Sumproduct Will Work Only Up To Certain Columns?

Nov 3, 2011

I have a huge ss and my sumproduct function works only up tp certain columns and starts returning #value! error. here is the formula:


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How To Get Sumproduct To Work When Divisors Are Zero

Jun 10, 2014

How can I get Sumproduct to work when the divisors are zero? So I get a #DIV/0! if anything in DU89:DU100 is a zero in the below


I had thought

=SUMPRODUCT((DU23:DU34/DU56:DU67*DU89:DU100)*(DU89:DU1000)) would work but that gives #n/a

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How Does This Formula Work- Sumproduct

Oct 18, 2008


how does this formula work?

It counts the number of instances in a list but not sure how

does the ranges have to be differant for this to work? ie C1:C17 C2:C18

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Double Condition (where Sumproduct Won't Work)

Jun 30, 2008

my table is something like below:

my program sheet looks something like this:

I need a double condition formula to check the date, if matches the date Column (A), and matches product Column (b), then returns Column (C) which is the doc#.
I Could easily do it if it is a sum product formula, but in this case, it is alpha numberic.

date: 14 Jun (dd / mm)
product -- Doc#
apple ---- ac21 (so what formula do I put here?)
Orange --- abc2 (formula?)

date --- product --- Doc#
12 Jun -- apple ----- abc1
12 Jun -- Orange --- ab12
14 JUn -- Apple ----- ab21
14 Jun -- Orange ---- abc2

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Combine SUMPRODUCT With INDEX And MATCH But It Doesn't Work?

Dec 15, 2013

Now I'm trying to improve the functionality of the file attached above.I've attached the file again with another drop-down menu. What I'm trying to do is to have a sum of all the months between the two months indicated in the drop down menu.For example by picking two months from the drop down menus, I want to know the sum of the values between Jan-Mar (Jan, Feb and Mar), or for example Jul-Oct (Jul,Aug,Sep and Oct)...

I've tried to combine SUMPRODUCT with INDEX and MATCH but it doesn't work. I want to build upon this formula:


I forgot to mention that I have multiple strings (column E) which are NOT unique. Basically "VLOOKUP way" won't work, rather it should be "SUMIF way".

In the attached file I've added one additional row (r19), which is the same as r18, just to try how the summing will work.

Dynamic SUMIF(S).xlsx

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Sumproduct And Sum Array Formula (calculate The Salary Payments To Temporary Employees In A Particular Work Unit)

Jul 16, 2009

I have a spreadsheet representing a month where I am trying to figure out different scenarios for employees. One scenario is that an employee could have to move to a temporary position. In that case, I need to calculate the salary payments to temporary employees in a particular work unit. I've tried several different approaches to this problem, but am still getting the error.

One method has been using this sumproduct formula:

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Sumproduct - Values Across Three Columns

Jun 15, 2009

i have information across three columns the first has user-names in each row the whole way down, the second has between 1-7 activity codes (when not eacher user will use), the third has the times they have been on these codes.

what im trying to do is match the name, code and get the time to be displayed in a fix table, as the reported information is not always in the same structer


user1 code 1 0:02:00
user2 code 3 0:05:00
user2 code 6 0:20:00

now i've got it in my head that sumproduct iwll be the best way to get it, but i cant seam to get the third array to work properly, and always comes up with either value or NA

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Sumproduct With Fixed Columns

Dec 6, 2013

Im new to excel and problem regarding the sumproduct function.

I have three columns in my sheet1, column A and column B contain 1000 numbers.

Hence, column A goes from A1 to A1000 and column B from B1 to B1000.

In the first row of column C, i want to use sumproduct on A1:A5 with B1:B5.

My problem arises when I want to drag the formula down, in the second row of column C I want

to use sumproduct on A6:A10 with B6:B10 but the formula uses A2:A6 with B2:B6.

Is there a way to fix the ranges when I am using sumprodct so it takes "fixed" ranges like every fifth,

A1:A5 with B1:B5 , A6:A10 with B6:B10, A11:A15 with B11:B15 and so on.

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Using Sumproduct With Data In Rows And Columns

May 18, 2014

See attached template I am working on. I want to calculate the number of hours worked over specific dates e.g. between 19-25 May 2014 and 26-31 May 2014 for employee "Bird, Ken" - the result is to be placed in cell D19. Tried sumproduct but without success.

celeste template.xlsx‎

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Sumproduct, Skipping Columns, Addition

Dec 29, 2008

I have Names in column A, Data in Column B. Example

A1 John B1 1000 C1 5:32:05
A2 Jim B2 500 C2 5:56:55
A3 John B3 600 C3 6:45:65
A4 Bill B4 300 C3 7:21:05

In another column I have the names of all the possible people that I will need data from and next to them I will need a formula to tabulate all their totals from column B and then another formula that will skip B and total column C's total.. I have a formula that I used from awhile ago when I needed to offset the data but I can't figure out how to just take the data to the right of it and then another formula to skip column B. Here is my old formula =SUMPRODUCT(($A$1:$A$291=G14)+0,OFFSET($B$1:$B$291,1,0)+0)

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Sumproduct With Criteria In Columns And Rows

Nov 3, 2008

Sumproduct help with criteria in Columns and Rows

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Sumif/Sumproduct Across Columns & Rows

Jul 2, 2009

Is there a way to replicate this code, so I don't have to Do the With [CODE] .......

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SUMPRODUCT With A Variable Range Over Multiple Columns

Sep 15, 2014

I have an issue with SUMPRODUCT. My data is the budget for different items as follows

Column C has criterias such as Payroll, Expense or Fringes.
Column D has criterias such as "32", "43"
Column E to P are the numeric value (budget) by month (Period 01 to Period 12)

I am trying to create a formula that, for a given month, will sum the budget according to specific criteria.

For example, I want the value of the budget for "Payroll" + "32" for Period 1.

I managed to do that with the following formula:

E18 = 1
E16 = Fringes
E17 = 32


I used INDEX/MATCH so that the range into which the sumproduct will look for data to sum is variable and depends on what I want (I can easily change E18 to any period for which I would like to see my budget).

Now, I would like to take this to the next level and ask for a range of a column. For example, I would like to know the value of budget for "Payroll" + "32" for Period 01 + Period 02 + Period 03. How can I do that? I tried adapting the INDEX/MATCH but got no results.

Test on SUMPRODUCT.xlsx

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Sumproduct For Multiple Criteria Across Columns And Rows

Jan 10, 2014

I've not used SUMPRODUCT previously and can't understand how to get results for the attached.

I've tried SUMIFS but it doesn't work because I'm looking down columns and across rows, I'm assuming.

I've attached a summary of what I'm trying to achieve. I want to sum all costs with an R,P,I,G, etc. in column C for December '13 (E3) in the top table.

The second table is actually in a different sheet but is the source of the data I need added.

Sumproduct P&L.xlsx‎

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SUMPRODUCT Of Columns Based On Matrix Position

Mar 20, 2009

I have created the following attachment to illustrate my problem. I have a square matrix -- say a 10x10 matrix (with data in B2:K11, and column headings on row 1, row headings on column A). I would like to get the sum of products of two columns in the result section below -- cells B14:K23, based on the position of the formula.

For example, cell B14 is the 1,1 item of the matrix so I would like to get the sumproduct of B2:B11 and B2:B11 (or SUMSQ(B2:B11) in this case); alternatively cell I16 is element 8,3 in the matrix so I need to get sumproduct of I4:I11 and D4:D11.
I tried the following formula using the OFFSET function (for cell B14 which is then copy/pasted throughout B14:K23)

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SUMPRODUCT Not Picking Last Two Columns Of Data Table

Aug 12, 2013

I cant seem to figure out why this sumproduct formula wwill not pick up the datatable on a separate tab. Data table is Column E to AA but it only goes to Column Y. If I try putting AA in - the formula returns the VALUE#. I thought it maybe the cell formatting but it does not seem to the problem.


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Text-to-Columns Doesn't Work Well When Column Is Selected

Apr 15, 2013

Anyways, the issue is that when I have some cells selected then use the text-to-columns, it works fine.. but when I select an entire column, it "acts a fool"...

I made this video to show the effect on my computer.

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Formula Columns Where My Workers Record The Amounts Of Work They Do During The Day

Oct 22, 2008

I have three columns where my workers record the amounts of work they do during the day. The columns are labelled as follows:

Column A – “Correspondences’’
Column B – “Linking’’
Column C – “Allocating”

When a task has been completed an “X’’ is put in the relevant column (which is then summed at the bottom). I use these sums to calculate each workers productivity in the following way – number of “x’’ divided by number of days worked. This is a simple formula, however, each “x” now equates to time – which is causing me problems. An “x’’ is Column A equals 1 hour, Column B 1 hour and Column C 2 hours.

I am looking for someone to help me create a formula which will calculate all possibilities in the above situation above. Please bear in mind that a worker can do one of these tasks during the course of a week, two or all three .

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Passing Columns As Paramater To Work On List Object

Apr 21, 2009

I'm trying to write a remove duplicates sub that can be passed the worksheet name and columns on which to check. It's pasted below. Above the key line is a commented out line of code that worked. So it works to pass theh worksheet, but I'm hung up on how to pass varying columns to it.

Sub RemoveDuplicatesSub(wksht, cols)
'Remove duplicates.
'Assumes that the data range is in a table
'Assumes the header row starts at row 7

Dim WS As Worksheet
Dim TableName As String

Set WS = Worksheets(wksht)

TableName = WS.ListObjects(1).Name

'WS.Range(TableName).RemoveDuplicates columns:=Array(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10), Header:=xlYes
WS.Range(TableName).RemoveDuplicates columns:=Array(cols), Header:=xlYes

End Sub

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Sumproduct- To Get The Total Number Of Columns That Have A Specific Match-up

Aug 25, 2008

I've got two columns of numbers, such as:

(Col A) (Col B)
Cycle Bin
1 - - 3
1 - - 7
1 - - 7
1 - - 2
1 - - 5
2 - - 7
2 - - 9
2 - - 6
3 - - 7
3 - - 2
4 - - 2
4 - - 8
4 - - 2
4 - - 8
4 - - 5

I'm trying to get the total number of columns that have a specific match-up, for instance, how many cells are in Cycle 1 with Bin #7? ....

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Sumifs Or Sumproduct Or Array Pull Result From Range Of Columns

Oct 3, 2013

I'm trying to pull thesum of huge number of columns in this case the range of pulling the data is B2:E7 based on two criteria (B8 and B9) The result is on B11




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Excel 2011 :: Can't Get Index Match Max Functions To Work Sampling Data From Multiple Columns

Jan 29, 2014

I have 3 calculations I would like to make based on data in the spread sheet and I can't seem to get them to work with data from the two separate columns.

I tried a few of the index match max formulas I found here and could only get them to work with one column of data.

I have the spread sheet attached and the 3 calks I want to do are blank on the bottom.

I am using Excel 2011 for Mac

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Work Out A Formula For My Spreadsheet Which I Use To Work Out Cutting Lists For Timber Frames

Jan 11, 2009

i need to work out a formula for my spreadsheet which I use to work out cutting lists for timber frames. I need it to work out if the width of a job is for eg 2400mm i need to work out how many timber studs I need so the space between each stud is between 400mm and 500mm and this will need to work for a range of different sizes of frames. I have it written at the moment and it just devides the width by 400 and gives me a amount of studs but it would work much better if it could space them between 400 & 500.

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Work Accurately With Times To Calculate The Work Progress Of The People In The Workshop

Mar 3, 2009

In a project i am compiling i need to work accurately with times to calculate the work progress of the people in the workshop goes....

I have in work book #1 (7) sheets mon to fri + complete week + a sheet where all job numbers are collected.

From monday to friday the workmen log their times as a start time and a end time. This has to be then calculated to a total hours:mins spent per job, wich in turn then has to be calculated to a total hours:mins spent per day. And the on the complete week sheet recalculated as a total time worked per week.

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How To Get A Macro To Work With Any Work Book Name

Aug 24, 2009

i have a made a macro that copies info to a new sheet now that is working great but if i change the name of the work book it wont work any more so i need the macro to work with what ever name i give the workbook

the current name is

AVERAGE PRICE (update 2009) Mimmos Armico 170809.xls

i have attached the code in notepad ...

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Make To Display (0), Instead Of (-0,02) When I Just Do Other Work Than Cad Work

Feb 13, 2010

In column J, Cad Hrs. How to make to display (0), instead of (-0,02) when I just do other work than Cad Work? I need to separate type of work according to price hour, overtime, and so on.

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Copying A Certain Range In A Work Sheet To Another Existing Work Sheet Using VBA

Dec 29, 2009

I have a range of cells in a work sheet "sheet 1 " my objective is to filter this range according to certain criteria (i ve succeeded to do this ) yet what i want to do now is copy this data to another existing worksheet in a certain range .

note :the existing worksheet to which i 'll copy the filtered data has some cells out of the range that i dont want to over write ..

Simply :how to copy a selected range of cells in a work sheet to already existing work sheet in a specific range aswell .

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Copy A Formula Across Several Work Sheet And Have The Formula Always Take Data From Previous Work Sheet

Jan 2, 2009

I am want to copy a formula across several work sheet and have the formula always take data from previous work sheet.

2) I am working with this formula =C12+INDIRECT((MID(CELL("filename",A1),FIND("]",CELL("filename",A1))+1,256)-1)&"!"&"C12")

and it comes from this thread I have included a worksheet attachment that has explanations

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2nd IF Does Not Work

Feb 1, 2009

Following code has 2 IF statements , the code runs the way it is and the first IF works perfectly, but the second IF does not work.

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Sum & Sumproduct

Dec 18, 2008

I have the following formula's:

SUMPRODUCT(($O$9:$O$259="Active")+0)+SUMPRODUCT(($O$9:$O$259="Clearing Tmrw")+0) and

SUMPRODUCT(--($O$9:$O$259="Active"),$B$9:$B$259)+SUMPRODUCT(--($O$9:$O$259="Clearing Tmrw"),$B$9:$B$259) and

SUMPRODUCT(--(YEAR($A$9:$A$259)=$E$4)*($O$9:$O$259="Active"),$B$9:$B$259)+SUMPRODUCT(--(YEAR($A$9:$A$259)=$E$4)*($O$9:$O$259="Clearing Tmrw"),$B$9:$B$259)

My spreadsheet A1 to Q7 are where the headers and above formula's are and row 8 is hidden and has other formula's in (col C,M,N,O,P & Q)

The User then clicks the insert row macro which inserts a blank row (with row 8 formaules) into row 9.

However, the above formula's then change from 9 to 10 therefore, not picking up all the amounts.

Can anyone help me so that the formulas continue from row 9 ?

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