Macro to filter (extract) data into different worksheets based on Status on Column G in a new workbook. The new workbook can be saved in the same folder where the existing one is saved.
I have attached the Rawdata file and the sample file for reference..
I have a excel worksheet with the following columns: First name, Last Name, Email address, domain of email, product type, date registered. The list consists of about 50,000 entries. I want to sort the list by the domain of email(which I am able to do already) Once this is done, I want to find all instances of where a domain appears at least 10 times on the list(such as appears 40 times, so I want to get that data).
For those instances where the domain appears at least 10 times, I want to pull those rows out of the intial list and put them in a new list(the new list will be sorted by domain and will only have people who have a domain which appears at least 10 times). To make this a bit more clear, The initial list I have is a list of people who registered to use the software my employer makes. We are trying to locate companies which may have many people using our consumer version of the software. When there is a large amount of people in the same organization using our software, it would benefit them to upgrade to the enterprise version due to enhanced managment features. By running this filter, I can see which companies have at least 10 users registered to use our software. Of course I will remove any Gmail/yahoo mail/msn/hotmail... pretty much any public email domains and just leave the ones that are obviously corporate emails.
So far, I think it probably has to be done with a pivot table... I was able to get a table that tells me how many instances occur from each domain, but I cannot get it to display the actual data(it just says IE. 200, yahoo 120, etc... I need it to show me the 200 rows of emails and extract them to a new sheet so that I can then follow up with and see if they are interested in the corporate version.)
Is there a way i can filter down data using dates and then copy to another worksheet. So lets i want copy all things with todays date on it and paste it to another worksheet.
Is there a way to easily filter the data according to the products' "index %" of a given month and then copying all data (including name, price, index%, and index value for the whole year) of those deviating from 100,0% to a new sheet?
I tried this myself with auto filters but the layout presented some problems. The sheet is created automatically by another programme, so the layout is what it is.
I really hope someone might have a solution for this since I need to sort through these sheets, with thousands of products, every month by hand!
I have a spreadsheet. This has columns begining with A to S (with data in it)
It has rows beginning on row 5 and goes down to 85 but it gets bigger every day.
I want to create a macro with several phases
Phase 1 - Select the rows I specify, ie pop up box to decide on the rows Phase 2 - Filter down and select the rows in this selection where column K has a value (unselecting the rest) Phase 3 - Copying Columns A, B, D, E, F, K, from the selection Phase 4 - Pasting these columns into A, B, C, D, E, F, of the sheet the macro sits on....
I would like to use a dropdown box for all the names in my worksheet. Once a name is selected have all the rows filtered on that name and copied to a new workbook.
I think I'm making this harder then it is, but I'm just not comprehending what needs to be done.
I need to copy data from two ore more worksheets with specified name in a column.
Input data: -name of the worksheets to be copied in column "H" from sheet "final" -diferent number in the worksheets in column "F" and "G"
Outpt data: -I need to copy data from some worksheets(column F and G) in "final" worksheet (column A and B). But I need to copy data only from the worksheets with the name in column "H" of "final" worsksheet.
I am trying to work out how to copy all data from worksheets that begin with the name 'Sheet' and paste that information onto the next available blank cell in a workbook called 'Results'. I have found how to copy information from all worksheets to 'Results' but not from selected worksheets that begin with the name 'Sheet'.
I run a report each month and I have several hundred lines of data with Heading 1 being the customer Name. I would love to copy this information to individual sheets based on the customer name as showed below (Output).
I need a macro to copy data to various worksheets, in sheet workings, header is row 5, i have list of a/c codes in Col A, i need the macro to do autofilter col a5, and do a custom filter that begins with the following criterias, i then need the macro to copy filtered data to various worksheets, each worksheet is in the order of criteria, so CITI will be copied to CITIBANK_INTERNATIONAL etc. Target range to copy data to various sheets is A7
I have a workbook with 3 sheets. AP, Move, Match. AP & Move will be about 40,000 lines.
I need a macro that will take the data from those two sheets and match them up on the match sheet by column A Line by line with all data moving over. An example is attached.
I'm not sure if this is possible, but please let me know if you need more info because I really don't want to do this manually. Anything that doesn't match I just need a blank line. I can add the true-false formula, but if it would fit in the macro that would be cool to.
I'd like to be able to have a macro that will create a pivot table based on a range, open up each of the total rows within the pivot table (which will create a new sheet), name the worksheet the title of the total row corresponding to it then copy each worksheet created by the pivot and paste into another sheet in a required format.
I have an issue to where I have my worksheet entitled "Index Data" as my output. I need to loop multiple worksheets to copy cell D2 and copy onto worksheet "Index Data" in column B.
It should look similarly to this:
Sub Range("D2").Value = myinput1 For Each ws In Worksheets [relevant code] Next ws End Sub
I need a macro to copy data from "sheet1" "sheet2" "sheet3" / column E and F to the worksheet "final". The number of rows in "sheet1", "sheet2", "sheet3" etc. is variable.
how to copy data from two different tabs and then paste it into one? My below code opens up a workbook and extracts the appropriate data, but I also need it to extract data from another tab within the workbook that was opened.
Sub LTDexportDATA() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.DisplayAlerts = False
How do I create code that will copy and paste 30 rows of data
Copy from filename "Record1", worksheet name "CA3M", in column A and B, and Paste data in filename "Record2", worksheet name "CA3M"
- Column A 30 rows of data paste into A20:A49 of the new file and worksheet
- Column B 30 rows of data paste into E20:E49 of the new file and worksheet, prior to pasting these results remove all dashes "-" eg.0-0-1 = 001
The location of the 30 rows of data to be copied changes, so the code should always look for the following information in the row before and after the 30 rows to copy in column A and B:
- Find the 30 rows of data in Column A and B where the first row immediately follows the row with the cell result "Account Date" and the last row is immediately before the row with the cell result "Previous Page Page".
Also, I will probably have to update the code to repeat this function for several other worksheets within these 2 files after my database is completely built.
I have a workbook with 26 multiple worksheets that each represent 1 of 26 payperiods per year (bi-weekly payperiods). These worksheets consists of rows of employees names and hours worked each day. The columns consist of dates representing each day in that payperiod.
I need to be able to search all the worksheets (ie. search all 26 payperiods) to find specific 30 day intervals and then copy each employees hours worked to a master spreadsheet. I have tried variations of Index & Match formulae as well as vlookup/hlookup/ISNA without luck. I am not able to use VBA.
I am trying to filter the data in my fortnightly timesheets based on each job code (of which there are multiple)to a new sheet. I have found code on the net which should be doing this but it keeps falling over on the following line:
The error i am getting is: "Run-time error 1004:". Autofilter method of range class failed. The code has already taken out the unique values from my master sheet and copied the list to a new worksheet. It should then use this list as the criteria to filter the master sheet. I have spent hours looking at other web pages for an answer to this particular error but none are using a variable criteria like i am.
I have to write a macro that will copy the values of 'Items' in 'worksheet 2' to 'Items' in 'worksheet 1' ONLY when the 'Title' value is matching in both worksheets AND the value of ' Heading' in worksheet 2 is 'Entry1'.
Worksheet 1:
Title |Items
David Bill John
Worksheet 2:
Title |Items |Heading
David |A, B, C |Entry1 David |A, B |Entry2 Bill |A, B, C |Entry1 Bill |A, B, D |Entry2 John |G, H, J |Entry1 Gerry |G, H, R |Entry1
From the above data, I want the macro to compare 'Worksheet 1' with 'Worksheet 2' and only copy the 'Items' that have a matching 'Title' AND a 'Heading 1' value of 'Entry1'
So the final result should be:
Worksheet 1:
Title |Items
David |A, B, C Bill |A, B, C John |G, H, J
I have seen examples of compare used but not sure how to apply it to my case.
- I copy some records from a Database into an Excel sheet in workbook (say W1) in the Worksheet WS1. - The i look up for values in a column (say column B) of W1 in another worksheet in another workbook(say W2) . - If i find a match in Workbook 2(W2) ,Worksheet 1 , Row 2, Column A ; i look at the values in the Column B, F,G on the Row 2 itself. - Each of these values can be found in the corresponding Worksheets 2;3;4 in the Workbook2(W2) . - Then i need to pick up all these values from worksheet 1;2;3;4 in W2 and contatenate them and put them in the Workbook W1 against the Row . - Similarly i process all the non zero rows in the workbook W1.
I want to copy all rows that have a value in say colum B from differenct worksheets to a summary sheet, it should stop when there is no data in colum B and then go to the next sheet.
The macro that I use to copy the date from sheets to a summary sheet:
I have a report(Input report) with multiple sheets with different worksheet names.
Now I have to select 2nd worksheet of input report and copy a certain range values and paste in the other workbook(output) . From the same sheet 3 diffrent values I will copy and paste in other work book.
Now, I have to come back to the input report and go to next sheet and copy the same range data and append to the out put report below the first sheet.
This I need to do for all worksheets for the input report worksheets (there are more than 100 worksheets)
I have a userform which loads the data into a worksheet named "Data" which is being used as a database for an event scheduler. I also load a calendar from a worksheet named "Month" so I need the information from the userform "UForm01" added to 2 worksheets.
The userform adds a series of textboxes to worksheet "Data" in the first open row. I also need certain textboxes from the Userform to be added to another worksheet to populate the calendar.