Hiding An Entire Row - Conditional Basis
Jun 16, 2008how can I hide the row no 13 when I select "CLINKER" in E3 cell. I have used this code but its giving error.
View 10 Replieshow can I hide the row no 13 when I select "CLINKER" in E3 cell. I have used this code but its giving error.
View 10 RepliesI have a project that needs to be done today. What I'm trying to do is hide an area of a worksheet using a button click, then display that area when the button is clicked again. This area is approximately the lower right quadrant of the worksheet, so it shares column and row information with other data that must remain visible. Is there any way to do this?
Alternatively, I was thinking about making a duplicate of the worksheet, but omitting the area I want to hide on the duplicate sheet. The button would then hide and unhide the two worksheets, hopefully making it have the same effect as hiding or unhiding just that area. If I do this, I would need to maintain the exact same data in the visible area of the two sheets.
I am trying to hide all rows and columns with zero balance in the cells with the use of a macro button.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI use all of column A, B, and C, but i only use D1 to H44 other than that. Is it possible to hide everything to the right of Column I and below D44:H44, but leave the scroll area for columns A B C able to scroll to the bottom?
View 6 Replies View Relatedi want to hide columns based on values of particular cell in that column.
View 9 Replies View Relatedi have a list of services with "yes" or "no" options in the column beside it. Description for each service is given on separate sheets (Workbook sheet 1, Workbook sheet 2..etc). i want to format it in a way that if i choose "no" for one of the services, its description sheet hides.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am totally new to Macros. I need a Macro which should format a column based on the value of another column.
Consider I have 10 rows. I have to format column D, based on the value of Column E. If the value of Column E is > 1000, then the background color of Column D should be changed as green. The most important requirement is Column E should be invisible, Changing the font color of Column E as White does not seem ok cuz when we select the sheet entirely using Ctrl+A, the white values are very much visible. Can this be achieved using a macro?
I'm attempting to use Conditional Formatting to hide text where the background is shaded. When the background is white, I can just set the text to white and it is invisible - no problem. However, when the background is set to anything else, and I set the text to the same color as the background, Excel LIES to me. It pretends that the text is invisible, but it still shows up in Print Preview and when it's actually printed. The Custom Format ;;; doesn't help me, because I need the invisibilization only under certain funky conditions.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI want to add a Conditional format to my vba. I've got 2 columns with dates in it and I want to highlight the whole row if the date it greater and less then todays date
I'm looking for
for all active cells
column date 1
=$j2<$L$1 blue for less (this data then tells us thats it's unacknowledged)
column date 2
=$K2<$L$1 red for less
=$K2=$L$1 red is the same
(this data then tells us we need to chase these items)
I can't figure out to place conditional formatting on a range at each change in cells in column A....ie. in column A, several rows will have the value "1", then several will have the value "2", all the way through "52"...sometimes there could be 4 rows with the same value, otheres there may be 5, or others even only 1.....so I need conditional formatting that says each time the value in column A changes, highlight all cells in that row one color and change that color at each change. Does that make sense?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am wondering if it is possible to use the Conditional formatting to color a row when a specific cell has a value ( Number or text etc..)
I have values in cells A1,B1 & C1
If I enter a value in D1 , I would like to have A1,B1,C1 & D1 colored green
Is it possible to define a rule for this?
I am trying to apply conditional formatting to one cell based on the values of cells in a row.
This is what I have at the moment
E3 = TODAY()
E4 = TODAY()+90
If any date in the row falls between E3 and E4 i would like the font in another cell to turn red (in the example below A11 should turn red if any date in B11:J11 is between E3 and E4).
This is the formula I've been trying:
I have this formula in Q and it fills it w/ a color.
To fill the entire row, I have to come back and select from A:Q and then it fills the remaining cells. Can this be done in one step?
I am using Excel 2007 and having some trouble with conditional formatting an entire line.
What I currently have is a formula in Column J: =IF(K9="Match","Match", " "). What I would like to do is if "Match" appears , highlight the entire row ( J : A ).
I've got a pivot table that shows different activities their cost, budget and percentage complete amongst other things. I would like to use conditional formatting to turn the font of a whole row grey if that activity is a 100% complete (exactly more then 99,5% complete in this case). I can do this with conditional formatting by selecting the individual rows and then setting the conditions. Example: selected row =$45:$45, Formatting condition =$J$45>99,5%.
However I've got 1500 rows to do....how can I set this condition for all rows in one go?
in order to perform conditional formatting for entire row, if one condition satisfy for particular Cell then entire row should get highlighted.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI want to highlight an entire row based on the contents of of a particular cell. For instance, if c4 contains data, highlight the entire row 4. If c5 is blank, do not highlight the entire row 5...and on and on...
View 2 Replies View RelatedI found code that I would like to use conditional formatting code as shown here. Here is the code just in case:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim icolor As Integer
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A1:A10")) Is Nothing Then
Select Case Target
Case 1 To 5
icolor = 6
Case 6 To 10
icolor = 12
Case 11 To 15
icolor = 7
Case 16 To 20
how can I get this code to work across the entire workbook and not just for the specific worksheet? I tried pasting the code into the This Workbook under VBA Project and changing the Private to Public but no go.
I need to make an entire column formatless if the cell in row 3 contains no text. I want the whole column to just appear like a normal formatless column, but if there is text in the row 3 cell, I want it to be the way I have it formatted right now.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have been trying to find a way of formatting an entire row based on the contents of cells in each column. However i come unstuck when trying to make the column dynamic. Below is an example:
The idea is that i say current year is 2011 and all rows where C contains an a will turn green. What i would like to achieve is that when i change current year to say 2012 the conditional formatting adjusts so that it looks at D instead of C.
I am using Excel 2010. I have a pivot table where I want to highlight the ENTIRE row where a certain cell value equals something.
In essence I want all the Material Subtotal Rows highlighted "Orange" But as you can tell from the picture below I am having issues with the Body of the Pivot table. I have the formula checking to find whenever it finds the word total to highlight it.
The example below is showing how I need the row to be formatted. I can get the Data (Units) section formatted no problem. It is just the other part of the pivot table that I cannot format.
For the columns from Material to SAP # I have been trying to use Dynamic Name ranges using the Offset function. However, excel turns that Name range to a range and if I filter the pivot table, it adds extra ranges to the Applies to box and starts to really mess it up.
I am trying to apply a conditional format to an entire row based on the presence of any value in the first cell of that row to format to a certain color. If there isn't something present in the first cell, I don't want it to change.
Everything I keep trying ends up highlighting the entire workbook.
I would like to apply the rule to the entire sheet but only have it highlight the rows which have a value/text in the first cell of each row.
I am assuming I should use the formulas selection for conditional formatting but I'm unsure of what formula would apply to this type of request.
I want to catch an error and reset the entire code to the very beginning and skip that entire entry. When I use "Next fieldSheetName" I get "Next without For," error 1004. Searches tell me I have an open block somewhere, but that's not true. Removing that statement (and having the loop iterate as normal) has no error at all.
Dim employeeName As String
Dim fieldMax, x, y As Byte ' Counters mostly
Dim workedHours, fieldSheetName As Integer
fieldMax = 204 ' Row number to stop on in the field time sheet
row = 4 ' Row specification for field time sheet. Begin at row 4 to ignore headers
' and start on the first name. This should not be changed!
Col = 3 ' Start at column 3 then increase by one to start going to next time entry
For fieldSheetName = 4 To fieldMax Step 8 ' This is our MAIN loop. It iterates from 0 to fieldMax, which is 204...........
I'm trying to autofill a series of rows (that are blank) with data from an above row. I want to autofill the row in its entirety, not just filling in blank cells.
For instance (assuming comma is a new column). Colors listed are just a data example. Space between commas indicates a blank cell:
(blank row)
142, GREEN, RED, ,BLACK, , PINK, ,
(blank row)
(blank row)
(blank row)
(blank row)
(blank row)
So rather than it just completing the task in one desired cell, it would complete the task over the entire spreadsheet. Data spread can be as far as row 500 and column BY, so you can see how a copy + paste or a drag would get monotonous.
Another small example data set:
(blank row)
(blank row)
0,0,1448,0, ,-35
(blank row)
1, ,1443,1,3,-36
1,2,1408,2,7, ,
(blank row)
(blank row)
(blank row)
1,2, ,2,7,-39
(blank row)
(blank row)
And column A will always have data (unless the row is completely blank.
I have a huge list of accruals and payments. Accruals (positive) are entered, and at a later date are offset by the payments (negative). Im trying to make a schedule so i can determine which are left over.
This is easy to do manually for a small amount of rows. However im dealing with 5000 rows and i do not want to manually match it would take many days to do.
Ive tried a duplicate remover. To get it to work i made an absolute value column for the negatives, and compared it to the positives column to find the duplicates. This works to a point. However, If i have three accruals for 100, and one payment for 100, all are identified as duplicates which obviously is not what im looking for.
I need to get it where one accrual is matched to one payment. if there are 3 accruals, 2 payments, 1 is not a duplicate. if there is 3 accruals, 1 payment, 2 are not duplicates.
can I put formula to cells on relative basis?
For instance can I write "=A1 + B1" and have a change event the formula populate for the corresponding column that changes? such that a change in C7 for instance populated the result of the formula for A7 + B7 in cell D7?
Attached a work tracker here for your ref.
I this, We are distributing work on 6 hrs/day basis. What I need is, I need to automate the work distribution on daily basis and should show the hrs also. and the projected date of completion. (yellow highlighted cells are where the formulas are needed)
How can we do that? Excel Help-Updated.xlsx
How to go about fixing my spreadsheet so I am not having to manually update it each day..here is my forumla I am currently using...=(AVERAGE($D$2:$AH$2)-C5)*AI5...basically i need the cell below in D2 to change as every day a new day rolls off..for example the following day I need this formula to be =(AVERAGE($E$2:$AH$2)-C5)*AI5 ....so just that day changes.....do I need to use an If/then statement? if so how?
I need a macro to calculate the cost basis of the inventory. ( Field F3 and F4 in Sheet1)
Please refer to attached sheet....
I'm working on this sheet and I can't figure out how to do it.
I'm trying to determine the variable "selling price" on the basis of given values, buying price, Net profit and Expenses.