Gather Information After Autofilter From Various Sheets Into One

Jan 25, 2013

I have an excel with several sheets with task for different departments. All of them are assigned to a person responsible for that task. I applied auto filter which gives me the overview for a person Per department, now i would like to gather all departments into one so we have an overview for each person what his tasks are.

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Gather Information From A Mastersheet To Individual Worksheets

Aug 12, 2008

I have a Master list of kids names and age groups, that will be used by Coaches to update, from this i would like to have each of the different age groups details extracted into different worksheets within the same workbook.

I used an IF statement to but found it was leaving blank lines between finds.

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Gather Information From Multiple Workbooks Into 1 Master Workbook / VLookup?

Dec 24, 2013

Is it possible to VLookUp Data between multiple workbooks (12 different workbooks to be exact) in one master sheet?

I would like the master sheet to find the empty data for the item number. Basically, how can I automatically populate the empty data for each item number in the master sheet. Every item will be different. The 12 workbooks are invoices throughout the year (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, etc) and these workbooks have the data needed to fill the master sheet. How is this possible? Or is it not?

Master sheet.xlsx
-Contains item number
-Purchase Date
-Sell Date
-Purchase Price
-Sell Price
-Profit Price

The 12 workbooks are the 12 months out of the year, which are invoices.

- Contain the data needed in the master sheet such as sell date, sold price, and profit.

The reason I would like to keep the 12 invoices as workbooks instead of worksheets in 1 big file, is due to the high capacity of item numbers each monthly invoice would have. For example (approximately 500 items in each workbook)

I have for hours and weeks, actually months, But I haven't found any sources on the internet, although I have seen the VLook Up how to's on youtube between 2 workbooks, but not the 12 I would like.

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Gather Data Across Several Similar Sheets

Mar 3, 2014

This particular formula is used several times to gather various data points across 3 different sheets named Month-1, Month-2 and Month-3.I gather the data the following 3 formulas then sum it as needed with a helper cell.



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Loop Through Sheets To Gather Info On First Sheet

Apr 4, 2014

I've started building a macro that loops the sheets and collects the information onto the first worksheet. I've been using Activesheet and activecell references but i'm afraid looping will change these references.

[Code] .....

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Hide Sheets Via Autofilter?

Nov 23, 2009

I have a workbook w/ 120+ sheets, and the first one is a table of contents, while each following sheet is a record sheet for one of 10 individuals. That is, sheets 2-8 are for Alice, 9-12 for Bob, 13-29 for Charles, etc. Individual names are in column C, sheet names are hyperlinked text in column A on the table of contents sheet.

I want to know how to hide all the sheets which are not meant for the individual based on the autofilter of Column C. If I select Alice as the autofilter criteria for Column C, I want all the sheets except the table of contents and her sheets 2-8 to be hidden.

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Autofilter Across Multiple Sheets

Sep 6, 2007

Is there an easy way of filtering a field on one sheet and having it identically filter the same field on multiple other sheets ?

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Comboboxes, Autofilter And Protected Sheets

Jun 12, 2006

Everything works fine except when I password protect the sheet. Then when the autofilter is used an error message is triggered and the error relates to the first range selected in the combobox code. However, the combobox itself works fine on the protected sheet as I included code to unprotect the sheet at the beginning of the code run by the combobox and reprotect it at the end.
Any advice suggestions gratefully received.

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Autofilter Many Worksheets Except Blank Sheets

Jun 13, 2008

I need to Autofilter across many sheets. I have found some examples on doing this such as..

Autofilter Across Multiple Sheets

But I need to take it a step further. Autofilter several Worksheets (skip blank ones - the above link gives code that bombs when it sees a Worksheet with out data.) Then copy those results to a 'summary' page.


1. Autofilter all Worksheets / skip blank ones

2. Show results of all Worksheets on summary page.

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Put The Same Information On Two Sheets At Once

Feb 20, 2010

I have created a form in Excel for my wife to be able to enter data. Once the data has been entered, a print is required, but, the form is large, it contains lots of formatting, a lot of "space" and a lot of color. I world like to (on another sheet) collect all the relevant text, without any formatting, space or color to produce a concise print.

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Autofilter To Copy Line To A Number Of Sheets

Feb 12, 2010

1) This spreadsheet has 7 main sheets, UK, IBE, FIN, BENE, FRA.

2) Each main sheet has 8 sub sheets i.e UK CAT A to H, IBE CAT A to H etc.

3) col BO on the main sheets will have CAT A,B to H and can contain some other text but i'm only concerned about the CAT. Also Cat may be wrote CAT, cat or Cat etc

At the moment i'm using a loop, I had some code from another thread yesterday but this code creates new sheets if it can not find a sheet named the same

I will need to run this as 1 i.e all 7 together or 1 at a time.

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Macro: Get Information From Two Sheets

Oct 2, 2007

I am trying to get information from two sheets. I have added the lines myarray1 and mystring1. I also added myarray1 in the For Statement. I cannot get it to run correctly. If you take these two lines out, and the myarray1 out of the FOR statement it works for one sheet.

Sub test()
On Error GoTo notfound
myarray1 = Array("A", "D", "G", "H", "I", "End")
myarray = Array("A", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "X", "Y", "Z", "AB", "AC", "END")
For i = 0 To WorksheetFunction.Match("END", myarray1, myarray, 0) - 2
x = WorksheetFunction.Match(ActiveCell.Value, Sheets("phones", "computers").Range("a:a"), 0)
mystring1 = mystring & Sheets("phones").Cells(1, myarray1(i)).Value & ": " & Sheets("phones").Cells(x, myarray1(i)).Value & Chr(10)
mystring = mystring & Sheets("computers").Cells(1, myarray(i)).Value & ": " & Sheets("computers").Cells(x, myarray(i)).Value & Chr(10)
Next i..........................

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Copy Information From Many Sheets

Dec 24, 2006

I have a workbook that has close to a hundred sheets in it (see attached). I need to know how to get all of the information onto one sheet in separate columns like this: EMPLOYEE NO| HIRE DATE| NAME| VAC AMOUNT|WEEKS|VAC DATES| # OF HOURS|AMOUNT|PPE

If you review the attachment you will see how the sheet is read from left to right, so I would need the have the information in that order.

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VBA For Searching Sheets And Copy Information From There?

Jul 16, 2014

search sheets by the name of cell , like name would be 17012-23-12-45 i need search by the first 5 letters 17012 , because sheet name 17012 , it would be for a lot of sheets so i need to do it automaticaly , and then that specific sheet has been found i need to copy table from there and some pictures in there

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Pulling Information From Two Sheets In Same Cell?

Apr 1, 2014

I am trying to tie two worksheets together. If text found in one cell in sheet1, make the same cell on sheet2 different color.*

There is a catch... no formula can occupy the cell in sheet2.*

My question is, is there a way of have a formula in completely different cell that will eventually fill the cell on sheet2 with proper information?

To explain a little better, I am trying to tie the sheets together, same cells and everything so when information gets put inside the cell on sheet1 the same cell on sheet2 will change color or display different information, and vice versa. That is the reason no formulas can occupy those cells.

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Automatically Sort Information Into Different Sheets

Nov 30, 2008

I have a sales sheet that records every sale as it comes in. I want it to copy the relevant information (only that sales reps sales) into each sales reps individual sheet automatically so that I can send each rep his own sheet. Can this be done? SEE ATTACHMENT

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Macro With Information From Multiple Sheets?

Dec 30, 2012

I am writing a macro that organizes data, but also needs to be able to conditionally copy data from other sheets in a workbook.

I have a table with values...column A has the identifiers (strings of letters) and column N has comments related to the data in each row. So, for example, row 3 column A has the value "AAPL," and row 3 column N has the related value "sells electronic goods."

Now, I want to be able to copy column N based on the value of column A into other sheets using my macros. So, say I have another sheet in the workbook and row 6 column A has the value "AAPL," I want row 6 column N to have the related value from the previous sheet. Is it possible to do this?

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Creating A List From Several Sheets Of Information

Feb 19, 2007

I have a wb containing several sheets that the field supervisors use to fill out for ordering material. Each sheet contains different types of material. The problem is that, if they only need one particular item from each type (sheet), they have to print 7 or 8 sheets just for those 7 or 8 items. I want to create a sheet that will list everything they are ordering in one compact, neat area, so they only have to print one sheet.

The set up of the sheets goes like this. There's a column containing the name of all the items. Next to each item is a place they can specify how many of that item they want. They leave it blank if they don't want any. That's it. Really quite simple.

So now, I need this new sheet to find all the cells that a quantity was entered on the other sheets, and list that and the description of the item wanted, along with what type of material it is. I have figured out one way of doing it, but it would take a crap load of hidden IF formulas, and I know there has to be a simpler way. I'm open to all suggestions - whether it's vb codes or formulas, it doesn't matter to me.

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Moving Information Within A Workbook And Inserting In Sheets

Oct 29, 2009

Can someone help me i have a few columns of information i need to move over to a another sheet, but the problem is the information i need to move is the end result of a formula and when i move it the answers are gone how do i fix this,,,,, and both sheets are on the same work book as well
is there a vlookup formula to use,,,im not experienced in Vlookup up formulas

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Adding Information From Different Sheets Into A Master Sheet?

Apr 1, 2014

I will be adding a weekly report to each sheet, which will have varying rows within it, but always the same column headers.

I want a master sheet that will automatically pull all the rows of data through from each sheet, create a new row if needed but merge rows with the same data name and combine the figures.

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Copy The Information On One Cell On A Sheet To Multiple Sheets?

Oct 2, 2013

I have excel from windows 8 and I am trying to copy the information on one cell on a sheet to multiple sheets. I tried the click on one tab hold shift and click on the last tab and type the information or press F2 or paste the information. Well, nothing works.

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Repeating Columns And Information On Multiple Sheets In Same Workbook

Nov 18, 2013

Is it possible to automatically have columns repeat through all sheets in a workbook? I keep an annual book, broken down by sheets for each month. I always have to add 5 columns to each sheet, and was wondering if there was an easier way..?

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Creating New Sheets With Macros Based On Column Information

May 9, 2012

I am new to using Macros and have not had great progress building a macros to make my life easier.

What I am trying to do
-In my main database tab 'FW Telecom' Use column A ( a set of numbers) to create a new tab based on that number, with a 'FW' infront IE ( column A shows 11, i want the tab to read FW 11)
-I want to create one for every number in the column
-Then I would like to copy my 'Template' tab to each new tab.
-From there I would like to fill in the information in the new tabs from the main database tab 'FW telecom'
-Since they will all be copies of the original template, i figure i can just get it to pull from the first column A and then fill in the info.

Not too much in theory going on here, just take my database and move the pertinent information to a user friendly look which I set up in 'template'

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Total Values In Cells To The Right Of Certain Information From A Range In 90 Sheets

Aug 21, 2009

I have a blank sheet and need to total values in cells to the right of certain information from a range in 90 sheets in other workbooks contained within the same folder.

for example the range is O13:AX500

the first text to search would be "P1", that could be found several times within the range in each workbook with the sheet named "plant"

The value to total would be found in the 2nd cell to its right, ie "P1" in cell O13 then value "£290" in Q13 ::: "P1" in cell X365 then value "£100" in Z365 and so on throughout all 90 workbooks.

The total of the referenced values would then be placed in say B1....

I have around 500 reference codes to total throughout the 90 workbooks so maybe having a list of the text reference down column A may help the process.

Is it possible and can anyone please help with the code to look at a piece of text in new sheet with cell A1 to A500 containing "P1 to P500" and then total all values in the cell 2 to the right in every workbook and place the total in new sheet cell B1 to B500

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Gather A Sum Of Various Amounts By Date

Apr 17, 2009

I can use help creating the following forumla.

In column "A" I have Dates of Variances. In column "E" I have the variances for those dates.

On another sheet I need variances between certain dates. For example, get all variances between the dates 03/28/09 - 04/28/09.

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Gather From Multiple Worksheets

Jul 30, 2007

I have a 11 worksheets in my workbook and 1 of them I'm using as a Index. All the others are for a individual person. Basically, I want to gather all the information from the 10 worksheets (but I want to keep the info on those worksheets) and transfer it all to my Index worksheet.

The thing is, I want to transfer a certain range to my index worksheet, and when I do so, it could automatically number the rows.

Let's say I add information on 3 rows to all of the worksheets and then gather them and insert them in my index worksheet. The next time I add information, I want to select all the information again and write it over the one I inserted before.

Example, I want to transfer range B5:K? (? being the last cell with info in it.) from all my worksheets to the range B5:K? on my index worksheet; writing over the old info on that sheet.

I'm trying to be as clear as I can.

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Generate A Dynamic List Of Employees On Sheets Based On Information?

Mar 26, 2014

I would like to generate a dynamic list of employees on sheets based on information on Sheet A. Here is my workbook structure:

-Sheet A contains all employees information (Name, division, salary hire date, etc)

-Sheet B is named Div A

-Sheet C is named Div B


Here is what I want to happen:

-Sheets B should pull the employees name and salary from sheet A only for employees of division A

-Sheet C should pull the employees name and salary from sheet A only for employees of division B


Sheet B, C , etc. should update the info and resort every time sheet A is updated.

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Automatically Update Master Sheet With Information From Other Excel Sheets?

May 16, 2014

So, I'm setting up an accounting book. There's a master sheet that needs to pull from the other sheets that are made. The problem is, with each new sheet that is made, I have to update the formulas on the master. I would like that if I made a new sheet, the master would automatically pull from it.


Master pulls renter fee info from May 3rd, May 7th

I create sheet (May 15th)

Master pulls renter info from May 3rd, May 7th, May 15th

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Formula Change To Gather The Absolute ABS Sum Instead Of The Net

Jan 17, 2010

I am using the following forumla, it gathers the net sum of a column of $ amounts.

I need to have it changed to gather the Absolute ABS total instead.


V23 has a date "Month" value.

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Gather Like Results From Column & List Them

Sep 11, 2006

I have a problem with my spreadsheet. I am trying to created a sheet to record time trials for bicycle racing. I have created in the main tab 'time entry' a class, rider #, name, incremental start time, and finish time. There will be 6 classes of racers (i.e. xm,xw,sm,sw,nm,nw). What I am trying to accomplish on the results tab, are the results based on the riders class. All of the riders classed as 'xm' listed with their respective info and time. I have attached a copy of what I have so far.

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