Macro To Copy Values Down Column

Apr 12, 2007

I've got workbooks containing various numbers of sheets that represent rooms with equipment in them.

The room number is always in cell B4. The data always starts in cell A8. I need to somehow copy the room number down column G starting at G8 and going down only as far as there is data in column A, which will vary for each sheet. I also need it do do this on all the sheets in the workbook.

I have NO marco skills, can anyone help start me off?

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Macro To Auto-Copy Entire Row From Master To Worksheet Based On Column Values

May 19, 2014

I have an Excel database of department contracts with a Master worksheet. I have created a worksheet tab for each of the departments. Column G has a dropdown list for each department. When I enter a new contract onto the Master I want it to auto copy to the coordinating worksheet based on the selected department.

If possible I would also like it to enter the newest contract would enter into the coordinating Contract Party entered into column D. (ie... If Hospital A is entered in column D on master, the new entry on the worksheet being copied to will be entered under the last Hospital A, if Hospital B is entered on Master it copies under Hospital B). If this isn't possible then I am not too worried about that part.

I have attached a blank version of the file. Current Master 5-15-14.xlsx‎

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Copy/paste Values (copy Values Of Cells From B4 Till B-empty To C Column)

Jun 26, 2009

Sheet linked from external file, new data coming daily. How to copy Values of cells from B4 till B-empty to C column? The attached file has a properly displayed data.

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Copy Values From Column A Based Upon Values In Column B

Jan 2, 2010

If values in column B are alike or if only one value exist in column B, I would like to copy values from column A over into columns D and all other columns to the right of D,

Before and after examples are below....

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Macro Loop To Extract Specific Values And Min/Max Values From Column/Rows Range

Jun 3, 2009

Hi, I'm very new to writing Excel Macro's and wanted to know if I could do the following. Conceptually, I understand what I need done and think it should be fairly straightforward.

There's 2 main events in this loop (I hope that's the correct terminology):

Input 1) User defines the beginning cell to start the loop. In this case, A2.

Input 2) User defines the range of columns/rows to display. The formula for rows that I've thought of is 4r. So if a user wants 20 rows below cells A2, they simply input 5 for r. The number of columns is a constant 5. So if r=5, then I'd want the range to be A2:E22......

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Copy And Paste From One Sheet To Another Based On Column A Using A Macro Copy Button

Jan 22, 2007

I want to copy and paste from one sheet to another based on column a using a macro copy button.

E.g. if column a value = apple then copy that row into the apple sheet.

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Macro To Copy Data From Previous Column Into Next Free Column

Aug 20, 2014

I have a spreadsheet which is updated daily. Row A of the sheet has the date in it, and every day a new column is created for the that set of data. I have the below code which works at the moment:

[Code] .....

I want to use this same code on another spreadsheet to do the same process (I need to copy and paste 4 columns (A,B,C + D, into E, F, G & H, then tomorrow it will copy E, F, G & H into I, J, K &L etc etc)). The problem I'm having is that A1:C1 is a merged cell, then D isn't (used as a border to separate). So when it is copied I need to select the merged cell columns and column D (i.e. A:C & D on day 1) and paste it into E:H with E1:G1 merged.

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Setup A Macro To Copy Text From A Column Of Cells To Another Column

May 22, 2008

I have been working with a few people on here to setup a macro to copy text from a column of cells to another column and then print this in to a text document but it seams to have got stuck in a loop ....

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Copy Values In Column To Rows

May 2, 2006

I've tried (and failed miserably!) to copy and then paste values from a COLUMN to a ROW using all sorts of code I'd picked up in the forum but all the code only works when copying and pasting values from ROWS to ROWS.

I have data in cell A1, A3, A5 to A13 on Sheet1 (notice blank cells inbetween) that I'd like to copy to to Cells A2 to M2 (A1 to M1 have headings) on Sheet2, then A3-M3 etc.

The cells on Sheet1 will always be the same, BUT each time I click the "Transfer Data" button, those values must be transferred to Sheet2 IN THE NEXT EMPTY ROW, please.

It is not necessary to skip the blank cells in the COLUMN Sheet1 - simply copy / paste them as empty on Sheet 2 and I'll hide the empty columns, i.e. B, D, etc. If it is easy to code this "skipping of blank cells" (thereby limiting the copying / pasting data in order to speed up the process), then that code would be great - I simply do not know what effect it would have.

The values thus copied will become my data sheet.

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Vba Copy 10 Highest Values In A Column

Feb 24, 2007

Starting at C6 and running down the C column there is a numerical list of values which have been generated from a PivotTable. I'd like some code that will scan down the C column and copy the highest 10 values in that column and the contents of the cell in the corresponding A column starting at F5 and finishing at F15 (a top ten list).

A sample workbook with desired output is included.

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Copy Values From Two Columns And Paste It In 3rd Column?

Mar 24, 2014

getting a vba formula to copy values from two columns and paste it in 3rd column on the click of a button.

For example:

if I have 3 rows filled in column A and 5 rows filled in column B then i need a formula to copy 3 rows in A and 5 rows in B and paste it to column C. so column C will have 8 rows now.

The number of rows the value can be entered can vary. [ example: sometimes we may have 6 rows filled in A 2 rows in B ]

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Use Input Box For Values Then Copy And Paste Into Column

Mar 18, 2009

I know it's very simple; I'm obviously a beginner. What I would like to do is to have an input box prompt me and then take these values and paste them into columns. One value for each column. Ideally what I would like to have happen is for the values input into the inputbox to be pasted to specific cells. I have attached an image for reference. The beginning of the range B10 and C10 will be fixed but the ending cell range B14 and C14 will be variable based on the number of entries; essentially one less than the total number of forms on row 15.

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Function In Table - Copy Values To Column

Nov 24, 2011

Function in table.

I have a table:

|Parent code|Child code|QTY|Unit|
|aaaaa | 1111| 1| PC|
| | 2222| 1| PC|
| | 3333| 1| PC|
| | 4444| 1| PC|
|bbbbb | 1111| 1| PC|
| | 2222| 1| PC|
| | 3333| 1| PC|
|ccccc | 1111| 1| PC|
| | 2222| 1| PC|

I need any function to "A" column to automatically fill in parent code to each child code (row) of the table.

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Button When Clicked Copy Values From A Column

Oct 19, 2008

i want to create a button in excel worksheet that when clicked copy values from a column (say A1 to A25) and store it so that it can be copied to word file or notepad or even in other excel worksheet. so i think i need a macro for this or it can be done by writing VBA Code.

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Find Values From Column In Another & Copy All Occurrences

Aug 16, 2007

I have created (pieced) together a macro to search through a list and paste the results in another worksheet it works fine but i can't get it to loop through the list.

Sub Findall()
Dim y As Long
Dim starta As String
Dim tr As Long, tc As Long
Dim sr As Long, sc As Long
Dim s As Worksheet, t As Worksheet
Dim SourceCell As Range
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Set t = Sheets("Target Sheet")
Set s = Sheets("Search sheet")
Set SourceCell = ActiveCell
Do While IsEmpty(ActiveCell) = False
Counter = 1
'Get last used row in Target Sheet

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Copy Used Column Cells To New Workbook As Values

May 22, 2008

I need a macro that will start in a cell, copy all cells below it (CTRL+SHIFT+ARROW DOWN) with data in that column, create a new sheet in a seperate workbook, paste only the values, return to the original workbook, move one column to the right, repeat the copy/paste until the cell it moves to is empty.

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Macro: Copy The Values

Sep 23, 2008

I have a lot of spreadsheets where the vales are sorted in the same way and I would like to have a macro for copying the values. But, I don't know how to made it. I am not familiar with VBA and commands for excel. I found on the Internet some macros and try to make my own one, but it was not so successful.
What I want to do? Blue values are state before running the macro and green values are state after running the macro. I don’t have just 20 values. It is around 1000 values, so 1000 values to 100 columns. And only the numbers should be copied.


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Copy And Paste Values Based On Column Data

Jan 28, 2014

I would like to copy and paste the values from a worksheet (HS-Detail) in a file to different tabs depending on the value in column A (Regions). I have a macro that works but it pastes the formulas and it takes quiet a while to run due to the number of records. How can I alter this to paste just the values and speed up the macro?

[Code] ......

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Insert Blank Column And Copy/paste Values

Apr 20, 2009

I'd like to have done is to have a blank column inserted between columns W and X(these values change so the VBA statement should reference the end of the columns) and the values that are now in column Y(April 17th values) pasted as values into the now empty column X. I would like to do this for tabs Ann-Sheet 2. I'm having a bit of trouble with setting up the loop that would go through the desired sheets.

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How To Copy Entire Row To New Sheet Based On Values In Column A

Nov 24, 2011

I am trying to copy the entire row based on values in column A. I have 13237 rows of data. Column A is grouped into about 200 categories with corresponding data in B-F. I would like this to automatically copy the data into new tabs based on the groups in column A. I would also like the tab to be renamed to the value in column A.

M195_-_Subinventory_Item_Locato  ABCDEF1LocatorItemSERIAL_NUMBERLOT_NUMBERON_HANDUOM201
.REEF..22700300100 228136EA301.REEF..22643400000 331122EA401
.REEF..K20-745-000 531124EA501.REEF..K20-618-000 531132EA601
.REEF..22747300000 1122111EA701

[Code] .........

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Copy And Replace Duplicate Values In Column Range?

Sep 18, 2012

I have following code (see below) which finds the duplicates within columns, but I require copying and replacing duplicate values within different row cells, as I am currently finding this task hard to implement.

Input Data example:


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Copy Cell Values From X Columns To 1 Blank Column

Sep 30, 2006

I got 3 columns of cell values as follows:

Demo 1
_ 12 14 16
_ 32 12 18

Demo 2
12 12 14 16
32 32 12 18

Can data of the 3 columns be copies (by vba code) to the blank col A in the exact sequence as shown in Demo 2?

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Copy Rows To Other Sheets Depending On Values In Column

Feb 7, 2007

I’ve done a search of the forum for a macro and found some post that seems to be about what I want to do, but unfortunately my minimal vb experience prevents me from adapting them to my requirements.

I‘ve got a workbook with three sheets; say Sheet A, Sheet B and Sheet C. I want the info in Sheet C copied to either Sheet A or B depending on the info in cells in Column A of Sheet C.

Sheet C contains customer info, there are about 9 column headings and up to 30 000 rows (Individual customers).

The cells in Column A will contain a number between 0 - 23. What I want the macro to do is, if a cell in Column A contains any of these numbers, 0, 1, 2, 6,7,8,9,10,17,19,20,21,22,23, I want that whole row copied to Sheet A and if it contains 3,4,5,11,12,13,14,15,16,18, I want it copied to Sheet B. The cells will only contain one number, never a combination.

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Copy & Insert Range If Column Values Match

Mar 24, 2008

I have another little VBA macro problem that appears to be beyond my coding knowledge.

I have attached a small excel spreadsheet, with a macro recorded (CTRL-P) of what I'm trying to accomplish. Basically, If the data in column A matches a single entry in column F, I need to copy and insert the row (columns F-L) that matches.

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Copy Values Of Cells In Column To 1st Empty Cell On Row

Apr 8, 2008

I have two sheets and I want to copy the values in a row in the first sheet to the second sheet. I am doing the following:

Sheet2. Range("A1").Value = Sheet1.Range("A1", Sheet1.Range("A1").End(xlToRight)).Value

But this only copies the value of A1 in Sheet1 to A1 in Sheet2. How should I modify it to copy the values for the whole range to the second sheet?

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Copy Data By Number Values In Column To New Sheets

Apr 14, 2008

I've come across the post by Dangelor but can't reply to it directly so have started a new thread quoting the code. I'm trying to select entire rows of data based on specific values in a column and then paste those rows to a new worksheet.
This code loops 10 times and creates 10 new sheets. Any chance someone could explain some of the code to me and adapt it to suit my situation?: Data will be in sheet 1 ("Data List"). I want search down the rows and if the value in column 2 is "1" copy that row to the sheet named "Heat 1", if the value is "2" then copy that row intt the sheet "Heat 2", etc.

Sub FindandCopyRows()
Dim Data As Variant
Dim DataFound() As Variant
Dim iValue As Integer
Dim j As Long
Dim i As Integer
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
For iValue = 1 To 10
With Worksheets("Main") 'change name as needed
Data = .UsedRange.Value
End With
Redim DataFound(1 To UBound(Data))
For j = 1 To UBound(Data, 1)
On Error Resume Next......................

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Find Column Values Between 2 Files & Copy Paste Into Another

Jul 31, 2008

1. For a file moving from one cell to the next, down the column, get the values and seach for the values in file number two.

2. If that value is found, copy a cell from file 1 to a cell of a column on the same row where the value was found on.

3. Do what was done on number two, but with a different column.

this is what i have so far...

Sub replace()
' Macro2 created by david

' for the entire sheet, moving from one cell to the next down the column, changing rows
' search for the contents in another sheet, and then if that is found,
' copy the row number to a variable, and then
' copy column K from sheet 1 to column N of sheet 2, using the same variable above
' after that same, but L goes to P.
Rng = Selection.Rows.Count
Dim toFind As String
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Select
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To Rng
toFind = Range("A + i")

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Macro To Copy Filtered Values

Oct 28, 2011

I have a large worksheet, with approx 15 columns of data, which is a straight data dump from a very old sales reporting system - so the whole thing is a mess.

As such, I auto filter the report, and select certain criteria from various columns, which leaves me with just the data I wish to see on screen.

What I then need to do is copy across any visible values (after this filtering) from Column C (missing out row 1, which is headings), into the same row in Column E.

At the moment, this is a manual process, because if you highlight the entire selection of codes in column C, then paste in Column E, due to the filtering, the paste puts the values in all the wrong places.

Is there a way around this - or a macro which will copy the values to the same row but in Column E?

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Copy Cell Values To Another Sheet Based On Text In A Column

Apr 11, 2014

I'm creating a workbook to keep track of my utilities payments, one sheet for one utility and so on. I like to copy two cells from each sheet to another one to keep me updated of the amount to pay and the date. an example: column A with text, if text "NEXT" appear in column A, copy the value of two cells (at columns B & C) at the right of "NEXT" to another worksheet, if that possible? Below is a photo as an example:


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Copy Column Reference Number Values Only For Updated Rows?

Feb 17, 2014

I have an workbook (AUTHPbWB) that has a sheet(Replacement) where data is input by end-user. it also has a button(Accept) which stores data in another worksheet based AUTHPbWB cell value D5. The variant data is in range B8-h15 of AUTHPbWM/replacement. When the accept button is clicked, it searches the database sheet for the next available row and inserts the new records. The database sheet has column A that has predefined values that should not change.

what im looking to do is, on clicking the accept button and when the records update in database, the corresponding values in column A of the database sheet get copied to another worksheet (data) only for the new records updated.

[Code] .....

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