Incorporate A Series Of If Statements

Oct 20, 2008

I would like to incorporate a series of if statements in column D of my macro that looks at the labels in column C. If the label is 10 characters long, it returns the full 10 characters. If the label is 11 characters long, it returns the leftmost 10 characters.

What syntax would work for this?

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Nested IF Statements To Incorporate Another Component

Jul 1, 2009

I have this nested if statement, but my last IF statement needs to incorporate another component.

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Incorporate Several IF Statements Into Single Formula?

Nov 27, 2012

I am trying to incorporate several IF statements into a single formula:


What I am trying to achieve with this formula is:

- insert LR if AB5 is less than 20;
- insert C if AB5 is less than 30 but more than 25;
- if neither of the above is true, insert CLEAR if T5 contains something and if not insert B-T1-F10 if AB5 is between 240 and 40 and AA5 = 1.

The problem I have is that the B-T1-F10 is not being inserted where the other criteria are not met so I think I have not integrated the statements correctly?

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Create Line Graph That Will Incorporate Multiple Columns Of Data In One Series Of Data

Sep 27, 2011

I am trying to create a line graph that will incorporate multiple columns of data in one series of data. The reason I do not place all of the data in one column is because it could exceed the maximum amount of rows allowed in excel. Also I need the data split up for viewing purposes.

I can easily just graph one column but how do I combine all the columns into one line graph with the data being in separate columns. Basically all the columns will be my Y values and X values are just 1:n.

Example Below:

Column AColumn B Column C159261037114812

Now in the example all of the values are x values.

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Multiple IF Statements (skip The Next Two Statements Or The Result Will Be Changed Again)

Nov 22, 2008

I have three IF statements as below. the problem is if the first statement is true I want it to skip the next two statements or the result will be changed again.

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If Statements; List Any Date That Has Three Or More True Statements With The Coresponding Name

May 26, 2008

Sheet one will contain the following:


On sheet two I need to list any date that has three or more true statements with the coresponding name.

2/26/2008 Bill

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Incorporate Calendar

Feb 21, 2007

I have the following worksheet ,named "Calendar", to make an annual calendar and I'm wondering if there's a way to use it to make a calendar in worksheet named "NovemberDaily". On the worksheet named "NovemberDaily" I want to put in cells C14, G14, K14, O14, S14, W14, and AA14 "11/1/2007" if the weekday of the week matches the date"11/1/2007". Is this possible or is there an easier way of accomplishing this. I'm needing the date (e.g. 11/1/2007) in the cells mentioned because it ties into another formula that I'm using later in the worksheet.

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Incorporate Picture In Header

Dec 20, 2010

I have a macro that create the page header (and footer), which uses a jpg image/logo from my computer. How can I incorporate that into the code so that the macro/image will work properly if not run on my computer?

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How To Incorporate Variable Into Path

Feb 8, 2012

I am using a script within excel as part of this script I want create a new folder to store information


ChDir "C:Documents and SettingsAdminDesktopMIKEPAYROLL2011-12"

However I want to use a variable called "NEWYEAR" which holds the 2011-12 part

For example this part stays the same

ChDir "C:Documents and SettingsAdminDesktopMIKEPAYROLL

folder 2011-12 held in variable NEWYEAR may or maynot exist.

if the folder exists I want to be able to use the folder, however if it doesn't I need to create it.

The problem is I am not sure how to incorporate the variable into the path.

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Incorporate A Vlookup Into The Formula

Mar 5, 2010

Last Name

First NameSales CodeDepartmentSalesHours WorkedBase PayCommission RateAllbaughJoshuaAMMen's$ 4,000.00 8.00188.0072

I created this formula to show commission but it doesn't incorporate the array below.

How can I incorporate a vlookup into the formula above showing this array of info?

Sales CodeSales TitleHourly Wage QuotaCommision RateAMAssistant Manager$23.50 $200.00 0.03PT1Sales Assistant$10.50 $100.00 0.01PT2Sales Partner$11.75 $125.00 0.015S1Sales Associate$13.50 $150.00 0.02S2Sales Consultant$15.00 $175.00 0.025

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How To Incorporate An If Then Else Function To An Average Formula

Jun 13, 2009

Is there a way to include an if then else function to an average formula that will skip cells with zero?

I went into better detail in the attached example.

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Incorporate (InputBox) Result In Formula?

Mar 5, 2012

I need to often enter a formula such as:


but, I need to change the variable 'a' to whatever letter I need.

I wrote the following:

y = InputBox("Enter letter")

So, how do I incorporate the 'InputBox' result in the formula?

If I use =SUMIF(H1:H500,""=x"",G1:G500) I just get 'x' as a result, not the letter I input.

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Change Sumproduct Formula To Incorporate Condition

Mar 3, 2014

I have have sumproduct formula that works well, however I need a section of it to use a condition.

"=SUMPRODUCT(--(('Input Sheet'!$A$10:$A$20009=3)+('Input Sheet'!$B$10:$B$20009=1)+('Input Sheet'!$C$10:$C$20009=1)=3),--('Input Sheet'!$L$10:$L$20009>=G21),--('Input Sheet'!$L$10:$L$20009<=J21))"

The first section ('Input Sheet'!$A$10:$A$20009=3) looks at column of data and checks if any of the data says 3, however I need the formula to look at the column of data and determine if the figure is =>3 and also =<5.

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Incorporate Concatenate Funtion: Return Text Rather Than A '0'

Apr 2, 2009

I have the following formula: ...................

and excel is saying I used too many characters and to use the concatenate function to do so, but I have no idea how.

I wanted to return text rather than a '0' in the case that all the original IF statements were false, I threw another IF statement in there and said if the original is equal to '0', then return "-". If not, then run through the original again (I pasted the original again after the "-").

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How To Incorporate If Statement With Find Method In A Range

Jun 22, 2014

I want to search the selected range for a variable value (calculated previously in the sub) and if it finds the value I want the sub to do some things. If it's not in the range I want it do something else.

Here is the relevant section for what I have:

[Code] ......

This works and cuts the value I'm looking for if it finds a value in the range. The problem is it's not in the range I don't know how to tell it to follow other instructions. I tried the "iserror" with an in statement, but it said the range was not set. Intellisense isn't working and I don't really know how to use the .find method ...

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200 Series But Get (The Maximum Number Of Series Per Chart Is 255) Error Message

Aug 4, 2014

I run a large simulation experiment. I have a loop plotting data in excel of a user defined area. Because of the limit of 255 series I have allowed a maximum of 250 simulations (they all need to be plotted). But the length of each simulation is free. I know there is a limit of 32.000 data points in a graph and I have this as a condition too.

If I set the data range to 100 columns and 3000 rows the graph is produced when I plot by columns. (code below)

But if I set the data range to 250 columns and 1000 rows I get the above mentioned error message. Even though I only have 250 series.

After the data is plotted it is the code below that gets the error:

[Code] .....

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Line Chart - Remove Series Code But What If No Series Exists?

Dec 22, 2011

I have the following code:

Sub Macro5()
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 243").Activate
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 243").Activate
End Sub

However, if there is no SereisCollection(1) actually present in the chart I get an error. How can I work around this? I will need an IF statement I assume, just not sure what it will look like.

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Show Chart Data Series Labels On All Series. 2007

May 31, 2008

I just recently installed Excel 2007 and I would like to know if it's possible to change all data points of a chart at the same time. In Excel 2003, I would normally hold down shift while clicking on each of the data points to make a global change. However, it appears I cannot do that in 2007.

I would like to display each data point's series name. When I go to Layout on the Excel Ribbon, and click on "Data Labels", and click on "More Data Label Options", the actual Y-axis values are shown for each data point. However, I do not want this - I actually only want the Series Name, but when I uncheck "Value" and check "Series Name" instead (under "Label Contains"), it only changes it for one of the series. Is there a better way, instead of going through each and every single series to make this change?

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Excel 2007 :: Incorporate Cell Result In Header?

Jun 15, 2012

I'm trying to incorporate a Cell result in my header (the one you select from "Page Setup"). Is this possible? I would like to avoid macro if possible and prefer some type of formula.

Windows XP with Excel 2007

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Pivot Table - Incorporate Calculated Field For Sub Group

Sep 6, 2012

How to incorporate a calculated field for a sub group.

Here's what the data in the table looks like.




[Code] .....

I am looking to get 3 calculated fields onto the Right hand side that would essentially be the following Formula

1st Column

2nd Column

3rd Column

The other option would be how to set up conditional formatting to always take on the appearance of Column K of the pivot table. Thus, this calculated section would always appear as though a part of the pivot table and would adjust based on any pivot table items being expanded and collapsed.

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Nested IF Statements: Combine The Two Statements

Oct 14, 2009

How can I combine the two below statements like these to make one "Or Statement"? Sorry...I haven't done excel and/or's in forever?

=IF(('Proj Info'!L10="main")*AND('Proj Info'!L9="CT"),"BMSVC",'Proj Info'!L9)


=IF(('Proj Info'!L10="serv")*AND('Proj Info'!L9="CT"),"BMSVC",'Proj Info'!L9)

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Spurious XY Scatter Chart Series Adding Series

Aug 21, 2006

The following code is supposed to produce six series on an xlXYScatter chart. It produces seven with the seventh series being a repeat of the sixth but named series 7.

Sub Chart2()

Dim DataRange As Range
Dim CellString As String 'Stores a cell range in the form "AA27:AB39"
Dim CurrentSeries As Integer
Dim SeasonCount As Integer


CurrentSeries = 1 ............

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Color Pivot Chart Series Dependant On Series Name

Jun 24, 2008

I have a list of data on one sheet and a 'reports' page on another sheet. The reports page has several pivot tables and a pivot chart. I want the pivot chart to format the bars on the chart relevant to the series name. The series names are "R" "A" amd "G" for Red Amber and Green respectively, I want the chart to change the colour of the series so that it is the correct colour ie. "R" would be coloured Red, "A" would be Amber and "G" would be green.

Sub PivotLoader()
Dim Red As Integer
Dim Amber As Integer
Dim Green As Integer
Red = Range("H9").Value
Amber = Range("H10").Value
Green = Range("H11").Value
ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=18

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Summing Series Of Maximums In Larger Series

Aug 22, 2014

I consider myself decent at Excel, but I don't have quite the depth of knowledge I would like. Here is my issue:

I currently have a series of 50 numbers for each row on a 300 row spreadsheet. I would like to write a formula that identifies the six largest numbers in that series and adds them together. So, for example, if the series was 8-6-4-4-4-5-1-1-0-15-3-9, the formula would spit out 47 (15+9+8+6+5+4)

How do I write that kind of formula?

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Chart - Second Series Starts Where First Series Ends?

Sep 21, 2011

I would like to have two series of data using the same X axis (date, formatted in months). The Y axis is in intervals of 100,000.

The first data series is historical (actual) data (i.e. Jan 2009 to August 2011). The second data series is forecast (Sept 2011 - August 2012). So i want the forecast series to start immediately after the historical series. It is a 'line with markers' chart. The key objective is that the forecast data looks visually distinct from the historial series.

Excel version: Excel 2010
OS: Windows 7

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Color Bar Chart Series Based On Series Name

May 15, 2008

I'm using the following code to set the colours of the slices of all the pie charts in my spreadsheet based on each slice's legend's label: ....

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Incorporate Adjacent Cell In Formula W/o Naming Cell Address?

Oct 2, 2009

I searched and I keep finding something that's not quite what I'm looking to do so I think I'm missing something really simple.

Let's say that I want each cell in col b to be the sum of 5 plus whatever value is in the cell adjacent to it on the left (col).

I know that you can just write a formula in each cell like...

b1 will be =sum(a1+5)
b2 will be =sum(a2+5)

... but is there a shortcut so that you don't have to write out the actual cell address for each one?

Meaning - is there a predefined name or something that represents the cell to the left or right so you can just use that instead, allowing you to just copy paste the same formula all the way down the column? Something like...

b1 will be =sum(left+5)
b2 will be =sum(left+5)

... where "left" represents whatever value is in the cell to the left of that particular cell?

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Label Making (take The Information And Incorporate It Into A Label Format)

Jan 14, 2009

I have a spreadsheet with a customers information and various parts we make for them. I need to be able to take this information and incorporate it into a label format. I need something quick and easy as there can be 150 parts per customer

Customer: ABCD
Customer PO: 12345

Part Number Quantity
AB 1
** 15
EF 22
GH 14

and I need it to output:

PO: 12345 QTY: 1

PO: 12345 QTY: 15

PO: 12345 QTY: 22

PO: 12345 QTY: 14

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If Statements That Have 11 IF Statements

Aug 9, 2007

My formula is not working correctly; not sure what to do. I use this same formula with numbers and it seem to work, but only have 8 IF statements as well. This example below doesn't even work with only 8 IF statements.
What I am saying below is = If E3 = a swat team (i.e. EO-Deal Processing-Prescreen) then please enter "Chumbley" and so on. For anything else put an na or n/a for blanks or swat teams that I haven't lised in the criteria.

=IF(E3="EO-Deal Processing-Prescreen",Chumbley,IF(E3="EO-Deal Processing-DocGen",Chumbley,IF(E3="EO-Deal Processing-Events",Chumbley,IF(E3="EO-Deal Processing-Triage",Junk,IF(E3="EO-Deal Processing-Processing",Queck,IF(E3="EO-Deal Processing-Calcs",Doyle,IF(E3="EO-Deal Processing-Closing",Terry,IF(E3="EO-Deal Processing-D11B",Blazier,IF(E3="EO-Deal Processing-Isolated UI",James,na)))))))))

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What Do These Statements Do

Aug 22, 2008

a = Range("d1").CurrentRegion.Resize(,2).Value

Range("G1").Resize(n,2).Value = b

what do the above two lines of code do?

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