User Form To Remove Data From A Database

Feb 9, 2010

I have created my first user form that puts the info gathered onto a seperate sheet.

We are a garage and its for cars that come into stock.

What I want to do is when we sell a car, have a way of removing the car from the database but recording the infomation that was in the first database and some additional infomation like who sold it and the selling price.

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Remove Close X From User Form

Oct 10, 2008

how you can remove the close 'X' on the title bar of a user form please? I have used this for a password input box but if the user selects the 'X' on the title bar then it closes the password box without them having to enter a password and allows them into the workbook.

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Remove User Form Borders

Aug 1, 2009

I am using a user form to display a splash screen. In the user form, I have a picture that is being displayed as splash screen for 5 seconds and then it disappears. I only want to display the picture in the splash screen. I want to to remove the following three items
from the user form:

1 - remove all borders
2 - remove the menu/caption bar
3 - remove the "x" button that allows user to close form.

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Remove A User Form Border

Jul 28, 2006

The border around a user form is really annoying. Is there any way to remove this so that when you load the user form without a title bar your image you use is just your image and not with a border around it???

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Remove Checkbox Ticks From Last Use Upon Opening User Form

Jun 2, 2009

I am simply trying to write a macro or code that will set all the check box values to "False" each time I initiate the User form. So that the user form does not "carry over" check box values from the last time the User form was used.

However I had to make sure I cleared the value from the cell that each control is associated with.(the controlsource in the user form properties.)

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User Form-Easy Selection Of Data To Be Filled In The Form

Jun 3, 2006

find the attached workbook

I have a Database and user form, in the user form i have a field named “Vehicle No” this is a combo box from which a user needs to select the Vehicle numbers, and all these are working fine now, I need your help in the following:

When user selects the second field named "Select Vendor name" i need a pop up window which shows all the Vehicles belongs to the vendor which they have selected, and with the popup window user selects the vehicle number then the Vehicle number combo box should be filled.

Currently users have to select by scrolling through Combo box which takes long time and difficult to find by scrolling.

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Prevent The User From Saving The Data Input From The User Form If Any Of Those Three Fields Is Left Blank

Feb 9, 2010

I have a user form that has a combo box "City" two text boxes one called "Flight" and the other "Date". What I'm trying to do is to prevent the user from saving the data input from the user form if any of those three fields is left blank. The code that I have so far checks all of the required fields, if any are left blank a message notifys which field(s) is left blank and return the focus back to that field. But the rest of code also fires.

What I really need is either to stop the code if any fields are blank and return the focus back to the blank field, the user completes the field(s) and clicks the save again, or better yet, pause the code until all the required fields are completed and then complete the save. (There is actually another 200+ lines of code in this sub, but I deleted it to keep the post a little shorter.)

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Look Up Data And Plug Into Form - User Form In Reverse?

Jan 14, 2009

I have created a registration workbook for this year's youth sports league. All of the information is entered into a User Form and separated onto it's appropriate sheet designated by the child's age. Next year, I would like to use this year's workbook to look up returning players.

Will it be possible to add a "lookup" button into my form, or create a lookup program, that once the registrar clicks on the correct player, the information is plugged into the User Form, the registrar adjusts the age and any necessary info, presses enter, and the information is copied into the appropriate category in the new workbook? I haven't worked with User Forms long enough to know if they can be filled in that way, but if this can be done, you are the people who would know.

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Formula To Remove Leading Space - Data From Database

Mar 31, 2014

I did copy/paste lots and lots of pages from an online database into excel and the data all has a hidden leading space that is not recognized when i do find and replace or =trim. I am trying to compare this data against other data in excel and all the formulas are "false" unless i remove that space manually

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User Form To Add Data In Columns

May 30, 2007

I need to use the user form to create the fields in the next free column in the parts data sheet.

At the moment, it just writes over the firsst part i create. Have tried countless methods but am new to this vba business. To take it a step further, i need to concatenate the three fields and copy this into the parts data entry, Again i have tried (see code) but cant get it to work. Finally, If possible, I would like to check the parts already created, so duplicates cannot be made.

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User Form Data To New Record On Worksheet

Mar 22, 2009

VBA code to get userform input from form to "Data" worksheet. Data starts at columns A3..AG3. I need the code for the "Input" button to put Month, Date, Type, Comments under their corresponding columns and the "Amount" to go under the appropriate column that is selected by the Option Button. I've included a picture with in "red" comments.

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User Form, How To Save And Add Data To Range

Jul 15, 2009

I have a user form designed and now I would like to be able to program a Command Button to "SAVE" and when it is clicked, I would like to save the results of my fields to another worksheet. I have a defined range that I would like to have the inserted row into?

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User Form Data Validation From List

Feb 8, 2010

The text box where the end user types in the data - I want to make this have a drop down list like when using data validation but dont have a clue how to.

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Enter User Form Data Onto Spreadsheet

Oct 4, 2007

I have 4 textboxes that the user enters data. I then have a button on the user form.

i would like to write code so that when the user hits the button...
Textbox1 data goes into active cell
Textbox2 data into the cell below Active cell
Textbox3 below it
and textbox4 below it
then close the user form.

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Multiple User Data Entry Form

Jun 28, 2007

Basically at the moment our static data group use a generic sheet which lists all possible field variables. However, what I want to do is design something which only shows the fields that need to be filled out (ie if the field is shown it needs to be input).

Once the form is filled out it will get saved and sent via email, where it is then printed out and input by our data group. One way I thought about approaching this was to have 18 sheets which are hidden, and which are then selected when a report type is filled out. The other way would be to have IF statements but I think that would get complicated on the one sheet. Just really looking at ideas at this stage.... For example there are 30 fields on the sheet that we use now, but some reports may only need 5 of these fields - I therefore need to "hide" the remaining 25...

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User Form To Filter Data Into New Workbook

Sep 13, 2007

I have an excel file with data in it.I also have designed an user form so that the user can select few options in that to filter the excel file and get a new file. The reason i am doing this is because the people who are going to use this do not have any knowledge of excel. In the sample attached, the tab "Data" has the data in it. The User form should filter this particular sheet and throw out a new file. In the userform, I have mentioned the fields to be filtered.

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Post To Different Sheets In Excel User Data Entry Form

May 27, 2014

User form data entry.

I need to save the data of For Eg. A form in Sheet 1, B form in Sheet 2, C form data entry in sheet 3.

what is happening now is that, all the entries are going in the Active Sheet that is open in the excel file. I want to automate the process of data entry, by making it enter data from specific form in specific sheet.

1st form

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
eRow = Sheet1.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row
Cells(eRow, 1) = ComboBox1.Text
Cells(eRow, 2) = TextBox12.Text
Cells(eRow, 3) = TextBox2.Text
Cells(eRow, 4) = TextBox3.Text
Cells(eRow, 5) = TextBox4.Text

Unload Me
End With
End Sub
2nd form

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
eRow = Sheet2.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row
Cells(eRow, 1) = ComboBox1.Text
Cells(eRow, 2) = TextBox14.Text
Cells(eRow, 3) = TextBox2.Text
Cells(eRow, 4) = TextBox3.Text
Cells(eRow, 5) = TextBox4.Text
Unload Me
End Sub

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Unload Or Hide User Form On Show Next Form

Dec 2, 2008

I'm using a series of user forms for data entry to a workbook, some of them open next stage user form on completion (OK cmd button).

All that is working fine, but I'd like the initial form to close on showing the next one. I've tried adding Unload and Hide commands following the frmInsertEntry.Show (Next stage form), to no avail, but I'd like this user form to close or hide at the end of the sub.

Private Sub cmdContinueType_Click()

ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Records").Activate 'Select starting cell in record sheet

If IsEmpty(ActiveCell) = False Then ' Search for next empty cell
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
End If
Loop Until IsEmpty(ActiveCell) = True

If optDrillType = True Then
End If

End Sub

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Complete Database From Form?

Feb 5, 2014

I have a form I'm building that I want to put on the server to allow different people to complete as needed.

As they complete this form I want to take all the info they entered and have it go into a data base once there I want to clear the form for the next person.

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Using A Form To Edit Database

Feb 5, 2007

I have a userform to view data in a database from a combobox result as follows:
Private Sub cmbCompany_Change()
With frmChangeCustData

.txtCustNo = Range("custdatacompany").Cells(cmbCompany.ListIndex + 0, 2)
.txtAddress = Range("custdatacompany").Cells(cmbCompany.ListIndex + 0, 3)
.txtCity = Range("custdatacompany").Cells(cmbCompany.ListIndex + 0, 4)
.txtState = Range("custdatacompany").Cells(cmbCompany.ListIndex + 0, 5)
.txtZip = Range("custdatacompany").Cells(cmbCompany.ListIndex + 0, 6)
.txtPhone = Range("custdatacompany").Cells(cmbCompany.ListIndex + 0, 7)
.txtContact = Range("custdatacompany").Cells(cmbCompany.ListIndex + 0, 8)
.txtFax = Format(Val(.txtPhone), "(###)###-####")
.txtEmail = Range("custdatacompany").Cells(cmbCompany.ListIndex + 0.1)

End With

End Sub

I want to be able to use the same type of form to edit any of the fields in the data base selectively. I think I need to reverse the above code in some manner to accomplish this. What I can't get my head wrapped around is how to get to the correct row in the database to post the edited fields in the correct spot.

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Database Construction And Form Use

Feb 13, 2007

I need to construct a text only database to keep track of an ever changing catalogue. The contained data will have three levels to it and look something like this:

Company 1
................Product 1
.............................Extra 1
.............................Extra 2
.............................Extra 3
................Product 2
.............................Extra 1
.............................Extra 2
Company 2
................Product 3
.............................Extra 4
................Product 4
.............................Extra 4
.............................Extra 5
...and so on

As you can see, the database will contain several companies, each selling their own products, each with certain extra's available. My main aim is to have an easily updateable list that can be summarised quickly into a company and their available products and extra's. The database hasn't been constructed yet. Have you guys got any tips or ideas on the best way of setting this out to keep it as flexible as possible?

My first thoughts were along these lines:

...and so on

Does this look to be the easiest way? Obviously there would be quite a bit of duplication in column A and B but as far as I can tell this is unavoidable.

I also have grand aspirations of having a front worksheet with a customised form that allows me to select the company from a dropdown list and then having it populate a list of the products and available extra's. Would I need to use VBA and if so how would I go about doing it? Is it possible to include something to export the results out to a new word or excel document? Eventually I would like to be able to hide the database and have data entry/removal made by way of a similar form. I must admit that this is currently out of my scope so chances are I may reply with further questions.

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Autonumbering The Default Database Form

May 7, 2009

Attached is a workbook for entering sample receipt. Each new entry/row should have the consecutive number in column A.

I have a button for calling up the default form for a database (e.g. Data>Form>New).

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Database Form Mass Edit

Jan 12, 2010

Lets say i have 2 columns A and B as shown below. I want to have a userform that has a list that shows the uniques in column A ie. 1,2,3 and a drop down next to each one that shows my options yes, no, maybe. If the user selects yes for 1 and submits the form i want all 1's in column a to have yes in column B.

1 Yes
2 No
3 Maybe
1 Yes
2 No
3 Maybe
1 Yes
2 No
3 Maybe
1 Yes
2 No
3 Maybe

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How To Remove The Drop-down In The Database

Feb 4, 2014

I am capturing data to post to a database and the first field is the month which is selected from a drop-down list. When I post the record, column A in the database shows a drop down list for the month. How do I remove the drop-down in the database?

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Command Button That Will Remove A Row From Database

Mar 4, 2014

I would like to add a Command Button that will remove a row from a database. The user will perform a search, which will find the row associated with an employee name, and click a Command Button to remove that row. How can this be done, and are there any issues that might arise from something like this (in terms of formulas)?

Here is the code for the SEARCH:

[Code] .....

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How To Input Text Into Cell Based On Database Using Form

Jan 23, 2013

i was wondering if it was possible to move database entries from sheet to sheet using a user form ? any examples for this ?

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Accessing Multiple Workbooks To Form A Master Database

Jan 22, 2009

I have 100 or so workbooks named A1234.xls, A1235.xls, A1236.xls etc.

I want to gather information from the same worksheet and same cell in each workbook.

I want this information in a separate workbook named Master.xls

In the Master spreadsheet I have the workbook names in column A e.g.
A1236 etc.

In column B, I want the information form each of the 100 workbooks. For example, from "sheet 1" Cell C2. This is the same place I want the information from in each workbook.

Is there an easy way of doing this with a formulae rather than a macro. For example, in the Master spreadsheet column B1 formula would read =[A1234.xls]Sheet1!$C$2 ... and then can you drag this changing the filename according to column A in the master spreadsheet?

If not can a macro be used? I have only started looking at macro's and my knowledge on them is very basic.

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Create A Form With 5 Headers And Each Header Uses Unique Database

Apr 13, 2006

I need to have a end user form that pulls information from a database and simplifies work for our substitue coordinator. Please be advised I have been working on this and can not get the desired results. I need a form that displays the current date and 5 columns of data the Data needs to be in seperate cells for example cell A1 titled TEACHERS and then the sub coordinator could start typing the name of the teacher in a2 and a predefined database of teachers name, class they teach, etc. MATH, ENGLISH and planning period would be pooled and automaticly fill the cell.

I also would need a second cell say cell B to be call Substitutes and b2- b100 to pull data from a database of substitute names and display their information.

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Nifty Email Generator / User Database Interface?

Apr 27, 2012

I've been trying to modify this code in several ways but I can't figure it out, I'd like to

a) use different sections for the email generation where the email address/surname/forename/location are in my user database

b) have a popup screen appear for the body of the email text, I don't like the idea of my secretary having to go into the code to change the text

c) another popup box requesting an email identifier that will set a 'flag' in the Email Information column to show they've had that email and (this may be ambitious) to record the body of the email text somewhere that I can review so there's a record of what's been sent out

This is the code

Dim oXlWkBk As Excel.Workbook ' Excel Work Book Object
Dim oOLApp As Outlook.Application
Dim oOLMail As MailItem
Dim lRow As Long
Dim olMailItem


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Drop Down List In Form Shows Numeric Value In Database-want To Show Actual Value

Aug 5, 2009

I have set up a simple form in excel, whereby people use drop down menus to select the appropriate information (as all data inputted needs to be entered in exactly the same way to allow sorting, counting etc) so I thought drop downs were best. The trouble is the data is carried through to my excel database (on another worksheet) were it is shown in numeric values dependant on how far down the drop down list the select item appears (ie "Fareham" is third on the list, so shows in the database as "3").

I'd very much like my database to be easier to read and actually show Fareham etc, rather than be populated with lots of numbers. I initially tried using IF function (ie =IF(C3=3,"Fareham") but unfortunately two of my drop down lists are too long for this (with 25 and 33 entries respectively).

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