Replace Doesnt Look In Values

Aug 8, 2006

I need to replace format for multiple cells. Most of them have formulas and shows values. But Replace wont let me choose to look in values as you can see in the picture:

I'm completely lost. I just did replace with "Look in: values" option couple of hours ago. And now this... Or am I going crazy?

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Excel 2003 :: Find And Replace Missing The Ability To Replace Values?

Feb 5, 2009

This problem has come up fairly frequently lately, and I'm not sure how to fix it, or if this is by design...but in Excel 2003 I can't seem to do a "Find and Replace" based on the value of a cell. I can do a find, based on cell value, but the moment I change to the replace tab, the "values" and "comments" are missing from the "look in" dropdown.

I've only noticed this when I'm trying to replace on a filtered list, so I'm not sure if that is part of the issue.

Perhaps an alternative way of arriving at the same goal. Basically I have a worksheet with a number of filtered columns. They are filtered just right, using custom filtering, and so I do not want to undo the filters. In some columns I have formulas that are returning #VALUE! errors. I'd like to replace all of these cells with NA.

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Search And Replace: Loop To Look Up Xxx And Replace It With The Values Consecutively In Row C

Jun 15, 2006

I have values in row A and I have values in row C. I want to create a loop to look up xxx and replace it with the values consecutively in row C. Look at example for a better Idea. I found a way to find and replace, but I not sure how to use it with qoutes. I was thinking maybe I dont even need row A and just supply a list and excel could have the chunk of data in the code itself.

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Fill Values And Replace Told Values By Vba Code Depends Upon 2 Columns

Mar 26, 2014

I have set of data in multiple range ,need to fill the and replace the old values depends upon two column values (AH & AL)

IF Active Calls is "TATA" In AH:AH, and IF Action Onwer Col is "Blank",in AL:AL
Then Fill the Blank cells by Values "SVC" in the col Action Owner,Then Replace Old values by "Updates Awaited" in Status Col(AM:AM)

Find the attachment & basic code take this code for this task

[Code] ....


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Replace Values In Range Of Cells With Varying Values?

Mar 14, 2013

I am trying to replace a range of cells with certain values but I can not figure it out. I'm almost there I think but don't know how to get the varying values I'm looking for. So I have a column (AJ in this instance) that has a bunch of "xx" values at different spots within the column. I want to replace those xx values with numbers 01 through 36. What I have below gets me just about there but it replaces every xx value with 01. How do I get it to go 01 on the first one, 02 on the second one, etc?

Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In Range("AJ1", Cells(Rows.Count, "AJ").End(xlUp))
If cell.Value = "xx" Then _
cell.Value = "01"
Next cell

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If Else Statement Doesnt Work Well...

Mar 25, 2009

If Else Statement doesnt work well. I just create a code like:

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Workbook Doesnt Allow Re-saving

Dec 14, 2009

i have a workbook which is mainly use in construction building design... i want users to input ther respective data in that workbook to calculate and design only, but i dont want the user to save the changes they made...

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Change Formula So It Doesnt Retun #value!

Nov 29, 2008

i have this formula in cell L30. change formula so it doesnt retun #value!

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Loop In Macro Doesnt Stop!

Mar 18, 2008

What I am trying to do is create a chart for each row in my raw data - the rows does change on a week to week basis as we are comparing stores

My raw data is: (I would post data although its too wide
Column A - New Store
Column B - Like Store
Column C:N - New Store Sales
Column O:Z - New Store SOH
Column AA:AL - LIke Store Sales
Column AM:AX - LIke Store Sales

I am trying to loop my code so that it creates a new chart for each row....although the loop keeps going and it doesnt move down a row each time

my code is:

rnum = Selection.Rows.Count
For i = rnum + 1 To Rows.Count
If rnum >= 1 Then
ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Range("'CHART RAW DATA'!$C$2:$N$2").................

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Loop In Macro Doesnt Stop

May 14, 2008

im trying to use a loop to open each file within that folder. My problem is it keeps looping and only opens the same file -

my code is:

'Enter names of files within C:Temp in activesheet
Dim myDir As String, fn As String, txt As String, myList
myDir = "C: emp"
fn = Dir(myDir & "*.xls")
If fn = "" Then Exit Sub
Do While fn ""
txt = txt & vbLf & Left$(fn, InStrRev(fn, ".") - 1)
fn = Dir

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Macro That Doesnt Work In 07 But Works In 03

Oct 28, 2008

I've been searching around here to see if anyone had an answer about codes and macro changes from 03 to 07. The closest thing I found was something about lists being tables and such. However, I am still unsure of what the issue might be in my case.

Sub ArrangeColumns()
' ArrangeColumns Macro
' Macro recorded 3/7/2008 by ****

endRow1 = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.count + 1
Range1 = "A1:O" & endRow1

Application.CutCopyMode = False
Selection.Delete shift:=xlToLeft
Selection.Insert shift:=xlToRight
Selection.Insert shift:=xlToRight
Selection.Insert shift:=xlToRight
Selection.Insert shift:=xlToRight
Columns("B:B").ColumnWidth = 11.29
End Sub

So here, the red text is what gets flagged when you run the macro. I seem to be getting a Run-time error '9': Subscript out of range error.

I am not exactly sure what the macro does besides clean up and sort a portion of a worksheet. Also, there is not worksheet called "List1," but changing that value does nothing. Is there an equivalent command to those highlighted in red? Or, perhaps if anyone knows of a place where I may reference these commands myself, that would be great as well.

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Dynamic Range Doesnt Allow New Data

May 5, 2006

I am trying to create a dynamic range for a list that I have. I also want to create an extra empty cell at the bottom or top to type in text that I need only once in some special cases. I named the list and changed the reference to =offset(Sheet1!,$A$2,0,0, counta(sheet1!$A$A),1). The data starts from A2. However when I used Data> Validation>List to see the data, I am always missing the last row in the list.

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Settings Tab For Data Validation Doesnt Appear

Aug 10, 2006

Im trying to create a validation for cells but the settings tab under data>validation menu isnt there.

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Delete Row If Value(array) Doesnt Exist In Column

Jun 23, 2009

I noticed there any plenty of examples of delete row if variable EXIST. But im after deleting rows if an array of string items DONT exist. EG. vList = Array("AWilson54", "ADavey99", "MPaterson44").

its for a varying size document and the column to search through is (AN). Does anyone already have something for this? as i mentioned before there are plenty of search hits on if a value exists but not the opposite.

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Select First Empty Cell... Doesnt Work

Aug 10, 2009

I am using this code to select the first empty cell in column A.

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Remove All The Rows Which Doesnt Belong To The Current Month

Aug 23, 2009

Need to create a macro to remove all the rows which doesn't belong to the current month, i have attached a sheet but don't know how to create a macro.

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Sorting Data Doesnt Move Hyperlinked Cells

Sep 20, 2007

Ive spent a few hours adding email hyperlinks to data in column B.

I now want to sort the data in the worksheet into ascending order using the data in column A.

The problem is, none of the hyperlinks from column B sort with the data in column A, they are still in the cell locations I had originally entered them.

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Spinner Link Cell Doesnt Change When I Copy And Paste The Row

Jan 24, 2010

I have a Piece of Code that copys a Row in my Spreadsheet and Pastes it underneath the original Row.

The Problem that I am having is that within the Row it Copys there is a Spinner in it. I want the Spinner to be copied also but the Cell that the Spinner is Linked to Says as the Original Cell, it doesnt move Down with the New Row Pasted in.

Here is the code that i have written to Copy the Row and Paste it down a Row.

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Shorten This Query: If The Cell Doesnt Contain Any Info Dont Update

Apr 9, 2007

i have some code (see below). at the part where it says

If ActiveCell. Offset(0, 9).Value <> "" Then
.Fields("Skill_32") = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 9).Value

i want to make this smaller - i have to write this line bout 60 times 3 times over (incresing the numbers as i go ((0, 9..10..11 etc etc and (Skill_32..33..34 etc etc) )) to give you an idea of what im trying to accomplish - im opening and writing to a database but if the cell doesnt contain any info dont update.

Function EditCPS(ByVal StaffNumber As Long)
On Error Goto Err_Handler
Dim SkillsBuilderDB As Database
Dim RSSkillsBuilder As Recordset
Dim MySQL As String
Set SkillsBuilderDB = OpenDatabase(Worksheets("Adding Data").Range("IV1")) ' database location
MySQL = "select * from CPS where StaffNumber=" & StaffNumber
Set RSSkillsBuilder = SkillsBuilderDB.OpenRecordset(MySQL)
With RSSkillsBuilder
If ActiveCell.Offset(0, 9).Value <> "" Then
.Fields("Skill_32") = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 9).Value

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Replace The Values

Feb 28, 2009

I have a workbook with two worksheets. The first is called Input and in cells C3 a product code is entered and in cell D7 the value and F10 the description.

The second sheet called History has a range of Product codes in cells AA5:CD5, AA4:CD4 holds values and AA8:CD8 descriptions.

Now for the intersting part, I need a macro to run that looks at the value in cell C3 of the input sheet and if a match can be found in cells AA5:CD5 of the History sheet then the value from D7 would replace the value in AA4:CD4 and F10 would replace the value in AA8:CD8.

Example if cell C3 has RJ12345 as the product, D7 reads £15.10 and D7 reads towel.

The code RJ12345 is foound in cell BC5 then cell BC4 would be replaced with the value £15.10 and BC6 would have the worf towel entered.

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Replace All In Column Except Certain Values?

Aug 23, 2013

One of the columns on my worksheet has a list of employees. I need to replace all the names with a blank (or delete) except for those employees on my team (7 employees). VBA code to Replace/Delete all EXCEPT (a,b,c,d,e,f).......?

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How Do I Replace Numeric Values Only

Jan 20, 2009

When using the replace rule in Excel, you can use "?" to represent a standard variable, e.g. if you had the text "Bottle 100g", and you set the replace rule as "?g", it would delete the "g" and the four characters before it, leaving you with "Bottle".

However, if I have lots of replace rules to make in a file, and I only want to eliminate the numerical values before a letter, how do I go about doing this?

For example, if I had the text "Dog food 10g", and I made a replace rule "??g", it would leave me with " food ". What I would really need, is a way of taking away the numeric values before the "g", which would give me "Dog food".

Therefore, is there a unique identifier for numeric and/or text values?

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Replace Values Greater Than 200?

Nov 4, 2010

I want to replace all numbers in the worksheet which are greater than 200 with 200. I mean all numbers greater than 200 should be set to 200. values are not all in the same column or same row, they are spread throughout the worksheet. I tried using the Find and Replace, but it can replace only a specified value with only another specified value. I want to use some kind of a filter which will choose all numbers greater than 200, and make them 200.

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Replace W/ Multiple Values

Jan 8, 2009

I am needing to do a find and replace on multiple values in an excel worksheet. For example in column d when you find ABC123456 replace with XYZ654321. But there are several hundred in a sequence that need to be replace w/ a different sequence.

Is there something I can do in vb that would help me do this?
For example the argument is:


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Find/Replace Values With X

Jun 8, 2009

I've got a piece of code I'm stuck on. Basically, I have a range of data and most cells are empty. However, I want to replace all the nonblank cells with an X. I can't quite figure out how to have the code replace something non-specific...

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How To Replace Cell Values

Mar 21, 2014

I have an empty cell that a user can enter in a value if they choose. What I would like to do is override their value with a formula based on the selection from a data validation list. The part with is how to override the cell contents.

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Replace Values With Id Numbers

Aug 7, 2008

I have two columns that contain IDs and Values for all our categories in a business directory:

1 cars
2 home
3 boat
etc... (121 total)

I need to use the above two columns as a reference and use them to replace the value in the directory that is text (col 2) with the ID (col 1). I have a few thousand entries and need to find a way to quickly replace the text category field with the numerical id from my parent table.

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Formula To Replace Values If Another Exists?

May 14, 2014

So I have this formula to basically lookup the letters in column L and if certain letters exist, then change those letters to another letter. Here is my Formula:


For example: if column L looks like


Then it would convert the A's to B's since there is a B present and D's to E's, but if the B and E hadn't been in the equation then it would leave the A's and D's as they are. WIth this formula the output looks like:

My problem with this formula is that it only recognizes the first letter in each column. Sometimes I have multiple letters in a column and I need it to recognize them and change accordingly.

For example:

I would like to have it change to

I have attached a sample workbook that may make it more clear... If a VBA code would work better then I would be open to that as well. Combining question.xlsx

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Find And Replace COLOR Of Values?

Jul 27, 2013

Is there a way to find specific values and change their colors all at once in xls?

For example, if it looked like:

1 4 5 3 7
4 2 6 3 1
5 9 2 6 4

And if I tell it to change every 4 to red, it'd be like:

1 4 5 3 7
4 2 6 3 1
5 9 2 6 4

Or changing the cells' color would be ok, too.

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Replace All Sheet Values With Their RANK

Jul 16, 2014

Attached is an excel file that contains all possible values in the first column (9238 of them) and a comma separated list of a subset of those values in the second column. I need to find a way to replace the smallest value with 1, the next smallest value with 2, ... , and the largest value with 9238 in every instance. In other words, I need their rank value.


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