Summarize/consolidate Specific Rows From Workbooks In Folder
Jan 4, 2007
I need to consolidate/summarize specific rows from various workbooks into a summary sheet on a new workbook. I get a daily workbook, and am currently manually copying and pasting the rows I need at the end of the month into a summary sheet.
All of the workbooks are in the same folder. All of the workbooks contain data in Sheet1 only, all have the same header row (A). I need to find and copy the entire row based on two values in column AH. If the column contains JAN LA or JAN LA 125, then I need to copy that entire row into my new summary sheet. Not all of the workbooks will contain data for me, but most will.
I have been trying some of the macros I found on here to try to copy every Sheet1 from all workbooks, but I can't get it to work. I was then going to filter through the data to find the ones I need. If I can get it to copy only the rows I need instead of the entire sheet,
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Apr 21, 2014
I have up to 50 workbooks in one folder with data in a specific range. I also have one workbook which includes additional data, including conditional formatting and dropdowns. I need to copy the desired range from the first workbook in the source folder to the second workbook, then save the latter to my destination folder, using the same name as the first. I need to repeat this process for all workbooks in the source folder.
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Nov 13, 2013
I need to create a macro that pull in data from various spreadsheets, all with the same layouts, but with different file names and different worksheet names, into on master worksheet. The data should drop in after the title line and then continue on after each data set has copied.
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Jul 8, 2008
I have a long task ahead of me and hope that someone may be able to assist in shortening it a little....?
I have a directory with circa 200 workbooks which have filenames that are dates in the format The workbooks all contain just 1 sheet. I need to move each of the sheets into one master workbook and title each sheet with the old filename.
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Sep 7, 2007
I need a macro code to combine data from 2 different workbooks to a new workbook.
See attachments for ease of understanding.
- Data in sheet1 of both book1 and book2 should be pasted in a new book (eg: book3)
- The result I am looking for is like sheet2 of book1 (colour differentiation done for ease of understanding and not required to be implemented in the code). Also since I could attach only 2 books, I have pasted the desired result in sheet2 of book1.
- Also note that headings of book1, book2 and the resultant book3 will be same.
- Both book1 and book2 are stored in the same folder (im not sure if this info helps)
- It is important to note that data keeps changing and new rows will be added in either book1 or book2. So when I refresh the resultant book3, it should add these rows that were previously missing.
- First it should paste all data from book1 (old and new rows), then it should paste all data from book2 (old and new rows).
- I think the sheet2 of book1 will help you to understand what I mean by the above note.
The above exercise is for me to get a logic. In the actual scenario, there are more than 2 books to pull the data from. And also there are more than 20 columns to pick data from.
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Jun 30, 2014
I came across the following code, which does exactly what i want. It opens up all workbooks in a specified folder, and consolidates these into one. Each worksheet data is added below that of the previous workbook.
I have changed this to suit my workbook which has the header rows starting in row 6, but is now giving an error due ot the copy area not being the same size as the past area. It appears to be copying columns A:M and trying to paste this into the main workbook in columns A:N.
[Code] .....
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Oct 12, 2009
I have to maintain a weekly tracker for my team. 13 team members will send me thir trackers every trackers every week and I need to consolidate all of them into 4 weekly and 1 monthly tracker. is there a macro which can facilitate this compilation of 13 excel workbooks into one new worksheet? all worksheets will be similar i.e will have same # of columns but can have different # of rows.
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Aug 29, 2007
I have same kind of file stored in a folder every day. For example an expense statement that is being pulled every day has sheet tabs Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri. Every day it gets stored in a particular folder. I need to consolidate for say 4 weeks. All sheet tabs look alike. I need to consolidate all mondays, all tuesday sheets ... in a master work book.
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Jun 12, 2013
how to consolidate multiple workbooks into the master workbook? I need to consolidate 12 workbooks into the master workbook every month. The subsidiaries will report me their figures monthly. Hereby attached one of the subsi, "B Co" reporting package, and the master copy "XYZ Holding Co" how it look like. Hence, may I know how to write a macro so that it will auto update monthly when the subsidiaries return me their reporting package, so that I can auto update in my master copy for tab BS and tab PL.
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Sep 23, 2007
I have been working on this project for some time and still haven't got anywhere with it. What I am essentially trying to do is create a master summary workbook where by you press a button to activate a chunk of VBA that will grab the same range of data from multiple workbooks but also multiple sheets in those workbooks, only problem is the number of sheets in each workbook are constantly changing so I need first find some way of accessing a closed workbooks, then I need a way of looping through a segment of code that will look into approximately 10 workbooks all with a different number of sheets and taking a fixed range of cells out of each sheet and for every workbook make a new tab and paste the information in that tab then move onto the next workbook, find the number of tabs (missing out the first 3 tabs of every workbook) and copy and paste the fixed range from each tab onto a new tab the summary workbook.
I will then have a summary workbook with a number of tabs, each one a different workbook with all the data from all the tabs in that workbook, I can then pull that information using formulas or some more VBA into a summary tab on the summary workbook, consolidating all of the information.
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Feb 5, 2010
I was searching through the internet to look for some help with regards to consolidating data from multiple workbooks from different directories into a single worksheet called Summary.
I would like to copy the entire worksheet from different workbooks in different directories into this workbook I like to call Summary. To manually do it I have to open the workbook I want to copy the worksheet from. Right click on the tab and select Move or Copy, select the sheet I want to copy and select the workbook I want to copy this sheet to. Repeat this process for all the workbooks.
The next step is to copy and paste from these sheets into a main summary sheet. The data range from these sheets are starting from row 13 onwards and they may be of different size between Column A to Column W.
For example the workbooks are coming from :
S:Area 1West.xls from worksheet Andy
S:Area 1East.xls from worksheet Bill
S:Area 1North.xls from worksheet John
S:Area 1North.xls from worksheet Albert etc...
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Apr 8, 2007
I have multiple workbooks in a particular folder. Each workbook has only one worksheet named "Data". I need a VBA script that could open each file in the folder, copy only particular pre-defined cells that have been mentioned in the script, and then place it one below the other on a new sheet.
Ex, if the pre-defined cell is A2, C6, and D7. I want the code to open all the sheets in the folder one by one, copy A2, C6, and D7 of each workbook opened, and paste it one below the other on the new workbook that is running the macro.
As an add-on, it would also be great if the next column cud carry the file name of from which workbook the information was picked out.
The result thus in the new workbook wud be like...
A2's data | C6's data | D7's data | File Name
Andrew Male Married march3.xls
Peter Male Un-Married march4.xls
Susan Female Divorced april2.xls
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Jul 1, 2012
i attached link to sample and its contains employee sheets and Report sheet ,and in Report sheet there is comment
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Mar 15, 2013
I need a macro in a workbook to look at all the files in the same folder that have "*att*.xls" in the name and determine and copy from the range A15:W515 only the rows that have data in at least columns A, C and D. Each file will vary as to how many rows there will be and there are more than the files with "*att*.xls" in the folder. The data will be on the only worksheet in each file and the worksheet is named "G2WAttendee_xls" the data from all the files need to be copied to the file called "Consolidated webinar reports.xls" (I am using Excel 2003) and to a sheet called "Attendance Data" and added to the end of the last paste.
At the start of the macro the current file "Consolidated webinar report.xls" should be saved to a sub folder of the current directory and have the date saved added to the name. The sub folder is called "Completed reports". The data in the original file on worksheet "Attendance Data" should be deleted.
At the end of the process all the files that have had data copied from them should be moved to the sub folder "Attendance reports consolidated" (This could be done as each file is closed if that is easier).
I have headings in row 1 of the "Attendance Data" worksheet that match the headings in the various files in the folder (which will always be in row 14 of the individual "*att*.xls" files).
The folder with all the files and the "Consolidated webinar report.xls" file is at path "Z:P and S MEvaluationsWebinar series 2012-13TB".
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Feb 20, 2008
I am working with timesheet data (name, project code, task code, date, hours etc...) in one spreadsheet and rate card data (name, role, day rate etc...) in another.
My task is to pull together some of the information in each of these two source spreadsheets and compile a report. This I have done no problem. However, where a person works on a particular project and task on the same day and records multiple entries (which could be negative) I need to consolidate the hours in all these matching rows and have just one row reflect the total hours worked and delete the other duplicate rows.
So an example would be:
Project | Task | Name | Role | Date | Hours
123456 | 1.001 | Paul Jones | Project Manager | 20/02/2008 | 2.5
123456 | 1.001 | Paul Jones | Project Manager | 20/02/2008 | -2.5
123456 | 1.001 | Paul Jones | Project Manager | 20/02/2008 | 3.5
My problem is I don't think I have approached this the right way but am unsure of where to go with it. The code as is does sort of work but I still get some duplicate and zero lines in my results.
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Feb 20, 2008
I am working with timesheet data (name, project code, task code, date, hours etc...) in one spreadsheet and rate card data (name, role, day rate etc...) in another. My task is to pull together some of the information in each of these two source spreadsheets and compile a report. This I have done no problem. However, where a person works on a particular project and task on the same day and records multiple entries (which could be negative) I need to consolidate the hours in all these matching rows and have just one row reflect the total hours worked and delete the other duplicate rows. So an example would be:
Project | Task | Name | Role | Date | Hours
123456 | 1.001 | Paul Jones | Project Manager | 20/02/2008 | 2.5
123456 | 1.001 | Paul Jones | Project Manager | 20/02/2008 | -2.5
123456 | 1.001 | Paul Jones | Project Manager | 20/02/2008 | 3.5
123456 | 1.001 | Jo Brown | Developer | 20/02/2008 | 7.5
123456 | 1.001 | Jo Brown | Developer | 20/02/2008 | -7.5
123456 | 1.001 | Sam Smith | Architect | 20/02/2008 | 7.5
Should be processed and come out like this:.......................
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Sep 14, 2008
I'm trying to search through multiple worksheets (that are closed) to see if a value in cell B12 (of every worksheet) matches a value in a seperate worksheet (which is in a seperate workbook)
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Nov 24, 2008
code to create hyperlinks to all the workbooks in a folder? I Have about 52 workbooks in a folder and I like to place the links into another workbook so a user can open anyone they wish.
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Dec 1, 2008
Is there a way to use a for next loop to open a workbook that is in a folder, then save and close the workbook then open the next workbook in the folder and do the same routine till all the workbooks have been updated?
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Dec 3, 2008
A while back someone helped me out with a code to pull data out of all workbooks in a folder.
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Dec 22, 2009
I have several workbooks in a make your day folder categorized under several sub folders. Each workbook has a macro that calls the following macro:
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Oct 17, 2013
I have a macro that opens all workbooks in a folder and searches for a few terms returning the appropriate rows, my problem is that someone has decided to protect some of the sheets so when the files are opened you get the password box popup. I have added the (filename, readonly) segment however this has not solved the issue, the macro displays an error stating a workbook is open.
Is there any way to resolve this without unprotecting the sheets?
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Oct 22, 2013
I am using this code to save all files in folder as CSV . I would like to add a letter to the beginning of file name for each file starting with a for file 1, b for file 2 etc.
strFile = Dir(mFolder & "*.xls*")
Do While strFile ""
Workbooks.Open mFolder & strFile
[Code] .........
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Mar 2, 2007
I have a series of workbooks created by my salesforce (from a master template that I created for them) which they then place into a folder for me to extract data and upload that data to SAP. I am writing a procedure, therefore, to do just that.
Essentially, I would like to open the file containing the data, extract what I need and then close it. I can do that. THEN, I want to move each data file to a folder (which would depend upon the data within the file) as part of the whole procedure. I can define the new path, but I don't know how to move the book.
In creating the master template of the data files, I built into it an auto-name-creation procedure which defines the name of the file that they create. This enables me to write a procedure to work out the file to open. In order to do this, I disabled the save function (but password protected it so that I could make changes to the master template). As such, I am unable to use Save/Save As to move the data files.
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Jun 10, 2008
I have a large number of files (100+) contained in a directory with multiple subfolders that need to be made read-only at the end of an excel macro. Because of said length, I believe (open to correction) that the SetAttr method would not work (as I do not know the individual file names). It is also necessary to preserve all of the original files' other attributes.
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Aug 16, 2014
I am looking for an VBA solution to copy value from multiple workbooks in the same folder.
The master workbook will contain two columns: a list of date (col A) and value (col B) copy from other workbook.
Those multiple workbooks have the same structure which contain a date (A1 cell) and number value (B1 cell)
Basically I want to perform
i) Date matching A1 value in individual work with master workbook
ii) If entry date is matched, then copy B1 value to column B in master book
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Nov 9, 2008
I have a whole group of workbooks. Is there a way to make a new workbook that will look in the folder containing all of the other customer's books and pull information from them? In other words, I want a workbook where in Column A would contain all of the Customer's Names (Cell Info!G6), Column B would contain the Insurance Company (Cell Info!M14), etc. Is there a way to to that?
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May 11, 2007
I'd like to create a macro which will
-go to a given folder
-open each of the workbooks in the folder, one at a time
-after opening the first wkbk, go to a specific cell address on the first tab of the wkbk
-paste in some values and formulas
-save the workbook
-open the next workbook, and repeat as above, for all workbooks in the folder
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Feb 13, 2009
I have several workbooks in a folder with sub folders. How can I get the values located in C6,
E6 and E9 and put in a new workbook the "file name" in Ai and those 3 values in Bi, Ci and Di
respectively? Itīd be desirable get the values without open the files.
something like:
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Aug 19, 2009
Is there any code that can look at all the workbooks in a folder and add up the certain cell values? All the workbook's titles will change through time but all the workbooks only use sheet1.
Example: I want to add up cell Q45 from all the workbooks that exist in the windows folder. Is there vba code for this?
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