Filling Data In Non-sequential Rows
Jan 23, 2014
I have a peptide sequence that is 4500 amino acids long. I have the numbers 1 - 4500 in column A and the corresponding letter code for the amino acid in that position in column B. I have done a bunch of other calculations and isolated small series of amino acids within the entire sequence (example: positions 25-42, 153-166, 381-297, etc).
I would like to fill column C with either a blank space or, if it is in one of the selected series, the letter code again. So that the first 24 rows of column C would be blank but rows 25-42 would mirror the letter shown in B. Then blank spaces again until we reach row 153, etc.
I've used a vlookup to paste the letters with the chosen parts of the sequence, but now I want to space them out along the entire 4500 so that I can see if there are overlapping areas between several sets of criteria for choosing series (these would go in columns D, E, etc).
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Aug 12, 2008
I am working on multiple sheets that collate to an “averages” sheet. The Averages sheet would need to collate the information historically.
I need a code that can be assigned to a button so when it’s clicked, the figures for this week are added to the figures that were from last week. So for example.
Worksheet 10, Rows 12 – 20 have the data from the last 8 weeks.
Worksheet 09 has this weeks data and a button to push. When pushed it adds the data from this week to row 21 in Worksheet 10.
The following week the button would add the data to row 22 and so on.
Essentially each time the button is pressed it drops the information in a row one lower than the last time the button was pressed.
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Jan 29, 2014
I have a form made that needs to copy a value from another sheet. The Form is 10 rows 5 columns and and in format for easy print. On sheet2 I have a column where each row is filled with a name.
I need to put this name into sheet1, so in the the appropriate cell I put =Sheet2!B2 and it gives me the value (name) from the other sheet.
Then I want to copy the form bellow the 1st one so that I have the same form but with the next name, which means I want =Sheet2!B3 to appear when I copy, but since my form is 10 rows when I copy it the formula copies to =Sheet2!B12 instead of B3.
I need to make close to a thousand of this forms ready for printing and I would like to avoid having to manually set the formula for the next cell.
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Oct 8, 2011
I currently have an array that is 6 columns by 7 rows that is populated by referencing other workbooks and returning the sum of their values. For issue tracking revison etc... I would like to have the rows incrementally numbered (0,1,2... until it reaches number "X" which is a grand total in one of the fields.
This would happen for column 1 row 1 all the way through column 6 row 7 and fields with 0 as a total don't get a number or can have a 0 or blank.
1 2 3 4 5 6 (rows)
1 3 x x x x x
2 x 7 x x x x
3 4
row numbering...
3 (skip col. 1 row 2)
4..... continues on till the end.
I would like this to be something somewhat automatic to eliminate the redundancy of having to manually perform this task.
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Feb 1, 2008
This is so simple that I cannot even do a search for the answer. My worksheet has a horizontal and vertical cross. After row 16 for example, what is seen on the screen is row 24 for example. I did look at the instructions for "hidden" but I don't think this is a "hidden" issue. I don't want the rows to "jump" numbers, but want them listed sequentially down the page.
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Feb 19, 2008
The excel file has industrial information arranged by sector. The sectors are represented by six digit codes that are not strictly sequential. For example, a typical example of consecutive codes is 120011,120012,120030,120040,130011. There are upwards of three hundred sectors.
The data I am using is missing certain sectors - sometimes more than 30 at a time. I would like to find a quick way to identify the missing sectors and insert rows there, preferably with the first cell in the row being the missing sectoral code.
I have a similar problems with columns as well. But I can always just transpose the data and use whatever solution works for the rows.
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Sep 17, 2009
I have tried many different ways of coming up with a solution of this problem without writing a VBA program, however, Excel's date and time formatting scheme seem to be tripping me up. As a result, I am trying to figure out what direction to go.
I have seached the board up and down looking for a solution and I have found one problem that is midly similar but I do not fully understand the code. I have tried to modify it but to no avail.
Here is my problem:
I have 9 columns of data that are reported in 15 minute intervals for a little over 3 years. There are missing data in the data set and it would be infeasable for me to manually find and replace the missing data. (Over 110000 rows of data)
Example of data (Where "/" delienates column seperation):
Date / Temp 2m / Temp 10 m / Radiation / RH / WindAve / WindMax / WindMin / Rain
6-1-06 12:15 am / 45 / 35 / .0001 / 95 / 5 / 7 / 3 / 0
6-1-06 12:30 am / 45 / 35 / .0001 / 95 / 5 / 7 / 3 / 0
6-1-06 12:45 am / 45 / 35 / .0001/ 95 / 5 / 7 / 3 / 0
6-2-06 6:00 pm / 45 / 35 / .0001 / 95 / 5 / 7 / 3 / 0
6-2-06 6:15 pm / 45 / 35 / .0001 / 95 / 5 / 7 / 3 / 0
So what I need to do is this:
1) Find which data times are missing
2) Add the appropriate amount of rows in between where the missing data would be
3) Add the correct dates to the new rows
4) Add "N/A" to the columns that have no data
You can see that my date and time are formatted in mm/dd/yy hh:mm
I found this on the website and was trying to modify it to my needs:
Sub InsRow()
Dim c
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Oct 30, 2013
I am working on an inventory sheet. Its probably only complex due to the amount of data. There are several hundred locations we service and these are in a single column, and then there is the equipment we use that is several hundred columns.
Each location uses 3 rows and the 1st needs the formula to equal 2 rows beneath it. i.e. cell E28 has the formula =E30. I basically need to fill down, but only put that formula into every 3rd row, as the two rows beneath this row need to stay blank, or show number i manually put into either.
The second part of this, is there a way once that is done, to just select those cells, and fill to the right all the way? Again, i do not need to fill the two rows under that one.
I have attached part of the sheet .....
The green cells are the ones that need the formula, and those will be copied down, and right. the others need to be left alone. I have been sitting here for an hour manually entering in the =XXX for each cell.
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Jul 19, 2006
I have a sheet that pulls hundreds of names with a query. These names are ordered by department and each department prints (in gridded table format) on a separate sheet of paper. I would like to set it up to add additional empty rows to the bottom of each table if there is any space available on the page. I'm clueless how to go about it, though...
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Jan 25, 2013
I have inherited a spreadsheet with over 800 rows (and daily expanding) and 14 columns of data. I've attached a sheet that looks similar, with only 200 rows for reference. Here are my questions:
1. How can I delete all rows that contain no values?
2. I want to fill an entire row of data yellow if the values in the final two cells (L&M) in the row are equal, and red if they aren't. How can I do that?
3. Column A contains only dates, from oldest to newest. I'd like an obvious visual clue for when the months change. Currently it's a long, merged, blue-filled cell that says "March 2011", for instance. It can't be color because all cells need to be filled based on certain criteria (see #2), and borders aren't obvious enough.
4. I want to click on the row number on the very right, but have it select only columns A-M, is that possible?
I'm also having trouble with autofill. It seems to only work on parts of the spreadsheet. I don't know what settings may have been changed, but I do have autocomplete turned on, and no clue what to do despite hours of googling.
Test Tracking Sheet.xlsx‎
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Jul 21, 2007
I am looking for a way to define a 'Data Validated' Cell to hold a List of Dynamic Sequential Numbers - from 1 to the Value of cell A4. For example:
If cell A4 has a value of 5 the 'Data Validated' List will be 1,2,3,4,5
I have tried to 'name' the Array-Formula {=ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&A4))} and put the 'name' as the List source but without success.
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Sep 11, 2013
I have a list of data in a column that has blanks along the way.However, I don't just want to fill it up with the one above, or the one below.
If the data is in column B, I want to fill it such that where the row above has the same criteria in column A, column B for the above row is returned.Otherwise, column B in the row below should be filled in instead.I have set up example data below to illustrate.
Initial Data Set:
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Jul 9, 2014
I'm simply inputting zeroes and ones down Column A. Basically, I either put a "0" or a "1" in A1, then A2, then A3, etc. However, I want to create a Macro that allows me to simply type in a string of 1's and 0's and it automatically takes each 1 and 0 and fills it in down the column. This website has the basic idea (Automatically Moving from Cell to Cell when Entering Data (Microsoft Excel)) but I need only one number per cell and for it to move down the column, not across the row. Here's what I have so far:
Dim str As String
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
str = InputBox("Enter string")
y = 0
For x = 1 To Len(str) Step 4
ActiveCell.Offset(y, 0) = "'" & Mid(str, x, 4)
y = y + 1
End Sub
*I can't get it to only break down into one number per cell down Column A. I think the Mid function or something needs to change.
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Apr 8, 2008
I have a column of data with various values and a bunch of blank spaces. Essentially I want to leave the values as is but fill in the blank cells with a number. I’ve written a loop to do this in VBA, which grabs the value in the cell above, but it’s somewhat slow. Is there a more efficient way to do this?
Sub Downfill(Max)
'This count variable is used to run the loop
Dim i As Long
i = 1
Do While i
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Jun 21, 2009
Here's the outline of my problem...I'm building a directory of hedge fund contacts and need help in cleaning data and automating the entry of fields that will remain the same. I have one workbook with 2 pages... One is for the Companies and the other is for the contacts that work at those companies.
ex. Company #551 is 1794 Management - on this page we have fields for address, floor, city, state, zip, phone, fax and website.
on worksheet 2 is where the contacts are kept... the identifier is #551... on the contacts page all contacts under a specific company number will correspond to that company.
Here's where it gets tricky.... for the contacts the addresses are all formatted differently - first I'd like to sort by management co and address and have excel copy the first listed address format and copy this to the other contacts for that company.... when the formula reaches the next contact with company #552 it will look for the new first address and use this one for all that companies contacts.
after the formula finishes the fomating I'd like the sheet to become intuitive( dont know if this can be done but what I'm looking for is say when I add a new row and enter #551 as a company and enter the new first name, last name, and job title - if the excel sheet noticing that all contacts under that format have the same address, phone, fax, company name etc...
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May 21, 2014
I am working with monsterous excel sheets (named Data) and need to a column that is governed by the ZIP. I have a sheet named Source in my excel folder with all the matching information next to the excel sheet. The column my zip codes in Data starts on J6 to J290 and the zip codes in Source are from A2 to A2671. The information I am trying to pull from Source to Data are names and branches located in Source from B2:E2671.
What function will auto fill the columns with the correct information. If it can only be done by putting a function into each column, that is not a problem
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Aug 6, 2014
As you can see, I have 2 worksheets. I want that all entries in columns B,D,E and F automaticly fill in in multiple tables in sheet2. Also, if possible that macro creates tables (for example: if I have 100 rows, I want to extract 100 separetly values from column B,D,E and F and to enable automatic creation for new table - for 101 entry )
here is the dropbox link of the file:
So, I want when I click on the button I want to automaticly import all mentioned values into sheet 2 (I have marked with RED where to put values from which column). In this example, I expect, when I clik on Print all tables button, to print 7 tables in sheet2. In sheet2 I have 2 tables as you can see.
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Nov 21, 2006
I'm attempting to make a simple userform that inputs data onto an existing worksheet. I have the userform but would like to use a combo box to choose a "category" item of data, however I dont know what the categories are! I would like the combo box to, somehow, look at the spreadsheet and read off the already entered categories and offer those as choices.
A picture is worth a thousand words:
Is there a simple way to fill the combo box (using the form initialize I assume) with the existing categories?
[Edited to link to image instead of displaying on board~admin]
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Apr 26, 2006
My worksheet looks like this: column A - ID, B - Group #, C - data. When data has been entered for all the IDs in a group I would like a message box to appear stating end of group #.
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Jul 12, 2006
I have previously used an Excel file - created by someone else - which had pre-entered data. It was set up in such a way that if I typed a person's ID number into a cell, their name popped into the following cell. I know that the names and IDs were pre-entered somewhere else - in another sheet? In a file linked some other way?
What is this called? How do I do it? I want to end up with a file where I can type a department code into one column and have the department NAME pop up in the following column. I am mostly doing this as a time- saving measure when completing long lists of supplies being distributed to different departments (long story.) If anyone can even tell me what this is called, so I can look it up correctly, that would be... sublime.
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Sep 26, 2007
I have a userform and on it is a combo box with the weeks in each month in it. A user has to select a week to enter figures for and then enter the figures into text boxes on the same form. When the click submit (command button), based on what week they've already selected, my code will put the figures into the spreadsheet in the appropriate place.
Sub december1()
If Figures1.TextBox1.Value >= "1" Then Range("c16") = Figures1.TextBox1.Value
If Figures1.TextBox2.Value >= "1" Then Range("c17") = Val(Figures1.TextBox2.Value) / 100#
If Figures1.TextBox3.Value >= "1" Then Range("c18") = Figures1.TextBox3.Value
If Figures1.TextBox4.Value >= "1" Then Range("c22") = Figures1.TextBox4.Value
If Figures1.TextBox5.Value >= "1" Then Range("c23") = Figures1.TextBox5.Value
If Figures1.TextBox6.Value >= "1" Then Range("c28") = Figures1.TextBox6.Value
If Figures1.TextBox7.Value >= "1" Then Range("c29") = Val(Figures1.TextBox7.Value) / 100#...........................
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Dec 22, 2008
I have two worksheets. One that contains material pricing and another that has misc data, formulas, etc. I have 100 rows of data with 2 columns. Column A I have numerical values. Column B I have a formula =(A1/36.4)*sheet1!C7. I try to drag down the formula but the value for sheet1!c7 changes as I go down (sheet1!c8 then sheet1!c9 and so on). How can I drag down the formula and have the SINGLE value from worksheet 1 carry to all rows?
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Sep 26, 2009
Starting to struggle a bit here. Trying to create a user form, with help from this website I was able to create 2 dropdown lists based on data validation and information from another sheet in the same workbook. I have one cell B7 that uses data validation and sheet "Eq List" to create a drop down list of departments that the user can select from. Once B7 is filled in, it creates the 2nd dropdown list in B9 so the user can pick "Equip Desc".
Where I am trying to fill B11 which should automatically give me back the Mach ID that is related to B7 & B9. Am I going about this the right way? I have ttached a sample file to make it easier to understand.
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Jun 26, 2009
I got my invoice and my journal. Once I finish my invoices I send all to the journal, but I am having a little problem.... Here is my code
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Sep 11, 2009
I'd be very grateful if s.o. help me find solution for the following task:
I want to fill certain worksheet with data from external .tsv files. The .tsv files are with a almost a common name (something_date.tsv), located in folders for each month.
What I'm usually doing and want to automate:
- I'm opening the first .tsv file from the monthly folder;
- Creating AutoFilter on the first row;
- Selecting a custom criteria from the AutoFilter;
- Copying the cells matching this AutoFilter criteria;
- Pasting in a predefined worksheet (with AutoFilter on first row);
*All of the copied cells are not being altered in the predefined worksheet, i.e. the first rows of the .tsv file and the worksheet are the same.
- Doing exactly the same with the next file in the monthly folder (but pasting below the already copied cells in the workbook).
- Etc.;
- Etc.;
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Nov 20, 2012
I have an excel sheet with 2 tabs. 1st tab provides the data for downtime of a manufacturing line. The last column (shift) is blank and needs to be filled based in shift schedule in tab2
On the 2nd tab I have the shift schedule, which tell which shift is working on particular days
7:00am- 7:00 pm
7:00pm - 7.00am
Shift A
Shift C
[Code] ........
Is it possible to write a macros that will look at the Date and time from tab 1 and assign the correct shift number in the shift column. For example the 1st row of tab 1 reads (Month=Feb, Date = 3:55:59 AM) so according to shift schedule it would fill C shift.
I have lots of data and to assign every event to shift # manually is not possible. So i wanted to know if there is a macros i can use to make life easier and learn at the same time
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Mar 31, 2014
I've set myself a project to try and automate some repetitive filling in of word documents and would like a point in the right direction. I've done some research on the MSDN and some sites on the web. The way I was thinking of doing it would be,
make a template with either Fields or Bookmarks (which would be best?) for each piece of data on the paper work.Put the repeated data into an excel sheet (with a button for the macro to be assigned to).
write some VB script that will, define and "label" the data in the XL sheetopen the word templateenter the data into each Field/BookmarkSave as a new file in a "New" folder (name of file and folder taken from the Data)open the next template and repeat.
would this be the best way of approaching this problem?Whats the best way of defining points in a word template, Fields, Bookmarks?what objects would I need to use to rename the folder?
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Dec 17, 2008
The below formula is in Col F6, how do i get this formula to adjust to data range without manually filling down, my data changes everyday therefore i need the formula to auto fill according to data range.
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Feb 26, 2010
I have a worksheet that contains data on products including prices and I want to use that worksheet to fill out an invoice for every sale of those products. I know how to make the list/table dynamic and varify the data to "list", then use VLOOKUP to get the price to appear, but what I'd like to know is how to overcome the problem that will arise when a product's price has to change. Eg. if on 1/1/10 the price of product A rises from £15 to £20, how do I ensure that 2009 invoices do not change when I update/edit the price, but that the current price goes up? So far, the only thing I can think of doing is to create another product, but there are several other bits of data about each product on the worksheet which will not change (weight, height, width, supplier etc), so I don't really want to have to duplicate the unchanging bits and also leaving the productA with the old price in the list may lead to accidentally selecting the old price. What do you think? Is there a way of maybe fixing the price to date or something?
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Oct 11, 2006
I can't seem to find the answer to this question. I have a sorted list of data 3 cells wide, 120 cells long. I wish to have this data put into a scroll bar so I may scroll the data, select, and it will output to a chosen cell.
I assume the ScrollBar control is the choice but since I have no experience with any controls, I am at a loss. I have thus far only managed to insert the scrollbar, click on the properties and then I'm ?.
1. How do I specify the range of cells to display?
2. How do I specify an output cell after selecting from the list?
I've attached a spreadsheet to view the data.
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