Add New Data To Existing Cell Based On Multiple Selective Inputs?
Apr 1, 2009
I have a spreadsheet of courses required to reach a certification. On this spreadsheet I have listed the number of hours required for each course in one column, and how many hours I have accrued in an adjoining column. Not all the hours will occur at once, so I tend to bound from cell to cell adding hours in small amounts. What I am trying to do is create a macro that will allow me to add to the existing number of hours to the newly accrued hours, without typing over what is already there.
For exampleClass 1 requires five hours total, and I have two hours accrued. If I accrue two more hours (for a total of four hours) I want to update cell E2 without going in to this cell manually and changing this number. I would like to enter the additional two hours in a text box or similar function, and have that function update E2. To add to the level of difficulty, there are four levels of class. This means not only do I need to be able to select which class hours need updated, but which level of class. I have attached the spreadsheet I am working with to try to make things a little clearer.
I maintain the data flow at my work. We send and receive the data using excel files with specific formatting that I then upload to the database. Each time I send or receive the excel file I must log them, this is what my code question refers to.
I use RDBMerge to merge all the contents of the 100 plus excel files into one worksheet. The first part of the macro cleans up the merge data for use in the log (i have attached an example of the clean data and finished log).
The blue shaded area of the "Raw_Data" is what the clean data looks like, the yellow column is what current macro records for each record.
As you can see by the example the Raw_Data is only two files LL_LLL_BOB_ToLLLLL_20121228_01 & LL_LLL_BOB_ToLLLLL_20121230_01, each with more that one record.
The log code in column "H" Is based on this criteria: First Letter of the Unique ID in column "E" - O, M, or L Program Type in Column "F" - U or R 1. O-U = U 2. O-R = RU 3. M-U = U2 4. M-R = R2U 5. L-R = R
You will note that Columns G-R of the "Log Sheet" correspond to the "Record Type" found in Column "G" of the "Raw_Data" sheet.
This is the area where my skill at using scripting dictionaries fails.
The results for the log list each file only once, but the log code for each corresponding "Record Type" in columns G-R of the "Log Sheet" must contain each unique instance of the code. In other words
if LL_LLL_BOB_ToLLLLL_20121228_01 contains an O-U with an "A" Record Type and an M-R with an "A" Record Type; then, on the log sheet there needs to be the codes "U/R2U" in the cell intersection of the LL_LLL_BOB_ToLLLLL_20121228_01 record row and "A" column (which is column "G")
So, If the File contains one of each code for each Record Type the corresponding cell must house one of each code separated by a "/" without any spaces. This means the cell value could no code, or one code and all the variations in between to all five codes. Also, for ease of human reading the log codes should be concatenated in the 1-5 order that I listed them in (U/RU/U2/R2U/R)
Here is my code so far.
VB: Option Explicit Sub test() Dim dic As Object, a, i As Long, rng As Range, e, w, n As Long Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
WeekNo2 and Workgroup are names defined and are offsets that define two separate columns.
I have created a new name realclosetime and it is an offset to another column of data.
I have tried to change the existing formula so that it is not actioned if the realclosetime is empty. Its a date and time field and if it is not completed I dont want to be including that row in the SUM calculation otherwise I end up with N/As.
I'm working on a fairly complex spreadsheet where I want to pull conditional formatting into an entire row. I have a column in tab1 where I have a bunch of beer styles listed. On tab2, I have a 2 columns: a complete list of styles with a 'yes' or 'no' in the next column based on certain criteria. What I'd like to do is have the column in tab1 highlight if that style in tab2 has a 'no' in the column next to it.
How to selectively transpose a row of dates to columns. I'm not sure exactly how to explain this, so below is an example of what the data look like entered into the spreadsheet:
study ID provider visit 1 visit 2 visit 3 visit 4 visit 5
I'd like to extract the data into a new table on another worksheet that looks like this:
Date provider study id visit # 7/21/13 Test Name 10001
This is just a quick example, but basically it would continue through all possible visit dates for the first study ID, then move to the next row of data (i.e. the next study ID) and extract the data from the row and transpose it in the appropriate columns moving down...
I am trying to set up a "diet log" for my nephew to track his eating habits for a school project. I am trying to make the "total" section of the attached spread sheet auto calculating depending on the information placed in the "breakfast / lunch / dinner / snack" catagories. I have two worksheets in the file. The first being the preferred method of a single cell and seperating the items using only a ",". The second sheet has a little bit different lay out which I don't think will work as nicely.
Honestly, I am not sure if this will even be possible, but I figured I would try here as a final resort. Currently there are just some sample foods in there as I will let him fill in the actual workbook for his use.
I have a calendar set up with dates going along P6:CU6. Column C9:C27 has various status' for the job such as "Complete" or "In Progress" etc. Next to that in rows D and E I have start and end dates for the job. What I am trying to do is change the fill colour of the empty cells that are in line with each job, so that between the correct dates they are the corresponding colour to the status. So a complete job on row 9 that started on 26/05/14 and finished on 28/05/14 would have three green cells along Q9, R9, and S9.
I have tried an IF/AND/OR statement which looks like this:
I am getting a #VALUE! data type error, I have tried reformatting the cells to various date formats but no luck so far. This could be because my dates are set up as =P6+1 etc. but I am not sure. The error only occurs when the cell falls within the dates, otherwise it remains blank.
I intend to hide the value in the cell and use conditional formatting to change the cell colour based on the hidden input.
Once this is working I also need to take weekends into account, column G has any 2 value combination of Y and N to say whether the employee is working Saturday, Sunday or both. Row 7 has a "1" value underneath every Saturday and a "2" underneath every Sunday. I can imagine how this would work but combining it with the above formula could be complicated.
Daily Iam Entrying 100`s Of Supplier Data And Material Detail,
I Want Data Should Be Poped Out While Entering In Dataentry Sheet And Data Selction Should Be From Ohther Prefilled Cells. Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes;Here Is The File
I have a file with a roughly 20 workbooks. I need to split the data in each workbook into two sheets, rename each sheet, then export the data to template with multiple sheets. After splitting the data into the appropriate sheets in the original workbook, Sheet1 in has only 1 row (plus header) and needs to be transferred to "Project Entry" in the template; Sheet2 can have any number of rows (less than 100) and needs to be transferred to "Activity Entry" in the template. I need to save the template based on the value of cell A1 on "Project Entry" sheet of the template. The organization of the columns in the original workbooks is different than that of the template, so this is not a straight copy and paste operation. The cell formatting in the template must be retained.
I have half of this under wraps. I've cobbled together some code that splits the original data where I need it split, copies it to new sheets and saves the files. I now need to figure out out to get it out of this saved file and into the template.
The crosswalk of values between the original data (Sheet1) and the template(Project Entry) needs to look like the below. So, variable 1 exists in column B of the original and needs to populate column B of the template, and column Q in the original needs to populate column G in the template. The variables and column relationships are different for Sheet2/Activity Entry.
I have many text files basically with the same data from different dates. I am trying to select specific lines from each text, one that includes ".txt" which is the date, ex: "2008_308" and one that includes the word "PIXEL" and the following 5 lines after that.
I found a very similar post to mine and someone provided the script using VB for the question. It works, but it was only for one text file. I would like to use it for multiple text files. The files are all dated, i.e. "2008_308.txt". Although some of the dates are missing.
This is the script, from another posting, for importing selective lines from one text file:
Sub test() Dim fn As String, txt As String, delim As String, a() As String Dim i As Long, ii As Long, iii As Long, n As Long, x, y fn = "c: est.txt" ' Change here (File Path) delim = vbTab ' Change here (delimiter) temp = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(fn).ReadAll x = Split(temp, vbCrLf) ReDim a(1 To UBound(x) + 1, 1 To 100) For i = 0 To UBound(x) If InStr(1, x(i), "txt", 1) > 0 Then n = n + 1 : y = Split(x(i), delim) For ii = 0 To UBound(y) a(n, ii + 1) = y(ii)..........................
I have a spreadsheet with a medium-sized data set, and I need to look up values from the large table, and thin the table down to only the relevant values.
To arrive at each unique value, I will have to match 3 input cells to the first 3 cells of the data table, then copy values from across that specific line to the appropriate cells of my smaller table. I really don't need to sum or do any math in this step, its just a copy from the master table to the smaller table, the math will come later.
I think I'm attaching the file (remember-first post) so hopefully it will help with what I'm trying to accomplish. Hopefully this isn't a big deal, but I've been pulling my hair out on this all day and I just can't find a solution anywhere that really matches up to this.
I have a spreadsheet with over 70 worksheets. The majority of these are concerned with Work standards (National Occupational Standards), each of these standards are further broken down into performance criteria.
What I would like to happen is for a person to be able to enter a "Yes" or "No" response in a box to a specific question on an assessment report or a witness testimony worksheet. If a Yes is entered I would like the spreadsheet to automatically enter a reference i.e AR1 or WT2 (stated by the inputter on that worksheet) in each of the other seperate worksheets that cover this perfromance criteria with this reference.
Because many of the worksheets contain similar performance criteria, i.e "treating people fairly and with respect". The answer of "Yes" on the assessment report worksheet may require a reference inputting on anything up to 60 different worksheets. Is this possible or am I dreaming of the impossible?
I really should have asked this question before I wrote out all the seperate worksheets.
Month Input, Column Input and Network Input are changeable based on user input, I am trying to get the desired output based on selection from A20, B20, C20 into cells G20, G21, G22 from row number 2 and corresponding values in H20, H21, H22 from the corresponding row based on the selection.
I am trying to create a vba using only one macro button (excel). I would like for them to enter their names and have their own password that will then insert their signature(pic.jpg) in a specific cell.
I created a certificate in excel and I don't want 12 (number of people) buttons visible. Id rather have a long code. Im not sure if using If and Then and ElseIf is the way to go.
I am looking to create an excel search with two input and three output values on Sheet 1 that will link to a table on Sheet 2. To help illustrate:
Sheet 1:
The two white cells indicate the two input values, and the three blue cells indicate the three desired output values.
Sheet 2:
I want to enter the two input values (Length and Width), press the "Search" button, and have the corresponding output values (DWG#, Item #, and Tooling #) from Sheet 2 appear in the three output cells on Sheet 1.
If I input any FX pair (Column B) without ???JPY in it, then the formula in Column K produces the correct result. Formula is: eg: If Column B = EURUSD pairs and the like: =IF(C3="L",F3-E3,IF(C3="S",E3-F3))*10000.
This formula will produce a +ve or -ve result in points (PIPS) based on the values of E3 and F3. (eg. E3 = 1.2800 & F3 = 1.2750. If C3 = L then the result is -50. Conversely if C3 = S then the result is 50.)
When I input the JPY pairs in Column B, I need the formula to calculate the same way but multiply by 100 (not 10,000). This is because all non JPY cross pairs have 4 decimal places and JPY cross pairs have 2 decimal places. (eg. 1 PIP in EURUSD = .0001, 1 PIP in USDJPY = .01).....
So if Column B = USDJPY the formula would need to be: =IF(C3="L",F3-E3,IF(C3="S",E3-F3))*100 . Have tried many combination's of the IF function but am now starting to think this is not quite the right formula for this situation. Attached is a sample of what I am trying to achieve. The formula would need to incorporate any/all variations in currency pairs as listed in the attached sample.
This is for my fantasy football league, so perhaps being familiar with fantasy football will be of help. It's somewhat complicated, so I'm just going to explain what I would like to do: Upon opening the Excel file, there will be a few questions. The first will ask what type of draft, with just two choices, A or B. Below that, it will have inputs asking how many teams, how many players per team, and, if option B was chosen, how many dollars per team. After answering the questions, there should be a button that will "generate" what I'm about to describe.
Choosing option A or B will result in two completely different sheets: -Option A will have X columns for the number of teams entered, and Y rows for the number of players per team. If possible, something will pop up allowing the user to input each team name.
-Option B will be a bit more complicated. I have a template of what one column will be for each team, and would need to have that repeated for the number of teams entered. Additionally, the number of players per team and dollars per team will need to be placed into an existing formula that will perform certain calculations. And, if possible, the number of players per team will alter the column template if the number is over a pre-defined number. And, like the previous option, it would present a pop up allowing the user to input each team name.
I apologize for the length of this question, and while it is too extensive to ask someone here to do, I would like to know what I can expect if I try to achieve this. Will I need to know programming code? Can you point me to some articles that will help me in terms of turning an inputted number into a spreadsheet with that number of columns after hitting a "submit" button?
I am trying to copy selective data from one worksheet to another. My intent is to copy data in column F below to another worksheet in Column H. I only need to copy numeric data in Column F. Below is the screen shot of my data set. There are 244 Batches and each batch contain 4 members. In another words, I want to copy data for 4 rows (F2 to F5) then skip three rows (F6 to F8), Then again copy 4 rows (F9 to F12) the skip 3 rows and so on.
Here is the sample data -
ABC DEFGHIJ 1 2JohnAccounts841.5 3JackReceivable842.5 4JimPayable842.7 5JustinClaims843.9 6Next lines of Data contain expenditure for batch 2
We want to transfer row data based on criteria in that row to another sheet. We only want to transfer certain cells in the row. We have a column that is named status that we want to trigger and identify the row for transfer and then its location in the new sheet. We tried vlookup but it would only take the first instance of a specific status in the column and not take subsequent instances. We then tried the index function but could not get it to work correctly. I hope this makes sense. There will be a high volume of data being inputted continuously so I don't think that copy and pasting is a viable solution....
I am looking to take the data off of a "detail" sheet and put it to a summary page. I want the summary page to find the capital and expense from "details" sheet by the month on the "details" sheet. Then for every month add all the expenses and capital and put as 2 values per month, Capital and expense, on the summary page. I am not really sure where to begin but have added my excel workbook that I have started.
I have several formulas that I use over and over, so I'm creating VBA functions that I can call from a worksheet.
But...when I have multiple inputs going into a function, is there a way to remind the user which input comes next in the same way that Excel does with built-in functions?
For example, when you type in =PMT( Excel brings up the helper text so you know that the order of inputs is (rate, nper, pv, etc....
Is there a way to bring up that same helper text in my own function? So if I have up, down, right, left as inputs and give the spreadsheet to someone else, they can see it's up, down, right left and not right, left, up, down .
lately I have promised to program a little macro which looked easy for me to do but on which I have now spend a considerable amount of time without finding the problem why it is not running. I am working under Windows XP with Excel 2010, here is what i was trying to do:
In a worksheet there are two columns G and H. In both columns it shall be possible to select a number of possible entries from a list. For column G this is done via data validation, no problem. Now, the choices which are there in column H shall depend on the entries made in the appropriate row of column G. Column G thus functions as an overarching category. If I choose "Tree" in G, H would give me branches, leaves, apples. If I choose "car" the choices would be wheel, engine, gasoline etc. This shall be done by a Macro:
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) Dim cat1 As Range Dim cat2 As Range Dim x As Integer Set cat1 = Range("G:G") 'Task Group Set cat2 = Range("H:H") 'Task Category
When running, it gives me Run time error 1004: Method "Range" of object '_Worksheet' failed. Debug highlights the row
I'm trying to make a spreadsheet to calculate my GPA for my studies. I can get everything to work fine except I want to be able to calculate an adjusted GPA based on a certain value of classes to drop.
The way it would work ideally is that I would be able to search/sort a data set and if it contained "X" number of entries then the "Y" number of lowest marks would be omitted from the AGPA calculation.
I'm having trouble designing a function/formula or scheme to sort the data range, and identify the lowest "Y" number of entries and recalculate the GPA without using them.
1. I need a template that allows a user to select a location from a dropdown menu (Cell B1 of Example Data tab). 2. Titles in cells C1:V1 and B2:B8 will stay the same. 3. Data inputs within range C2:V8 would change for each location. The idea is based off the location selection from the dropdown menu, different data is shown within the range and available for updates. 4. The chart (see Example Chart) would sum all location inputs in range C2:V8
Trying to create a dynamic costing spreadsheet, where the user has to make multiple selections from many dropdown lists, all of which end up showing a total cost.
So far I have managed to create relatively dynamic lists, so that the choice in one cell will dictate what options are available in the next.
But if a user selects an options form all the dropdowns, and then decides to go back and modify a previous option to something else, the effected dropdown lists do not change until you click on the drop down arrow again and see the options available have changed.
Let me try and simplify... 'Menu 1' has two option: 'A' and 'B'. If 'A' is chosen, then the next menu, 'Menu 2', will have options '1' and '2'. If 'B' is chosen from 'Menu 1', then the options in 'Menu 2' will be '3' and '4'. Lets say the user chose 'A' from 'Menu 1' and then '1' from 'Menu 2'... AND THEN went back and changed their choice in 'Menu 1' to 'B'.... 'Menu 2' will still be displaying '1', even though the options are only '3' and '4'.
Can I make the dependant menu's either reset or blank or highlight to show that a change made somewhere else has made them currently invalid
I have a database where I would like to plot graphs from data of different periods and different series.
My current method is to go to the data set formulas and changing data range. The tricky part is that I might skip data series because I am selecting the series required for each chart.
How to do plot the different graphs efficiently and quickly.