VBA Edit To Only Copy Rows With Populated Data?

Jun 19, 2012

I am using the below code to pull information from multiple sheets into one master sheet. Currently, it is funcitoning fine with one slight problem. In each of the sheets I have formulas copied down until row 500. However, some of the sheets may only have formulas populated up until row 50 for example. edit the below macro to where I am only pulling in the rows that have populated formulas?

Sub Consolidate()
'Author: Jerry Beaucaire'
'Date: 9/15/2009 (2007 compatible) (updated 4/29/2011)


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Edit Data Populated In Userform ListBox

Jan 4, 2012

Any way to edit data that has been populated in a Userform Listbox? I am trying to create a userform which has a multicolumn (3 columns) listbox and data being populated from Sheet1!A:C. I am thinking that there would be an Edit button where when clicked the data for the row that is selected in the listbox is shown in 3 textboxes (one for each cell on the respective row) on the same form which can be edited. When the user clicks Save. The Listbox would be updated with new values (e.g. write over the values in Sheet1.

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Copy Data From Previous Row Into New Row IF Userform Textboxes Not Populated

Feb 19, 2014

I have designed a simple user form to populate a finding tracker spreadsheet. Updating the tracker works fine.

Although I only need to update certain textboxes in the user form, I find myself having to enter the same data in every textbox so that the next row of the spreadsheet is filled. In all cases, if a textbox is not updated for the next row, then the data should copy the data from the previous row.

For example, last data Transferred from the user form are as follows:

[Heading] Col A - Col B - Col C
[Row 1] Apple - Red - 10

Assuming I would only update the textbox for Col C in the user form, the next row in my spreadsheet would look like this:

[Heading] Col A - Col B - Col C
[Row 1} Apple - Red - 10
[Row 2] (empty) - (empty) - 20

As such, I would like to add a code that allows the data (Apple and Red in Col A and Col B) from the previous row to be copied automatically and only updates Col C with the new value 20.

Oh, I should add that I have mostly Textbox values (about 20 columns) in the spreadsheet with the exception of three columns with CheckBox values although I can always repeat the checkbox fields.

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Copy Last Populated Cell

Jan 23, 2013

I am trying to write some code to choose the last "comments" entered in column 13 and then copy the data to B17 on the specified sheet below.

I get an Excel Error Excel cannot complete this task with available resources. Choose less data or close other application THEN a VB error Method'open' of object 'Workbooks' failed

Dim MyMgr As String
Dim whichsheet as string

MyMgr = Range("D10")
whichsheet = Range("D11").Value

If MyMgr = "Manager1" Then
Set myBook = Workbooks.Open("destination", Password:="manager1") 'Home

[Code] ........

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Print Various Populated Rows From Different Worksheets Onto The Same Page

Sep 30, 2006

I'm trying to print populated rows from 5 different worksheets. I can get them to print out onto 5 different sheets of A4 but would ideally like them to print underneath each other (continous and use less paper) as some times one sheet may only have one populated row.

Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Dim printer1 As Range
Dim printer2 As Range
Dim printer3 As Range
Dim printer4 As Range
Dim printer5 As Range

Set printer1 = ActiveSheet.Range("a9", Range("i65536").End(xlUp))

Set printer2 = ActiveSheet.Range("a7", Range("i65536").End(xlUp))


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Excel 2007 :: Format Rows Based On 1st Cell Populated?

Nov 16, 2012

I am using Excel 2007

I am trying to conditionally format rows based on the first cell in each row. I had this working in a previous worksheet and have gone through several examples based on answers in other threads but do not for the life of me know what I am doing wrong. I am using the conditional formating rules on the ribbon menu.

I have a range A3-W100 pre-formatted with generic data and formulae. Column A has no data. I want the text to change color for that row if the cell in column A is populated. The background and text are set to black to appear unpopulated.

When an item number is entered in column A3, the text color in row 3 changes to white. I can get this to work on one row but if I extend it through the range, all rows change. I want them only to change if the respective A cell is populated.

I am using
Formula is =A3>""
Format is Yellow,
Applies to =$A$3:$V$100
Stop if True is unchecked

All I can get is column B to change color.

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Populated Cell Does Not Copy Font Style (italics / Bold)

Jan 22, 2014

I have a cell (lets say F4) with the formula "=A3" in it. In cell A3 is text that is partially italicized. I need a way for F4 to populate not only the text that is in A3 but also the font style.

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Edit Customer Information Rows

Jul 1, 2008

I am trying to develop a procedure that allows the user select a customer from a drop down list (using Data validation), thereby providing the user with a summary of customer information. That I can do. What I would like to do is allow the user to add new information in the summary section which is then appended to the customer record further down the sheet (see attached example). New data could only be added to the last two columns. The user would be required to press a form button to append the data.

The catch would be if the customer was selected again, the new data would also display in the summary section.

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How Many Cells The Data Has Been Populated With

Mar 3, 2008

I want to fill down and across a formula but the ranges wary depending on how many cells the data has been populated with.

At the moment i'm using the autofill function but can i use a do until function:

Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("F4:EK4"), Type:=xlFillDefault
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("F4:EK1838"), Type:=xlFillDefault

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Macro To Edit Multiple Rows Of Text

Oct 22, 2007

I used the macro editor to create a "simple" macro to edit 7 rows of text. The steps were basic and simple - F2 key, backspace about 25 times, and down arrow then repeat these 3 steps 6 more times. The macro I got gave me the result of the very first cell as I was recording the macro. I think I remember the old Lotus 1-2-3 macro text - {edit}{backspace}{down}. Wish it were still that simple.

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Change Row Colour If Any Data Populated In Particular Cell?

Jun 26, 2013

I am looking to change a row colour if any type of data is entered into a specific cell.

Context: In column H entitled 'Start Date' when someone enters a date n any format into this box, I want the whole row to change colour to easily see what projects have started and what ones havent.

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Word Template Populated By Excel Data?

Jul 7, 2014

I have a .dot word template that has the little 'grey' boxes that is awaiting information to be filled in, this information is already stored on a master excel sheet and the doc is simply for 'archiving' and users benefit, from my point of view its pointless.

So what I want to know is...

If I always have a .dot file which has :

Username : DATAHERE
Password: DATAHERE

and I have an excel file which is A1 : Username B1 : Password C1 : Email how easy / hard is it to create a button macro to automatically go to the .dot file location, open it and then put the create data in.

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Selecting A Range Where Data Is Populated Using Macro In Xl

Feb 27, 2007

i want to write a macro which searches for data in a xl sheet.It should then format that data in a particular format.The data can be present in multiple places.For eg. formating a 5*6 matrix which starts from d4 cell and a 4*7 matrix which starts from e15 cell(please note that d4 and e15 location are not fixed).

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Prompt For Data Input When Other Cells Are Populated

Feb 7, 2008

I would like to create an spreadsheet that prompts me to input data into a cell (eg; 'C1' - 'Quantity Ordered') as soon as another cell on the same row becomes populated (eg; 'A1' - 'Item Code'). I need this function to apply for several rows (25 rows in total), so that if data is then entered into cell 'A2', I get a prompt to enter data into 'C2', all the way up to a prompt for data in cell 'C25' when cell 'A25' is populated.

As it is imperative that I never forget to populate the relevant cells; I would also like to 'enforce' the prompt - perhaps by preventing the worksheet from being saved until the relevant cells have had data entered into them, or perhaps by using some kind of form, rather than a messagebox.

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New Sheets Created With Template And Populated With Data When Conditions Are Met

Mar 24, 2014

I have a workbook with three sheets: Collections, Client and Interest New sheets created from a range in Sheets("Interest"). The range in Sheets("Interest") holds the client names.

Then the template in Sheets("Client") is copied and pasted into the new sheets

For each new sheets cell B6 holds the client name and .Range("A10:A1317") holds the dates
Sheets("Collections").Range("D10:D1317") holds the dates and .Range("D8:WC8") holds the Client Names
if Sheets("Collections").Range("D8:WC8") = new sheet.cells(6, 4) then
if Sheets("Collections").Range("D10:D1317") = new sheet .range("A10:A1317") then
copy the value in Sheets("Collections").Range("D10:WC10").offset(0, 3) to new sheet .Range("C10:C1317")
end if

move down on row and repeat the steps.

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Copy Entire Row By Range & Suppress 'Cannot Edit Links' Message

Jun 25, 2008

I have 10 workbooks which have various calculations and have several links to each other. We use Excel 2003.

For each of these files, I have the following code in the Auto_Open module
Range Range(“TodayComp”) is a date taken form a link in another spreadsheet. It is on Column 3, but the row changes every day as more rows are inserted before it

This sub looks at Range(“TodayComp”) and checks the date on the cell directly above.

If say Range(“TodayComp”) is 6/25/2008, and the cell above is 6/22/2008, it will insert three rows right above Range(“TodayComp”). These rows need to be copied with formulas from the current row above Range(“TodayComp”)

Issue One:
The following code works (it copies the rows), but it takes forever to run, as you can see in bold, I copy and paste each cell, instead of the entire row.
Is there a way to copy and paste the entire row? Remember that I have only a named range to refer to, no cell address as it changes every time.

Public Sub Auto_open()
End Sub

Public Sub Update_Dates()
Dim tdy, prev As Date
Dim index, i, j, yr, no_inserts As Integer

Sheets("Comparison Computation").Activate

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Protect Sheet Allowing Users To Format Rows/Edit Objects?

Nov 16, 2009

I want my macro to protect my sheet again after it is done to allow editing objects and formatting rows. I am really stuck and have come up with the below, but it isn't working.

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Data Validation Doesn't Work When Worksheet Populated From Userform?

Feb 21, 2014

I have this formula =COUNTA($A:$A)<=4 that limits amount of cells that can be populated in column A, I use data validation with "Allow costume" option and using that formula. It works fine from worksheet it displays the message when the limit is reached but it doesn't work when data is inputed/populated from userfrom, it allows userform to put more entries than set limit 4 in this case.

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Two Cells Data Validation List Should Be Populated In Third Cell With Unique Values?

Apr 21, 2014

In cell H5 there is list of dates and in H7 there is codex, based on these two conditions in H11 a data validation list should be populated from the code_sheet using column B. The populated list should be unique entries, as the column B in code_sheet has duplicates.

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Copy The Data From More Rows To Rows Above

Oct 1, 2009

I want copy the data from Rows 25-29 (B25:E29) to under Rows 20 (B20:E20) or Rows 21 and next rows, When I click this Button (New).

And then after copy the data, data in Rows 25-29 (B25:E29) will be deleted, And insert new row for the next data.

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Copy Of Active Workbook Path Stamped Onto Spreadsheet With Date And Time / Edit Check

Feb 1, 2010

1) I need to add an edit check
2) have a copy of Active Workbook Path stamped onto spreadsheet with date and time to create a visual record of where the file has been saved (described after the code below).

1) I need to verify that two cells (S7 and S9) are not blank before running my code below (=IF(OR(S7<>"",S9<>""),RUN CODE,"You must select your Provider or Division before you can save this document")).

- If both of these cells are blank a message box should notify the user that they must select the provider and/or division before they can continue with the save.

- If one or more of these cells are not blank the code below should run.

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Edit Web Query - Get Data From Web

May 10, 2014

i have a worksheet that gets data from web - its automated, but the website goes through a tunnel - with security - requires username and password

the Query Runs ok and smooth but i have to login manually by right clicking on a table where the query is and selecting "Edit Query" so i can login, excel vba doesnt save passwords for that part...

one way i find it possible to automate that part too would be to use maybe like the sendkeys statement to pop up the context menu from right clicking the mouse button, or like the options button on the keyboard.

I found this one:

[Code] .....

It works but the context menu comes exactly from where the current mouse position is..

I needed it to do the right click on a specific range in the worksheet (where the web query is)..

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Vba To Step Thru And Edit Data

May 26, 2008

I get a report that I have to manually edit everyday. I've done some VBA, but not sure where to start with this one.

The attachment has two sheets, first is what I get and the second is what I want. I'll explain the process i have to go thru now and maybe I can get some help to automate it.

-Add the tech number to the first column for each job for each tech.
7988 us the first tech number.

-Then delete every row that isn't a job.
-Add a column with the install date.(report data near the top.)
-Add a column and populate it with the system, which is the sheet name.
Thats why its example.

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InputBox To Edit Data

Oct 2, 2008

I have a worksheet, attached, that is a supplier response to a purchase order. Column E contains the original qty ordered of each part number, Column H contains the original price. Now, I've created a quick macro, (in the workbook), that copies the original values to the confirmed values, and the formulas in columns G and J calculate the qty backordered, or flags the part as a price change.

After copying the original PO values to the confirmed values, the supplier would need to go in and make whatever changes are necessary. For example, we ordered 3 and they shipped 0 of a certain part, or the price has changed.

What I would like to do is create a macro that pops up an input box where the supplier enters the Keystone part number, (column A), then enters the new quantity or new price, and those items are automatically changed on the response form. I picture it in the form of 3 input boxes, in the first box the buyer enters a part number. A second box pops up asking if it's a qty change or price change. They would enter the value in a 3rd box, and that value would automatically be changed on the response.

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Userform To Edit Data

Dec 14, 2008

I have a userform that I have created to enter new part information to a spreadsheet but I am wanting to also use the userform to edit exsisting part information. My spreadsheet consist of part #, name of part, description of part, date manufactured, and date sold (Column A-E). My question is can a userform be used to edit information that is already present on the spreadsheet? I am looking to edit any entries that do not have a date in the date sold field.

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Copy Data Without Hidden Rows?

Aug 21, 2014

Is there a way to copy and paste a sheet from one spreadsheet to another without getting the rows that have been hidden? I have a database with about 800 rows and another 150 or 200 scattered through it that are currently hidden. For what I need right now I don't want any of that hidden data. Do I have to manually delete it or is there a way to ignore it (I thought of paste special but I can't find one that works).

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VBA To Compare Data Then Copy Rows?

Apr 20, 2012

I have two worksheets of information (hopefully the same information but from two very different sources). There is a unique identifier to each row (i.e a membership number), in col A

I want to start with the membership number in cell A1 on sheet 1 and look for that membership number on sheet 2 (also col A). If there is a match, it copies the matching row from sheet 2 to sheet 3 (pasting it in a new row starting at 1)

If it does not match then the cell in sheet 1 is highlighted

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Copy Rows Of Matching Data

Jul 10, 2006

I'm trying to use a vlookup or some formulae in sheet 3 that looks at AGDP and matchs column A with a number in statement file worksheet column b. If they match not all of them will then the row is cut and paste into Sheet 3.

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Edit Worksheet Data Thru Userform

Jul 1, 2009

Depending on the attached workbook,

How can I edit the employee's Name and badge number thru a userform?

What should we depend on to save the employee's name before changing it, in order to use it as a find key?

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Edit Data Validation Formula From Vba

Jan 14, 2010

I have a cell that uses list type data validation. I need to be able to update the list of allowable values via a macro and would greatly prefer not using a range in excel.

I've been able to create the string that I want as the formula but cannot change the formula. I'm not very familiar with this aspect of excel macros (data validation)

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