only be one row displayed after filtering. I'm using Win Xp with Office 2003 ....
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May 28, 2014
I'm attempting to create a formula that'll sort a range of numbers and then return the corresponding values based on a specific place within the sorted range.
In this case, I'd like the following numbers sorted smallest to largest:
15, 9, 11, 19, 22, 17, 24, 19, 17, 24
The result would return something like:
9, 11, 15, 17, 17, 19, 19, 22, 24, 24
Then I'd like it to return the value based off of the formula in cell U13 & U14. In this case, it'd return the value in the 2nd and the 9th position (bolded above). I tried to use INDEX(), but it's returning the values in the unsorted list. I'd like it to return values from a sorted list. Also, I'm trying to solve this using a formula (not Sort & Filter) or VBA.
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May 16, 2009
I have a values in column C of stuff1, stuff2 and on down.
I have a value in cell A1.
I want to start in C1, and every Nth, where N is the value in cell A1, select and paste into column H.
My problem is that the selected cells don't start in C1, in fact, based on the value in A1, it starts in different cells in column C. AND, if i press the button twice, the returned values are different.
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Feb 20, 2013
I am trying to doctor a recorded sort macro to adapt to a changing range.
With the code below I get:
RunTime error 1004
Application-DEfined or Object-Defined error
I have tried with no luck:
.SetRange dat
Key:=Range("A1").Resize(rw, clm)
.SetRange Range("A1").Resize(rw, clm)
.SetRange Range("dat")
.SetRange Range(dat)
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Jan 10, 2008
I am using Excel 2003 and am after a macro that can sort a specific range of cells.
I have a spreadsheet that is used to record details of photos taken during bridge inspections.
•The details of the photos are recorded in column B
•The number of the digital photo is recorded in column C (the number of photos taken per inspection varies)
•After checking by someone else the photos are assigned a number in column A
After two blank rows that process is repeated for another inspection.
I am after a macro that when a cell within a range/block is selected it will sort columns A:C by the numerical order of the range block within column A.
For example when any cell is selected within the range A3:C7, that range and only that range will be sorted.
The same would happen when a cell is selected within range A11:C15, and so on....
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Apr 17, 2009
I need to sort information in a column containing both numbers and words. In the "asending" & "desending" it only gives two options to choose from. (none) & PartNum.
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Oct 20, 2009
I have some numbers in a column which due to other cells not yet being filled in are returning a supressed #div/0! error. This is fine, but when i go to sort the column it puts them in the wrong order. I would like to record a macro, and assign it to the column header in order to sort the column.
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Jul 23, 2013
I am trying to sort a column so it'd be like a schedule the earliest time on top and latest on the bottom. I understand it is a form of custom listing but I am not quite sure what is the way to enter that list entry...attached is my excel spreadsheet I am currently working on.
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Nov 30, 2008
This is a simple question but I have been playing around with the syntax(unsuccesssfully) for a while. I want to do is sort a column (not the whole sheet). the column selection being determined by the activecell. I know I can use
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Mar 10, 2009
I'm trying to merge two or more tables.
The first column of each table is the same field, for example 'Country'. Lets say the first table has information on male population, the second table has information on female population. So i want to merge the tables into one, but here's the problem: table1 has 100 rows (countries), table2 has 96 rows (countries). I need excel to recognise the 4 missing rows of data in table2 and insert blank rows so all the data in table2 corresponds to the correct country in table1 (column1).
Here's a (very) simple example: ...
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Jul 17, 2009
I have a list of dates in a column that I need to sort. Dates in columns are as follows for example:
When I get do a sort I get the following result (it appears to be sorting by month, day, year)
I want to sort by year, month, day. Desired result as follows:
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Aug 8, 2013
I currently have a macro that will sort a given column from A1:A5000. The data set can change from A5000 to A6000 or more. How do I edit VBE to accomodate this?
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Feb 9, 2009
I have Column A where user inputs data. Whenever a user enters a new value in Column A, I need to copy that data into Column B and then sort the whole column. Any suggestions on how to do this using a macro?
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Mar 2, 2010
now this is the data i have(theres more but this is just an example), i want to sort it with refrence to 'inv' column such that i hav ....
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May 15, 2006
i am trying to produce a simple work sheet that will sort the positions via one column automaticly with out having to do it manually.
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Jul 9, 2009
In the Above range i want excel to show me
how many items are duplicate
If the duplicate item is shown i want the result to be shown in next cell
LIKE in the above example i want excel to show 1 is common , 6 is duplicated twice and therefore result should be shown in next cell
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Jul 14, 2006
I've noticed (a bit to late) that if you record with macro recorder a sorting statement that a range is captured. Because my files do vary in recordcounts, how can I sort indepently on the number of records.
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Jul 2, 2007
I have Excel 2003 with named cells, for example...
cell cell name data
A1 AAA 3
A2 BBB 1
A3 CCC 2
and so on...
When I autofilter (ascending) these cells, the data in these cells sort correctly, but the cell names stay where they're at.
cell cell name data
A1 AAA 1
A2 BBB 2
A3 CCC 3
I'm not an Excel expert so I'd like to know is there any way I could get the cell names to sort with their data.
cell cell name data
A1 BBB 1
A2 CCC 2
A3 AAA 3
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Jun 12, 2014
i am looking for formula in my macbook pro excel where i have purchase apple 50kg for $50 and grapes 20 kg for $30 and orange 10kg for $15 and am doing this daily and in end of month i want to see separate kg's and amount for whole month and later year of apple, grapes and orange without sorting it
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Aug 3, 2014
I've question in sorting: I've 2 column in one datasheet. one contain value of numbers and the other contain names of employes. i want to sort the name of the emplyes by the values that is on the first column.
Anther question is how to make it dynamically so ill not sorting it every time that the values of the first column is changing.
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Dec 20, 2008
I have Danish Office 2007.
1) Let's say I have 3 columns (horisontal) and many rows (vertical. Each row goes together, as the first column can be text that describes a transaction. The second column will be the amount of money and the third can be something else.
I know how to sort these by whichever column I want to. But the problem is every cell needs to be the same size. And I have merged 3 cells in the first column and only merged 2 cells in the last two colums.
So Excel tells me I cannot merge unless each cell is the same size.
Is there a solution here? I need the 3 cells in the first column, so I have enough room to describe the transaction. And to avoid wasting space, I need to only have the other two columns be the size of two merged cells each.
Example, though with the text in another column:
Picture of it
2) The other problem is that I would like a cell to display the number in red if below zero, green if above zero. I cannot do this. I know where to put in the format codes, but I don't know what to write.
At the same time, I need the cell to show the currency in Danish Kroner. So I need a format code that does this. Someone told me this:
[Blue]dk #.##0;[Red]dk #.##0;[Green]*dk #.##0
But that doesn't work, nor if the color is in danish. What do I do?
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Oct 14, 2009
i have a data of empl their birthdate wise. i want it to sorting from birth day wise for example first " DAY then Month then year". day come first then month then year. find attched file.
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Jul 19, 2013
I have a column that has something like:
How do I make it to be the order of bigger number to smaller number?
I tried Data > sort Z-A, but then some of the numbers disappear and become "--"
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Oct 16, 2013
On the attached worksheet, our guys are regularly inspected for performance. Column 'H' shows the average of their grading from each inspection (shown in cols L,P,T etc) What I would like to develop is either a macro button that when pressed sorts them all into order according to their average score in Col H, with the highest score at the top, or to have the sheet do this automatically as the data is entered. Obviously all of the data in the engineers row (all of his inspection history) will need to move up and down accordingly, but not get left behind, or mixed up with someone else's records.
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Feb 16, 2009
I used the macros found at to sort columns. This solution works fine, the invisible rectangle is really good to my interests. Here's how it works: macro #1 creates invisible rectangles at the top of the columns used, at row 1 where the headers are, and assigns a second macro to the rectangles. This second macro sorts the data table based on the column whose rectangle is clicked. The problem is that this solution is for data tables, it sorts the entire table and I want to sort the one, single and only column where I click the invisible rectangle.
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Nov 4, 2009
So Column 1 I've got dates, need to sort through that and calculate Year-to-date and Month-to-Date values. These are both Sums of the cells....
YTD = Sum of all cells with most recent yr, in this case 2007
MTD = Sum of all cells in Column B for most recent month, Feb2007 here.
I've listed the desired solution for YTD and MTD on the sheet as well. (I'm guessing the solution will have something to do with SUMPRODUCT?)
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