- I copy some records from a Database into an Excel sheet in workbook (say W1) in the Worksheet WS1.
- The i look up for values in a column (say column B) of W1 in another worksheet in another workbook(say W2) .
- If i find a match in Workbook 2(W2) ,Worksheet 1 , Row 2, Column A ; i look at the values in the Column B, F,G on the Row 2 itself.
- Each of these values can be found in the corresponding Worksheets 2;3;4 in the Workbook2(W2) .
- Then i need to pick up all these values from worksheet 1;2;3;4 in W2 and contatenate them and put them in the Workbook W1 against the Row .
- Similarly i process all the non zero rows in the workbook W1.
Been a while since I've worked with macros within excel and I can't seem to get what I remember being a basic macro to work whatsoever. I have 2 worksheets containing a massive amount of data and need to pull some cells from one into the other when values in 2 columns match.
To better explain, sheet1 has ID numbers in column G spanning for roughly 1700 rows. Sheet 2 has corresponding ID numbers in column EO. The data I need to copy over is in columns EP and EQ on sheet 2.
So I'm trying to build a macro to compare the values in Sheet1_Column_G to those on Sheet2_Column_EO and when a match is found, copy the value in EO and the adjacent entries in columns EP & EQ over into columns X, Y, and Z on sheet 1.
Couldn't get a VB function together to save my life so I tried working with MATCH & INDEX and didn't get very far either. I've included my current function below.
I think I could get this to work but the INDEX command is not returning an index of the row like it is documented. It is returning the value in the cell. In order to get this to work, I need to return the index of the row. I need to know what row the match found the item on because the value I need to copy is going to be in column J of that same row.
I have two worksheets within 1 excel document.1 worksheet is a hand filled and excel programmed worksheet (Name is website-upload)1 worksheet is a hand filled and excel programmed worksheet (Name is website-upload)
1 worksheet is a hand filled and excel programmed worksheet (Name is website-upload)
The other worksheet is a table from a database connection worksheet. (Name is ODBC_Products)
Each worksheet has a Sku column in it.
website-upload: Column AODBC_Products: Column B
Each worksheet has a QTY column in it.
website-upload: Column KODBC_Products: Column J
Goal: I would like to search the Sku column ODBC_Products and find a match for a sku that is listed in the website-upload sku column and then when I find that match, display the qty from the ODBC_Products worksheet to the website-upload worksheet.
Notes: I add columns and delete columns all of the time on this worksheet so I would rather do this in excel vs. a macro. I figure this can be done with something like:
Basically, i have a workbook that contains 2 worksheets with stock data for two stock holding sites, we're consolidating our stores and need to confirm what stock is held at both sites. I need to compare column C on both sheets to find if an item exists on both sheets, and if so copy the entire row from Sheet 2 onto the next free row on a new sheet. Col C on each sheet contains the stock number, however, on Sheet 1 the stock number is abbreviated ot the final 7 letters, with Sheet 2 showing the FULL stock code.
I need whatever is in "Sheet 1:Col C" (for example '1234567') to be compared to whatever is in "Sheet 2:Col C", and if a match is made (for example 9999-00-1234567) then the row containing the match be copied to the next free row on Sheet 3.
I have two worksheets (sheet1(1687 rows), sheet2(767 rows)). Both have part numbers in Column A
I want to be able to search Column A for duplicates found in the other worksheet. When it finds those duplicates, iw oudl like for the Part Number(columnA) and the cost(column D) to be pasted onto a third worksheet (sheet 3)
I have found lots of similar things out there, but nothing that does what I want.
I will do this Each Monday morning. I am ok with VB but what takes me 3 weeks sometimes takes you guys 10 min.
There are four data worksheet. Each share a common column data set; ITEM NUMBER. Is there a way to create a macro so that when you enter an ITEM NUMBER into a textbox on the "Output sheet" page, it will automatically gather all rows from all worksheets that is associated with that ITEM NUMBER?
Also, on worksheet 3, the ITEM NUMBERS have an extension that defines the type. Can a wildcard be setup so that it will only match the first six characters of the cell?
I need a Macro that will search the range A6:A19 for a match to A3. Once a match is found I want contents of B3:F3 pasted in the corresponding row that the match was found in. In this example contents of B3:F3 would be pasted in B13:F13
Random values will be pasted into sheet1. I a looking for a macro that will look for a match to the values in sheet1 column A in Sheet2 Column A. When a match is found it will paste the entire row from Sheet2 to sheet#3
See the example. Note: the match will always be an exact match.
I basically need to copy/move the text in column E, from vertical to horizontal using VBA when column C is the same. Then delete the extra lines. eg. C1:C3 = 1, so all the text from E1:E3 needs to goto E1:G1, then Rows 2&3 can be deleted as they are no longer needed. (Note: there are not always 3 instances, this can vary from 3-10). Its a bit hard to explain so i have included the Sample-finished.xls file as this is how it needs to look once its complete.
I'm trying to search & match data from two different spreadsheets. I will attach my workbook for reference.
The first worksheet is a list of all of my clients I have previously worked with and the second worksheet is a list using a set criteria. The criteria I am using is the UK postal code "AL10".
The clients address (Column B) will be used as a reference to match the address which is located on the AL10 worksheet which is also column B. If there is a direct match then a VLookup function will be performed to display something that can be easily referenced.
The problem I am having is that the address format is different on the clients worksheet then what it is on the AL10 worksheet. I have the feeling I will need to create a search function with multiple arrays but I have limited knowledge of how to do that.
There are some additional notes located in my workbook.
I know that two of the client addresses should match data located on the on AL10 worksheet and the other two shouldn't give a match at all as they don't exist. These are highlighted in yellow.
I have used the Find and replace function to do this but this is rather manual and slow and I would like the search feature to automate this process.
I have two sheets of same names with different data in each sheet. I need to refer the name in the first sheet and match the same name in the second sheet and retrieve the start date. I have attached the work sheet sample for better understanding. I know I can use vlookup. But am not getting the results I need.
I am trying show an exact match of data between two worksheets, but I need the match function to look up 2 columns - i.e. reference number AND order number between two different worksheets.
In the example attached, I am able to find the match of one column only (order number)
unique ID Date of Birth Benefit Plan Termination date
123 12/01/1975 A 12/01/2006
I am looking for a formula that will allow me to marry up the data sets by unique ID. I want to take the single lines from worksheet 2, and pull them over to sheet 1 and replicate where the identifier matches. So, Worksheet 1, would end up w/ columns E F G H, and additional data for each individual.
Unique ID, Name, Start Date, Salary, Unique ID, Date of Birth, Benefit Plan, Termination Date.
I want find the data in some rows that same with one or more cell and automatically fill the data. And for more details, I have attached the examp file (Examp.xls).Antoni
I have an excel workbook with 2 worksheets. One worksheet shows the MASTER LIST of COMPLETE Customer Names (e.g. ABB Supplies Incorporated). The other worksheet has information on customers but the customer names typed in are incomplete (e.g. ABC Supplies). I need a macro that would look do a comparison of the customer names in the 2nd worksheet to the Master List worksheet and pull the data (complete name, address, etc.) for those that would match (partial match since company name is 2nd worksheet is usually incomplete).
I have a workbook with 32 worksheets. Data on 31 of these sheets all filter through to the one "Summary" sheet. The data on all the other worksheets is input manually and the lay-out is identical on each sheet. What I want to do is a Vlookup on the summary sheet for every sheet in the workbook, but without typing VLOOKUP(A1,Sheet1A:C,3,0)+VLOOKUP(A1,Sheet2A:C,3,0) etc etc (my sheets aren't actually called Sheet 1/2/3 etc, they have specific names).
My problem is I am only able to do it in D9 where customer and amount are matched correctly. But when customer appears more than one then it doesnt match corectly.
I'm using VLOOKUP with MATCH to find data in a table. I now have to add a third condition to the look up. I've attahced a file as an example. I'm not sure how to list the data for the third condtion. I created another table with the data for third condition.
I have 2 worksheets in which I have to copy one column of cells from one to the other. The problem is that the "main" worksheet lists nearly 3,500 clients and I have to copy numbers into the "main" worksheet on weekly basis from another worksheet that lists only about 1,100 of those 3,500 clients.
Both client lists are in alphabetical order, but I obviously cannot just copy one column into the other, because then the numbers won't be matching the correct clients.
I have made up 7 worksheets that are completely identical with exception of course to the data they contain. I have a master sheet that contains some of the data from each of the other sheets that will be shared between them. Things were working very well until I discovered that some data was duplicated on a couple of the sheets; and I am in need of adding more worksheets.
The formula I am using for this will not allow me to have more than the 7 worksheets. It is an IF statement array. So now I am wondering how will I be able to add these extra sheets. I would like to use my worksheet names in a range but have evidently done something wrong and could not get that to work before, ending up with this very long 'IF'. !Can worksheet names be used to create a named range?
Also, I would like to know if there is a way to prevent duplicate data on these sheets. I am using conditional formatting on each sheet now, but that of course only works on the current sheet.
Most excel/vba books say not to use the sumif function. I have a very large workbook (9meg) and cant use VBA code as it slows down the interation calculations required. I have used the sumif function to find and collate unqiue data on different worksheets. Is there another function that i should be using?
I need to copy data from two ore more worksheets with specified name in a column.
Input data: -name of the worksheets to be copied in column "H" from sheet "final" -diferent number in the worksheets in column "F" and "G"
Outpt data: -I need to copy data from some worksheets(column F and G) in "final" worksheet (column A and B). But I need to copy data only from the worksheets with the name in column "H" of "final" worsksheet.
I has number sheets with thousands rows of unsort data. I need to find the price, with optional name and date if given, to return the rows values.
Example from Summary sheet, to find the price range and return 3 rows (even there are four set of answers, highlighted in light blue), with sorting the highest price first.
I have 2 worksheets: sheet-A and sheet-B. Please how do I:
1. match the part# from sheetA (col B) with part# from sheetB (col A), then 2. if a matching part# is found, copy the qty of the matched part# from sheetA to the qty field of the matching part# in sheet-A. 3. Do loop
I attach an img for more illustration of the above.