Count Number Of Formulas Used?

Jul 24, 2009

Is there a way for excel to tell you how many formulas (formuli..??) you have in a spreadsheet?

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Count Number Of Formulas In A Spreadsheet

Jun 11, 2009

For various reasons, I need to determine how many total calculations are being performed in a spreadsheet. These can be IF statements, sum, max, vlookups etc but I am looking to determine the quantity. I do not need to know how many of each just how many in total.

Is there a relatively simple method of conducting this search? I don't mind VBA code, etc.

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Excel 2010 :: Count Number Of Populated Cells Containing Formulas?

Jun 26, 2013

Excel 2010

Sheet 1 contains range B12:B353 with names of people. Sheet 2 range B12:B353 contains a formula to extract the names from Sheet 1 if range D12:D353 contains a certain value:

=IF(Sheet1!D12:D354="A",(Sheet1!B12:B353)," ")

At the bottom of each column in Sheet 2 I am trying to get a total count of populated cells (a running count of names actually visible). I have inserted formula:


Which should count the number of cells with text in them, right? But I believe it's somehow counting the formula as text because I inserted the value of "A" in Sheet 1 Column D for 3 names. It returned a number of 331 at the bottom of my column in Sheet 2. First off, a return of 331 doesn't make sense in any way (still scratching my head at this return. It should have returned a value of 3.

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Using Two IF Formulas (3 Or More To Count If Other IF Formulas Are Actually Returning A Value)

Aug 24, 2009

I have a spreadhseet with various functions on it and what I am trying to do is this.

Cell E4 returns a >35 or <35 true or false value
Cell G4 is either blank or has "Yes" text type into it.

What I am trying to do is get cell F4 to return certain arguments.

E4 = >35 and G4 is blank I want it to state "Email Hiring Manager"
E4 = ,35 and G4 is blank I want it to state "Wait"

I have a basic IF formula that returns this
=IF(E4>35,"Email Hiring Manager","Wait")

Then if cell G4 is populated with a Yes the formula needs to overwirte the origonal if with the return arguments of
=IF(G4="Yes","Email Agency","Email Hiring Manager")

If yes then what would be Email Hiring Manager (yes will only be input if E4 is greater than 35) will be overwritten with "Email Agency"

Can this be done with two If formulas or does there need to be 3 or more to count if other IF formulas are actually returning a value?

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Grab Number Out A Cell And Use Only Number For Other Formulas

Jan 15, 2014

I'm trying to grab a number out a cell and use only the number for other formulas.

So in cell A1 I have 2 LK, in cell A2 4 LK, and in cell A3 is 1/2 LK. I want to just pull the 2, 4, and 1/2 out without the LK and put it in the B cells. I'm sure this is easy but I'm thinking slow tonight lol.


2 LK

4 LK

1/2 LK

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Count Cells Which Have ONLY FORMULAS

Apr 30, 2009

Lets suppose i have 5 columns of data. 3 of the cols have "formulas" in them and 2 do not. I want to count the number of formulas that are in a given row. Is there a way to do this?

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No Count Formulas By Subtotal

Feb 25, 2009

i want to count only nonblanks cell and based other threat i try modified the formula, but this doesnt count. how can i defined this forumula to count only nonblanks cells?

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Count Number Of Equal Cells With A Prefix In Col D And Insert Count In Col A?

Aug 7, 2013

I need to count the number of equal cells in col D beginning at the top of the column. The counted cells must begin with a text prefix of "Category:" without the quotes.

Some but not all of the cells in col D begin with a prefix of "Category:" without the quotes, followed by a word or words following the word "Category:" See examples below. All of the terms prefixed with "Category:" in col D are in alphabetical order. I need to count the number of identical cells in col D with the "Category:" prefix.

Examples of the contents of cells in col D with the "Category:" prefix are as follows:

Category: Adversity
Category: Answers
Category: Assurance
Category: Blessings
Category: Build
Category: Change
Category: Children
Category: Choices

Cells above and below cells with a prefix of "Category:" in col D are not adjacent.Cells above and below cells with a prefix of "Category:" in col D are separated by 3 to an undermined number of rows.

I need to count the number of equal cells in col D and insert the count in col A at the last equal term. For example, col A above would have 93, 1, 1, 5, 10, 8, 3, and 12 inserted into col A.

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Count If Formula: Count The Number Of Nhew Stores Each Quarter

Aug 21, 2006

going down are stores a, b, c, d.... what i'm filing in across is the square feet of each store and what quartr or year each store came into place. so there will either be a 0 or a number Now, I want to be able to count the number of nhew stores each quarter. how do i create a formula that just recognizes it the first time there is a number and not a zero... because i will put the square feet in subsequent quarters after it opens so i can see yearly how many square feet the store had. then also, how can create a button on the page that will say quarterly numbers and a button that is annual. so that i can hide the quarterly columns and just see an annual spreadsheet... and for the quarterly button so i can hide the annuals and just see the quarters....

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Count Formulas In Range Being Subtotaled

Jul 16, 2014

Is there way I use the count formula without it counting the formulas in range being subtotaled? I have a address tab in a spreadsheet with column headings first name, last name and address. The information is only filled in from another tab (active) in the same worksheet when there is a value in the cell on the active tab. The formula on the address tab is =IF(Active!$A107=0,"",Active!$A107). If there is not a value on the active tab in a cell I don't want to see it on my address tab but the count formula treats it like a value. I want the results to only to count if a result is on the address tab.

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Count Cells Combined With If Formulas

May 21, 2014

My spreadsheet looks something like this:

Criteria One
Criteria Two
Criteria Three
Functional Column


[Code] .......

I want to build a little report on another worksheet that goes over the table and counts cells (i.e. data records) based on the entries in the last column (i.e., if the corresponding data-record has an "x" in that column, then it should be counted).

As every data record also carries a numeric value in the "Numbers" column, I wanted to do this with COUNT formula combined with an IF-formula.

The formula to count the corresponding data records that match the criteria then looks something like this:


However, this always counts all cells in the "Numbers" column. I want the formula only to return the range of "Numbers" cells, that belong to the matched data records.

Is there an easier or cleaner way to do this?

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Count Nonblanks (Formulas In All Cells)

May 29, 2009

What formula would I use to count the nonblank cells, if all the cells within the range have formulas in them.

For example, cells A1:A50 each have a formula. As a result of the formula in the cell, 10 of the cells have values or text while the remaining 40 cells appear blank. What formula do I use to count the 10 cells?

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Count & Summing Formulas Containing More Than One Variable

Sep 17, 2009

I am trying to create a formula that will count the number of entries that contain either a name of 'A', 'B' or 'C' and fall within a set date parameter.

I am currently using this formula (which works perfectly well for 1 variable but not for multiple), where column B is my date and column R is my name field.


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Copy Formulas Or Using The Auto Fill Need To Have The Count Inc By 5 Instead Of 1

Apr 17, 2009

I have the following formula:

=AVERAGE('sheet 2'!C7,'sheet 2'!D7:Z7)+AVERAGE('sheet 2'!C9,'sheet 2'!D9:Z9). When I copy it down to the next cell the valules need to increase to 12 & 14 respectively.

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Count If- Formula That Will Count The Number Of Times

Jan 16, 2006

in writing a formula that will count the number of times
the store is listed (Column B) when it matches with closed (Column C).

On the table listed below I will return the data using a match.

From this table
1/8/2006 9:45Store 1Closed
1/8/2006 9:57Store 2Closed
1/8/2006 10:05Store 3Closed
1/8/2006 10:09Store 4Closed
1/8/2006 10:15Store 5Closed
1/8/2006 10:24Store 1Closed
1/8/2006 10:36Store 2In Progress
1/8/2006 10:41Store 3In Progress
1/8/2006 10:50Store 4Closed
1/8/2006 10:58Store 5Closed
1/8/2006 10:59Store 1Closed
1/8/2006 11:15Store 2Closed
1/8/2006 11:22Store 3In Progress
1/8/2006 11:24Store 4In Progress
1/8/2006 11:33Store 5Closed
1/8/2006 11:51Store 1Closed
1/8/2006 11:56Store 2Closed
1/8/2006 11:57Store 3Closed
1/8/2006 12:03Store 4Closed
1/8/2006 12:16Store 5Not Started
1/8/2006 12:23Store 1Closed
1/8/2006 12:28Store 2Closed
1/8/2006 12:57Store 3Closed

To this table

1/8/2006 9:45Store 15
1/8/2006 9:57Store 24
1/8/2006 10:05Store 33
1/8/2006 10:09Store 43

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Count Number Of Clusters / Groups Of Given Number Occurs In Column

Mar 2, 2012

I have data in a column (G) consisting of zero and ones. I would like to count the number of clusters of the number 1 in the data. For example in the data below there are 8 ones. But instead, I need to calculate how many groups of 1s occur. So in the case below the group of 1s = 3.

In terms of what defines a group. Whenever there is a zero either before or after the occurance of a 1 constitues a group, i.e the groups are broken out by zeros.


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How To Count Number Of Events A Number Appears In A List

Jul 30, 2012

I want to count the number of times any given number appears either as a consecutive group or singularly.

To give you a context I monitor windturbines and for any given fault code I wish to count the number of events it occurs in a month. Now it could be for 1 hour then clear the next then back for 17 then claer again. That would be 2 events!

NB the data is in seperate coulumns per turbine.

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Count Cells By Number & Add Adjacent Cell If Number Is X

Jan 19, 2008

Create some sort of formula combination or macro that will: Recognise a cell with a value of 1, 2 or 3 in. If 3 is in the cell, the cell to its left will be counted and added to a total. If the cell that has 3 in changes the value is removed from the total. Ive tried lots of methods but i cant figure this one out!

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Count The Number Of Occurrences Of A Number In A Range

May 5, 2007

I would like to count the number of occurence of a user given number in a range through VBA code. Have attached a sample with this.

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Applying Formulas To Large Number Of Dates

Mar 17, 2009

i have a spreadsheet with a certain data (rate of return) associated to a specific day of a year. (ex. 8-dec.-08 0.99865), and i have to calculate the rate of return (r) for every month, which is done by applying a formula (GEOMEAN) to all the rate of returns for the days of a month (ex. GEOMEAN(r[01 dec.]:r[31 dec.])).

i don't have any problems with that part. the hard part is that i have every single trading day from jan 00 to dec 08 (2000+ days), and i do not want to manually select the ranges. also, the dates do not include weekends (trading days per year = 252) which means that i cant (a) automatically determine a range or (b) automatically associate a number of days to a month (ex. oct 08 doesn't have the same amount of days as oct 07, because of the way week-ends and holidays are arranged..)

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Copying Formulas (autofill The Reference Number Jumps By 3)

Mar 17, 2009

I have 2 sheets in a workbook where i would like cell G8 on sheet 1 to equal the value on A11 sheet 2 & G9 to equal A12 and so on down the sheet. The problem is that G8 are 3 merged cell so every time I try to use autofill the reference number jumps by 3. The formula in cell G8 is

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Copy Formulas Based On The Number Of Rows In Column

Jun 16, 2009

I have formulas in cells B8:F8. I need to copy these formulas down based on the number of rows in column A that has data. The data in column A will vary based on user input.

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Calculate The Cells In Sheet Containing A Large Number Of Array Formulas

Oct 14, 2008

I I have a excel document which has a sheet containing a large number of array formulas.

I turned the automatic calculation off.

However, even when I press F9 to calculate the cells it just crunches, gets stuck at “Calculating 0%” and then crashes.

The majority of the array formulas are IF queries with multiple criteria.

Would it speed up the calculation if I didn’t use array formulas?

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Array Mode That Put It Back In The Letter, Number Display For Formulas/functions

Sep 25, 2009

My excel (2003) is stuck in array mode - is there any way to get it out of Array Mode and put it back in the letter:number display for formulas/functions? It's doing this in VBA too which is totally killing me.

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Count Row Between Each Number

Dec 20, 2013

I have some form used for "deret fauli test" it's like have 42 row cell and 37 column cell. What I need is count how much row between number 1to2, 2to3, 3to4, ... 19to20.

Here some example:

__|A|B |C |D
1_| 1| | 3 |
2_| | 2| |
3_| | | |
42| | | |4

each column have 42 row.

That mean from number 1 to number 2 have 42 + 2 = 44 row (this value put in A 45)
number 2 to number 3 have 40(because 2 row have add to number 1) + 1 = 41 row (this value put in A 46)
number 3 to number 4 have 41 + 42 = 83 row. (and this one put in A 47)

Anyother way to find how much row each number?

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Count Number Box Not Appear

Sep 20, 2013

When you click on an entire column and drag your mouse to the right/left, you get a little box that tells you the number of columns highlighted, actual the same with rows. This little box has stopped coming up on my Managers laptop. I have looked in the View tab and the options area but nothing jumped out at me as the fix...

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Count Number Of Appear

Oct 15, 2009

-Sheet1 has a list of numbers in column A.
-Sheet2 has a list of numbers with some numbers appear more than one in column B.

-I need to write a macro that start with the first number in sheet1 and go to sheet2 and count how many time that number appear. If the number of count more than 1 then highlight it in sheet 1, or copy it into a new sheet.

-Go back to sheet1 and start with the next number in the column until finish.

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Count The Number Of 0's

Oct 16, 2008

I have a row (say d3:i3) that has numbers in it. j3 has the sum of all the numbers in that row. I would like k3 to count the number of 0's in that row.

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Count A Number Once

Dec 20, 2007

Is there a way to add a colum but only count the item once if it appears more then once.

I want to add a colum with inputs of MHC07, MHC06, MHC35 and so on. These numbers will appers several times in the colum but I only want it counted once.

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Count Number Of Months

Jun 11, 2013

What I am trying to do is take the dates in Column B and count each date as a month, and put those totals into the January through December boxes. I've put in the amounts that should be shown with the data I provided.

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