Enter Data In One Sheet Shows Up In All

Mar 15, 2013

I have copied my first sheet into multiple sheets. Now when I enter data in one it shows up in all of them. How do I stop this from happening? I have cleared out any content in them and the formula bar is blank in every line.

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VBA To Enter Data From One Sheet As Date Changes

Aug 18, 2014

Please find attached.I have two sheets. In sheet 3 I will enter data. It must record on corresponding date & column in sheet 4.


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VBA: Search Function: Which Shows An Input Box Where You Can Enter A Word To Search For

Sep 9, 2003

I'm from Bavaria, Germany. Right now, I am doing an internship for my studies. my problem: I need a search procedure which shows an Input Box where you can enter a word to search for. It should work like the original Excel search (Ctrl-F), but with a simpler design, like with my own Text "Enter your Query" and a Button "Submit Query" / "Quit search". Is there the possibility to Highlight the Search Target? The problem hereby is that this highlighting should not be permanent. That means the user sees the target for which he searched for, the cell highlighted in a different color, etc. But as soon as the user clicks onto another cell, etc., the highlighting vanishes. If there is no fitting match, there should be a MessageBox like "Sorry the Target xyz cannot be found"

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Enter Data To Multi Sheet Through Userform

May 9, 2007

Enter Data To Multi Sheet Through Userform. How can I enter Data from entryform to multisheet?

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Enter 4 Columns Of Data In Row Then Shift After Hitting Enter?

Jun 1, 2014

I really know nothing about vba so here goes. I would like to enter data in a row with 4 cells of info. then hit enter and return to the first cell and move the row down. all four cells must have data entered. and all four must move down. i tried some code as below i found and i modified but it did not work as expected. this moved the row down when returning the cursor to A2. It also should not copy the data style of the top row.

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Column <> 1 Then Exit Sub
Application.EnableEvents = False


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Moving Entire Row To Another Sheet When Column Shows Closed Value

Feb 22, 2014

As I am at work, it does not allow me to upload the file due to restrictions on uploading. However, the spreadsheet is fairly simple so should be able to describe it.

The main sheet is called "Investigation Court Apps". An entry is made into each row and the status shows as "Open" in Column A, until a final closure date is input in Column Z, at which point the entry in Column A changes to "Closed". This is achieved with the following IF statement in Column A.


So that part is all automated. What I need is some VBA coding or macro (might be same thing but completely new to all this) that when the value in Column A changes to "Closed" the whole row moves over to "Sheet3". Once the row has been moved over, I want to ensure there are no blank rows also.

I have tried the following amongst others:

Sub MoveToSheet3()
Dim C1 As Range
Dim RowNum As Integer
For Each C1 In Sheets("Investigations Court Apps").Range("N1:N" & Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row)
If Cll = 0 Then


I know to open VBA its Alt+F11 and to close Alt+Q, but thats about it.

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Counting Number Of Times TA Shows Within Strings Of Text In A Range Within Sheet?

Dec 7, 2011

How would I go about counting the number of times TA shows within strings of text in a range within a sheet. Example: TA,MH in cell A2, CB,TA in cell C40, ES,TA in cell Q19. Result would be 3. Ideally, I'd like the formula to reference a cell that has TA as the look up data such as in A1 I'd have TA.

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Vlook Up: Combobox Shows The The First Column (only 1 Of Each) And The Second ComboBox Shows Me The Secondary List

Jun 9, 2006

I have a userform where I have 2 comboboxes. The first combobox shows the the first column (only 1 of each) and the second comboBox shows me the secondary list that correlates to the valuse in the first from column B. Now I have a text box that I am trying to get the value from column C depending on what I have in the first 2 comboboxes. What is the easiest way to do it? This is all in VB since it is a UserForm, and using Vlookup seems to be too many lines if I go that route. Is there a way to use Index and Match in VB where it would be more efficient? I attached just a sample of how the data would be layed out in the Excel sheet.

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Formula That Only Shows Data Only If Different From Above?

Jun 19, 2014

I am trying to create a basic invoice spreadsheet.

On worksheet 1, I have days of the month A4 to A35. Columns B, C, D, E are headed.

Every hour of work I would enter a " 1 " in the correct cell for the day. For example, 1 hour, every segment of the day, I would enter "1" in cells Bx, Cx, Dx and Ex. This continues for the month;

On a 2nd worksheet, this is neatened up, and I have added formulas to work out the cost and type of call;

On the third worksheet, I want to display roughly the same, however when there has been no work on the day (ie the date displays "None" and the adjacent cells show: blank, blank, blank, blank, £0.00), I want it to skip the cell and display the next date which has data to show (ie a date). The data on the adjacent cells needs match with the date (in the same way as physically deleting a 'non worked' whole row).

This then on the invoice worksheet would look neat and display only the days actually worked.

What formula(s) could I use to do this.

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Chart That Automatically Shows Last 12 Months Of Data

Mar 5, 2014

See attached file. I have managed to work out how to update a chart automatically when a new row of data is added. However is it possible to tweak the formulas I am currently using so that it will only include 12 months previous.

For example if you add Jan in to row 26 the chart will show Feb-Jan data (Row 15-26).


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Data Validation List :: Shows #VALUE! Error

May 15, 2007

I'm working on a function that gets its values from a Data Validation List.

My problem is that I want the function to return a value when an item in the list is selected and another if the user did not make a selection... just a basic if....then....else ... but the cell where I call this function shows the #VALUE! error while no item in the list is selected.

I call the function like this:
=myFunction(RC[-5], RC[-2])
where RC[-5] is the Data Validation List and RC[-2] is a cell where the user should enter a number

why I'm getting the #VALUE! error instead of my message

The function basically looks like this:

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Vlookup Shows Formula Not Data In Every Cell

Aug 7, 2008

I have created a vlookup and it shows as a formula not as data. I can do 'text to columns' to correct it, but I need to drag this vlookup to lots of different cells, then change it slightly in each one.

Every time I make a change, it reverts to the formula and I have to do 'text to columns' again.

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Macro That Deletes Sheet With Control & Shows UserForm Causes UserForm To Disappear

Jun 15, 2009

This is weird - if you delete a sheet that contained a control then

a. showing a modeless userform resluts in a userofrm that goes invisible at subroutine End
b. public variables lose their value

These things do not happen if the sheet did not contain a control. Attached is an example file - put the inputfile.xls in your default file location (or add a path in the code) then open the ProblemDemo.xls and run the main macro to see it fal - isthis another Excelbug I've found?

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How To Enter Name On 1 Sheet, Have It Disappear On Another

Sep 1, 2007

I think I asked this in a much more complicated & confusing way before; hoping this makes more sense. I'd like to set something up so that when a name is entered in ColA of sheet1, it disappears from a list of names in ColA of sheet 2.

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Sheet Won't Calculate Without Hitting Enter

Aug 7, 2014

I found some VBA code here which I very slightly modified that I'm using to bring pictures over top of cells based on their values. The code works great but I can't get it to automatically update the pictures. To get the picture in each cell I have to hit F2+Enter. I've made sure that my calculations are on automatic.

I have tried the text-to-column trick as well as the find-replace = with = trick and neither of them worked. I'm guessing I need to call a function here to force each cell to recalculate in the same way F2+Enter works but I'm not how to do that or where to put it. I tried Application.Volatile True and that didn't work either.

[Code] .....

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Enter Sheet Name To Destination Cell

Feb 15, 2010

I would like a button in (Sheet2) to do this operation when clicked: jump to (Sheet1) and enter Sheet2's name into cell B4, where this button is used in many sheets similar to Sheet2(aka2,3,4,5,6...) that all do the same to jump to sheet 1.

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Get Value From All Worksheets Enter On Summary Sheet

Dec 26, 2006

I have a workbook that has various number of worksheets at any time. Each worksheet has data about current employees. We can have anywhere between 20 and 50 employees at a time. When we get a new employee, we take the "template" worksheet, copy it, and rename it with the employee name. We also have a summary sheet. On the summary sheet we have the employee name in column "A" and the hire date in column "B"

Each employee sheet is set up the same since we use the template. So the employee name is in cell "A6" and the date is in "I6".

Is there a macro I can use that will update the summary page every time a worksheet is added or removed? I don't want the macro to run on its own - I want to make sure we can manually run it (after we are done entering data into the new sheet).

So, basically, what I want to do is to search for all worksheets except "template" and "summary" and take the value in cells "A6" and "I6" and paste it in the "summary" sheet in cells "A3" and "B3" respectively, and then the next values from the next sheet into "A4" and "B4" and so on and so on.

I have been experimenting with code all day, and started just trying to get the employee names copied over (cell A6) and can't do it so I haven't even tried the hire date yet (cell I6). I have tried probably 15 different codes but I guess I do not know what I am doing. The latest code I tried is....

FirstCell = Worksheets("Summary").Range("A3")
For Each Worksheet In Sheets
If Worksheet.Name "Summary" Then
ActiveSheet.Range("A6").Copy Destination:=Worksheets("Summary").Range(FirstCell + 1, 0)
End If
Next Worksheet
End Sub

It would be cool too if after all the values have been pasted into the "summary" sheet if I could sort alphabetically, but I don't want to push my luck.

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To Enter Players Into Sheet 2 As They Are Picked

Mar 3, 2008

I am starting a new Fantasy Football League. I am wanting to be able to enter players into Sheet 2 as they are picked. And I am wanting those picks to be simultaneously placed on Sheets 3-14 according to their position. Sheet 1 is a list of names according to positions. A more detailed explanantion is entered below.....

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Enter On One Sheet & Add Entry To All Sheets

Aug 15, 2007

I use the same number as a lookup value in several sheets(say 1-10). The number can only be changed in sheet 1, the others referring to it. So if you want to use a different value in say sheet 9 you have to return to sheet 1 and change it, then back to sheet 9. Is there any way that a number can be inputted into ANY of the sheets and change ALL of them, without using macros? I've searched long and hard for the solution to this, I'm sure it's either a trivial answer or a trivial question that doesn't deserve an answer.

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On Error Enter Sheet Name Into Cell Then Next Argument

Jul 31, 2014

I have some code I wrote that copies sheets from another sheet in another workbook to my current one, in order. However, depending on activity within these sheets, there might not be a sheet for the month.

I have the on error code to go to the next argument, however I would like it to tell me on my errors sheet that it did not exist.

The error sheet will simply have 2 columns of copied sheets and non-existent sheet.

On Error Resume Next
Workbooks("GLTemp").Sheets("981715").Copy After:=Workbooks("MHSGMR").Sheets("981715 Budget")
sheetName = ActiveSheet.Name
ActiveSheet.Name = sheetName & " GL"

[Code] ......

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Enter Current Date Into Last Used Row Of Column Of Another Sheet

Mar 1, 2008

From sheet1 on a checkbox click I am attempting to post the system date into sheet3 cell c3. If c3 already contains data then I want the cell selection to go down to the next row and post the date there. I if cell c3 has no data then it posts fine but if I need to goto the next row then I get a runtime error "object doesn't support this property or method".

If Me.GCN = True Then
If Not IsEmpty(Worksheets("GCN_Paid").Range("c3")) Then
Sheets(3).ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
Sheets(3).Range("c3") = Date
Sheets(3).Range("c3") = Date
End If
End If

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Formula Must Be Confirmed With CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER Not Just ENTER

Aug 15, 2008

This formula must be confirmed with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER not just ENTER. You will see { } brackets appear.

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Enter Autosum Data Directly Below The Last Row Of Data In Columns

Feb 25, 2009

I have a spreadsheet that runs a macro resulting in a different number of rows everytime the macro is run. Columns H, I & J are the only columns with currency in them. I would like a macro to find the bottom-most row of currency data in these columns and insert the Auto-sum formula in the row directly below each of these 3 columns. Then bold this row and increase the font by 2 points (or 12).

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SumIf: Check The Total Budgeted Amount Based On The Values I Enter On The Categories Sheet

Dec 18, 2009

I have included my budget so helpers can see it. I am trying creating a formula on mini-dashboard on A8 (Under the total budgeted amount) that will check the total budgeted amount based on the values I enter on the categories sheet. Of course it will be controlled using the drop down menu on A2 on mini-dashboard. I thought I had this working with a sumif function but it seems to have quit working.

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Can't Enter Any Data

Feb 23, 2007

I've been using Excel for years and had very few issues. However, I recently went into a spreadsheet to update it and was unable to select and enter data into an individual cell. When I click on a cell and try to enter #s nothing happens (my num lock is on). Then when I try to click into another cell it just highlights that cell, along with any other that I move my cursor over. Once I click on one cell I can't stop the highlighting from happening. I can't even click on anything in the toolbar.

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VBA - Prompt To Enter Data

Jan 15, 2007

After recording a macro that goes to last figure in data, how do I edit this to prompt for a new data value and enter it into 1st empty cell at end of data?

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Enter Date If Data Changes

May 2, 2007

I have 13 columns - 12 representing each month of the year and then a total. I start in F15 with Jan and end in R15 with the total - this is the heading row.

Below that I have my numbers for each month. Here's what I need to do: Anytime the total changes (by updating the monthly numbers), I need the day's date to be automatically entered into F14. This way I know the last time the data was changed.

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VBA - Prompt To Enter Data

Jan 15, 2007

After recording a macro that goes to last figure in data, how do I edit this to prompt for a new data value and enter it into 1st empty cell at end of data?

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Userform To Enter Data

Mar 15, 2007

I have a developed a UserForm to enter data into Excel. I can get the UserForm to enter data in row2 under the headings I have created. I have a Next button on the UserForm, which I want to go to the next row when pressed to enter dta in row3, then row4 etc. Is there anywhere I can find examples of how to do this?

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Macro - Enter Data In Next Clear Row After Every Run

Jun 27, 2014

I have a macro that

- copies rows from one sheet into another sheet based on a set of criteria
- the very very very first time the macro is run, the first row of data should be put into row 7 (formatting reasons)
- however, every other time it's run it should paste into the next clear row.

But, what is happening is that, each time its run, it puts the data into row 7 => overwriting data.

I've used the offset and counter function but perhaps I need to put it in the header of the code to get it working?

My code pasted below:

[Code] .....

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