Sum Rows Recursively - Based On Another Column
Aug 14, 2012
I am trying to work out a formula to populate column D ie to add up the all the orders for that customer for the month ( the period of the data in the spreadsheet ). Just got no idea where to start..
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May 7, 2008
i am use dir to put into an array all the folders in a folder then enter the first folder and repeat. the problem i am having is when it encounters a file it also puts it into the array and then errors once it trys to enter that "folder" (which is a file)
right now the code doesnt do anything but the plan is then to call another subroutine that lists all the files im looking for in a folder (that sub does work)
what am i doing wrong? all the things i can find on google show it the way i am doing it.
Sub GetDirList(topfolder As String)
Dim FolderArray() As Variant
Dim FolderCount As Integer
Dim FolderName As String
FolderCount = 0
FolderName = Dir(topfolder, vbDirectory)
' Loop until no more folders are found
Do While FolderName <> ""
If Not FolderName = "." Then
If Not FolderName = ".." Then
FolderCount = FolderCount + 1
Redim Preserve FolderArray(1 To FolderCount)
FolderArray(FolderCount) = FolderName
End If
End If
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Oct 31, 2009
I want to insert rows based on the coloumn F (has 6.00 on it)
Since the coloumn F has value 6 on it, i want to insert 5 rows below the current row
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Dec 30, 2009
I wrote some simple code to work through a number of rows and hide the rows which contain a value of "XXX". For some reason, when the code hits the line denoted with? it hides the first row of "XXX"'s but then starts all over again at very first line of code outside the loop.
Sheet1. Range("start_1").Select 'cell c53
Do Until ActiveCell.Value = "EOF" 'cell c266
If ActiveCell.Value = "XXX" Then
Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = True '????
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
End If
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Sep 5, 2007
I have a worksheet where I collect ledger balances from 2 different sources and wish to identify out of balance situations. I have done so, but now I need to copy those rows indicated by a "No" to another worksheet (ideally I would like to have those rows printed out directly, but I can do that from another worksheet. I have tried AutoFilter and Sort, but that is not giving me what I want or expect. My question is: How do I code a macro to pull those "No" rows and either print them directly or copy to a new worksheet (WorkSheet2)?
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Mar 18, 2008
I am looking for code to copy and paste a row into a new sheet based on the data in a particular column. I would like it to look at Sheet 1 Row D and if it finds the word Russell to copy the entire row and paste it into the Sheet entitled Russell
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May 12, 2014
I have a single sheet that lists available items, prices, etc. When doing quotes, you simply put y/n in Col:A for each item. I then want a simple macro that will copy all of the rows with "yes" into a second sheet. Sample data with end result attached.
I did try and butcher this macro to do what I want, and whilst it does copy data across, it's not really working. Firstly as I think it is searching along a row and copy columns, whereas I need to search a column and then copy rows.
[Code] .....
Attached File : sample_data.xls
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Feb 6, 2010
I have a worksheet with two columns and a few hundred lines. One has titles and the other integers indicating how many times the title needs to be copied to another worksheet or text file.
Existing Worksheet (Input)
Desired Output (Worksheet or Text File) [The entire row, including the integer could be copied as well, if it is easier.]
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Jan 16, 2014
I have a spreadsheet with month names in column A10 and down and want to highlight the row based off a cell(which will be A3) so if cell A3 = Nov it would highlight all rows that have Nov in column A. I don't want to highlight the entire row just columns A.
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Jun 4, 2009
I have a worksheet which is created monthly by one of our company's employees which reports results for that months operations and successful audits. These audits are separated into various service lines and on the report which is submitted it takes on the following format:
1|Service Line|Data A|Data B|Etc.
2|___CR_______| Data | Data | Etc.
3|____________| Data | Data | Etc.
4|____________| Data | Data | Etc.
5|____________| Data | Data | Etc.
6|___DD_______| Data | Data | Etc.
7|____________| Data | Data | Etc.
8|___MS_______| Data | Data | Etc.
9|____________| Data | Data | Etc.
What I want to do is use a macro from another sheet that has the effect of: While ServiceLine = "CR" copy the row of that line and move it to my monthly summary workbook, sheet 1. Then when the Service line changes to DD have the macro copy that information to the monthly summary workbook sheet 2, and so on. The problem is, if I test the Service Line column each time it will be an empty string the majority of the time and I'm not sure how to combat that with my If, Do, For, and While statements. As I've thought about it there are two solutions that I can think of: someone knows of a way to test the row only if it has information in it, or if there is a way that I can copy the service line information down until the change in service line so I can test Service Line on each Row.
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Feb 6, 2010
I need a VBA/macro very similar to several I have seen posted here. I have a worksheet with two columns and a few hundred lines. One has titles and the other integers indicating how many times the title needs to be copied to another worksheet or text file.
Existing Worksheet (Input)
Desired Output (Worksheet or Text File) [The entire row, including the integer could be copied as well, if it is easier.]
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Jul 11, 2007
I am trying to implement the following:
After the user selects something using the validation list in cell F38, the macro should check in column Q in the rows 44 till 425 for "hide". For each row in which it finds "hide" the entire row should be hidden.
I have the code below but it does't work yet. It calculates for ages and afterwards only the first 2 rows of the 381 are hidden (probably because the third row is not "hide").
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim MyRange As Range
Dim ThisCell As Range
Target = Range("F38")
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Jan 5, 2012
I have a spreadsheet which will have several rows of data.
What I need is for some code to locate the duplicate values in the left most active column and then look over the rows that they are populating and delete and cells that are not present in each of the rows pertaining to the duplicate value in 1st Column and if possible remove all the blanks.
I have a sample, I will attach it and explain alittle better there.
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Mar 2, 2006
I have a report in which I need to delete the entire row for each cell in Column A that has the name "Defacto" in a certain location in that cell. I am trying to use VBA code in conjuction with the "MID" function [i.e., Mid(Cell.Value, 8, 7) = "Defacto"]. This is the code I came up with (but, obviously, it doesn't work):
Sub DeleteRowOnCondition()
Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.End(xlDown)).Select
For Each Cell In Selection
If Mid(Cell.Value, 8 , 7) = "Defacto" Then Rows.Delete
Next Cell
End Sub
As well, there is another worksheet in the same report in which I need to delete all the rows that do NOT meet that condition (while retaining the ones that do).
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Jul 11, 2007
After the user selects something using the validation list in cell F38, the macro should check in column Q in the rows 44 till 425 for "hide". For each row in which it finds "hide" the entire row should be hidden.
I have the code below but it does't work yet. It calculates for ages and afterwards only the first 2 rows of the 381 are hidden (probably because the third row is not "hide").
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim MyRange As Range
Dim ThisCell As Range
Target = Range("F38")
Set MyRange = Range("Q44:Q" & Range("Q425").End(xlUp).Row)
For Each ThisCell In MyRange
If ThisCell.Value = "hide" Then
ThisCell.EntireRow.Hidden = True
End If
Next ThisCell
End Sub
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Feb 2, 2010
I would like to have a VBA macro that would look over my entire spreadsheet and hide the individual row if any cell in Column A contains the text "xyzzy". The "xyzzy" can be anywhere in the cell....beginning, middle or end.
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Aug 15, 2008
I currently receive a download that contains multiple reports in one excel sheet. Each report is separated by the value "Vendor" in column A. I would like to separate each of the reports into a new excel sheet. Basically, I will need to copy all rows between "Vendor" and "Vendor" values and paste to a new sheet.
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Feb 7, 2009
I have a worksheet that I want to export to a csv file. However, there are multiple rows that I want excluded in the export. These lines are recognized by the word "No" in column E. Is this possible?
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Aug 15, 2006
I have read several related threads and tried to adapt their answers to my application with no success. I am trying to write a macro that will hide rows based on that row's value in a certain column. Specifically, column AB contains sums and if a sum equals 0 I want to hide that row. The sums start at AB5 and go to AB118 but there are 4 gaps in the column at rows 25, 47, 70, and 94.
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Oct 24, 2006
How can I delete rows in a worksheet using values in a certain column as criteria?
Example: I want to delete all rows that show a value of zero in column k. How is this done?
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Jul 24, 2007
I've been using a macro that, among other things, will split a set of data into different sheets based on one column. For example, if I have Column A populated with numbers 1-10, each entry with a "1" in column A gets pasted into a sheet entitled "1", and so on. Some of the numbers I group together (for example, let's say I would group the 2s and 3s together).
I've been using the code below, but it seems to be very fickle. Half the time I run the macro, I get a "Run-time error 1004" and it points to the line "Sheets.Add. Name = WhtSht". Is there a different (easier) way to accomplish what I'm trying to do?
Dim rng As Range, StrtSht As String, WhtSht As String
StrtSht = ActiveSheet.Name
For Each rng In Range("A1:A" & Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row)
WhtSht = rng.Value
If WhtSht = "21" Then WhtSht = "7"
If WhtSht = "34" Then WhtSht = "33"
If WhtSht = "36" Then WhtSht = "33"
If WhtSht = "37" Then WhtSht = "33"
If WhtSht = "56" Then WhtSht = "55"
If WhtSht = "57" Then WhtSht = "55"
If WhtSht = "76" Then WhtSht = "75"
If WhtSht = "97" Then WhtSht = "96"
If SheetExists(WhtSht) Then
Range("A" & Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1).PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
Sheets.Add.Name = WhtSht
Range("A1").PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
End If
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Aug 23, 2007
I need VBA help. I know how to highlight every other row but what I can't do is highlight a row if column values are the same. For example I have 5 columns but only the first one has the data I'm interested in. If the data in the first column looks something like this:
I want to highlight every other row that has similar values therefore I want to highlight row 2, both row 4s, and three 6s...etc.
I also want it to start on the 2nd row of every page until the last row of every page which is row 37 in my case.
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Oct 17, 2007
I'm trying to rearrange my data so that a column of info for each unique value in another column becomes a row next to that value.
A 1
A 2
A 3
A 4
B 66
B 77
B 88
C 10
C 15
C 20
C 25
C 30
should become... (6 columns)
A 1 2 3 4
B 66 77 88
C 10 15 20 25 30
I had a really hard time figuring out what to search for (and in writing a description) for this one.
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Oct 19, 2007
I would like to Use my Excel VBA program to search each row in a csv document for a name (located in a cell ) if the name exists then I would like to delete the entire row.
Whenever I try to do the above in excel, even when I save in csv format the file formating or something gets changed and the file which has to be procesed through another program then process incorectly.
Is there a way to do what I need while retaining the formating which must obviously be changed when the file is opened in excel?
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Nov 22, 2007
I am trying to hide rows based on the contents of column BS. It the cell is empty (not just zero value, but completely empty of all formulae), then I want to leave it unhidden, then if the cell value is less than the value in cell E2 I want to hide the row. This code doesnt seem to like the first if...then next i
Sub hiderows()
Dim i As Long
Set v = cell.Value("$E$2")
' Turn off screen refresh for speed
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
' Get last row Col BS
For i = Range("BS2000").End(xlUp).Row To 15 Step -1
If IsEmpty(Cells(i)) Then Next i
ElseIf Cells.Value(i) < v Then Rows(i).Hidden = True
End If
Next i
' Turn on screen refresh
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
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Jan 13, 2008
What I have is a sheet where the cells in range A9:A3508 have a formula that evaluates to blank if any of a variety of conditions are not met (date falls outside desired range, does not meet filter criteria, etc.) and a number if these conditions are met. What I am looking for is for all rows in that range where A is blank to be hidden (not deleted), and for this to automatically update every time A changes (meaning that if A goes from blank to a number, that I will need that row to become unhidden again). I have considered just recording the macro and calling the function with a button, but as this is for external users, some of whom may be unfamiliar with Excel, I would rather keep it as clean, simple, and automatic as possible.
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Mar 12, 2008
The attached picture shows part of an excel file. It contains about 50.000 rows which I want to run a pivot on. The problem is though that the file contains some rows which stop my pivot from running correctly. These data which I mention are in rows 4, 7, 22-25. Seeing as deleting them manually would take me hours and hours I was wondering if there would be a macro which I can run which delete rows automatically. I think it should filter on the following: whenever there is not a numeric value in column A, the entire row should be deleted.
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Mar 14, 2008
I want to get a Macro to delete all rows wherever "DELETE" appears in a certain column - I tried using the Delete Entire Row Based on Criteria Macro on Ozgrid but I'm looking for a fully automated solution, rather than the question boxes coming up and asking which cell/criteria to use. The spreadsheets I'm using this on are big, so because this Macro uses filters, it takes a long time and I also need to run this macro on multiple sheets so its not practical to use this.
DELETE is just the word I'm using as the TRUE statement generated from an IF formula that I'm using to compare cells in adjacent rows ie =IF(AND(E2=E3,G2=G3,Q2=Q3),"DELETE",FALSE) - Its completely fine for me to copy/paste values of this formula first and then sort the column so that all cells containing DELETE will appear at the top of the column if that helps. Any ideas on how I could get a Macro to delete those rows at this stage?
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Apr 4, 2008
I have a huge spreadsheet with addresses in column A and number in column B. Each address needs to have a ceirtain amount of lines inserted below, depending upon the number in column B. for example:................
With the new space inserted. the numbers i have range from 34 -2. does anyone have any code that will insert the number of rows depending on the number in column B? i HAVE had a look through the forums, but there are so many topics!
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May 10, 2008
modifying the following from deleting rows older than 365 days to delete rows older than 12 months. So I can keep a rolling year by month.
Sub DeleteOldSR()
Dim x As Long
Dim iCol As Integer
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
iCol = 7 'Filter on column G (Create Date)
For x = Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, iCol).End(xlUp).Row To 2 Step -1
s = Cells(x, 3).Value
If s Like "Closed" Or s Like "Closed w/o Customer Confirm" Then
If Cells(x, iCol).Value < (Date - 365) Then
Cells(x, iCol).EntireRow.Delete
End If
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
I tried modifying the IF statement using month with the following but it seems to delete all months < and is not year dependant.
If Month(Cells(x, iCol).Value) < Month(Date) - 12 Then
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