Update Code On A UserForm Via Macro

Dec 7, 2009

I have a time sheet which is used by around 15 people. Part of the timesheet is a userform which adds a new sheet and names it with the seleted month and year. I have made a few changes to my timesheet which I wish to update on other peoples sheets. I am going to send out a speadsheet with a macro that people can run and it will automatically make the changes to their timesheet. I have done all the work for updating the various formats and formuals but I have hit a bit of a brick wall when trying to change the code on a user form via a macro.
It would be great if I could either overwrite all of it or add a some lines of code from a specific line number.

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Code To Update Specific Data Via UserForm

Aug 20, 2006

I have a sheet with names and subdividers (Ent, Ver) on the columns, and dates on the rows. I am trying to make a form update the sheet when the name, ent or ver, and date match. I have attached a copy of my sheet to help explain that. I don't know much vba, but I can make a userform just fine. Trouble with most places is that the userforms only update based on empty cells, not based on more complex criteria.

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Macro For Search, Display, Update Data Via Userform

Dec 29, 2007

I need a code for vinculating a user form and perform some searchings on a excel database.
For further details see attached file.

I created a user form in which some infromation is requested in order to search on excel database, I need a macro to search, display and update this data/information.

As an example, if i need to find the part number "C23138810-1" using the button search database and contains or match options, then displays all the information on the user form, this information is located in the same row where the part number is. Then, if some change is required, update is by clickig button "Update Data", and then if require "find next" item to review or update.

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Update Links Only Via Macro Code

Mar 20, 2008

I have a 15 excel files which are part of the forecast system. There is another file MASTER which is the host file for the macro. Every months multiple users are asked to update their forecast in the 15 excel files .As these files also display actuals, so they are linked to bunch of other files. The links to the files should not be updated unless I run my macro from MASTER to do the series of tasks.

Everytime these users open the files , they are asked to update links.

Is there a way for me to stop this warning and still able to update the links only when i run my macro from the Master.

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Formulas Added From Macro Code Don't Update

Mar 12, 2008

I used VBA to write a number of formulas into various cells in a workbook. After the VBA is done running, I change the values in the cells that are referenced by the cells I wrote formulas in. The formulas do not update after I enter this new information. My calculation is set to automatic, and F9 doesn't help.

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Macro Stops At 1st Line Of Userform Code

May 10, 2006

I have built a small userform with 3 fields. The macro ran OK first few times. Now, when user enters data in the form and clicks OK nothing happens. I found that repeated clicking on OK or Cancel button on form had no effect. I then observed that VBA editor was open and the yellow cursor was displayed on the first code line under cmdOK_click procedure. The code line was also highlighted in yellow. There are no errors to debug and no break points etc. When I clicked the Run (or Continue) icon from the VBA toolbar, the macro completed OK. Question: Why is the macro pausing on the first line and how can I make it run without pausing for no apparent reason.

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Create UserForm With Controls Via Macro Code

Apr 20, 2008

This code create a userform on the workbook opening .I'm having problems with

1. Closeing the Visual basic window after this procedure runs
2. Being able to use the create userformstext box value in other procedures
3. how to delete the userform on close

Sub AddUserFormInputRequest()
Dim objVBProj As VBProject
Dim objVBComp As VBComponent
Dim objVBFrm As UserForm
Dim objChkBox As Object
Dim x As Integer
Dim strCode As String
Dim firstLine As Long, SecondLine As Long
Set objVBProj = Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject
Set objVBComp = objVBProj.VBComponents.Add(vbext_ct_MSForm)
With objVBComp
. Name = "InputRequest"
. Properties("Width") = 200
.Properties("Height") = 100......................

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Update A Value In Userform

May 20, 2009

In Excel, I have created a userform where a user inputs parameters into various textboxes. A simulation runs based on these user entered values. All the VB code is in this form. There are some textboxes and charts that are supposed to get updated as the simulation runs so that the user can view the parameters change as the simulation happens (it is a "do loop").

Everything is fine except the charts and textboxes don't display the most current value. They display the starting value during the "do loop " execution. Once the do loop quits, they then display the final values and chart.

I have me.repaint and chart.refresh inside the do loop to display the most recent values. none work, as far displaying the most current values.

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Need Search And Update Box In Userform

May 9, 2013

I have a userform for data entry. I am able to make codes for Add ( Add entry to database), clear ( Clear userform ) , Cancel (Exit userform). I have some more buttons and functions to be assigned to them but not able to write code .

Need codes for :

1) Have search box which searches Mat id in the complete database and returns value in the search result listbox. When we click on the result in listbox , the userform values are filled with the values that the mat id has . Then if user wishes he can update teh details for that mat id , and click on update button . the data is updated in the database. Or he can delete the entry from database by clicking on delete button.

2) Have arrows which will navigate through database ( need macros for that ) .


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Update Userform Textboxes On The Fly

May 10, 2009

I've got a workbook (attached) with a UserForm that summarizes transactions entered in columns A and B based on the entry (color) in column A. If you click on the Button (Summary (Show/Hide)) it brings up the UserForm.

A couple of issues I've struggled with:
1. I'd like the UserForm to open when the workbook opens.
2. I'd like the UserForm to update as entries are made in Columns A and B when the user tabs out of column B
3. I'd like the UserForm to always stay open; the user cannot close it.

I've got the same data in cells G26:M34 but these cells don't "float" as the page moves down. This is the reason I've gone to a UserForm to accumulate the data.

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UserForm Search And Update

Feb 17, 2010

Not sure if I am linking this correctly but here it goes...http://www.excelforum.com/excel-prog...ification.html

This is a previous post link that is now solved but I have a new question based on the code in the post. I would like to know how to add a search and update ability to the user form I have created. I am newb with user forms so I apologize in advance for my lack of knowledge.

And yes I know the way it is set up now it is depositing data in two different locations; this is for a specific purpose.

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UserForm To Update A Table

Sep 11, 2013

I have a table recording details of attendees of courses. There are common and variable entries columns) for each attendee (row)

Common: Venue, Date, Teacher, Course.

Variable ( and specific to attendee): Role, Place of work,

So if there are 40 attendees then currently I have to enter the common fields for all attendees 40 times !!

Is there a way of having input boxes/ user form which asks for the common fields and then automatically updates the table?

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Update Userform With Screenupdating Off

Jul 19, 2006

I have a form that i am using that I would like to update at certain points in the code. I have the screenupdating set to false but it seems that this is keeping the userform from refreshing as well. Is there a way to refresh the userform without turning the screenupdating back on (because the user cannot see what is happening behind the scenes.

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Update Data Via Userform

Mar 19, 2008

I have a form that allows users to enter details and retrieve details of data already entered. How can I make it so users can update the data in the subform?

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Add VBA To Userform To Search By Last Name And To Update Record

May 6, 2014

I have developed a functional User Form that works like a charm. The form will Add New Records to my database and Get Next and Get Previous records. This all works like a charm. I am stuck on how to search by Last Name or Employee Number and then to Update the Existing Record. If I change anything in an existing record as the VBA is written today, my only choice is to add a new record to the end of the database. I have added Command Buttons, but I'm lost as to how to write the code. Here's what I have so far:


Dim currentrow As Long
Private Sub cmdGetNext_Click()
lastrow = ActiveCell.Row


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Userform Looks Up Data But Will Not Update To Different Sheet

Aug 18, 2014

I have been playing around with this and are totally baffled,userform service,enter pl094 in combobox1 ,first part looks up sheet1 and works well.

If I change overhauled date it changes on sheet1 ,but will not write to sheet repairs,has done in the past as you can tell from entries, have tried irow and c.row but for some reason will not write any more entries.

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Can't Get Row References To Update From Userform Formula

Nov 28, 2009

I have a userform that populates a list of names. As a name is added in column "D" column "C" updates a reference number using the formula =IF(D2="","",C1+1). I can get the formula to copy to the spread sheet but as a new name is added the formula stays the same. If I enter a name in cell D2 everything is fine but when I make the next entry in row 3 the same formula is entered as if it were text and not as a formula. so I wind up with a column of formulas that all say =IF(D2="","",C1+1) reguardless of what row the formula is in.

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Values Unrecognizable After Update Userform?

Sep 21, 2011

The following code edits/adds the value of textbox2 to its corresponding cell. The problem with it is that after updating, the values are unrecognizable and can't be used for further calculations.

With LB
LI = .ListIndex
Range(.ListFillRange).Cells(LI + 1, 2).Value = TextBox2.Value


Although it does not gives an error it makes even more values in the column unrecognizable.

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Userform: Lookup, Add Data, Then Update

Dec 11, 2006

I have made this userform.

What i want to be able to do is select an item from combobox (comboCPM) and then be able to check off some or all of the checkboxes then up date that line items record.

Check box value can be a "x" or "true" dont really care.

I have gone though the combox excercise at www.contextures.com, but when I try to use that logic in my spread sheet I get nothing in my drop down... just blank spaces

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Update Values From A Userform Into A Worksheet

Jun 4, 2008

I am writing code that when you click "OK" on the userform the macro should copy the user entered values which are already in a worksheet into another worksheet. Once the values have been copied over I would like the form to clear the values.
The code that I have so far is giving me a Method " Range" of object'_Global' failed error.

Sub UpdateVariables()
Dim HomeAddress
Dim CellAddress
If Range("E1") = 0 Then Exit Sub
For Each Cell In Range ("E4:E496")
If ActiveCell.Value = 1 Then
HomeAddress = ActiveCell.Address
CellAddress = Variables & "!" & ActiveCell.Offset(0,1).Value
Range(CellAddress).Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0,-1).Value
End If
Next Cell
End Sub

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Userform Button To Update Edited Data?

Sep 13, 2013

I have been working on a userform for entering in and editing data in a spreadsheet, but I'm stuck with the code for updating the edited data.

I have two pages on the Userform, one for adding a new entry, and one for editing an existing entry.

On the page for editing an existing entry, I have a combobox that displays information in the text boxes based the selection. What I need to be able to do is click save once I have made changes to the information in the text boxes and then have that information saved in the spreadsheet.

I have figured out all of the other buttons in the userform, but I am struggling with this last one. Here is my spreadsheet with some sample information entered in : ExcelFile.xls

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Update UserForm Textbox To New Active Cell?

May 14, 2014

I am working on a addin UserForm to quickly format cell text, especially only select characters in a cell. I have this functional in a modal setting working with the active cell when I activate the UserForm. What I would like to be able to do is to work in excel without having to close the Userform and have the textbox update with each new cell. I have changed the UserForm properties to ShowModal = false which gets the first half. However the textbox will only show the cell value I started with.

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
TextBox1.Text = ActiveCell
End Sub


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Get Userform With Search And Update Functions To Work?

Mar 27, 2014

I came across a userform which was perfect for my needs, as I only had to create additional fields, which I did and have attached. However, since I have more than 10 fields, I was getting an error with respect to the listbox function, where it stated that the list property could not be found. I gathered from the searches I did, that this is the max limit for this particular function. I have been unsuccessful in finding a solution, partly because I don't know very much and I'm not understanding how to incorporate some of these solutions into the vba code. I've created simple userforms before, but this one is a little more advanced than my current capabilities.

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How To Update Multiple Worksheets Based On One Userform

Jul 30, 2014

I have a userform I attached here with 3 combo boxes where a user can pick districts and schools, etc. When they click ok, the various tabs in this macro enabled workbook will "refresh" with the metrics for that entity)combination of picks from form) across the board. Each tab will have multiple pivot charts/tables so the filters will need to be addressed. I've been looking for code to kind of match this scenario. I've seen some that kind of in the ballpark, but due to the size and complexity, I suspect this will be extensive, right?

Parameter Selection.jpg

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Make Userform That Will Update List In Spreadsheet?

Dec 8, 2012

I am trying to make a userform that will update a list in the spreadsheet. Basically if a user types into a multiline textbox numbers (separated by line) like so:


then the macro will paste that data at the end of a list so that each number is in a new cell. The only thing I have that comes close is Range("A1").value = listbox1.value The problem with this is that it will input the entire list into one cell. I have attemped various things, like trying to get the list into the clipboard and pasting, but I haven't really had much luck.

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Running A Userform To Update The Current Cell Value

Apr 13, 2008

I have to append the cell value with a user input string in to the same cell.
i.e, if the user types "Issue" in the cells ranging C1:C200, I would like to make a mandatory issue description to be entered by the user. So a user form with text box and command button was introduced which should append the cell value with the user input in the text box.

The issue that I have is with the cell selection within the code for the form.

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Issue (" + TextBox1.Text + ")"

For example if the user tabs out from cell C3, the output from the userform will be written to D3 ? or if the user hits Enter key to come out, the output will be written to C4 and so on.
How can I make ure the output is going to the same cell?

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
On Error Resume Next
If Application.Intersect(Target, Range("$C$1:$C$200")) = "Issue" Then

Dim MyForm As New UserForm1


Exit Sub

End If

End Sub

'Code for the userform is below:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
If TextBox1.Text = "" Then

' the user input is mandatory
MsgBox "Issue Details is mandatory", vbCritical, "Mandatory Field"


' append the cell value with user input in the text box
'****issue is here in the next line
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Issue (" + TextBox1.Text + ")"

End If
End Sub

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Dynamic Userform Doesn't Update Label Caption

Aug 9, 2009

I have multiple Userforms with labels etc, all controls are similarily named (so I could do this) and I can refer to the Userform dynamically but the Label caption/Controls don't change, any idea's how to get them working.

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Edit/Update List From Userform (auto Alphabetized)

Nov 30, 2009

I have a sheet that creates a list of columns that may need to be updated or edited as necessary. Column A is a list of names that are alphabetized automaticaly from column D, so any change in column D would need to be reflected in column A. The attached sheet will (I hope) make things clearer.

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UserForm Initialize Code Closes UserForm

Jul 3, 2004

When I run the userform initialize procedure to reset the values in text boxes and the like instead of resetting like it should, now it closes the userform completely and then won't allow me to show it again, what could be the problem?

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Me.MultiPage1.Value = 0
TextBox3.Value = ActiveWorkbook. Sheets("Sales Invoice"). Range("G15").Value
Dim hWndForm As Long
Dim hMenu As Long
hWndForm = FindWindow("ThunderDFrame", Me.Caption) 'XL2000
hMenu = GetSystemMenu(hWndForm, 0)
DeleteMenu hMenu, SC_CLOSE, 0&
End Sub

The Dim stuff down is to gray out the x button, there are also some module level declarations to go with that...

Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long
Private Declare Function GetSystemMenu Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal bRevert As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function DeleteMenu Lib "user32" (ByVal hMenu As Long, ByVal nPosition As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long
Private Const SC_CLOSE As Long = &HF060

the userform shows when the workbook opens and is then hidden when the user has finished entering values, then when the user goes through the process of being asked to print and save, they are then asked if they would like to create a new record, if yes then it shows the userform again, but the userform is still filled with all the stuff previously entered. I tried using the unload me instead of hiding and that wouldn't work at all, didn't give errors just didn't show the userform either, this at least shows the userform, but now when the user goes to clear the information by initializing the userform again, it simply closes the userform and then it can't be shown again either.


This is the link to the ZIP, and here are some instructions for setting it up to work.

The contents of this need to be unzipped into a folder called SyntheticShield that is placed in the C: drive that way all paths begin with C:SyntheticShield and then the other folders or files will be referenced correctly. The template I'm having problems with is the SyntheticShieldInvoiceMaker template, when you open it you'll be prompted whether you want to create a new invoice, number is final blah blah blah, say yes, then it will ask if you are importing from the Quotemaker which you aren't say no, it should then show the userform as it should. Then you can go through that process and by pressing either the create invoice or go to template directly whatever, you can hide the userform. Then you press the command button (red) a userform is brought up asking if you'd like to save without emailing, save with emailing or close controls, as for right now, I'm just getting the save without emailing to work the rest is all the same just a few tidbits of code. So click save without emailing, it should then prompt an are you sure message box, click yes it will do some things, then it will ask if you want to print, click no, then it will ask do you want to create a new invoice, click yes, this should then start the process all over again by calling the workbook_open procedure, however, when you go through everything, and click no to the import from quotemaker part it won't show the userform. And at one point it would, but then I couldn't initialize the userform without it disappearing and not being allowed to be shown...I tried putting a command button on the template to show the userform, but it wouldn't do it either.

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Code To Update Add-in

May 5, 2007

I need to write code to automatically update a user's add-in if a newer version is available. Here are the specifics. The add-in is installed on multiple users c:drives. In the add-in code, there is a constant, Version_Nbr. On the network drive, I have a text file containing the most up-to- date version number. When the user opens the add-in file, the code compares the Version_Nbr to the text file on the network drive. If the version on the network is higher, I prompt the user with "A new version is available. Would you like to download it now?"

I have a seperate download program which will automatically download the new add-in to the user's local drive. Here's where I run into problems. I cannot replace the add-in file with a newer version when the add-in is open. The add-in is always open because it's the add-in that determines if a newer version is available. So how do I do this? It seems to me I need to launch the download program from the add-in and then have the add-in close itself before the download program executes.

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