Sum Range Of Cells If Date In Adjacent Cell Is Last Month
Jul 25, 2012
I'd like to sum a range of cells if the date in the adjacent cell is last month, so... A2:A1000 holds the dates and B2:B1000 holds the values, i'm trying to figure out how to sum all of the values for the previous month (i.e. June).
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Apr 27, 2008
Two Sheets:
1) Top Sheet
2) IRA
- Cells A4:A10 of sheet "Top Sheet" contain dates. i want B4:B10 to show the IRA value as of the date in column A:
4 | 09/22/2005 | $ Total as of date in A4
5 | 10/06/2005 | $Total as of date in A5
6 | 10/20/2005 | $Total as of date in A6
7 | 11/03/2005 | $Total as of date in A7
8 | 11/17/2005 | $Total as of date in A8
9 | 12/01/2005 | $Total as of date in A9
10| 12/15/2005 | $Total as of date in A10
- Cells A6:A12 of sheet 'IRA' also contain dates but not in the same sequence (some date ranges had several transactions), B6:B12 of sheet 'IRA' contains the transaction values during the date range:
6 | 09/22/2005 | $100
7 | _ _ _ _ _ _| $200.................................
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Jul 22, 2008
I have a spreadsheet with 'due date' for returns in column L and 'received date' for returns, in the adjacent column M.
I would like to get the due date to turn red when it is overdue, ie. the date in the cell has arrived and no return was submitted. By trawlling the forum, I managed to accomplish this with the following in conditional formatting:
Cell value is less than or equal to =TODAY()
All's great.....but - I would like the date to turn back to black if I enter a date in the adjacent received column, column M.
In other words, I want to flag a problem if the due date has passed, but once I receive the return and enter the date I receive it, i would like the due date entry to revert back to the original formatting ie. black. So only the outstanding returns are highlighted.
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Mar 20, 2009
I have log data in two columns:
Column A: Date/time (at 30 minute intervals)
Column B: Numeric data
On the last row of each month, I’m trying to perform a SumProduct on the two columns and display that result in column C.
The end of the range is determined by the month in the current row.
I’m having difficulty finding the beginning of the range, though. I need to account for both the normal dynamic calendar days & the fact that I may get data starting mid-day and mid-month.
I have this formula, but I’m not sure how to make the first array dynamic or if this is even correct approach.
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Feb 28, 2008
I have a spreadsheet spread over with dates in column A from September to December and I have a fuel rebate column as well. The fuel rebate is different for each month and is calculated as a certain amount of cents per dollar added to the total amount in Column B
September: 26c
October: 13.5c
November: 43c
December: 66c
e.g. If there is an invoice for 10/9/07 (september) for $100, then the fuel rebate would be $100*.26 which equals $26 fuel rebate. I want to calculate column B (this is the column with the dollar amount in it), but I want the calculation to be different depending on what date is in column A, so if in column A the dated month is October, then the calculation would be something like B2*0.135. give me the calculation I am certain you don't need VBA for this right (just nested IF statements?)
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Aug 19, 2014
get other cells in a spreadsheet to populate with the Saturdays of a month based on the date input in another cell.
A1 = October 2014
The following cells would automatically display:
A2 10/04/14
A3 10/11/14
A4 10/18/14
A5 10/25/14
A6 11/01/14
Then if cell A1 is changed to March 2015 the following cells would automatically display:
A2 03/07/15
A3 03/14/15
A4 03/21/15
A5 03/28/15
A6 04/04/15
I can't seem to find a way to get just the Saturdays. +7 doesn't work because Saturday is not always the 7th day of the month.
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Jun 10, 2014
I have a large excel file with the top seven rows such as you see in the attached file. In row five there is a bunch of info before the month and the year. What I want to do is get rid of that info besides the month and year. I than want to sort each column by the month and year so that all the columns are in sequential order.
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Feb 7, 2014
I am working in excel 2010. I have a tracking document that lists free tickets and their expiry dates. In the adjacent columns we track redemption details of these free tickets. What I want to do is return the oldest expiration date from A only if the ticket has not been used (i.e. B is empty). This will allow me to see the date the upcoming tickets about to expire so we can make sure they are used.
Expiry Date________Redeemed by
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Jan 28, 2010
I have a spreadsheet that is now a yeare old with 5000 rows and is now going into the 2nd year
Column A is for date input and the same date can be repeated several tumes :-
1 Jan 09
1 Jan 09
1 Jan 09
1 Jan 09
2 Jan 09
2 Jan 09
3 Jan 09
3 Jan 09
3 Jan 09
Sometimes there are all 30 /31 days but normally not .
I need to find the last ocurance of the last date used for each month and then use the cell number to calculate the column totals for that month.
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Nov 17, 2009
I have 2 columns of data and want to be able to merge as follows
4123567 123.45
4125467 900.56
4356456 456.32
need to get result of
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Jan 2, 2014
I have a table that looks like this (its basically a historical data of a stock exchange):
January 4, 2010
The List continues till the current Date.
I want to calculate Average Index Values of a Date of each month within a Date Range.
Example: Calculate Average Index Values for 3rd of Each month from 1st Feb 2010 to 3rd Jan 2011. Formula should calculate Average of the Index Values for 3rd Feb 2010, 3rd March 2010, 3rd April 2010, 3rd May 2010, 3rd June 2010, 3rd July 2010, 3rd Aug 2010, 3rd Sept 2010, 3rd Oct 2010, 3rd Nov 2010, 3rd Dec 2010, 3rd Jan 2011.
Both the Date and the Date Range is variable. Also, the Index Value for selected Date of one or more month may not be available as that being a holiday. In that case, the formula needs to use the last available Index Value before that Date. e.g. If Index Value for 3rd Oct 2010 is not available, system will use the Index Value of 2nd Oct 2010.
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Jun 23, 2008
I want to count no of "yes" in Range Column B only if corresponding values in column A is less than 10/06/2008
Please see the attached file for refrence
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Oct 25, 2006
I have a spreadsheet which I use to track when a work request is recieved, when we confirm the request and when we action the request. I have been trying to write some code to count the amount of requests, receipts and actions we have processed in the last month.
My first column shows who the request is from
The second shows date recieved
The third shows date we send receipt
The fourth shows the date actioned.
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Jan 2, 2014
I want a cell to countif the sum of two adjacent cells is greater than the number in another cell so for instance
Count if f101+g101 is greater than the number stored in cell u12, repeat this for cells f102+g102, right down to f50100+g50100.
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Jun 29, 2006
I have a series of data values in non-adjacent columns in an excel spreadsheet.
In the following example, assume the | (vertical bar) refers to the start of
a new cell:
Using the SUMIF formula, I want to add all numbers which are preceded by a
cell containing the letter F.
What I need to do is specify a range of every second cell in the row (starting with Cell A1) for validating they equal F, and a range of the alternating cells (starting in column B1) for the range containing the data to add. How can I specify these ranges (I can't name each cell individually as I have more than 30 cells to add up in my real life situation and the IF function allows selection of no more than 30 values)?
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Jun 23, 2009
I am looking for a formula that searches a range of data and then returns the sum of the numeric values in the adjacent cells. I have a calendar style spreadsheet with 2 columns for each day. In the first column it has a list of names and the second column a number.
I would like a cell to return the sum of the numeric values next to each name. All the names are entered into the columns randomly and are unorganised. The same name will appear multiple times in the range and have different numbers next to it each time. I am currently using (for example) =COUNTIF(H6:AL14,"bob") to tally up the number of "bobs" but really what i want to do is find a formula that in plain english does:
Search a range of columns and where cell = "bob" take the value of the adjacent cell (to the right) and total them up!
i have attached an image - i hope it makes sense what i'm trying to do - i would like Q3 to total up the numbers to the right of all "bobs" across all the days - so it should return 42
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Jun 21, 2007
I can solve my problem with a pivot table, and with VBA easily...however, I'm interested in knowing if this can be done with formulas (array formulas using index/match I'm assuming).
Goal: On sheet1 I have one column with products, then the column next to it will have an "Y" in it if the product is to be selected (blank if not). On sheet2 I want to create a list of the products that were selected (having the "Y"). The only thing stumping me is that I do not want spaces between the product list on sheet2...just a nice continuous list. Example:
cup Y
bowl Y
knife Y
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Aug 15, 2014
I have a table with columns 'Date', 'Account', 'Sales'.
I need a formula that will give me the given sales for a certain month, for a certain account.
Ive tried various SUMIFS '=SUMIF(Table1[Billing Month],(MONTH(A191)&YEAR(A191) = MONTH(Table1[Billing Month])&YEAR(Table1[Billing Month])),Table1[Net Invoice Value])'
Ive looked at Arrays =SUM(IF(MONTH($A$2:$A$6)=1,$B$2:$B$6,0))
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Apr 24, 2006
to determine the number of 1st Mondays or any weeday e.g. 5th Fridays between a date range e.g. 1/1/2006 - 4/1/2006.
I've noticed a lot of threads for calculating just one month but none for a period of time.
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Jun 25, 2014
Median Indirect: I would like to find the median in a range of cells and then bring back the 2 adjacent cells
Range...............Adj Cell 1............Adj Cell 2
So the median of the range is 2, thus we would want the formulas to bring back P3 and p4
Column 1..............Column 2
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Jan 9, 2007
I need to compute the number of days that a given range of dates has in common with any given month. So an example might be:
Cell A1: Range Start Date (say it's 1/1/07)
Cell A2: Range End Date (say it's 2/15/07)
Cell A3: Month Indicator (say it's 2, meaning February)
Cell A4: Days of Intersection (should be 15 in this case, meaning that 2/1-2/15 were the days of February that were also in the range 1/1-2/15)
Cell A4 is what I'm trying to create the formula for.
I'm in Excel 2000 and am having trouble installing the add-on.
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Aug 31, 2007
i'm trying to find a way to distribute days per month between 2 dates. I have found a great exemple that should to de trick but there is still a problem left in it. it gives in the next year (this case '08) an +31 value and a negative value
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Aug 14, 2012
I have a input box that prompts a user to enter a date of a new month - it has to be the 1st of a new month. I have validation that it is a date that has been entered but then i want to validate the date entered is a month ahead of a date in a cell range on a sheet.
It is a monthly reset so it has to roll on from the previous month.
Here is what i have currently but it isn't working.
' Get user to input the first day of the new month to populate all dates with
dNewMonth = InputBox(Prompt:="Enter first Day of the new Month. Must be the 1st of the Month e.g. 01/10/2012", _
Title:="Enter Date")
' Validates the entered date is a valid date
If (IsDate(dNewMonth) = False) Then
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May 2, 2014
column 1 is vouchers
column 2 is date
vouchers column is populated with a voucher code for every date date column is populated with dates beginning with today, ending with the last day of the year.
I would like to create a function that evaluates the date file, If date = today's date, return value in the adjacent vouchers column.
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Oct 31, 2006
Is there a really easy code which will insert the current users ID into a cell adacent to the one previously completed automatically? For example if a date was entered in A2, then B2 would automatically be completed with the user identity?
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Feb 28, 2008
formula to auto input the date into a specific cell once one cell has been changed
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May 8, 2008
I collect unique prices each day. I am trying to find a way to determine the average of the numbers collected from the 21st of the previous month to the 20th of the current month. This formula will need to calculate for multiple months and years. So for example, I need Feb2008 average-which would be the average of numbers found between Jan21-Feb20, I then need Mar 08 average which would be data from Feb21-Mar20 etc. My spreadsheet is setup with the first column having the dates (ex. 01/01/08, 01/02/08 etc) and the second column containing the value for that particular date ($2.85, $3.00 etc).
As the number of days between the 21st and 20th change each month, I just can't seem to find a way to do it without a whole lot of manual effort.
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May 21, 2008
I need assistance with the following date range scenario: I have a date field where the user enters a date. I want the next field to automatically give the month of that date for example: user enters 01/01/2008 I want the next field to automatically say "JAN" etc.
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Jan 23, 2014
I have a formula in my spreadsheet that shows dates for servicing of products. Column F show's Date Last Serviced and the adjacent column (G) then shows Date Next Service. When there is nothing on the F column's cell then the date that appears on my spreadsheet is 31/12/00. It looks messy and I would rather have a formula to make it so that if the F column is blank, then the adjacent cell in G column should stay blank also.
To automatically calculate the next service due date, I have variants of this formula that creates the dates in G column:
I tried adding as an extra part, for example:
=DATE(YEAR(F4)+1,MONTH(F4),DAY(F4))&If(F4 = 0, "", F4)
It always brings back the answer of 366, and does not make the cell blank...
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Jun 21, 2009
I have this userform:
DATE : [TextBox1] WITHDRAWAL: [TextBox2]
In my sheet I have a list of all the days in a year in the cell range of AJ12:AJ376.
Basically I want to find the date in Textbox1 within the range of AJ12:AJ376 and enter the value of Textbox2 in a adjacent cell. The adjacent cell would be in column AT. This would be achieved hopefully via a code using the commandbutton.
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