I have a workbook with many sheets, basically all the sheets are almost the same template with fill-in information for different type of jobs, and for the most part, the information is located in the same areas in each sheet.
I need to look in each sheet for a cell labeled, Committee ID:
And then copy it and the cell to the right of it, so for example:
A8 hasCommittee ID:
B8 hasC1234N
So, loop through all the sheets and get these values and then paste them into a new sheet in the same workbook and call that sheet Report. When pasting data into the Report sheet, insert a space between each result.
I have a very large workbook which includes 100 sheets (A) each containing fixed data relevant to one unit (n) (in this case n = a building; there are 100 buildings), a few sheets (B) containing parameters & settings, and then 1 main sheet (C) which does complex calculations pulling & combining data from sheets (A) based on the parameters in sheets (B). The workbook is so large, (100MB+) that it has to be set to calculate manually.
One of the settings in one of the sheets (B) dictates which building (n) is currently being looked at. As such, sheet (C) effectively builds a report for building (n) and so can report on just one building at a time, that building (n) being determined by a drop-down box listing all of the available buildings and that list is in turn defined in one of the sheets (B).
If I want to get a consolidated picture for all buildings I currently manually change the building choice (n) in the dropdown box, and then run a macro (m1) which updates the report to show what I want, selects the specific bits of the report I want and copies the selection, switches to a separate pre-formatted consolidation sheet I have created (D), jumps to the last row in that sheet, pastes values and then jumps back to Sheet (C).
I then need to manually change the selection (n) and then rerun macro (m1).
What I would like is another macro (m2), which automatically loops through the different values for (n) so that the whole process is automated. Then in a perfect world, perhaps even a separate macro (m3) which would give me a list of tickboxes so that I could select specific properties for which to run the report.
I've tried to record macro, placed formula in row 4 only, copy and paste it to the end of row, and make it value. My database begin form column AM to BG.
Sub UPDATE_DATABASE() ' ' UPDATE_DATABASE Macro ' Macro recorded 2/22/2010 by FAUZAN ' Sheets("database").Select Range("AM4").Select Selection.Copy Range("AM5").Select.........
I want to make a booking/reservations report based on excel and I want it the following way; On my excel book I have a "bookingList" and "Planning". on the BookingList are listed all the bookings received. After inserting this data, I want a planning which could display all bookings by apartment.
I want to fill "planning" sheet automatically based on the bookinglist sheet, this to be showned, for exemple, all bookings listed, on "bookingList" Sheet, for apartment C1A, to be showned on "planning" by apartment and for the dates occupied in the same row. i.e., fill "planning" sheet based on all bookings in "BookingList" Sheet.
I'm looking for a macro or function/formula to list & total a range of column widths. Having lots of columns with varying widths t'would rather not have to do it manually from each column's Properties.
I have a macro to loop through all the sheets in a workbook and apply a filter in column C. the filter is by Date and all sheets have the exact same format. For some reason the macro will go through the loop but not change to the next sheet. The message box line however does go from sheet to sheet.
[Code] ......
I attached a 2 tab work book example. When i run the program, it only applies it to Sheet 1.
I have following code which is not behaving the way I want.
[Code] ....
The problem is the last statement, a chart which gets created in an iteration does not "move" to a new sheet but rather same sheet. So end result is a sheet with chart of the last iteration.
How to get this code to create new charts in new sheet and not the same sheet.
I'm trying to go through a workbook and, based on some user inputs, hide certain sheets and charts (these charts are their own tab, i.e. a chart object). Here's a sample code I wrote for a dummy workbook I have. Unfortunately it doesn't work, I think because the loops are nested. However if I can figure out how to fix this code I can easily adapt it to my other real problem.
I don't know why i'm having such trouble with this. I keep getting "Invalid Call or argument". All i need is to loop through sheets 2 to 9 and set the year of 8 pivots per sheet to 2005.
to perform find, if match, ubdate, looping action in various sheets of excel through VB.
Currently, i am working at WAREHOUSE, where not having SAP OR ERP to perform [ maintain ] each & every in & out movement of products. However, i have been using excel to put in values for in & out manually....
I have a matrix of coordinates in sheet ("layout") (eastings - V4:BR4, northings - U5:U100). I'm trying to run through each northing (row value U5:U100), for every easting (V4:BR4), by writing the coordinate value to sheet("ISO_model"), cell K18. Within the sheet (ISO_model) there is a model which gives an output in cell HA500. I'd like to write this output (for the specific easting and northing) back into the sheet ("layout"), so that I then have the x,y, z values to create a contour plot.
I've tried to start the look through the row of eastings, but it is not working.
Sub noise_contour() For Each Cell In Range("V4:BR4") 'write coordinate into the model
Every day i create a attendence sheet with names, who was attening a club the last 21 days. I need some kind of report showing who is in Sheet1(Today) and not in Sheet2(Yesterday)="new people" and who is in Sheet2 but not in Sheet1 (people that stoped attending, droped out the list).
I tryed with "countif" and "Vlookup" but have to change the formulars on two sheets every day and i would rather like to leave leave the Sheets untouched.
I developed some pivot table reports and macro'd out pdf'ing them for the users but now management want the users to be able to manipulate the data themselves !! The file is 31 sheets and I'm figuring they'll only want to see the sheets that are relevant to them so is there a way to macro it out?? Perhaps when the file opens it asks, "Who do you want to see?" Jack? Joe? or Rudy?, Month or YTD, or Both? or Everything? and it will hide the sheets that are not selected. The words "month" and "YTD" is in Cell "N1" and the individuals names are in Cell "M1".
I have a project that is quickly growing out of control.
I workbook made up of 14 worksheets. Oct - Sep, Summary and main.
I have been entering all my data in main, which is A - AB. Various types of data, dates, dollars, names, etc. I have been trying to sort the 'main' worksheet into the separate months based on a date in column B.
For example if the date in column B is 1 Aug, I would like the entire row copied to Aug 07 worksheet. Then in Aug 07 worksheet is the formulas to calculate the data needed for Summary page.
Pretty simple, except I cannot get it to do that. I have tried to pivot, auto sort, and a few various VBAs to no avail. One of my Googles turned up this site and many pointers have been found and are close, but most are focused on combining. The workbook is a tad over 1mb so I did not post it yet, but can if needed.
I came across a code on your website that looks across numerous sheets and stops at the first match. I have a similar need but only i do not want the code to stop when it has found the first match. I want the code to lookup from 1 column in 1 sheet to another workbook with 20 odd sheets, then want it to return a findings report or show all matches.
i have daily time sheets that make up a week and have 52 sheets for each week...there are contract numbers and contract ticket numbers that i want to use as criteria to sum the total hours of each day and export the data to a sheet that will keep a running total of all hours booked to those contract number and contract ticket number over the coarse of the year as i fill out the weekly time sheets.
I am trying to create a report that I can enter the codes I am looking for and the formula will search the sheets within the report and once the results are found then find the average of those results.
What I am trying to do is search the codes from Sheet 1 under Outlet and ESA(in Blue) in sheet A,B and C. The problem is the ESA code seen in column I of A,B,C is only used when column L is empty in A,B,C.
Once the relevant codes are found I then need to look for the KPI's seen in sheet 1 B4, B6 and B8, they can be found in A,B,C in column R. then the result comes from column S in A,B or C.
Once the result is found for each code I want to find the average of them, with the answer to populate in yellow in sheet 1
I want the formula to be able to handle more or less codes as well as adjust the formula so I can add more sheets(possible D,E,F,G etc)
We have a weekly "On-Time" report that shows early, late, on time, or no data. Each week has a total percentage of early, late, on time, or no data deliveries. I now need a monthly total on a seperate worksheet, but for some reason I can not get the percentages to total correctly. I am attaching the spreadsheet.
What i want to do is copy all records from whatever date i enter, onto sheet test. The full excel file has over 80 worksheets for each individual rep, the example i attached has 8 sheets..
I've seen a few threads on here about this issue but none of them do quite what I am looking for. I'd like for a single page "report" to be created when a user presses a button (which runs a macro, of course) The macro should be able to run through certain named sheets (even if hidden) and if a cell in any row is red within a sheet then the entire row or rows that meet the criteria should be copied and pasted into the Report sheet.
On the report sheet, for each sheet that has had rows that were copied, I'd like to have the name of the sheet as the header above the pasted rows so that the user knows which sheet the data came from. Any sheet that doesn't have red cells would be excluded from the report. I've attached a sample file but had to limit the number of sheets because of Orgrid's file size limit. Hopefully, you'll see what I am getting at here.
I have an excel sheet that lists a bunch of different recipes. Right now I have all the recipes saved in individual sheets. Each of these are hidden when the sheet is opened. I have a main sheet which lists all of the recipes names and when clicked, the specific sheet opens up. What I am looking for is a code that will hide all of the sheets except for the sheet "Sortable List" and "Detailed Lists". Each of the buttons I have which open up the recipe sheet look like this:
VB: Sub Banana_Split() Sheets("Banana Split").Visible = True Sheets("Banana Split").Select End Sub
See I think the user might click on a bunch of the names to see the recipes and then get overwhelmed with there being so many open sheets.
what im creating is a live odds program for NFL football... and in my workbook I have ALL the teams as individual sheets.
The problem im having is say im looking at the calculations for Pittsburgh on the pittsburgh sheet, and my macro decides to update.
What it does is pulls me away from the pittsburgh sheet and goes through all the updates for all the teams on all the sheets. By the time its updated all the odds for all the sheets and running and highlighting with the other macros I have to click back to Pittsburgh and view again for like 20 seconds.. and away she goes again updating the sheets.
Is there any substitute for "select" in the programming where it will not select the sheet.. but just update it "behind the scenes" ?? making the page static and remaining viewable while it runs all the processes in the background??
( yep im pretty new at all this, but i have a great method for calculating games and winners each week, but probably better without looking for 20 seconds waiting, clicking back to the sheet and looking for another 20 seconds .. etc etc .)
I want to do is be able to take The data from one week for every store and compile it into a chart to show a summary of the company as a whole. I know that I can reference from that chart to each worksheet the values I want, but how would I give that chart the ability to update each time I add a weeks worth of data.
I have attached a file that shows what I am talking about. The sheets labeled Waterloo, Mogadore, through Green are the sheets for each store.
I want to take the last weeks data and put it into a chart as seen on Sheet1. Then when I add data for 3/21/09 I want to make a new chart without retyping the data into the chart.
I am trying to make book to represent time frames from sheet 1 to sheet two. The times are at the bottom of the sheet represented by letters from the alphabet eg, A is 6:30 in the morning to 2:45 in the afternoon. B is 8:45 in the morning to 5:00 in the afternoon ect, ect . I need to have the time represented in color or maybe a diagonal line through the cell in sheet 2 where each letter and corrosponding time frames are. Eg, I have given an example of the time frame "A" in column C in sheet two. I will make a sheet for each day of the month, so all I need is an equation for row "C"(Monday the 16th) in sheet 1.
OR can I? I get a "Run Time Error '1004' Select Method of Worksheet Class Failed"
Is there anyway around this?
Basically all the sheets are hidden from the user except for the Entry sheet. They input there data on there and then they press a send command button which then needs to copy that information to a hidden sheet. This is where the problem occurs.. Thought maybe their was a way around that or do I need to unhide the sheets during the macro and then rehide them again?