Lookup Formula: Tell If A Value Exists In A Column

Jun 8, 2006

i need a formula that tells me if a value exists in a column. for example if there is a value in a cell in the b column of 23 no matter where it is, i want cell c25 to return the word "yes".

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Formula To Display Column Header As Result When Any Value Exists In Cells Under Column

Jul 25, 2014

I am trying to write a formula where the column header of the row in which a value other than 0 exists, will display for each instance (row) where a value exists in an array spanning 3 columns. So the result cell could be any of the three column headers, or a combination thereof.

I started the formula in P2 of the GL Detail-2012 tab. File attached.

Here is what I started: =INDEX($M$1:$O$1,SUMPRODUCT(COUNTIF($M$2:$O$67756,))). Not working.

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LOOKUP Giving #N/A If No Value >0 Exists Yet

Mar 22, 2009

This formula has been working fine for me...until I have the condition where no value >0 has been entered in my LOOKUP range as yet. Or at least that is what I have managed to test so far. I've verified that my values have the same format (General) and I've verified that my ranges are all of the same size.

I'm looking in one worksheet for a work order meter reading that will be entered in another sheet when the Unit # for the equipment matches. I discovered if there is a work order entered for and no meter reading has ever been recorded yet, I get the #N/A error. If I go in and put a fictitious meter reading in of 1, the error goes away. It doesn't like a blank or zero meter reading and I need to know how to get around this. Here's the current calculation:

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Is There A Column Lookup Formula

Nov 4, 2009

I have a spreadsheet with a list of thousands of products in Column A. In Column B, C, D, E, & F there are headers that read: Cincinnati, Dayton, Columbus, Toledo, Cleveland.

In the rows under these column headers it’s either blank or there is a 1. The value 1 represents usage of products (column a) in those markets (columns b thru f). I guess I could use a Y for yes but I used a 1 instead.

In another workbook, I have a short list of a dozen random products that I am trying to match up to the cities that use them. Is there a simple formula that would search for a specific product in column a & return the first market with the value 1 in the corresponding cell?

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Lookup Formula For Previous Column?

Jul 26, 2013

I have a column of numeric values in column B. I have the date that corresponds with each value in column A. I am using a max formula to find the highest value in column B. What could I use to return the date of the highest value from Column A?

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Display Column Header If Any Value Other Than 0 Exists In Multi-Column Array

Jul 22, 2014

I would like to display the column header of the row in which a value other than 0 exists in a cell for each instance that value exists in an array spanning 3 columns. So the result cell could be any of the three column headers.

I started the formula in P2 of the GL Detail-2012 tab. (FILE TOO BIG)


Resin Sand Eliminated Segment
- (12,896.65)-
- (6,570.85) -
- (11,503.80) -
- (13,188.50) -

If there is any value other than 0 in Resin, Sand or Eliminated columns, return that column's header under Segment.

Here is what I started: =INDEX($M$1:$O$1,SUMPRODUCT(COUNTIF($M$2:$O$67756,)))

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Need Lookup Formula To Give Column Range

Jul 26, 2014

I'm trying to write a formula that searches for the name of the column on one sheet, finds that column on another, then results in the column letter. So, ideally, if the first three columns in the first tab were "Team," "Name," and "Total," respectively, I just want a formula to search for "Name" and give me back "B."

I want to do this in case anybody ever moves the "Name" column, for example, from column B to column C -- so then it would search for "Name" again and change the range in the formula to "C" because that's where that data lives now.

Currently, I'm using it for a COUNTIF() function that is a very simple: =countif(indirect("'"&$A2&"'!K:K"),$B2), where A2 is the sheet name. The latter half of $B2 is fine -- but I would love to have a more complicated formula take the place of the range "B:B" in case the "Name" column ever got moved.

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Lookup Formula That Matches First Three Digits Of Column

May 7, 2014

I need a lookup formula that matches first three digits of column, U (153 - LINE PIPE), and match Total 13153 - LINE PIPE, 7th, 8th, and 9th digit in column C. and bring value from either column T,

The formula that I am using is not obviously not correct, I am putting it here to show what I am trying to do.

{=INDEX($T$2:$T$16,MATCH(LEFT(S2,3),MID(C2:C273,FIND(" ",C2),3)),FALSE)}

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Lookup Type Formula For Column AB In The (worksheet/tab) Titled 2009

Jan 8, 2009

I have a lookup tab which contains three columns: Column A is a tax ID #, Column B is a set of numbers and Column C is a list of street names. I need help with creating a lookup type formula for my column AB in the (worksheet/tab) titled 2009, which will look at and compare the data in columns F & G and compare them to columns B & C in my "lookup" tab and if a similar address is found based on both the street name and number then the tax ID # affiliated with that address from the "lookup tab" will be automatically placed in the column AB in the 2009 tab. I hope this makes sense.

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Formula To Find Original Entry In Column With 4 Criteria Lookup

Feb 26, 2012

I'm trying to find a formula that will find an original entry using 4 criteria original entry is cases ordered.

columns A,B,C,D will have to match then give me a result in column E to find original entry if there is one otherwise I will have to enter new row and original entry for cases ordered.


A = section
B = description
C = size
D = region
E = cases ordered
Row 2 = fruit, apples, medium, north, 25
Row 45 = fruit, apples, medium, north,

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Sum Smallest Value Per Row If Value Exists In Column A

Jul 24, 2009

The whole "story" is explained, in details, inside the attached WB.

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Checking If Value Exists Within Column?

Dec 11, 2011

I'm trying to create a questionnaire and in each question you got to rank the answers 1, 2, 3 and 4 according to your preferences.

So I'm trying to use data validation to allow ranges between 1 and 4 and at the same time I'm trying to use =countif($A$1:$A$20,A1)=1 to prevent repeating selections but my problem is that with the data validation tool I can only select one of those options either allowing whole numbers between 1 - 4 or allowing custom and using =countif($A$1:$A$20,A1)=1.

Is there a way to do both?

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Finding Whether Value In One Column Exists Or Not In Another

Sep 21, 2007

I have serial numbers say 1 to 100 in column A. In column B i have values which are text and numbers combined. In column C I have similar values as in B.

Now, if any value in Column B appears in Column C, then in Column D It should tell me Yes or No or 0 or 1.

I basically want to know whether any value from Column B exists or not in column C. I tried Countif and Vlookup but didn't work.

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Formula To Indicate Match Exists

Aug 20, 2009

to creating formulas in Excel!

Basically, all I want is for a formula to tell me if I have matching data in two separate cells. What I have is data entered in cell A1. What I would like is one single formula to check if the same entry has been entered in cells A2:A10 and if so, return a 1, and if not return 0.

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Formula: Look/Check If Value Exists

Oct 19, 2006

I got a pivot table that when selected will give me a value (actually its an ID number) I want in H3. I then got a list of values outside of the pivot table in column J. If H3 matched any of the values in column J, I need a “Warning”, if not “OK”. I have been using the formula =IF(H3=J3,"OK","WARNING") to match selected cells (H3 with J3) but cant get it to work to look down the column list. The OK or Warning is in cell F34 out of arms way!

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IF Exists Statement: Address From Column One

Apr 28, 2009

I have a 3 column table, the first column is always populated with email addresses, the second column will have secondary email addresses if that person has one, I want a formula in the third column to have the secondary email address if it exists, if it doesn't I want it to have the address from column one.

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Delimiting When Empty Column Exists?

Jul 15, 2014

I have a cell with data separated by hashtags and the letter 'x'

For example #1001x1 refers to a product code and x1 being the quantity.

#1002x2#1003x1# would become:



I'm currently using the code:


Sometimes there will be files when there will be lots of codes to delimit, but sometimes there will be no codes to delmit.

So when there reference will only be #1001x1# the above code will try and delimite the next column along (column G) but there is nothing there to delimit and the error code "No data was selected to parse" pops up.

What I'm trying to ask is, is there a way to make a macro that only delimit columns with data.

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Count How Many Of Each Entry Exists In Column?

Dec 23, 2013

I have a list in a column and just want to count how many of each entry exists and place that number in another list:

Column A Column B Column C

abogado 4 abogado
abogado 7 mammamia
abogado 8 trifecta[code].....

An image is here: 12.23.2013-13.59.36 - joezeppy's library

I want to create a table that lists the number of entries for each cell in column a and then lists the entry next to it. Can I use a pivot table or something?

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Highlight Cell If Same Value Exists In Another Column

Oct 2, 2007

I'm trying to do a formula without using a marco. The formula would do the following:

- Highlight value in column A if the value is found in column B and on the same line value in column F and I are equal to zero;
- Value in column A could match many value in column B

I tried everything I know but can't seems to make it work.

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Formula To Replace Values If Another Exists?

May 14, 2014

So I have this formula to basically lookup the letters in column L and if certain letters exist, then change those letters to another letter. Here is my Formula:


For example: if column L looks like


Then it would convert the A's to B's since there is a B present and D's to E's, but if the B and E hadn't been in the equation then it would leave the A's and D's as they are. WIth this formula the output looks like:

My problem with this formula is that it only recognizes the first letter in each column. Sometimes I have multiple letters in a column and I need it to recognize them and change accordingly.

For example:

I would like to have it change to

I have attached a sample workbook that may make it more clear... If a VBA code would work better then I would be open to that as well. Combining question.xlsx

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Multiply 2 Columns When Another Formula Exists To Add In?

Aug 22, 2014

So I have the first part of my equation and it works fine. The equation is in Column D.


What I want it to do is: Combine the above for Col D with: if the Unit Name Column (A) says anything EXCEPT Van, I want it to multiple Cost (Col B) by QTY (E) and put the total in Col D.

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Formula To Determine If An Entry Exists

Jul 21, 2009

I have a database of 6 digit numbers in one column(let's say column A). I would like to put in a 6 digit number in a cell (b1)and have another cell (c1) give me a response as to whether that number exists in the database (Exists or Doesn't Exist).

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VBA To Copy Entire Row If Date Exists In Column F

Dec 10, 2012

I have a spreadsheet that contains data that needs to be copied over to a new worksheet if it contains a Date. For instance, if a Date exists in column F on worksheet1, I want to copy the entire row's contents from worksheet1 to the next empty row on worksheet2.

As it stands now, the data ends on row 67 in worksheet1 and ends on row 221 in worksheet2. So, if there is a date in F30, I would like to copy all of row 30 and past it into row 222 on worksheet2.

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Delete Row If Value In Cell Exists In Another Worksheet Column

Oct 22, 2007

I have working data on list sheet and added data on compiled sheet.

I need to match duplicates and delete these rows from compiled sheet.

I've tried coping to the list sheet and use "Remove Duplicates", but it rids me of the data that has been processed and has fills applied.

I'm looking for a macor that can do this work for me without losing data on list sheet.

This data reaches into the thousands and I'm looking to run this off the CASE column.

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Determine If Cell Value Exists In Column Of Table

Feb 18, 2008

Im trying to write a formula that will check if a name that I have in column A also appears in column B and if it does I want it to return a value for example TRUE in column C.

I'm currently doing a survey and I have all employees in column A (600persons) and then column B I enter thos that have taken the survey. So If an employees name exist in column B he/she has done the survey and then they I get the value "TRUE" or "1" or something else. So in this way I can easily see who has and who hasn't done the survey. I've been trying with VLOOK and so on but I can not get it right? Maybe I need VBA?

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Determine If Value Exists In Column & Copy Range If It Does

Mar 29, 2008

I require a row of details to be copied to another worksheet by typing in a unique ID using a macro so Sheet 1 is a data base of items (every item have a unique code like 1001, 1002 etc) and sheet 2 has a table, and next to the table is a cell, which i need to work like a search engine.

i need to be able to type the unique id in a cell, in sheet 2, then click an Add command Button. This button then finds the unique id in sheet 1, and copies all the items details in the same row, into sheet 2 in the table, then i require the search engine to be cleared for the next item to be added. (Assumed Experience:Below Average, I know few formulas and know very basic macros)

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Multiple Ifs (checks Wheater Or Not In Column Exists Text)

Aug 25, 2009

I have an excel worksheet that creates the total arival/departure time for workers. In the "ore lucrate" column i need a formula that checks wheater or not in column b exists text, if it does then check if cell r12 is bigger than one hour and the substract exactly one hour from it, i.e. 03:45 needs to be 02:45. However if it's not bigger than an hour then put the result as it it (r12). And finally if the adiacent cell in "ore lucrate" doesnt contain text then it should be left as the folowing 00:00.

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Delete Entire Column If Word False Exists?

Apr 9, 2014

I have the following code, but it takes longer than expected to run. Is there anyway to speed this up? I am not sure if autofilter is a option. I just want to search through range A16:Z16 and if the word "FALSE" exists delete the entire column. The word "TRUE" is the only other word that would exist in range A16:Z16


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Formula To Return (1) If Any Value In A List Exists In Specific Cell

Oct 24, 2013

I am looking for a formula which will allow me to return a value, 1 or True, if any of a number of words or phrases in a list exists in a specific cell. Per the below example, any formula which will achieve the result in column A

For Example:

Sheet 1
Column A
Fruit Salad
Fruit Smoothie


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Excel 2003 :: Separate Data Out Of Column That Exists In Different Rows?

Oct 27, 2013

I know how to separate data into different columns i.e. Marry Johnson into two separate columns; however, I have data in different rows that I need separated into different column. See screen cast [URL]

Using excel 2003 on windows 7 64 bit

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