Copy Rows Of Matching Data
Jul 10, 2006
I'm trying to use a vlookup or some formulae in sheet 3 that looks at AGDP and matchs column A with a number in statement file worksheet column b. If they match not all of them will then the row is cut and paste into Sheet 3.
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Jan 20, 2013
My task is to combine two large databases into one spreadsheet by extending the number of columns. The data from each database is 90% matching based on an identification number, however occasionally there are additional rows or unmatched identification numbers that need to be kept for analysis.
When this happens, there needs to be a blank row inserted to represent the missing data in the rest of the corresponding row.
I am having trouble finding a quick way to do this because I have approximately 12,000 rows (and columns up to DV when combined).
for example:
[Code] .....
needs to become:
[Code] .....
I am guessing I will need a macro of sorts, So far I have made one column that tell me if the ID's are matching or not (1 or 0) and if they are not matching (0) I manually insert the rest of the row that is missing or make space for the duplicate data (which needs to remain).
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Feb 20, 2014
I have two worksheet "ABX" and "ACX" from which I want to find the matching data for specific columns B, D and E only.
Matching data will be in sheet "Match" and vice versa.
Data are present dynamically.
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Dec 13, 2006
I have 2 workbooks.
The first one (Top Ten Auto Generator.xls) ( Sheet is Summary) has 1 row (13) with 4 cells that have data. A13 with date (today formula), B13, D13, and E13 are numbers. The cell range will be the same each time the data is copied (the workbook has a marco to generate the numbers each day already).
The date doesn't need to be copied, just the other 3 cells data (in the same order) using paste special.
The workbook that needs the cell data is a report ( Dashboard.xls) that has lots of different departments each using 3 columns for their specific data. The left most column A is the date listing to match.
The column Range for my department on that "Raw Data" sheet is "H", "I", & "J" where the "H" would get the data in "B13", "I" would get "D13", "J" would get "E13" for the date that matches the other workbook.
So the way it would work, is that once the vba is run the 3 cells from the auto generator are copied, then the vba opens the dashboard.xls and looks for the date in column A which matches the other workbooks A13 date value, and then the cells are pasted into that row, but in column H, I, & J.
Here's sort of some code that I put together to see if that would be easier to understand. I'm new at doing the vba so I don't have better code.
Private Sub CommandButtonpaste2dash_Click()
'get our data from generator
Windows("Top Ten Auto Generator.xls").Activate
Workbooks.Open "Dashboard.xls"
Sheets("Raw Data").Activate
'look for the date in column A which matches A13 in the Auto generator
Some Code For finding the right date
'once found, paste special to the same row, but in column H (the 3 cells should paste together ok)
some code For pasting into H In the same row As the found date
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats
MsgBox "Done!!!"
End Sub
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Aug 8, 2006
I have 2 work books A and B. I want to be able to copy the entire rows out of WB A, which contain the same data as one of colums in WB B
Bob Smith | 3 Smith Lane | 0204587512 | |
Tom Brown | 3 Brown Lane | 020241445 | |
| |
Would give me WB C
Bob Smith | 3 Smith Lane | 0204587512 | |
Any way of doing this?? I know that i could use ' find' then copy the data, except i have around 300 records...
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Jan 3, 2007
setup a vba code to find values which were separated by a certain value, thus there would be pairs of numbers sought after. What occured was that the first value is bolded, followed by the second not bolded, this pair would be separated by 75. Now I want to apply the same code, but instead of copying just the two cells which were separated to someone on the current sheet, I would like it to copy the entire row (as there is more data associated with it now) with the same bold/not bolded pairing to a new sheet, called "Numbers". I would imgine it be straight forward, yet I am very new to this and still tinkering.
Heres the ....
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Sep 15, 2007
I have used marcos to create two worksheets and need to compare each row of the first three columns in each worksheet to find any rows which non-matching data. I am comparing retrieved data (Worksheet1) against a master list (Worksheet2) to ensure the retrieved data was entered correctly. The three columns of data include Manufacturer, Lot number and Date.
The row in which the matches will occur is random. The three values from the retrieved data only have to find a match somewhere in the master list. I can place both the retrieved data and the master list side-by-side on the same worksheet if that would make things more efficient for running the comparison.
The non-matching rows, if found, will be copied over to another worksheet along with its corresponding row in columns "D" and "E" found in Worksheet1. The additional data alerts me to the location where the data was entered incorrectly. The master list does not have any location data in it.
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Jan 17, 2008
I'm trying to eliminate any .select or .activate from my code to speed things up and reduce screen flicker. At the moment, I have a sheet created at the click of a button. Basically for every date exclusive of weekends, there are 4 entries, for each date there are the following entries AM Metro, PM Metro, AM Regional, PM Regional. The user wants to be able to change the date range in the "overview" sheet and when there is data already in the other columns for these matching rows, have the input sheet update with old (copied??) info, if no previous data then add all 4 rows and sort... if previous date not in date range then delete entire row.
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Jun 24, 2008
I had a quick look around and couldn't find exactly what I was after my apologies if it already exists. I have attached a sample worksheet and I would like it the entire row A from sheet 1 to sheet 3 if the cells A2 OR D2 contain what is in cell Sheet2!A1.
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Aug 11, 2008
On my main worksheet, I have a list of stocks in the "A column", so for example reading down the list would be:
Nokia etc...
I have a seperate worksheet for each different name (about 100), and I wanted to know if there was a way to select all the information relating to the name "vodafone" for example, and to copy and paste that into the worksheet called vodafone. The problem is copying and pasting 100 times would take ages and wanted to know whether there is an easier way using VBA.
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May 21, 2013
Basically I would like to copy rows where the name of the person (in Column A) matches a separate this.
Lookup list:
In Sheet2:
Note that there are many names (this is just an abstract) so I think it requires a macro.
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Apr 21, 2014
Copy rows from one Sheet to another based on a separate cell value But specifically, I am trying to copy row values from Columns C through column Z in Worksheet 1 of file POHeader.xlsx to row values Columns N through AK in file POReceiv.xlsx when the (Purchase Order #) values in Column A of each file match.
The reason is behind this is - one file has the unique Purchase Order number as the key without associated parts and the other file has the associated part number as the key with purchase order number attached.
I don't know whether I need to use VBA or if I can just use an index and match function.
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Feb 4, 2008
I need to track only certain tasks id's out of entire task id database. I have 1 column of data on sheet "A" that represents task id's I want to track. On sheet "B" I have multiple columns of data, the first column being the task id's. I need to compare the column on sheet A with the first column on sheet B. If there is a matching task id, I need to copy the entire row of data from sheet "B" on to a new sheet "C". If there is no matching task id on sheet "B", I would like to copy just the task id. Each week I would get a new set of data for sheet "B" (which can vary in length) and I need the ability add or subtract task id's on sheet "A" that need tracking. See the attached xls file for a piece of sample data.
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Jun 1, 2008
i'm trying to create a macro to find any value <> "" from COLUMN B then copy Bx;Cx;Dx and paste into another worksheet with the name of COLUMN A.
And when the cells Cx or Dx is empty should appear 0 into the other worksheet
for example.
sheet1 ..... cell("dx") is empty
a b c d
w 5 3
the macro would copy 5,3,0 and paste into sheet named "w".
i found this code on internet but it's not quite good for me because it copies the hole row. i tried everything to change that but i couldn't.
Sub SearchForString()
Dim LSearchRow As Integer
Dim LCopyToRow As Integer
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Dec 7, 2011
I have a spreadsheet and I was wondering if there is a way to copy from a specific range in say A1:A5 in Sheet1 and paste into Sheet2 where the column matches cell A1 in Sheet1.
I am trying to do this in VBA and I was wondering if there is a way to do this.
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Nov 12, 2006
I have 2 worksheets in excel.
1. No. Description Code Req Unit Amount
1 Description 591032 1 pc ?
2 Despription 614804 25 pcs ?
2. No. Code Description Unit Qty Items Amount
1 591032 Description pc 1 84.30 84.30
2 614804 Description pcs 25 0.89 25.25
I would like to copy the amount in worksheet 2 to paste it to worksheet 1, by searching using code value. Advice: the codes are in different places in worksheet 1 & 2
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Jul 25, 2007
I have a workbook with 3 sheets. AP, Move, Match. AP & Move will be about 40,000 lines.
I need a macro that will take the data from those two sheets and match them up on the match sheet by column A Line by line with all data moving over. An example is attached.
I'm not sure if this is possible, but please let me know if you need more info because I really don't want to do this manually. Anything that doesn't match I just need a blank line. I can add the true-false formula, but if it would fit in the macro that would be cool to.
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Apr 18, 2008
I am trying to find a way of comparing entries in one spreadsheet to another spreadsheet and generating a third sheet of those that do not match.
As an example, I have a spreadsheet of approved supplyers, with name, reference and date in each column, and a speadsheet of used supplyers, some with references and some without. I want to compare the supplyers used to the approved supplyers list by reference number (which are in the same format), and produce a third sheet listing all those that do NOT match e.g. unapproved supplyers.
I need to make sure that the third spreadsheet only lists each seperate supplyer once, even though they may have been used several times, AND it must also include supplyers without a reference number.
I will use this to compare many spreadsheets with the same data, but of varying length and would like to use a macro to perform this function.
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Dec 22, 2008
I have what I believe to be a simple problem, but for the life of me, i can't seem to figure it out.
I have a list companies in column A that have a corresponding revenue number in column B.
In column C, I have ANOTHER list of companies and their corresponding revenue number in column D.
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Jul 15, 2014
I am trying to copy a row based on the value of a cell.
I have two sheets in my workbook and on sheet 1, I have a part number and a description. On sheet 2, I have part numbers again, but this time I the description is broken up into the format I need.
What I am trying to do is have excel search on sheet 2 for the part numbers, then copy the information that corresponds to the part number into the correct column.
I have tried using Vlookup. But if the part number in row 2 on sheet 1 match the one in row 8 on sheet 2, this will copy over the data from row 2 whereas I need row 8.
If this would be more doable using VBA, that is fine by me. I haven't been able to figure out anything in VBA or in excel formulas up to this point.
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Feb 18, 2014
I'm using the code below to compare columns on two sheets (1 column for each) and where there is a match, copy data from the 'Source' to 'Destination' sheet.
[Code] ...........
The code works fine, but I'd like to amend this, but I'm a little unsure about how to proceed.
The script currently compares column C on the 'Source' sheet with column D on the 'Destination' sheet and where a match is found copy column G from the 'Source' sheet and pastes this to column O on the 'Destination' sheet.
I'd still like to copy and paste the same columns, but I'd like to compare two columns from each sheet, so from the 'Source' sheet compare columns C and E to columns D and J on the 'Destination' sheet.
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Jan 31, 2014
I am trying to match headers of different files and copy data.If the one of the header is not matched then a new column with the non matching header should be created and the column has to be copied
Ex: file1.xlsx has AA BB CC as header
file2.xlsx has AA BB DD EE as header
file3.xlsx should contain AA BB CC DD EE i.e data from file1.xlsx and file2.xlsx
I have more than 300 files how can I copy all the files to one excel file by matching headers ?
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Jan 8, 2008
Does anybody have a code snippet to search and compare 2 sheets.
I want to read the value in a cell on the first sheet, then search the entire second sheet for a match, if it does match then copy the value from certain cells on the second sheet to the row on the first.
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Mar 11, 2008
I have to write a macro that will copy the values of 'Items' in 'worksheet 2' to 'Items' in 'worksheet 1' ONLY when the 'Title' value is matching in both worksheets AND the value of ' Heading' in worksheet 2 is 'Entry1'.
Worksheet 1:
Title |Items
Worksheet 2:
Title |Items |Heading
David |A, B, C |Entry1
David |A, B |Entry2
Bill |A, B, C |Entry1
Bill |A, B, D |Entry2
John |G, H, J |Entry1
Gerry |G, H, R |Entry1
From the above data, I want the macro to compare 'Worksheet 1' with 'Worksheet 2' and only copy the 'Items' that have a matching 'Title' AND a 'Heading 1' value of 'Entry1'
So the final result should be:
Worksheet 1:
Title |Items
David |A, B, C
Bill |A, B, C
John |G, H, J
I have seen examples of compare used but not sure how to apply it to my case.
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Apr 18, 2008
I have found the following code on this forum that has really worked well. This code matches the first two columns of two worksheets and inputs them into a third worksheet. But I need to be able to copy up to five more columns, a total of seven columns and have it input into the third worksheet. I am not sure what it means "For Each c In Sht1Rng". look at the code and advise me of what I need to do.
Sub FindMatches()
Dim Sht1Rng As Range
Dim Sht2Rng As Range
Set Sht1Rng = Worksheets("Data1").Range("A1", Worksheets("Data1").Range("A65536").End(xlUp))
Set Sht2Rng = Worksheets("Data2").Range("A1", Worksheets("Data2").Range("A65536").End(xlUp))
For Each c In Sht1Rng
Set d = Sht2Rng. Find(c.Value, LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not d Is Nothing Then
Worksheets("Results").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Value = c.Value
Worksheets("Results").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(0, 1).Value = c.Offset(0, 1).Value
Set d = Nothing
End If
Next c
End Sub
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May 21, 2008
I have some specific requirement and it would be great if I could do it through macro. Also attached a sample excel file for the requirement. I have raw data in a worksheet (WS1) that I receive daily from factory. There is another sheet in a different workbook (WS2) that has format specified on how to display this raw data. The order of raw data on WS1 remains same. The question is that how do I replace the format titles with raw data?
For example, in the attached excel sheet, sheet "data" has list of values. Sheet "format" says how to display data. Sheet "output" is output that I finally want to generate. The sheet "data" will always have data in the same order. I need to read values and replace the format title ( name, age etc) with corresponding values on "data" sheet.
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Feb 13, 2014
I have 2 worksheets, A and B. In both worksheets there is common data in column A (account ID). I would like to find a way to return all of the data for the matching row in worksheet B and have it pasted into the matching row in worksheet A.
So in the example below, I am looking for a function that will match on Account ID in both worksheets and then paste the results from Dataset 1, 2 and 3 into the row with the matching Account ID in worksheet A.
Worksheet A
Account ID
Column to paste matching rows from Worksheet B
Worksheet B
Account ID
Dataset 1
Dataset 2
Dataset 3
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Nov 12, 2009
I'm trying to find a way to search a second sheet in a workbook for specific criteria outlined in a first sheet (in my attached example, from A3 downwards within the 'list of search criteria' sheet), and then to copy any secondary data found against a successful search match to the original sheet, transposed against its corresponding matched search term.
As you can see in the example, the search term 'bindi' (A4 in the 'list of search criteria' sheet) appears in the 'data' sheet 3 times - the secondary data for these occurences ('feathery', 'Fibonacci', 'glassy') is copied to the 'bindi' row on the first sheet and is offset with each copy to produce a transposed-esque effect of copy and paste.
If it's any help, there are a maximum of 9 matches for a single search term in the real document.
Thanks in advance for your help... I tried to adapt a previous solution given to me for a similar question but failed miserably. I bow humbly to your expertise!
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Feb 27, 2014
I have two tables, Table1 one has only customer codes in it, and I have Table2 with plenty of customer codes and those customer name, surname, age, location...
And I want to match and copy each of those customer codes in Table 1 all the information which is on Table2
Table 1:
Table 2: Considering that name, age and location is each in separate cell
50025JohnSecond25Location 1
60085EmilyThird 20Location 2
45454Wilhelm Fourth35Location 3
10000RoseFifth 60Location 4
50086JohnySixth 45Location 5
65501JacobSeventh18Location 6
50026Jackie Eighth22Location 7
And the outcame should be that it finds the value from Table1 in Table2 and copy's information in Table 1 like this:
50025 JohnSecond25Location 1
50026 Jackie Eighth22Location 7
50086 Johny Sixth 45Location 5
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Feb 13, 2008
This is a sample of the data with which I am working. I know that a macro can do what I need, but I am only versed in Excel formulas and not that much programming. I need to be able to first sort the data by Column C ("Element Type"), then by Columns E, F, G ("Year", "Month", "Day"). Then, I need to be able to copy all rows that have the same "Element Type" and "Year" to a new file, using the same header from the original spreadsheet on each new spreadsheet - doing this multiple times until the end of the file is reached.
Ideally, the new files would have a strict naming convention: XXXXXX-ZZZZ (YYYY).xls, where the X's are the value of the "COOP Station ID" in Column A, the Z's are the "Element Type" from Column C, and the Y's are the "Year" from Column E. If this theoretical macro were run with the Sample Data file I provided, it should result in the creation of five new workbooks. Is there a way to write a macro to do this, or at least something similar
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