Mode Function For Each Work Type

Sep 14, 2009

I’m using excel 2003 and I need help with the MODE function. I have a spreadsheet with 142 work types’ rows of work with each one showing the last 13 months of work received. I have set up a mode function for each work type, but for the ones when excel cannot work out the mode it puts n/a in and I have to do them manually, by looking at the last 13 months data and basically guessing a mode figure – which is a pain (e.g. if there was 13 different numbers from say 120 – 135 excel would give n/a but I would put the mode at around 128. As this spreadsheet gets updated monthly is there a way I can trick excel into giving a mode figure, or a figure close to what the mode should be. I have attached a sample of the spreadsheet.

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How Do I Create A Macro To Work In Shared Mode

Nov 11, 2009

Ive got a problem with a work book im working on at the moment, my company has various different documents created in excel, like a price list, cost price list & stock levels (all Independant) I have had the idea to join them all into a single shared workbook using an idea I found and modified over a year ago on this site, that had the promise of allowing multiple users to see the nessesary parts of the same document. the advantage of this being any new parts or prices or suppliers added would update all users at once. So ive got this workbook that when you open you get asked for a username & password this then hides/unhides, protects or unprotects to suit the users needs. This works great when unshared but when I share it the login box wont display

The Administrator username is jamie and the password is joshua

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Mode Function

Mar 10, 2008

I want to use a formula to detect which name is appearing most in a selected range of cells. The Mode formula gives this result but for numbers. I was thinking of the probability of having to combine the LEN function with the MODE function.

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Using Mode Function When Range Changes

Sep 3, 2009

How would i find the mode of a range of numbers that changes?

For example, I want a simple out put of the Mode for the numbers after Aand D, and E and so on, without having to do it manually. A function perhaps?

I have attached spreadsheet. The 2 left columns are the raw data and the right columns are what i want the outcome (modes) to be. Is there a way I can do this without having to go through this manunally for every one?

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Formula That Allows Me To Type In Their Hour Work If It's Greater Than 40 Hours

Dec 28, 2006

I am building a spreadsheet to manage 15 folks wages to be able to know how much money has been spent.
We routinely work 40 hour weeks and have a sheet that automatically multiplies hour work by person (Say A1) times their hourly rate (say A2)

My question is how could I right it a formula that allows me to type in their hour work (A1) if it's greater than 40 hours?

Say A1 is 40, A2 =$20.00, A3 =(A1*A2) $800.00

If the A1 is 43 what would I put into A3 that would automatically multiply the additional hours over 40 times 1.5 A2

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No Mode Function In Subtotal - How To Calculate

Jul 21, 2014

I'm trying to calculate the mode for a large data set, but there is no 'mode function' in subtotal. I need to find the mode for each change in day - without having to retype the function.

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Mode Function For Rows Of Text?

Apr 11, 2013

I have a spreadsheet with columns of data running from column C to column Z.

In column B i am trying to work out which word appears the most.

For exaple in cell B2 i am looking for a formula to work out which word appears the most from cells C2:Z2.

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Function For Calculation Mode & Status

Mar 10, 2009

I am looking for assistance for 2 vbcode functions that will provide current:

1) Calculation Mode - whether automatic, manual or semi automatic; and

2) Calculation Status - whether a recalc is required or not.

These functions need to work regardless of the calculation mode and always need to show the current status.I have tried creating volatile functions, but the problem I face is that if the calculation mode is manual, the function's return value is not updated unless I force a recalc which renders the purpose of the exercise useless.

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Mode Function Over Multiple Sheets

Dec 1, 2006

I am trying to use the MODE function over multiple sheets within a work book, however when using =MODE( 'First Page:Last Page'!K5). the formula returns "#REF!". this should be returning 7, 8 or 9. I have already checked to see if the range is wrong, but when I changed the function to SUM, AVERAGE, etc they work fine....
however due to the need for non-excel users to easily add extra pages, adding each page individually would be a pain (and would mean I would need to train the staff in Excel)

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Mode Function By Strings Instead Of Only By Integer

May 8, 2007

i've tried searching for "Mode Function in Text" , "Mode Function by Text" but to no avail. Can someone please guide me in how to do a Mode by Text? =MODE(number1,number2,...) But if i have a whole chunk of data in Strings in cells Range A1:C50

1) How can i get the mode of that Range ?
2) is it possible to get the statistic of those for e.g.

Apple 20
Pear 30
Watermelon 50

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Boolean Type Mismatch Error - On Error Resume Next Doesn't Work?

Apr 1, 2013

OK, so I have a userform with some text boxes that I have specially formatted to accept only date values in the form of mm/dd/yy. By default they are blank. I have a check in one of my codes that looks like this

If DateBox vbNullString And DateValue(DateBox) > checkdate Then
M1 = "NEOPRENE" & Chr(13)
M1 = "" & Chr(13)
End If

Where DateBox is this specially formatted TextBox and checkdate is a future date being checked against.So if DateBox has a value in it AND that value is greater than the date being checked against the returend string is Neoprene, otherwise it is blank.

Well the problem I have is when the first condition returns FALSE, i.e. when DateBox is empty, the DateValue half still gets evaluated and returns a type missmatch error or something like that because DateValue("") returns an error. I have line of code 8 times, one for Neoprene, squeegee, etc. So the name of the text boxes are each unique and I am using M1, M2, M3, etc.

For other reasons, use of "On Error Resume Next" doesn't work for this situation because it causes a result opposite to what I want to happen.

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Work Around To The 7 Function Limit With The IF Function

Nov 11, 2008

I'm comfortable with the IF statements in excel and not familir with many of the other functions available to me. I am trying to create a character calulator for Elder Scrolls III (Marrowind). So that a person may enter their race, ***, and other choices and their by calculating all starting stats. There are 10 races you can choose from and I can cover 9 of them with the if function (leaving one as if all other options are false). I would like to know if there is a better way such as a drop down list or some way to search an array or anything that would be better suited to search the race cell and return data if it's true. I'm running into the same probably with choosing the constalation (13 choices in this catagory).

I thought to split it two different data fields, by letting you choose from 4 in one cell and the other 9 in a different cell, but realized I don't know how to make it check two different cells for a choice to return it to the display cell without hitting the limitation of the 7 nested funcations in a forumla again.

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Lookup Function Returns Type Mismatch?

Feb 23, 2014

I get a Type mismatch from this line:

x = Application.WorksheetFunction.Lookup(2, 1 / (Range("G7:P7") = "A"), Range("G7:P7"))

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Error '13' Type Mismatch In Function Code

Oct 6, 2006

while the code works fine by itself in the sample file, when inserted into my other file which contains another set of algorithms, it generates a run time error '13' type mismatch whenever the 'Hide' button is clicked.

this line of the following function: b = x / tpi

Function range(x)
tpi = 2 * 3.1415927
b = x / tpi
a = tpi * (b - Int(b))
If (a < 0) Then a = tpi + a
range = a
End Function

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Type Mismatch '13' On Passing Function Result To Variable

Aug 11, 2006

I have the following codes in my spreadsheet, they are pretty much the same and both used to work perfectly. However, now the first code returns a Type Mismatch '13' on line beginning mynum= and the second one works perfectly.

Sub addtasks()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
myrow = Cells. Find(" Total P&C Estimate").Row - 3
mycell = Cells(myrow, 2)
mynum = Right(mycell, Len(mycell) - InStr(mycell, "#")) + 1

With Range(Cells(myrow, 2), Cells(myrow + 2, 2))
.EntireRow.insert Shift:=xlDown
End With

Application.CutCopyMode = False
Cells(myrow + 3, 2) = "Task#" & mynum
Application.DisplayAlerts = True

End Sub

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Lookup Type Function Returning Multiple Values

May 23, 2007

I have attached a sample spreadsheet which describes my problem.

In C2 and C3 under the first business coalitions column, I have written in text what I would like to be displayed automatically with a formula. The trouble is that, as you can see, Abbott Laboratories is a member of 3 business coalitions. Therefore, a simple vlookup doesn't work because that would only return 1 result.

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Determining Data Type Of Argument In Custom Function

May 29, 2007

In VBA, True takes the integer value of -1. However, in Excel, it is 1.

I am writing a custom function that does arithmetic on a value. However, due to above, if the value is True, my custom function produces a different result than if I wrote an Excel formula to do the same thing.

Is there some way to identify the data type of a value passed into a function? Currently my function looks like this:

' Return the valueToIncrement with its magnitude increased by PctToAdd
Public Function INCREMENTPCT(valueToIncrement As Variant, PctToAdd As Variant) As Variant

INCREMENTPCT = valueToIncrement * (1 + PctToAdd)

End Function

Ideally I would like to identify whether the type is Boolean and adjust the value so as to give the same result as an Excel formula would give.

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IF Function Doesn't Work?

Apr 25, 2014

i checked and checked and my IF function just gives me the wrong answer... attached is just a sample data..i have over 230 lines to check actually..

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Text Box Function Won't Work

Nov 21, 2008

I can't get the text box function to work on this spreadsheet.

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Can't Get Indirect Function To Work In Menu

Dec 27, 2013

I have a series of menus in column C. I need column D to be able to access them and return the proper data.

I am using =INDIRECT(SUBSTITUTE(10C," ","")) and keep getting error after error.


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Sum Function Wont Work In My Worksheet

Jun 4, 2009

The sum function won't work in my worksheet. See the green shaded area in the attached spreadsheet. Does anybody know what the problem is?

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Function To Work For Barcodes Of Varying Lengths?

Aug 4, 2014

Goal: To extract the barcode (numbers and letters between B/C: and , P/G) from the following string:

"Codec B/C: A01234567, P/G: 123456728912345"
Current Function: =MID(A1,(FIND("B/C:",A1)+5),(FIND("P/G:",A1)-14))

Problem: I need this function to work for barcodes of varying lengths. For example, in some cases the barcode may be 8 characters long and at other times the barcode will be 14 characters long etc.Below is a screenshot of how I have this currently set up in excel.

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Work Marked Late -Either VBA Or Worsheet Function

Dec 30, 2006

I have a very large spreadsheet with the following columns: WO# (number field); Start date (date format MM/DD/YYYY); Frequency (text); and craft (number). I am trying to have code that checks the frequency and if is "Monthly" or "Weekly" it just goes on to the next row; if it is "Annual", it adds 163 to the start date (start date needs to changed to a numeric field); if it is "Semi-annual", it adds 82 to the start date; if it is "Quarterly", it adds 45 to the start date; and so on, there about 20m different frequencies. After it adds the above value to the start date, I need to check if that number is less than today's date (the day I run the code). If it is, it needs to flagged as "LATE" and the whole row of info copied to another worksheet with LATE as the title and all the column headings and info copied to the worksheet. I hope this makes sense to someone because I am a beginner in Excel and even less informed when it comes to VBA. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

The way the process must work is that I need to check the frequency and if it is "Weekly" or "Monthly" , it is ignored and goes on to the next row. All other frequencies are cut in half, i.e., "Annual" is 183 days, "Semi-annual is 92 days", "Quarterly" is 45 days, "2-Year" is 365 days, and so on. This number needs to added to the scheduled start date (now formatted as a number, not a date, and checked to see if it is smaller than today's date (also a number). If it is, it is reported on the second worksheet (titled Late).

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Function Works In VBA But Does Not Work Inside Worksheets

Jun 21, 2008

i have written a code in VBA to interpolate the value of Y0 corresponding to X0 using a set of (X,Y) points. (I have written this in module1) . This function works when i call it through a Sub or another Function in VBA. but it does not work when I try to use it as a function in my excel worksheets (when I type : =interpolate(A1:A10,B1:B10,30) .... 30 is an arbitrary value). in this case I get #value! error

The function is known in within the worksheets because when I start typing its name, the Auto Name Complete feature of excel, finds this function.

I am new to VAB for excel. Please give me a hint to see my mistakes of if something is missing inside my code.

Public Function Interpolate(ByRef X() As Double, ByRef Y() As Double, ByRef X0 As Double) As Double    Dim I As Integer, Slope As Double, NData As Integer        NData = UBound(X)    For I = 1 To UBound(X) - 1        If (X(I) = X0) Then            Interpolate = Y(I)            Exit Function        ElseIf (X0 < ListMax(X(I), X(I + 1)) And X0 > ListMin(X(I), X(I + 1))) Then            Slope = (Y(I) - Y(I + 1)) / (X(I) - X(I + 1))            Interpolate = Y(I + 1) + Slope * (X0 - X(I + 1))            Exit Function        End If    Next I        End FunctionPublic Function ListMax(ParamArray ListItems() As Variant)        Dim I As Integer        ListMax = ListItems(0)        For I = 0 To UBound(ListItems())            If ListItems(I) > ListMax Then ListMax = ListItems(I)        Next IEnd FunctionPublic Function ListMin(ParamArray ListItems() As Variant)        Dim I As Integer        ListMin = ListItems(0)        For I = 0 To UBound(ListItems())            If ListItems(I) < ListMin Then ListMin = ListItems(I)        Next IEnd Function 

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COUNTIF Function Work With Auto Filtering

Apr 27, 2006

I have a large amount of student demographic, course, and class data on an
Excel worksheet for an entire school district. The ethnic code for each
student is a single alpha character. I need to find a way to get a total for
each ethnic code in each course when filtering by each course.

Each column of data has a header and I am using the Auto-filter feature for
filtering. Is there a way that the COUNTIF function can be set up for each
ethnic code so that it will count from the filtered data? If not, is there
any other function, or nested functions, that will work?

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Function To Work Out Monthly Compound Rate

Mar 16, 2009

Im trying to work out the formulae or fuction that will work out the monthly compound rate of a loan.

The loan details are £140,000 at 7.55% APR for 20 years.

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VBA Left Function Doesn't Work With Text?

Mar 23, 2012

HTML Code:
If Left(Range("H18"), 7) = A23C567 Or Left(Range("H18"), 7) = A65C321 Then
ActiveSheet.Cells(6, 7).Value = "Business and Private Banking"
End If

Im trying top use the above bit of code and it does not work when the criteria is Text , so if I simply change the above to =1234567 it works fine -- But I need it to be alpha numeric

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Countif Function Work On Multiple Criteria

Apr 15, 2009

Can countif function work on multiple criteria to look on?

this are the criteria.


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Min If Function Doesn't Work For Earliest Date Lookup

May 23, 2014

I am having issues with a min if formula, even though i enter it as an array (ctrl +shift+enter), it only returns a zero.

The formula is supposed to return the earliest date from Raw data if the name of the company matches the one from the data validation ('Company lookup'!D3).

Dates are in column D and company name in column M

I checked, the dates are all formatted as dates

=MIN(IF(RAW!$M:$M,'Company lookup'!D3,RAW!$D:$D))

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Using Formula With Cell Reference To Work In VLOOKUP Function

Jan 30, 2014

I have problem with a spreadsheet that I am trying to create.

I have a large sheet of data which is dumped in from another program. This contains our deliveries and orders etc.

Now for planning purposes, I would like to see how much of each item I have on order.

I can use VLOOKUP, but that will only give me the amount for the first order it encounters. But not the 3rd, 4th etc. I could use SUMIF but I need the dates as well. After doing some searching I think I have found a way of doing this: I can get the first easier enough:

=VLOOKUP(D$11,'purchase order'!$A$1:$K$6000,5,FALSE), this gives the first order than the another =VLOOKUP(D11,'purchase order'!$A$1:$K$6000,11,FALSE) for its date.

For the second column to check any other orders I thought I could find the cell referance for the first SEARCH: which is

A108: ="A"&MATCH(D11,'purchase order'!A:A,0).

Is there any way of using this Reference to start a new VLOOKUP. So the Lookup Range starts at this reference?? To make things harder it is on another sheet.

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