Make A Booking Planning-report
Jan 26, 2010
I want to make a booking/reservations report based on excel and I want it the following way; On my excel book I have a "bookingList" and "Planning". on the BookingList are listed all the bookings received. After inserting this data, I want a planning which could display all bookings by apartment.
I want to fill "planning" sheet automatically based on the bookinglist sheet, this to be showned, for exemple, all bookings listed, on "bookingList" Sheet, for apartment C1A, to be showned on "planning" by apartment and for the dates occupied in the same row. i.e., fill "planning" sheet based on all bookings in "BookingList" Sheet.
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Dec 2, 2013
I would like to make a planning, to show in a report. Is this possible to do with Excel 2010? Or do I need another programm?
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Dec 23, 2008
I have a workbook with many sheets, basically all the sheets are almost the same template with fill-in information for different type of jobs, and for the most part, the information is located in the same areas in each sheet.
I need to look in each sheet for a cell labeled, Committee ID:
And then copy it and the cell to the right of it, so for example:
A8 hasCommittee ID:
B8 hasC1234N
So, loop through all the sheets and get these values and then paste them into a new sheet in the same workbook and call that sheet Report. When pasting data into the Report sheet, insert a space between each result.
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Jan 13, 2010
I'm looking for a macro or function/formula to list & total a range of column widths. Having lots of columns with varying widths t'would rather not have to do it manually from each column's Properties.
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Jul 29, 2002
I have working on a project "vacation plan" in excel.. i want a small help. i will be entering all the details of the leave for eg. 1)name 2)employee code 3)no. of days eligible for leave 4)starting day & date of the leave 5) end day and date of the leave 6) no. of today days. on sheet1.
on sheet 2. i will have a calender for the entire year. i want this calender to get updated as soon as i put in the date in sheet1 with the names of the agents in the calender & if the leaves overlap, it should change the colour with a conditional formatting. i understand it's complicated. but with the help of u champs, i am dead sure that i will make. it. as i have done it earlier on many complicated projects.
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Feb 26, 2014
I am looking forward to creating a macro that would fill in my planning as per a project name (Cell B11)
Then when I enter the start and end date (range C14:D20). The planning (G5:AH9) would be filled in automatically as per the format in the cell in A14:A20.
refer the attach file. I entered manually an example in for the project "example1". I entered the project "example3" in B11 and starting and end dates. After running the macro button, The row 7:7 should look like the row 23:23.
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Jul 30, 2013
I am trying to create a resource capacity planning per project and I have some issues with some functions. Here is what I did :
1/ I have a workbook for each project with 4 sheets : "Project", "Pivot", "Project Identification", "Capacity"
2/ On the Project sheet I have the volume of man days for resources (rows, can be multiple according to the resource skill) per project phases (columns, always Gate 1 to 6).
3/ On the second sheet I have the pivot table of the first sheet which sum up the volume of man days for each resources per project phases.
4/ On the third sheet I have a project identification table with the columns Date, Week Number, Duration (Weeks), Phase (Gate 1 to Gate 6, so 6 rows). I required the user to enter the date of each Gate, the week number and duration are calculated.
5/ On the last sheet I have my capacity planning with:
- the number of columns is always 52 corresponding to a full year, but can start in the middle of the year, for example start week 30 to end week 29.
- the first row is the weeks numbers, the first cell is the week number of the Gate 1 date, the following cells are the previous cell +1 ( fx=IF(B1>51;1;B1+1) )
- the second row is the phase we are in at that week ( fx=VLOOKUP(B1;'Project Identification'!$B$2:$D$8;3;TRUE) )
- the following rows are the man days for each resources (1 row per resource), this is only the volume of man days for the phase identified in the sheet "Project" divided per the number of weeks for this phase. ( fx=IF(Pivot!$A2="";"";IF(C$2="";"";HLOOKUP(B$2;Pivot!$B$1:$G$4;ROW()-1;FALSE)/VLOOKUP(B$1;'Project Identification'!$B$2:$C$8;2;TRUE))) )
This is working ok if the project execution is within a year (for example from week 20 to week 41). But if the project is over 2 years (for example from week 41 year n to week 12 year n+1) it does not work at year changing.
For example if I have Gate 3 on 19/08/2013, Gate 4 on 30/11/2013, Gate 5 on 29/01/2014 and Gate 6 on 12/02/2014 then on the "Capacity" sheet for week 34 I will have Gate 3 but on week 35 it will switch directly to Gate 6 up to week 52 and then at week 1 I will have "#N/A".
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Mar 12, 2008
I'm trying to create a lesson booking system,
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May 10, 2014
I am trying to create a booking calendar for boarding kennels.
I have a separate sheet for each client, containing their personal info and dates of their bookings. I have downloaded a basic calendar but would like it to show certain information.
Is it possible to create a formula which will highlight each cell on the calendar, for each kennel when it is occupied, and show the name?
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Jul 27, 2009
I am attempting without much luck to create a Room Booking system.
I am facing 2 issues:
So far when you enter the guest iformation onthe booking sheet it is copied to a worksheet which stores the booking information.
Then i need it to be copied to a worksheet called Required Gantt - I have attempted conditional formatting and Lookup formulas but i am having difficulty getting the booking displayed on the gantt sheet (blocking out the entire period that the guest will stay)
Also if a guest is leaving on 28/07/2009 and i have another guest arriving on the same date, i can't make a new booking as the old guest is still blocking the room, even though they have left. Is it possible to make it so at 12 noon, checkout time, i can book another person into that room?
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Aug 5, 2013
I just started a boat rental business and I would like to create a booking sheet for a small fleet of boats. Some of the boats can be rented on half hourly basis and for longer periods (in hours only not days).
I would like to have a sheet to maintain a booking system and to calculate the total income per day as well as keeping the basic information of the booking clients (names, numbers etc..).
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Dec 1, 2007
I am creating an hourly schedule (for a calendar year) that shows rental space occupied by 4 different groups (baseball, softball, soccer and football). I have created worksheets for each group and am entering proper names. I want to be able to search the worksheets for ANY text and return a value to a master sheet based on the group they belong to. If the cell is empty I want it to remain empty in the master sheet. Example: Ed Jones is entered in sheet 1, cell a15, and will show as "Baseball" on the master sheet cell a15, Mary Smith is entered in sheet 2, cell b16, and will show as Softball on the master sheet, cell b16, etc. The sheets are divided out into sports fields that they can rent. Multiple sports can rent the same fields so it is important that my master sheet show who is renting the field that day so it can be set up properly and they don't get double booked.
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Aug 3, 2008
I'm a student who doing a excel spreadsheet. I've stucked in this situation for long time, could any body point for me what i have to do.
1. I have to do a nest lookup, mean that when i look in a date (RoomBookingStatusList) and do a nest lookup in side to find the status of the room (RoomBookingStatusList). In short this help me to check that a room has not already been booked for the arrival date the customer wants (Clientbooking).
2. Next, if possible could anybody tell me how to alert the result. For example, it will turn red if the room is busy.
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Jun 3, 2013
I would like to insert a calendar into a cell that will "pop out" like when booking an airline, and then you would choose your date. Is there such a thing in Excel?
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Feb 26, 2007
I've been working on a spreadsheet to control the 'booking diary' at work and linking it with the movements in and out of our 'chambers'
If you look at Column L & M, they are the volumes and column N is where the 'pallet' is coming / going to .
If you look at line 149 and below I've tried to translate these 'volumes' into movements by time but as you can see it is not to totalled up correctly during certain times.
For example line 158 should total 40 and line 187 should total 80.
Can anyone work it out for me as this happens on numerous lines
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May 31, 2007
I have put together a booking spreadsheet which uses a UserForm. see attached worksheet. When you start the UserForm and select a name, date, number of nights, and then 'Add', the data is added to the worksheet.
1. My first problems is that when I select the 'Cancel' button on the Userform, I would like the spreadsheet to automatically save under C:My Documents. And also save the file as 'Marketing_DDMMYYYY.xls' as todays date.
2. My second problem is that the 'Leaving Data' column sometimes shows the leaving date in American format (MM/DD/YYYY), and sometimes English format (DD/MM/YYYY).
How can I make this always use English format?
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Aug 30, 2013
I have two worksheets in my report cards:
1) Data - the students are listed in Column A, math scores in Column B, reading scores in Column C and science scores in Column D. The grades of 300 students are entered in this sheet.
2) Report Card template - This is the report card that needs to be generated for each student. It's pulling the student name and grades from the Data worksheet.
Student Name
How do I create worksheets (report cards) for additional students? I have 300 students in the school. I need the next worksheet to reference Data!$A3. I know how to cut and paste the report card template and then edit =Data!A2 to be =Data!A3 to create a report card for Sally. How do I create the 300 report cards I need?
I've been teaching for 13 years. I can create a report card for each student in my class and edit each worksheet individually for each student. Now I've been asked to do this for the whole school and I don't know how to create the other 299 sheets I need.
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Jul 2, 2008
How do you create a macro to copy the information from my weekly reports to a monthly report and be able to update automatically. If you had 4 worksheets (for each week of the month) and 1 mastersheet for the whole month in a workbook. All titles are the same and If you needed to copy all the data that is in the columns, say, A through I, starting with row 4 to however many rows are in a given week. The reports can be made up of numicerial values, text and dates. Let me know if more information is needed or an example worksheet.
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Feb 19, 2014
I've been tasked with creating an updated booking system for a company which offers projects / services to the educational sector (UK Primary Schools.) I've done an alright job at augmenting their current Excel based system, but I would like to take it further so that the system is more all encompassing.
Currently, the booking form is filled in when a booking is made and the data from that is populated into their copy of the contract and our copy of the contract using simple "=" and to a certain extent, the text on the contracts is manipulated based on the booking form data using "IF" functions.
There is a basic macro which removes excess lines from the contracts if they aren't used, but that's about it. The difficulty we're having with the current system is that a lot of our projects are bespoke, happen over more than one date, and require a lot of manual manipulation in order to get them ready, which sort of defeats the object of having a 'clever' booking system.
I don't know very much about VB, but the sort of thing I would be looking to integrate is having drop down lists to select a 'project' which would load project-specific text into the contracts area. Also, instead of having to remove lines manually, I would like the data to be 'dropped in' creating rows as appropriate.
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Apr 12, 2009
find the attached Example file. I need to create a report either by using or without using VBA.
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Jul 27, 2007
I have a little knowledge of Excel Programming and I am seeking advice and help. With reference to the, I managed to create the form but I somehow couldn’t get it executed. Attached herewith my file for evaluation.
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Jan 24, 2014
I have a spreadsheet on sheet 1 with a list of customers and their information. So on column A I have the customer number (i.e. k968, e37, p528,...), on column B i have the customer's name, on column C the street's name, on Column D the house number, on column E the zip code and finally the city on column F.
Right now there are around 600 customers in this list.
I have made a userform with a combobox in which I want to select an existing customer (pulled from the spreadsheet). On the same userform I have textboxes (customer number, name, street, number, zip, city). When I select a customer in the combobox, I want this customer's info to show up in the textboxes. I want to be able to change the info and hit Next to store the changes in the spreadsheet. When I do not select a customer from the combobox, I want to add new info in the textboxes and hit Next to store this info as a new customer. The userform also has a delete button. Then I select a customer in the combobox, this customer (and it's info) should be deleted from the spreadsheet when i hit Delete. So the spreadsheet is variable in length.
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Jun 29, 2009
I need to figure a way to make to cells with dates equal each other if the
day,month and year are the same but are placed into a cell at different times during the day. "Making Date Now () = (06/29/09) In another cell". Therefore, A1= Now() and E11 = 06/29/09
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Apr 16, 2008
I am working in SAP, I am attempting to convert a report in excel and I'm get the following error codes/debugger messages:
1ST Error Message is : Path/File access error: 'VBD1.tmp'
Then I press okay and get a Visual Basic Error:
Run Time Error '1004'
Methon 'Copy' of object'_Worksheet' failed
If I press debug I get a bunch of Visual Basic sheet, with the following highlighted
Set ws = SAPSheets.item(SheetIndex)
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Nov 25, 2008
I am trying to customize an aging report, column will be 30, 60, 90 120 + I would like the amount to show under each column. The charge amount for $252.38 each day.
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Jul 14, 2008
So this is the problem, there are 65 files that are stored in a folder, each file has 8 tabs, all these tabs within each file are identical in every aspect ( i.e cell ranges and names). The max number of rows in a tab is 81. To break it down:
Tab 1 : Instructions (this will never change and will always be constant among all 65 files)
Tab 2: Row 1 will be the same for all files, rows 2-9 i don't need, except for the info on cell C3 which I need to be copied through S11:S33. S10 needs to equal A3 with the format of R10. And then just have the next files tab info below this table with the same logic being followed.
Tab 3: Same logic as tab 2 but now the range is from S11:S53.
Tab4: Same logic, just copy and paste tables for all files, and doing the same thing with column S hat was done in tab 2 in order to be able to filter tha data.
Tab 5: Same logic, with H1 being filled by the descriptor on Tab2( This will enable one to filter though the information since the descriptor in cell 3 from tab 2 is the short name given to each files which differentiates the data.
Tab 6; Same logic
Tab7: Same logic, but would like a drop down box on right to filter by service centers.
Tab 8: Same logic, but would like to have drop down on rigt in which I can select the given short name ( i.e cell 3 from tab 2 of each file)
This way I can have one master file which encompasses all the information from all 65 files in one file and be able to sort through the data in each tab by the short name description. I need a macro for this since these files get updated in a weekly basis.
Any help on writting such a code would be greatly appreciated, my excel VBA skills are non existent!. I have attached the template of how one of these files looks like. There all the same except with different names of course and all are stored in one folder.
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Dec 5, 2009
sometimes pivot tables won't give me the details I want the way I want. any time my boss asks me for a monthly report I have to do everything manually from the pivot table and insert the data on another table where I put the filteres data. I want to be able to get a monthly sales report per store that will populate itself in a daily basis, I also want to be able to select a store, style, size and date from a form in Excel and see the report in a sheet. Aproblem that I have found in order to use the size as a parameter is that the size comes in the same line as the item description and do not know how to make excel to check just for the size in the description field.
The attached file contains sales data for a better understanding of my case.
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Oct 31, 2005
I have a coulmn with results in that are in a decimal point example .01, .02.
At the bottom of the coulumn I want to report the max number and the min
number but it does not. Also in one column my results are listed as <0.05
etc. At the bottom of this column I want to report the max and min but it
does not. I believe because they are not whole numbers. Is there a way to
report these numbers. I tried an IF formula where if <0, max(i12:i36) but
that did not work.
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Jan 8, 2008
Analysis of Profit is very impt in business , that is why i keep trying to find way to use excel to generate profit report.
I have been trying to solve this for last one month. even when i bath... But no result.
May i ask any one here know how to convert my data to a report using . Below table said every thing.
Project (10) HIJ1My Raw Data File 2BrandMonthProfit In %3Brand AJan 0730%4Brand BFeb 0750%5Brand AJan 0730%6Brand BFeb 0750%7 8 9I Need Report In New Work Sheet 10 11BrandJan 07Feb 0712Brand A30%30%13Brand B50%50% Excel tables to the web >> Excel Jeanie HTML 4
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Dec 9, 2008
i have accumulated a lot of data on an excel sheet now i need to be able to run 2 reports that will spit out the data in a specific way but i have no clue but i have made a word document to show how i would like it to spit out
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