Populate Two Cells With Different Amounts From One Given Total.
Nov 12, 2008
I have a total $$ amount in one cell. Using this $$ amount I need to populate two other cells. One that is divisble by $10,000 and the remainder would populate the other cell. In the attached excel file I made notes to this effect.
If the $ amount in cell A3 is $83,000 I would need $80,000 to populate cell C3 and the remainder $3,000 to populate D3. If the $ amount in cell A3 was less than $10,000 such as $5,000 then only D3 would be populated.
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Jan 25, 2014
I need to gather total dollar amounts from a column based on their date/month entered.
I have a sample attached, in cell L2 for example I would need to gather all the dollar amounts in Column G that were entered for that month in column B that correspond to the month in column K.
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Jan 4, 2010
I have attached a document paralleling a document I am working on. The dollar amount in each spreadsheet represent sales. I have entered in values into the candy, soda, and chips spreadsheet. I have also linked values for candy into the total spreadsheet. My question is can I somehow type something or drag the formula down to populate the other cells in the total spreadsheet?
The idea I am thinking but which I don't know how to implement is to list all the items (as in column G) and list all of the relevant cells (e.g. B1 in the Candy spreadsheet) as in columns H and I (Note that all items will have the same cells but the cells will have different values...e.g. all three items have a cell B1 and B2 in their spreadsheet but these cells contain different values). I then try and fail to create a formula in cell B3 of the Total spreadsheet. I am trying to create a formula of the following nature:
='(Spreadsheet Name From Column G)'!(Cell Name From Columns H and I)
The Second half of the formula doesn't really concern me (i.e. the cell name from column H and I). However I am perplexed as to how to achieve the goal in the first parentheses above.
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Jun 9, 2014
I have a column with Cells that will sat True or False, the amount of rows will be different every time, I need to work out what the total percentage of True cells compared to the total number of cells. How would this be achieved.
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Jun 11, 2013
I have an excel file from a data dump. I need to populate the client name next to the total. There is no unifomed lines between the different client files. The file has over 12,000 lines I am in need of a formula to poplulate the blank cell. See attached file.
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Jun 11, 2014
I have a total summary page, which sums up a bunch of data for around 2 weeks. Is there any way to have the corresponding dates appear on the summary?
Ive attached a example spreadsheet, showing a basic total summary, and the quantity, the highlighted red section is what I would like to appear if possible ...
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Feb 27, 2008
I am trying to have a cell populate verbiage depending on the total % of the cell to it's left. I have created this formula but it's not working.
=IF(F25=100,"Meets Expectations")+IF(F25>100,"Exceeds Expectations")+IF(F25
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Jan 24, 2009
I am using this formula to calculate a column of numbers that are both negative and positive numbers. =SUMPRODUCT(--($A$5:$A$9647<=TODAY()),--($A$5:$A$9647>TODAY()-365),$C$5:$C$9647). I need to keep this formula the same where it will calcuate on a rolling 365 day but I need the total to be only the absolute value (abs).
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Jan 9, 2012
I am trying to work out the 'Upper Percentile' of some donations we have received.
To do this I thought it would be rather simple, I just used
This worked but obviously puts the values in 9 different cells, my work would like it shown as 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 in one cell.
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Dec 10, 2009
I have dollar amounts that I need to distribute amongst varying numbers of columns and not have have the total distributed be over or under the original amount by any number of cents. When I simply divide the dollar amount by the number of columns, the total of those columns can sometimes be more or less than the original dollar amount by a few cents.
Dollar # of A B C All Columns
Amount Columns Total
$25.05 2 $12.53 $12.53 $25.06
$11.47 3 $ 3.82 $ 3.82 $ 3.82 $11.46
$25.05 divided into 2 columns gives $12.53 in Column A and $12.53 in Column B. Total of Columns A and B is $25.06. Over by a penny.
$11.47 divided into 3 columns gives $3.82 in Columns A through C. Total of Columns A through C is $41.46. Under by a penny.
I know I could simply always add or take away the pennies from one column, but I would prefer the process to be random or formulated in such a way that the Column to which the extra pennies are added to or taken away from differs in order to be "fair to each column".
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May 23, 2014
I am trying to build a staff roster. The staff rotate over a 4 week cycle. the name of the staff member, and their shift needs to be looked up from the key then matched with the particular week. the name and shift then need to populate specific cells.
I have attached the worksheet so you can see what i am trying to achieve.
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Jun 7, 2006
i have a list in a database which is populated by a textbox on a userform. the list is money. i want to keep a running total which is then recorded in a textbox on a user form. when i have tried to do this the total does not drop down so i cannot populate the list.is there some code i can use to do this or do i have to drag the total further down the column.
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Sep 26, 2007
My sheet goes from monday to friday on the coulombs. On the rows i have various data sections for each day. I would like the data on the last day (any day after monday) that there is data for a sheet to input that data into the monday slot when the "master date" is changed on the cheese sheet. The idea here being that the script will take the last entered data for a given sheet, and put it into the monday coulomb on the same sheet when the date is changed. This is kind of hard to explain so if you need clarification let me know. Attached is the sheet i'm working with.
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Jun 28, 2008
I have multiple sheets cataloging multiple vehicles' mileages in multiple areas (one sheet per month). I want to reorganize this data by Vehicle ID rather than month.
Here is an example spreadsheet to help explain
I have attempted this by writing this formula ...
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Nov 27, 2008
I'm working on a staffing spreadsheet, where the hours of the day proceed horizontally with the staff shifts laid out below. I have placed a '0' in each spot where a staff member is on break/lunch, but don't know how to total up these spots.
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Aug 11, 2009
I am trying to populate cells based on dropdown boxes. The data is on one worksheet and needs to be populated in cells on the main worksheet based on information in the two dropdown boxes. I have included my worksheet for reference.
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Jan 2, 2010
I have a workbook with three sheets:
'Activity' 'Expenses' and 'Income'
On the 'Activity' sheet I:
select the date,
select the description, and
select the category (dependent on the description using indirect)
and enter a value. ($ dollar amount)
How do I make the entered values appear automatically :
- on the correct Sheet for the Description - 'EXPENSES' or 'INCOME'
- in the correct columns (matching) the category
- and in the correct row (matching) the date,
- "add to" - if a value already exists in the cell (more than one transaction on a date)
after they have been hand entered on the 'Activity' sheet?
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Dec 10, 2009
I have a database in the form of a spreadsheet with the following column headings:
A=DATE (3 letter abbreviation for the month...jan, feb, mar, etc)
F=Contract number
Is there a formula that I can enter in another worksheet (which is being used as a report), that will "grab" the monthly data for all entries for a given month (i.e. "mar"), and auto-populate corresponding cells with each?
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Feb 26, 2009
I M doing SUMIF correct on the below but it seems not to be adding up correctly. Can anyone point me in the direction of where I'm going wrong?
What I am trying to do is sum up the amounts in D if A equals C, as you can see in C their are numbers that appear twice so I don't know if this is a problem. I thought the sum =SUMIF(D:D,L:L,M:M) would sort this but the value I get for 59846(A) is 3665 which is on number 66336(C) so obviously doesn't match as this should be 1211.25........
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Mar 3, 2008
I am trying to get grades based on raw scores in (I15:AX15) and (i11:ax11) are percentages. If a cell is blank in the (i15:ax15) I don't want it to be used in the calculations.
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Jun 23, 2007
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Jan 24, 2014
I need to be able to populate a cell with text from 3 possible cells, two will have the text "none" in them, the other text cell is the one i need to populate in another cell.
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Mar 18, 2014
I have a drop down list with 6 recipes. When I select chocolate for example I want that to automatically populate different cells in the worksheet based on a standard I have created for that recipe. The recipes won't change they just have different ingredients and I want that to show up depending on what I select on the drop down list. I went into VBA and worked a little with this starting code:
If Target.Address = "$F$3" Then
Target.Offset(0, 1).Value = "1"
but It wouldn't populate separately based on what I had selected in the drop down it would just populate all 6 recipes the same.
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Aug 5, 2014
I am looking for a way to have 1 combo box, but be able to click on any cell in a range and yield an individual results. In this particular case I am tracking maintenance, and what my crew's corrective actions were for each location. As this varies day by day I cannot use HLookup or VLookup. Also, the lists vary, and have over 100 options.
What I would like is to be able to click in the cell, and instead of scrolling through a list of 109 options be able to start typing the action and it to auto populate. This gets tedious when there are often 50+ locations with maintenance calls per night.
Furthermore, keeping the results exact for VLookup that is being used on another sheet.
I've attached a blank sheet. Columns B, E, F, & H each would ideally have their own combo box. I could click on any cell in the column and when I begin typing the option it would autofill to the correct list item.
Their respective List are currently to the right under columns J, L, N, & P with their headers matching the exact name they've been given.
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Jun 10, 2008
I have successfully used the course booking form as a base for an input form in an accounting workbook that has several pages. (Thanks to Roy and others for the info; the course booking form on [url]is the best explained piece I have found on the net)
What I would like to do is use a range of cells to populate the combobox so that a user can make a choice from the account descriptions (from a sheet named Intro, b63:99) and have the form return the account number (Intro, a63:a99) to the relevant cell elsewhere in the workbook. The user would then have meaningful descriptions rather than numbers to choose from.
My coding for the form thus far is as follows.
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Mar 17, 2009
I have a spreadsheet for work rosters. Each person on the roster has a row with info on what they're doing for a given week. Split into the am and pm session of each day.
All I want to do is be able to fill the row with the same value if they're doing the same thing for the week - eg if they're on leave, I'd like to hit CTRL-L and have the row populated with 'LEAVE' in each alternate cell, rather than typing it manually. Note that it is each alternate cell, not each cell as the alternate cell has different info.
So a row would look like this:
Leave | blank |Leave | blank |Leave | blank |Leave | blank |Leave | blank |Leave | blank |Leave | blank |Leave | blank |Leave | blank |Leave | blank |
For the am and pm session of the five working days. And just to complicate matters, each 'cell' on my spreadsheet is actually 4 merged cells, and the alternate 'cell' that I want left alone is two merged cells! This is the macro generated when I do a simple record - it does what I want, but obviously jumps to the original row that I recorded it in whenever I run it - I need it to fill the row that I start it from. I recorded starting in cell I133:L134
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Apr 30, 2009
I am trying to add some code that will auto populate cells based on entries and list selections. In the attached spreadsheet, when information is added to cells in column 'A', the date should auto populate the cells in column 'C'. When a status of "Complete" is selected from the dropdown box in cell 'B', the date should auto populate in the cell in column "D".
The code partially works in that it will auto populate columns "C" and "D", but the code errors out every time and I have to cancel the error to continue to the next entry.
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Nov 1, 2012
With a UserForm ComboBox I can select one of the names on Sheet1 ColumnA
I need the values of the selected row
(Columns B:S) to populate the cells of Sheet2 (D6:D14) and
(Columns T:AK) to the cells of Sheet2 (D16:24)
(I'll use a CommandButton to run the procedure.)
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Dec 4, 2012
I have been doing some statistical anaylsis in excel and have been using trendlines within scatter charts quite a bit.
I know excel can display the equation of the line as well as the r-squared on the chart. Is there any way to get the values for the trendline to appear in a cell next to the corresponding chart data? Of course, I can simply enter the formula myself that is given on the chart, but I am wondering if there is a way to do it automatically.
I have included the data below along with the trendline value that I calculated by manually entering the formula from the scatter chart.
YXTrendline Value
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Apr 6, 2013
I have a table in excel with some data to create labels, but these labels must be repeated according to the number of volumes. Example: I have a delivery for X and such delivery has 5 volumes, need to create 5 labels just changing the volume number: 1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5 5/5.
I would enter a value in "D1" after running the code, in column "A" shall be filled as follows.
D1 = 7
A2 = 1/7
A2 = 2/7
A2 = 3/7
A2 = 4/7
A2 = 5/7
A2 = 6/7
A2 = 7/7
If "D1" equals 3 then
A2 = 1/3
A2 = 2/3
A2 = 3/3
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