Extract Numbers With Specific Text From Right Or Left

Aug 15, 2009

i use this code to get the value from the cell that contains "Ink"., and i got the codes from reading other problems:


like this in a1 -> Ink 253.00

and totally working! but the problem is if the word "ink" in the left of the value --> 253.00 ink and the result is #NA, is there any way that i can get the value whether the word Ink is in the left side or right side of the value?

also bothered why is it if the word is not "ink" in the cell and return -> #value since i put ("") in the last part of If function(value if false)?

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Extract Specific Numbers From Text Strings

Jun 26, 2008

Need to write a Macro to only extract numbers from text, characters and numbers fields. I would like the numbers to be extracted in column B, C & D. I am only interested in numbers that begins with 200's, 800's and 4500's. see the attached file.

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Extract Left Characters Up Until Specified Text

Nov 10, 2006

I am attempting to utilize the Mid, Left, and Right functions to parse out data returned in a single cell. There are twelve months of data returned with the "title" listed after. I would like to be able to FIND the title and return a specific number of characters of data to the LEFT not the right (as Mid seems to do).


Cell A1{ 1 2 4 5 3 5 TITLE1 1 2 3 6 7 4 5 TITLE2 3 4 5 2 4 5 TITLE 4 }

Cell A2{ 1 2 4 5 3 5 TITLE2 1 2 3 6 7 4 5 TITLE3 3 4 5 2 4 5 TITLE 4 }

I would like to be able to search each cell for the "TitleX" then parse data out to the left of that title (and if not found, return "").

There are too many different Titles to use IF statements and I cannot change that the data comes to the left of the title.

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Extract Numbers After Specific Words?

Mar 13, 2014

I am trying to extract numbers after a specific text in a text, for eg :

abc SN 12345 xyz
edf SN No. 456 mno

As per above, i want to extract any numbers afters "SN". the numbers can be vary in digits i.e. it can be 3 digit numbers or 4 or 6. Also, at times there is some other text in between (like SN No.) numbers and search word (i.e. SN)

Any formula to get result as "12345" and "456".

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BeforePrint Check Left And Right Header For A Specific Text

Feb 26, 2010

I would like to BeforePrint check Left and Right Header for a specific text. If the text is different then i.e. “XYZ Test” then call sub ClearForm().

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Macro To Find And Extract Specific Numbers?

Jul 29, 2013

I have 20 numbers from D3 to W3. Numbers range from 1 to 80. There are several rows with numbers.

I would like a macro to pic from each row specific numbers and copy them to EC3.

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Extract Numbers From Text Para And Sum Extracted Numbers?

Jan 27, 2012

I have a text string in cell A1 as below:

repairs booked in Dec,11 (INR 37k)
training fees Dec,11 (INR 42k)test Fee Reimb for 03 emp Dec,11 (INR 56k)
skill fees booked in Jan,12 INR 52k
Reimb for 01 employee in Jan,12 INR 8k fee accounted- xyz INR 250k, Quick solutions INR 52K, ABCD India INR 272K, Layer Technologies INR30K and complex mgt INR 21K

Note: (INR 37K) means negative number i.e. -37

Now my task is to manually total the above amounts in calculator, i.e.

-37-42-56+52+8+250+52+272+30+21 = =550

like this there are 100s of cells, could derive a formula for this task.

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Extract Specific Text From A Text File

Jun 22, 2006

I had VBA run a third-party program ("HYD") using data listed in my spreadsheet. HYD produces a textfile and I want to extract a number from that log (line 58, columns 6-10 to be exact).

I started with

Open "C:TempHYDLOG.TXT" For Input As #1

but I don't know how to have it skip down to line 58 or which function to use to extract the number I want. I've read through tons of help files and forums but none of them treat anything as simple as scrolling down to specific lines.

The entire subroutine up to that point is as follows: ....

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How To Extract Specific Text From A Worksheet

Nov 10, 2009

I have a spreadsheet which is an extract from another application's DB, and it's just ugly in Excel. No nice neat columns etc. Data from some tables of the other application were just dumped into cells. Some of the data I need is scattered about the worksheet in various cells. There are no seperators that are common, no common length of text strings I could use to pull every X word etc.

The one common thread I am working with here, is the the data I need to extract ALL begins with the first 4 letters, and containers a total of 8 characters. For example:

A3 - The dogs collar had the name ABCD1234 on it
J9 - Today I found a dog collar at the store, and it read ABCD2345
c5 - It says ABCD3456

I'm trying to basically see if there is a way/function within excel that can go through all of the cells and extract anything that says ABCD? (and the 4 wildcards after it)

The Find all function finds them all, but trying to just extract the data ABCD? info.

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Extract Text After Specific Keyword

Mar 22, 2008

I have a sheet with only one colomn, and about 200 rows, containing alot of 'garbage'.

Each few rows, I have a keyword ("REFDES=") and after this keyword I have a value ("R3254"). I need to extract only these values and to put them in one row, few colomns.
For example, if the sheet looks like this: ......

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Extract Numbers Before Text

Nov 20, 2009

I need some code that extracts everything after the last number in a cell. For example, in A1 I have

Flat 3 45 New Road

and need to rearrange it to get

Flat 3 45

into another cell. I've found this code;

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Extract Numbers From Text?

Jan 16, 2012

I require a formula to extract minutes and seconds from the below cells and place them in the cells beneath the required data heading as shown.


DATA DATA DATA3DATAMINUTESSECONDS 1SECONDS 246m02.4s62453m58.s358061m11.98s1119870m58.54s05854812m58.04s1258491m12.56s11256105m08.s580115m.01s501121m00.17s1017

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How To Extract Numbers From Text

Aug 30, 2012

I need an automated way to extract the dollar amount from B and then from C and put them into separate columngs.
So the dollar amount in column B is extracted out of the text and then put into a separate column. Then, the dollar amount in column C is extracted and put into a separate column.

Please see the excel file in this link [URL]....

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Extract Numbers From Text

Sep 29, 2007

Cell A1 = RJ46512263-F

Is there a formula wherein i can extract the numbers from the above text?

Cell B1 should give the result "46512263"

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Extract Text And Numbers

Nov 28, 2009

I want extract numbers and text from


In column Two 19.475


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Replace Specific Numbers With Specific Text

Mar 13, 2008

Is there a way to make a macro convert '1' to Yes and '0' to No? I have 2 columns (F and G) in a worksheet that contain the value of 1 or 0, but I need to convert them to Yes or No. I have tried some fo the samples but they pop up a msgbox which is not required.

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Extract Data From A Specific Location In A Text File

Aug 7, 2006

I have been trying to work this out by looking at other posts (mostly concerning Binary Access) but can't figure it! The source text files I am using can vary in length from 4,000 characters to well over 100,000 characters. However the data I am looking for always starts 40 characters from the end of the file and is 10 characters long! I need my macro to pick out this data and store it as a string (so it can be added to an array and exported to a worksheet later)

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Extract Numbers After Text In Text String

Mar 12, 2014

I am trying to extract numbers after a specific text in a text string, for eg :abc SN 12345 xyzedf SN No. 456 mnoAs per above, i want to extract any numbers afters "SN". the numbers can be vary in digits i.e. it can be 3 digit numbers or 4 or 6. Also, at times there is some other text in between (like SN No.) numbers and search word (i.e. SN)Any formula to get result as "12345" and "456".

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Extract Numbers Only From Cell Containing Text Also?

Jan 24, 2008

I have a cell that I need to clean up. It contains text and numbers.

What I want to know is this, can I have a formula that will extract just the numbers and not the text?

For example if cell B2 = 'Ref No. 123456'. Could I just extract the '123456'?

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Extract Numbers From Text String

Sep 24, 2009

I have several lines with text strings containting three numbers in each line. I need a code to extract all three numbers from each text string. The numbers can be placed on the following columns in each row.

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Extract Numbers From Text Into A Matrix

Jul 9, 2007

I have a large number of text strings representing chemical formulas. They include letters for the element names and numbers for the number of atoms of each type.
For example:


The element name has either one or 2 letters (one capital, one small), if there is no number and no small letter after the capital letter that means that there is only one atom of this sort(like in C18H35NO3 - there is one N atom). If the element is not listed in the text string it means that it is not found in that particular formula (i.e. the numerical value is 0). Is there any function that could help converting such a vector (say A1:A3) into a matrix that will have the following form:

C H N O S Na
18 35 1 3 0 0
4 7 0 0 1 0
11 16 0 2 0 1

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Extract Numbers From Alphanumeric Text

Feb 19, 2008

I'm looking for a way to extract numbers from a string.

The string can potentially have as few as one number or as many as 25. Each number is separated by a comma.

Here is the code that creates the string: ...

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Extract AndParse Out Specific Data From Multiple Text Files

Oct 3, 2008

I have a few hundred data/text files to analyze, some a few thousand lines deep. I would like to grab 5, just 5 numbers describing voltage levels. I know the preceding text for each of these in the cell and the following text as well. I just need to delete everything else and keep these 5 values in a column using a script or a macro, and do so for all these files in a specified folder.

This would be 3 weeks of work and the analysis needs to be done ASAP for my research.

Thousands of lines of ancillary data
Thousands of lines of ancillary data

Thousands of lines of ancillary data

Thousands of lines of ancillary data

"11/09/07 14:42:20 J13-50 and J6-9, PCU Resistance (XXXXXXX. Ohms) is within 1.000 to 3741."
Thousands of lines of ancillary data...........................

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Extract Numbers From Specified Place In Text String

Feb 19, 2008

I have got cell A1 containing this text string:

=IF(SUM('SL-001 - AT-001-001'!R[852]C:R[856]C)=0,SUMPRODUCT('SL-001 - AT-001-001'!R[826]C:R[830]C,
'SL-001 - AT-001-001'!R[840]C:R[844]C,'SL-001 - AT-001-001'!R[846]C:R[850]C),
SUMPRODUCT('SL-001 - AT-001-001'!R[826]C:R[830]C,'SL-001 - AT-001-001'!R[840]C:R[844]C,
'SL-001 - AT-001-001'!R[846]C:R[850]C,'SL-001 - AT-001-001'!R[852]C:R[856]C))
*'SL-001 - AT-001-001'!R992C*R3C9
and I would like a macro that will extract the numbers between each instance of the letters R and C , i.e. 852, 856, 826 etc etc. in cells A2, A3, A4 respectively.

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Extract Numbers And Text From Listbox Separated By Delimiter

Feb 14, 2008

I have a listbox populated with a number followed by description. How do I write code to extract the number and description to different cells. Listbox example: "1234ES - Project Description". Now I want "1234ES" in one cell and "Project Description" in cell left of number.

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Extract Two Separate Numbers Of Varying Length From Text Field

May 24, 2014

a formula to extract the numbers into two separate fields. The text may vary in length and the numbers vary in length also from 1 digit to 2,000,000.

Data in A1 is as follows:-

Meter reading Old:1345 New:67890

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Extracting Specific Number From Text Containing Other Numbers

Apr 27, 2007

I have a text field which contains multiple numbers ( reference #s and phone #s). I need to extract the reference # which will be either a 7 or 8 digit number. That number will not fall in any particular place in the string.

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Extract Left Most Characters Until A Space

Oct 6, 2006

I am trying to write a function that finds and breaks a cell about the first space.

Worksheet is:

=LEFT(name,FIND(" ",name)-1)

Have tried...

Function Firstname(name)

Dim Space As Integer

Set Space = .Find(" ", name)

Firstname = Left(name, Space)

End Function

and also...

Function Firstname(name)

firstname = left(name,find(" ",name)-1))

End Function

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Find Numbers Next To Specific Text Characters In A Cell

Oct 15, 2012

I'm faced with receiving data for time, in a text format, as follows:

Example of possible cell contents...


I'm not interested in the secs value but need to isolate the h (hours) and m (mins) values to use in another formula as numbers. The time could be shown in either of the above formats with either; (a) just secs, (b) mins & secs or (c) hrs, mins & secs... and of course the hours or mins values could be 1 or 2 digits in length. How can I determine (using formula only, not vba) what the values for hours and/or mins are dependent upon what is present?

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Using VLOOKUP With LEFT To Extract Data To Another Workbook

Aug 20, 2014

I have a workbook which has data from 2 different time points (6 and 12 months) and this is signified by a prefix to an ID number which is a letter (A or B) and a number:

I need to analyse data separately so I'd like to create 2 separate workbooks, once which imports all of the 6 month data (1 row per case) and one for the 12 month data.

I thought that this would be based around a VLOOKUP of the first 1 or 2 characters but I can't work out how to integrate this with an 'IF' and link it to another workbook.

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