Calculate Number Of Hours Between Two Date/time Combinations
Jan 21, 2010
I am trying to find a way to calculate the number of hours between date/times found in separate rows. The attached data set will help to envision what I am talking about.
For each couple of rows, I need to find a way to calculate the number of hours elapsed from row 1 to row 2. In the first example, to calculate the number of hours between 12/2/2009 8:56:51 and 12/4/2009 6:35:27.
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Apr 4, 2013
find a formula that will calculate the hours between the two below values but only take in to consideration the business hours (from 9 to 17) and exclude any weekends?
08/03/2013 13:32:00
02/04/2013 09:32:50
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Nov 22, 2006
I need to calculate the difference between two cells that are formated like this: 11/10/2006 13:00. Simple subtract only works when the date hasn't changed (the subtract formula seems to focus on the time and ignore the date).
I found a formula that will work, but the results are in regular numbers, I need the hh:mm format and if I change the format of the result column, the time displayed is wrong.
The formula is=((B2-A2)*1440)/60)
If my result is 122.6 in regular numbers, when I convert to hh:mm I get 14:00.
Is there a better way to do this? Also, is there a way to eliminate weekend & holiday hours from the calculation? This is not as important as getting the results to calculate correctly in the hh:mm format.
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Feb 28, 2013
I can calculate total hours when a user enters a start date/time and a finish date/time. The kick is I only want to include hours from 2:00 PM to 12:00 AM (10 hour period). So assuming all the start and end times will be in this range, how can i calculate work hours over multiple days? For example: Start date/time = 2/26/13 2:30 PM and end date/time = 2/28/13 10:30 PM. I want my calculated hours to show 28 hours.
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Sep 24, 2012
i am trying to work with a formula that will look at date today (NOW) and compare this to a due date and in return provide me with only the working hours total. Working hours are 8am to 4pm (8 HOURS).If the due date is passed this will be a negative figure.
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Jul 20, 2012
I want to calulate time by decimal the problem is anything after 1 am wont work
example start at 12:25 finsh at 1:45 time should show up as 1.33
using excel 2007
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Feb 27, 2010
Is it possible to calculate hours if both the start and end time are in the same cell. Unfortunatly the developers of our scheduling program developed it so when you export the schedule to excel it shows Greg in A1 and 3:00pm-9:00pm in A2. I would like to have excel calculate the 6 hours so I can use it to auto generate another spread sheet I am making.
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Feb 6, 2008
i have a timesheet that we are trying to use. the problem is the column that says shift diff. if an employee works after 6:30pm for 1and 1/2hr, he is entitled to shift hours. shift hours is between 6m and 8am.
As long as he works after 6.30pm but works for at least one and a half hour, he will get the shift.
if work, 9am to 7:30pm, and have break between 2-3pm, should have 1.5hrs shift and 9.5hrs total
if work, 7:45pm-9:45pm, and have break between 8:30-9pm, total hrs work is 1.5 and shift hrs s/b 1.5hrs
if work 3pm to 12am and have break between 7-8pm, total hrs work is 8 and shift hrs s/b 5hrs
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Aug 7, 2008
I have an excel spreadsheet where you enter the start time and end time for job function. Since some of the times cross midnight, I use the formula J3=IF(I3>H3,I3-H3,1+I3-H3) where I is the end time and H is the start time (format hh:mm). This part works fine, however when I sum column J and change my format to Time 37:38:00 (since it is over 24 hrs), it returns a large number of 2234:48:39 which should be closer to 223:00:00.
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May 7, 2014
I needs a formula (not VBA) to calculate the required start date.
I have to do a job of 14 working hours and this job must be finished on 05-may-2014 13:00
My working week is from monday u/i friday and every day I work from 08:00-16:00
At what time do I have to start the job to get it done in time.
The formula should give this result: 01-may-2014 15:00
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May 5, 2006
I have a user form with textBox1 = start time (entered as "[h]:mm") and text Box2 = finish time (entered as "[h]:mm"). I would like textBox3 to display the difference between the start time and finish time as a general number!
For example
Start time: 21:00
Finish time: 06:30
Hours worked: 9.50
Start time: 12:30
Finish time: 23:00
Hours worked: 10.50
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Aug 4, 2013
I am trying to determine the total hours of downtime accumulated when there are 2 or more machines down during the same time period. To do this, I need to be able to determine if at any point there are 2 or more pieces of equipment down at the same time, and if this is true, how many hours were overlapped. The attached spreadsheet shows how the data is presented.
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Jun 22, 2009
I am trying to build a spreadsheet to calculate how many hours have elapsed between to entries; start time (H10) e.g. 9:15 AM and end time (I10) e.g. 12:15 PM. The formula that I am using in the calculation cell field (J10) is (I10-H10+(I10<H10))*24. This formula works great till I wish to include in an IF statement. What I would like is if the total hours calculated with the formula (I10-H10+(I10<H10))*24 is less than 4, return 4 (hours) otherwise the value. As well if there is no start time nor end time entered then return zero.
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Sep 17, 2012
Any way to calculate the total hours staff work based on the mininum time of the first transaction to the maximum time of the transactions. I used a DMIN and DMAX function to get those times per employee. The issue is then the time goes over from one day to the next, such as from 11 PM to 4 AM the next day. As you can see in the data below,the fourth record shows the minimum time as 12 AM and the max as 11 PM with total time worked as 23 hours. In this example, the total hours worked should be five hours.
min time
max time
total hours
7:00 AM
[Code] .......
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Oct 5, 2007
I have been trying to write a formula to calculate the differrence in days, hours or minutes between 2 cells in Excel.
Here is an example of the two cells
06/08/2011 00:0006/08/2011 12:19
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Dec 8, 2007
I've being trying t calculate an excel formula to work out a order turnaround time based on opening hours.
Example: The store is open from 8 am to 6pm monday to friday, I need to get a formula to work out how long it took from the time the order was logged until it was completed, during the course of the working day - this works fine but if the order was received on 06/12/07 at 5:20 pm then was finally completed by 7/12/07 at 11:55 the next day I need to figure out how to take into consideration of non working hours during that time. (time from 6pm to 8 am next day
example 2 - if order was sent on the 06/12/07 at 01:30pm and completed at 06/12/07 4:30 then I know its taken 3 hours to complete
example 3 - if the order was sent on the 06/12/07 at 5pm and completed next day at 07/12/07 at 10am - then I know it took 3 hours to complete
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Jun 6, 2012
I have a requirement of calculating time spent on ticket, basically a difference between the time a ticket was logged and when it was resolved.
First, working days are Saturday through Wednesday, i.e weekends are Thursday & Friday.
Second, there are different resolver groups or teams which work on a ticket. These teams have different working hours, some work from 07:30 to 15:30 on weekdays, and others work 24/7. Each ticket will be assigned only to one resolver group.I also need to consider holidays.
So, my requirement is to check the resolver group for each ticket, and decide the working hours based on it. After this check has to be done for holidays, and then difference between logged time and resolved time needs to caluculated in minutes.
Tickets can be logged at any time of the day / week, it may not always be logged during working hours only. in such cases calculate should consider next business day / hour as the start time.
Raw data for tickets is available in =Sheet1!$A$1:$E$21
Ticket NoResolver GroupLogged DateResolved DateTime Spent123456
Team A5/21/2012 1:56:28 PM5/29/2012 2:10:53 PM343543Team B5/21/2012 9:31:02 PM5/27/2012 3:41:22 PM853732
Team C5/22/2012 2:28:06 PM5/26/2012 2:34:31 PM
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Jun 4, 2014
This is for a trucking company and I want to calculate how many hours an asset has been idol. I have the dates an times of use for each asset on a tracking sheet. Each row has a different instance on when the item has been utilized. I want another column to tell me how many house have elapsed between the current "time in" from the last time out.
I have attached a file with the column I would like to add to populate itself
Hours Idol.xlsx
I suspect it will be a match and index formula
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Jun 22, 2012
Is there a way to calculate the number of hours between two times specified like this:
Mon 6:00p
Mon 9:00p
Same day
I think I can write a UDF and that may be the easiest. Is there a straightforward way without a UDF?
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May 30, 2012
I want to add hours to a date-time cell to get result in date-time.
Format of cell A1 is d/m/yy h:mm AM/PM
Format of cell A2 is General
Format of cell A3 is d/m/yy h:mm AM/PM
I want to add A2 (number of hours) to A1 to give A3.
The formula I used is A3=A1+Time(A2,0,0)
The formula works perfectly fine when A2 is less than 24, but when A2 is more than 24, the date doesn't get changed.
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Jan 11, 2010
how would I calculate the number of hours in a shift after midnight. What I want to say is that the number of hours after midnight on a friday shift to be taken off from friday total hours and added to a saturday shift.
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May 11, 2014
Is there a way to calculate how many days and hours there are in a date range IE 5/11/2014 to 10/31/2014 = days and hours
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Jun 2, 2014
I have a worksheet where I capture the date and time of each new entry in column A.
In the next column, it's counting up the number of hours since that entry was made. However, it's including Saturdays and Sundays in this count and I was wondering if there's a formula to calculate the number of hours excluding Saturdays and Sundays? I know that network days would count the number of working days from one date to the next, but really need hours. Is this possible?
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Dec 15, 2008
I have 25 random numbers and I would like to get a possible 5 digit combinations of these numbers. Can anybody help me with the possible formula?
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Aug 22, 2008
I have call data in date/time 06/07/08 2:00 PM custom format for a 2 month period. I have my regular opening times eg Monday 9-3, Tuesday 10-4. For each call I want to know if it was made during opening times or not.
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Oct 10, 2009
When I am converting a time from Hours/Minutes to Hours/Tenths, Excel is not converting it consitantely. EXAMPLE: 1:15 = 1.25. When I format the cell to present only one place past the decimal point, sometimes the cell will round up to 1.3, and other times it will round down to 1.2. What am I missing?
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Aug 23, 2008
I have a problem concatenating time in excel if it is of Date + Time format..
What formula do I use to just add the time by, say, 3 hours? I'll need to use, say cell B2, which will add 3 hours to it.. What formula do I use?
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Feb 22, 2008
Column 1: Date Call is received by helpdesk
Column 2: Time Call is received by helpdesk
Column 3: Drop-down list indicating Priority of call (High,Medium,Low)
In Column 4 I want to enter a formula that adds working hours only to the date and time entered in Columns 1 & 2. The time added will vary depending on what is entered in Column 3 (e.g.: if priority is High add 1 hour, Medium add 2 hours, Low add 3 hours). The working hours i need to adhere to are 09:00-17:00, Monday-Friday.
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Mar 19, 2007
i work dispatch at a company and we're trying to track how long it takes for a technician to arrive on-site. my worksheet currently includes the date of call-in (E1) , time of call-in (F1), Service Date (G1), Service Time (H1), among many other field. the easy solution is to use the formula (G1+H1)-(E1+F1), and use the answer as the total amount of time, but the problem is if a customer call in at 3:00 PM and we service them at 9:00 AM the following day, it looks like it took 18 hours to arrive on-site, when in reality, since we close at 5:00 PM and open at 9:00 AM, we only took 2 hours to arrive on-site. is there any formula i can write to account for non-business hours and weekends, or is this a bit above what i should expect from excel?
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Aug 7, 2007
I have a column A with some dates at this format "dd-mm-yyyy hh-mm".
In this list, some hours are missing, and I don't know which ones.
In order to find the missing hours, I created an additional column B, displaying all the hours, this way:
B1=01-01-2006 00:00:00
And then : B2=B1+"01:00:00"
Then, in column C, I compare both columns A and B:
As a result, I first get some "ok", and then more and more "missing" statements, even though the dates look the same.
I checked the numerical values of my dates. At the first "missing" statement, I saw that there is a slight difference in the numerical values, at small decimals...
Can you tell me how to define my date /time in a good way, in order to avoid this kind of problems, please?
(I could take the int part of the numbers, but this could lead to further errors, so I prefer to define my dates in the right way, from the beginning).
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