Coding To Arrange And Space Out Data Elsewhere

Apr 25, 2014

I have attached a work book to this to show what i want to do.

On sheet 'lorry 1'.

I have data in columns g to m.

I need that data to transfer to the lorry sheet as per example on sheet 'what it should look like'

It needs to segregate days and leave a line clear in between drops as per example

lorry 1.xlsx‎

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Arrange Data In Row

Apr 3, 2014

I want to delete alternative row in a worksheet or sorted so that I only have the following arrangements..

I have Data in Rows which as followings

Row 1
Row 2
Row 3
Row 4
Row 5
so on till 1000 data

I don't want Row 1, 3, 5 .... so on

The result should should be arranged as follows:

so on

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Arrange Data To Left

Jun 16, 2014

My data are in cells A2:E7 I have 3 options first one is always in column A and rest 2 options are distributed in 4 columns B-C-D-E

I need to arrange all them to left as shown In G2:I7


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VB Script To Arrange Pasted Data

May 11, 2014

I am starting a data sheet that I will be pasting from the internet into my data sheet daily, the problem I have is that the content data is pasting with blank rows between data and also there is one piece of data that is situated on the row below which i need moving to the end of the main data row, the idea is to have single data rows with no blank rows.

I have attached an example sheet showing the layout it repeats with only the amount of data that changes.

I have colored the data as follows:

Grey= Blank Rows
Yellow= Data Move to end of main row
Green= Unwanted Data

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Arrange Data In Ascending Order?

May 26, 2014

i got data something like this...


i try to arrange it in ascending order...


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Arrange Data In 16x9 Tables

Apr 4, 2009

I have 2 columns of data:
Column A is SKU #
Column B is Bin Capacity

I would like to take each SKU and its corresponding bin cap and arrange them into a 16 column and 9 row table on another sheet.

For example A1, B1, A2, and B2 of the old sheet, should become A1, B1, C1, D1 of the new sheet. Also I need there to be a line gap between each table.

Anyone know how to do this?

This is what I got so far:

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Arrange Chart Data By Magnitude?

Mar 29, 2012

I want to know is there any way to arrange bars in the chart with respect to their magnitude (ascending or descending) without making changes in the source data?

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Paste Arrange Of Data From One Sheet To The Next

Nov 5, 2009

I'm trying to write code which allows me to cut and paste arrange of data from one sheet to the next.

the critical field is MRPC column i, I need to select all data that when I apply a auto filter allows me to cut and paste from the line below the header. And repeater using the a value

Cut all cells, rows paste.
then repeat this
>=155 to 199

PlantMaterialMaterial DescriptionSLocBatchL/OBMRBulkMRPCBinTypeUnrestr.BUnOpen QtyQual.Insp.BlockedMtyp100029PCV00703AAASADDLE CLAMP COVER1000R1120018.0008.0000.0000.000#N/A#N/A

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Re-arrange Data In Pivot Table

Jul 3, 2007

How do I rearrange the data columns in a pivot table? I have a table with year to date months, open PO's, & budget numbers, but I'd like to change the order in which they show up in the pivot table.

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Arrange Data From One Column Across Several Columns With Wrapping?

Sep 25, 2012

I want to take a list of phone numbers in a single column(800,000+ rows)and spread the numbers across the page horizontally to fill the page. Each of the new rows will have probably 4-5 phone numbers. below is an illustration:

column A
row1 5551234
row2 5553432


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Pick Data From Every 2 Columns And Arrange It Vertically?

Apr 19, 2013

i want to pick data from every 2 columns and arrange it vertically, one under the other ;

sample data:
A 579751 579800 52151 52175 126721 126750
B 546451 546500
C 608971 609000 508081 508110 548941 548970
E 962701 962750 24851 24875

desired outcome:
A 579751 579800
52151 52175
126721 126750
B 546451 546500
C 608971 609000
508081 508110
548941 548970
E 962701 962750
24851 24875

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Looking To Arrange Filtering In Data Validation List?

Jun 10, 2014

I have a long list of accounts (for the purposes of of bookkeeping - keeping a cash disbursement journal) and I use data validation that uses this list when I enter an account's name in the journal. Because the list is very long, I often times have to scroll up and down the list in the drop down menu that comes up at a cell I need to populate and when looking for the proper name of the account I needed to be there. I am looking to add a capability to my data validation list use when I would be able to enter several symbols, part of the name of the account I am looking for, and the list of accounts displayed for me to choose from would get shortened based on the symbols I enter. the symbols I enter do not necessarily have to be the first symbols of the account name I am looking for. (as sometimes, I do not remember how exactly the account is called - and so I just guess part of the name ... )

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Arrange Table By Gathering Data Cells

Jun 29, 2009

In the attached WB I managed to write some code (behind Sheet1) to change the Source table, itself, into the requested layout. My question is - could this be done by ONLY Worksheets functions - preferable without any helper column - if possible. note that all 4 columns data should be transported to the target table. The upper left cell of the target/new layout table can be put in cell G1 or in cell A15.

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Arrange Statistical Data In Numeric Order

Nov 23, 2007

I have built a reporting dashboard to track emplyee efficiency .Within this dashboard i have produced a point scoring league table . I am lookinf for a forula that will automatically work out who my top performers are and arrange them in them in the form of 1st , 2nd ,3rd etc . I believe the answer to lie in the form of a pivot table , perhaps with a macro to populate the data , but would be grateful for come direction

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Arrange Some Set Of Data In Fixed Format And Create New Sheet For Each Set?

Oct 28, 2012

I was wondering if i could arrange some sets of data (on one sheet) in fixed format and create a new sheet for each set of data using VBA

I have some sets of data in sheet (similar to the sheet "Raw data" of the attached file)
first four rows contain costumer-1 details,
next few rows contain bill details of costumer-1,
next four rows contain costumer-2 details,
next few rows contain bill details of costumer-2,
table goes on for around 10-20 costumers

Now, I want to arrange the given set of data of each costumer into a fixed format (as sheet "reminder pad" of the attached file) and create a new sheet for each costumer

Also I want to add reference no to each sheet (with automatic increment for each sheet)

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Arrange Weekly Report By Getting Random Data From Other Sources

Jan 16, 2014

I am facing a issue with arranging a data in excel as weekly reports by getting a random input in the form as mentioned in the attachment

Needed like below

Name 1-Jan 2-Jan 3-Jan 4- Jan...........
Ram 0 L 0
Ravi 0 0 0
rohan 0 0 0
sheel 0 0 0

Inputs are like below format

name 2-Jan 8-Jan
Ram L 0
Ravi 0 0
rohan 0 L
sheel 0 L

Attached File : formal needed.xlsx‎

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How To Arrange Data Range Into New Table Based On Multiple Criteria

Aug 27, 2012

I have a problem whereby I have a list of data that has a date, a transaction and a balance. I want to be able to rearrange this data into multiple tables, one for each month.

The pictures below explain the situation better, on the left is the list of data I need to sort, and on the right is how I'd like the data displayed. So for the May columns I would like to display all transactions that happened in May and, depending on whether it is an income or an expense, the amount in the corresponding column.

i.e. so the finish result looks something like this:

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Coding To Overwrite Worksheet Data

Apr 18, 2012

I would like to code a Userform Command button to save data by overwriting a specific row of data. The specific row is to be based on data matching in column A and column B. I'll give an example

Worksheet = "Failures"

Row 1 - Column A - Column B - Value
Row 2 - 12/3/2012 - FOX ------ 23
Row 3 - 12/3/2012 - CEF ------ 24
Row 4 - 12/3/2012 - COT ------ 23
Row 5 - 13/3/2012 - FOX ------ 56
Row 6 - 13/3/2012 - COT ------ 23
Row 7 - 14/3/2012 - FOX ------ 26

I would like the code that would search for the specific row (e.g Row 5 discovered by searching for 13/3/2012 and FOX) in the "Failures" Worksheet and then overwrite it with the following data values from a Userform called "QC"

(TextBox1) (TextBox2) (TextBox3)
13/3/2012 --- FOX -------- 24

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VBA Coding For Data To Activate On Data Entry

Jan 6, 2009

I have a spreadsheet which when I enter data into cell E15 (this cell is dropdown list (AL,ML,SDY,Toil)) it will copy data from another part of the spreacheet and past as value only.

So the aim is to select e15 pick from the dropdown this activates my VBA that copies data from cell A" and pastes special in A3 will this work on a dropdown and if so what code do i use. If it wont work what can i do instead.

Example I have used;

Sub ch()
If Range("F15") = "AL" Then

Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Case Else
Exit Sub
End Select
End Sub

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Coding To Select Data Criteria Wise

Jul 29, 2013

I need to filter data on criteria wise and to move on specific sheets accordingly.

Example: sheet 1 contains all the details such as starting with AAA - 10 rows, BBB - 12 rows, CCC- 15ROWS ,DDD-13 ROWS etc in column 1.

I have created separate sheets for AAA, BBB, CCC etc

now I need all the details of AAA (in sheet1) to be moved to specific sheet AAA which i have created and so on.

I tried the below coding but there are few dependencies found.

Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="AAA"
ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=-6

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Color Coding Cells Based On Data From Another Cell?

Mar 29, 2012

I have a worksheet set up where one column of data (we shall call it "A") is the result of several other columns' calculations (uses a formula referencing other cells). I have an entirely separate cell that also gets its data from other cells (we shall call this "B"). What I'm trying to do is make the shading of column "A" dependent upon data from column "B". For example, if column "B's" value is >24, I want column "A" to shade in red.

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VBA Coding - Macro Moving Data With Multiple Variables?

Jul 17, 2013

I'm working on a complex spreadsheet and I'm working on a complex spreadsheet system for pulling and measuring data. My VB programming skills are about minimal/average, so you may see me on here asking various questions . In any case, what I'm trying to do is create isolation macros for "Kickback" data (erroneous). I'm trying to remove data with certain criteria and isolate it on a separate "kickback" sheet for one for taking a second look at. I've made the easy macro of creating a new spreadsheet:

Sub Create_Kicbacks_Sheet()
' Create_Kicbacks_Sheet Macro
' Creates "Kickbacks" sheet for invalid information.
Sheets.Add After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
Sheets("Sheet4").Name = "Kickbacks"
End Sub

This coding works correctly. The problem area I'm finding is the sorting data. My goal is to look at Columns A and B for certain criteria and either leave it alone, move it to the "Kickbacks" sheet or delete (due to not being necessary in data calculations). Basically, here's a synopsis of what I'm looking for:

if Column A = Y and Column B = Mandatory -> Leave Alone
if Column A = Y and Column B = Best Efforts -> Move Row to Kickbacks
if Column A = Y and Column B = Empty Cell -> Move Row to Kickbacks
if Column A = Empty Cell and Column B = Mandatory -> Move Row to Kickbacks
if Column A = Empty Cell and Column B = Best Efforts -> Delete Row

Here's the code I have in excel (modified from one I found online)... Which only is doing some of what I want it to do:

Sub Moveto_Kickbacks()
Dim r As Range, LR As Long
With Sheets("Data")
LR = .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set r = .Range("A2").Resize(LR - 1)
.Range("A1").AutoFilter field:=1, Criteria1:=""
.Range("B1").AutoFilter field:=2, Criteria1:="Mandatory"


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VBA Coding To Search Column For Data Entered In Textbox On Userform

Apr 17, 2014

I am a green as green can be beginner to VBA coding. My question is, I created a text box on my user form so the user can input a 'billing code' and when they hit submit on the user form, the vba will search the spreadsheet and land on the data entered in the text box.

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Coding For Populating Data From A Pull-down Menu - A Text Box By (Clicking)

Aug 28, 2008

In excel, I have created a table containing macro pull-down menus and text boxes.

The question I have is this:

In the properties table for my pull-down menu, I have the “ListFillRange” filled with the correct range of cells containing the data that I wanted stored in it.

The problem/solution I am having/wanting is to have not just one selection present, but many (to show up in the text box directly below it) since there will be some data that have many sub-data that need to be visible for the person who will be testing whatever…

All in all, I would like to know if there is a code that I can write in the Visual Basic window or the macro “view code” window that will allow the text box below to be filled with the information that is clicked on from its corresponding pull-down menu. Is this possible?

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Extend Space Of Userform Beyond Its Maximum Space?

Oct 16, 2012

Is there a way to extend the space of my userform beyond its maximum space? I have tried using vertical scroll bars but they were of no use.

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Locate Text String After First Space And Before Last Space

May 26, 2007

I have been working on different formulas to return the text string between the first and last space and have been unsuccessful. Is this possible?

I have tried several combos or Left and Right, I have been able to get the values after the first space, and the values before the last space, but not between the spaces.

String: Y60

Desired results: D60

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Remove All Text Left Of Space And The Space

Feb 10, 2007

I have two words of differing character lengths separated by a space.

How can I remove the first word... essentially, all the charcters to the left of the space AND the space itself?

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Data Representation - Minimizing Space Used To Visualize Data

May 21, 2012

I am trying to minimise the space I use to visualise my data.

I have three data points:
£26 - (Min)
£45 - (The data point we are interested in)
£85 - (Max)

I want to represent this data in the following format:

How can I get Excel to do this?

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COUNTA Not To Counting Space Bar Space

Feb 15, 2009

I have the following formula that works fine until someone uses the space bar to clear a cells contents


When the space bar is used to clear a cells contents the COUNTA statements includes the space in the count. How do I count the number of cells with content and exclude the space bar space in a cell?

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Delete Space After Dot In Cell B1 If A1 Contain Dot Without Space

Nov 6, 2012

If find dot. with out space in ( A1 ) cell remove space after dot in cell ( B1 ) Cell, vb or macro


M V Micunovic


D Sumarac m.l.

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