Get The Milliseconds To Another Cell For Making Some Calculations

Oct 22, 2008

I set the time format to hh:mm:ss.000 to show also the milliseconds.
How can I get the milliseconds to another cell for making some calculations?

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Working With Dates And Making Calculations

Jan 8, 2009

I have the output of my database in an excel file and one of the columns is the date of instalation (of a PC in this case) and I am trying to use the date of instalation to calculate the date of RENEWAL (we have a set life cycle for our machines and so we calculate in months when its due for an upgrade).

I think just a simple formula will work. I have attached an excel file with some example information.

In column B I have the computer type(this will determine how long of a life it has), In column D we have the instalation date which is the starting date (the start of its life cycle). Here are the variables.

HW/LAPTOP = 1/7/3

And finally, in column F I would like to display the life cycle it has and then in column G have the exact date of renewal.

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Calculate Age Down To Milliseconds

Jul 1, 2007

where i can get this download for Excel?

My husband sent me this program in Excel where you type in your birthdate and not only does it give you your age to the millisecond, but it also gives you a list of traits the person has. For example, I was born on November 20, 1987 and this popped up:

Age in years 19.61
Age in months 235
Age in days 7157
Age in hours 171760
Age in minutes 10305599
Age in seconds 618335921
Age in Milli seconds 61833592095
Age in weeks 50097
You born on Friday

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Subtract Milliseconds Or Seconds

Apr 29, 2009

I have a cell that has data formatted in this style:



I was wondering how I might go about writing a formula that would subtract say 2 seconds, or 400ms from that value.

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How To Avoid Duplicates In Milliseconds

Feb 2, 2012

the data is as follows:

Data  ABC1Timestampname 21/31/2012 11:07:13abc931/31/2012 11:07:50def 41/31/2012 11:10:03a 51/31/2012 11:17:12b 61/31/2012 11:17:14a 71/31/2012 11:17:15a 81/31/2012 11:17:16a 91/31/2012 12:39:41cv 101/31/2012 13:04:00k 112/1/2012 7:26:53k 122/1/2012 7:26:56dg 132/1/2012 7:41:05Gw 142/1/2012 8:01:19cg 152/1/2012 9:32:14CB 162/1/2012 9:32:15CB 172/1/2012 9:32:15CB 182/1/2012 9:32:17CB 192/1/2012 9:32:26kw 202/1/2012 10:24:54jw Spreadsheet FormulasCellFormulaC2=SUMPRODUCT(--(MONTH(A2:A20)=1)*(YEAR(A2:A20)=2012))

if you see the cell a6 to a8 happened in millisecond same person has punched i want to count it as one only

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Change A Column To Show Milliseconds

Mar 5, 2014

I have done a measurement with the labview programm and I have saved it in a txt file, but I need to open it with excel to finish my work. When I open it with excel the time column shows the time that each measurement was taken, like the time in a digital clock. I need to change that form to appear the time between 2 measurements (Δt) in milliseconds (which of course has to be the same Δt every time). I've been told that I can change that, but I don't know how...

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Insert Wait Command In Milliseconds

Oct 13, 2011

Is it possible to insert a wait command in milliseconds- minimum I have seen is a second?

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Converting To Nano, Micro And Milliseconds

Apr 6, 2007

If the time is not less than 0.001 seconds, then multiply it by 1000, and express it in milliseconds. Otherwise: If the time is not less than 0.000001 seconds, then multiply it by 1000000, and express it in microseconds. Otherwise: multiply it by 1000000000, and express it in nanoseconds and this all has to go in a chart like this one. I was wondering what the code would be to get this

Sub MAcro3()
Function secnum(seconds)

If seconds > 0 Then
secnum = seconds
Milliseconds = seconds / 1000
If Milliseconds > 0.001 Then
Value (Substitute(0.001, 0.001 * 1000))
secnum = Milliseconds
Microseconds = seconds / 1000000
If Microseconds > 0.000001 Then .............

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Delay/Pause/Wait In Milliseconds

Apr 17, 2008

been checking out 1/2 a second wait instead of a 1 sec wait
and would like to know it you can do this
timer thing

Dim x As Single
x = Timer
While Timer - x < 0.5

more than once
it works the first time and then it sort of skips it

or is there ANOTHER way of having a delay of less than a second?

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Excel 2010 :: Subtracting Time In Milliseconds?

Mar 2, 2012

My challenge is discovering the difference in time between two rows of data that is imported with milliseconds in the time slot. In my example below I would like to see how I can subtract the time listed in line 4 from line 3 (11:18:59.566 - 11:18:59.550). When I try now I get either 1.85185E-07 or 00:00.0 or 0.000000 depending how the cell is formatted.

2012 02 17 11:18:59.050|081,999999999999~999999999999
2012 02 17 11:18:59.550|082,MCTO05222CZ0~999999999999
2012 02 17 11:18:59.566|082,1
2012 02 17 11:19:00.144|083,MCTO05246CK0~999999999999
2012 02 17 11:19:00.160|083,3

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Make Now Function Display Milliseconds In VBA Macro

Jan 29, 2014

I am using a VBA macro (Using mouse clicks as inputs for neuroscience experiment?).

What the macro does is it inputs a timestamp every time a keyboard combination is used (alt+right arrow in this case).

The part of the macro which inputs the timestamp is like this:

Sub AltRight_Sub()
On Error Resume Next
Cancel = True
Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Offset(1) = Format(Now, "HH:MM:SS")
End Sub

I would like the timestamp to be displayed as HH:MM:SS.00, i.e. show the milliseconds. I tried playing around with the timestamp format (changing it to = Format(Now, "HH:MM:SS.00" or = Format(Now, "HH:MM:SS.0;@")) or = Format(Now, "MM:SS.000") and I tried using = Evaluate("=NOW()") instead of = Format(Now, "HH:MM:SS".

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Merging Separate Date And Time Field With Milliseconds?

Nov 7, 2013

I have 2 fields formatted like this:

1) Date: "30/10/2013"
2) Time: "10:56:39:000"

I need it to read/merge into: "30/10/2013 10:56:39:000" and then be able to be able to be converted intp seconds as a UTC Unix epoch example formula =(A1-25569)*86400.

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Timer Function; Macro That Do A Comparison Between 2 Cells Every 100 Milliseconds

Aug 2, 2006

What I am trying to do is have a macro that do a comparison between 2 cells every 100 milliseconds. One of the cell is constant updating from RTD (Real Time Data). And if its false, to nothing. However if true, I would want it to run some codes and exit the macro/procedure. I also need some way of stopping the macro at any time.

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Displaying Cell Value But Don't Use In Calculations

Apr 4, 2007

I have a row of raw quality control data, but some are not in control and should not be used in the calculation of statistical data. There are not a lot of them, so I can manually select these (I use a red fill color for the cell to signify bad data), but I would like to be able to keep these data displayed but not have them included in the calculations.

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Calculations Based Off Formula From Another Cell

Jul 8, 2014

I'm trying to do two things:

1. I'm trying to show the formula of specific cells in the work sheet. So far I've only found out how to show formulas on the entire worksheet. I imagine there has to be some way of me doing this without using macros.

2. Here's the doozy. What I'm trying to do is use the base code for a formula that is stored in one cell (Formula Page: B5:B7) and apply it to other cells (Calc Page: C4:C6). In other words, I want to apply the cell formula from B5:B7 to the cells C4:C6 and use them to calculate the TOTAL COST. I want it so that whenever I manipulate cells B5:B7, they are also appropriately manipulated in C4:C6.

Please see attached for reference. Attachment 33077

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Subtotal For Cell To Automaticallly Do The Calculations

Jun 29, 2006

I went to data and did a subtotal for cell to automaticallly do the calculations. I have a question. How do I sort only by the subtotals? I sorted it and it only does it by ascending or descending order but the subtotal still got mixed up in there.

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Making 1 Cell Equal Another Cell Including Its Comment?

May 18, 2014

I have a spreadsheet with some cells which return values using INDEX and MATCH to bring back the entire details of a person based on there membership number. However I require the comments to be attached with the returned values. The comments have there image in, rather than just text.

I have found some answers with vba, which do the process, however you had to manually enter the cell, from which the comment was to be copied from, into a pop up box. This involved finding the box myself to then select the box to take the comment from. In doing this I had found and read the comment, which is the is the process I'm trying to bypass.

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Making Cell Mandatory

Aug 21, 2012

In Column B of my spreadsheet i have a drop down that only allows users to enter "Yes" or "No"

Is it possible to make Column C a required field if "No" is selected in column B.

So basically if cell b4 is "No" then i want to make it manditory that cell C4 is filled out with a reason why.

Same thing for cell b5 then i would like cell c5 filled out before they continue using the sheet. etc.

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Making Sure Cell Has 'J' Prefix

Nov 23, 2008

i have a cell "h23" that must always start with a "j" or a "J"
the trouble is some of my users are only putting in the number
ie 2345 when it should be j2345 or J2345

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Making Cell A Hyperlink

Jun 2, 2009

I have a table which as a few columns, the left column is called name and the far right one is called email. The name cells have a drop down list which refers to another workbook with peoples names, when you select a name other cells are automatically populated using the vlookup function such as phone number, email etc. In the workbook it is referencing too with all the data, the email address are like a hyperlink which creates an outgoing mail if you click on it, is there a way to have this in the table as nothing happens when you ckick on the text.

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Making A Cell Blank

Feb 19, 2007

I have a spreadsheet with about 1000 rows. This is data that I've imported from another source and there are blank rows scattered throughout. I am trying to add columns together, but when I cut and past the sum formula, I end up with a 0 in a cell that should be blank. I've tried various iserror, isblank, isnull, empty functions, but am still getting a 0.

Here my example of one function I've tried:
a b c
1. 50 50 50 =if(isblank(a1:c1)," ",sum(a1:c1)) 150
2. 20 20 20 =if(isblank(a2:c2)," ",sum(a2:c2)) 60
3. =if(isblank(a3:c3)," ",sum(a3:c3)) 0

I would like that zero answer in row 3 to be blank otherwise I have to manually go through all the rows and delete these 0's out or cut and paste the sum function just on the rows with numbers.

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Multiple Calculations From Different Cells With Result In One Cell?

Mar 19, 2014

I realised that the screenshot attachment makes much more sense than trying to show within post.


BILL £4.00 £4.00 £48.00
BILL £120.00 £10.00 £120.00
BILL £260.00 £21.67 £260.00
BILL £12.00 £12.00 £144.00
BILL £19.00 £19.00 £228.00
BILL £14.63 £14.63 £175.56
BILL £550.00 £45.83 £550.00
BILL £94.00 £94.00 £1,128.00

For my bills I want to work out first the monthly cost e.g. monthly(B) figure OR annual (C) /12 - and give the result in column (D)
And then work out the annual cost e.g. monthly (B) *12 OR annual figure - and give the result in column (E)

So if there is no figure in the monthly column (B), the calculation will be dividing the annual column figure by 12 and vice versa, if there is no figure in the annual column (C) then the calculation will be multiplying the figure by 12

This is probably a very simple calculation to do, but I am struggling to make sense of calculating results from different columns to give a result in the same cell.


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Making A Cell With A Formula Appear Empty

Mar 16, 2009

I have a chart with blank values in some cases. I have set up the chart to show those values as gaps, which relies on the blank cell being empty. However, my blank cells have a formula along the lines of: if (condition,value,"")

So the chart does not consider them blank, presumably either because the formula is in there, or because "" is not the same as blank. How can I make this cell appear blank for the purposes of the chart?

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Making Checkbox Be On Or Off Depending Upon Value In Another Cell

Jun 15, 2012

What I would like to to in Excel:

When I leave the current cell,
1. evaluate the contents of the cell I am leaving (essentially determining if it is empty or not)
2. If it is empty, do nothing
If it is not empty (or maybe if it has a number value in it)
3. Then uncheck a box (a check box form control)

In Access, I would enter code in On Leave property. It would essentially change the value in the text box that would be named or have some other unique method of identifying it.

So I have two issues:
1) In Excel, I do not know to make a macro fire upon leaving a cell
2) I do not know how to refer to the properties of a specific check box control. that is, there will be many of them in the spreadsheet and I do not see how to name them. Clicking of properties for the check box gave no hint of it.

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Making Cell Range Adaptable

Nov 26, 2006

The following cell formula calls a fixed range of cells to execute the associated User Defined Function. The problem is that the data set sometimes covers a wider range and sometimes a smaller range. The cell formula is:


This requires going in manually each time and readjusting the ranges for Trends!$A$8:$A$190 and Trends!$I$8:$I$190. ( X and Y values for the function)

Is there a way read the data length and have the cell formula adjust based on the actual data range?

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Referencing A Cell And Making A Hyperlink...

Jun 27, 2006

referencing a cell and making a hyperlink...

i'm using the following code to try to make a hyperlink out of a19...?

myhyperlink = Range("a19").Hyperlinks

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Do 3 Seperate Calculations In A Single Cell And Desplay Those Results

Nov 2, 2009

Is it posible to do 3 seperate calculations in a single cell and desplay those results? For example in a single cell: A1+A2 | A3+A4 | A5+A6|

A1 = 1
A2 = 2
A3 = 3
A4 = 4
A5 = 5
A6 = 6

Results Display: 3,7,11.

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Making A Letter Equal A Word In Another Cell?

Mar 14, 2013

I have this project for work where on one sheet information is put in by typing AF, CF, WF. I need to have Excel read the AF, CF, WF and make that read as the full word. Is there anyway to do that? I can get my boss to have people just put A, C, W

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Making MsgBox Display Cell Values

Jan 8, 2008

Triggering a message box. one of the worksheets in my workbook is called Update Comments - this is a sheet that contains data in the following format (headers)

B7 = Week Number
C7 = W/C
D7 = Update Due
E7 = Updated By
G7 = Update Comments

I have a formula in column D (beginning D8 and copied down for the year) as follows:


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Making Contents Of Cell Blank Upon IF Statement

Feb 10, 2008

I have a conditional IF statement, where I want the content of the cell to be blank if the result of the IF statement is false, ie I want the content of the cell to be as if there were no formula in the cell (this if so that the formula COUNTA(Sheet1!$B:$B) only counts the cells where the result is TRUE).

For example, IF(A1=1,1,"") where A1 1, the content of the cell will have something in it (a space), and won't be blank.

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