#Value! Error When Doing Sumproduct Of Two Ranges
Oct 2, 2007
I have a weird problem with some cells calculating (for example) =sumproduct(bundleNoNRP, bundleNoQTY). There are a number of cells with similar formulas calcutating with named ranges, and they all display #Value (a value of the wrong data type is used in this formula).
Both these ranges are set up via a VB program.
If i just seperately on the sheet do the sum of either of these ranges it works fine.
What could be going wrong? Is there some way of checking whats in the ranges? I cant see why the data type would be wrong if I can do sum calcs ok..Is there some rule which would mean the calculation wouldn't work anymore? This is part of a much larger VBA project so I hope I have provided enough information.
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Nov 5, 2008
I'm attempting to do a sumproduct with different dimensioned ranges. I've read multiple posts that say that all ranges in a sumproduct must have the same dimensions. I've tried different commands (index/match/lookup, etc) with no luck. Perhaps someone can come up with a solution for me....
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Aug 7, 2007
I can't get the following formula to work...
Basically I have a master sheet of data:
Range1 DollarValue
AAA 20
BBB 35
DDD 10
and a separate sheet with items i want excluded from the calc:
I want the SUMPRODUCT to give me a value of 25 (AAA + CCC, excluding BBB and DDD from the calc). However, I'm getting #N/A in my formula cell. Is there an easy way to do this other than specifying each value to exclude, e.g. SUMPRODUCT((Range1"BBB")*(Range1"DDD")*(DollarValue))
I have a lot of values to exclude, so this could get very hard to manage...
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Mar 27, 2014
I am using the SUMPRODUCT formula below and it seems to be working
=SUMPRODUCT(('Attendance Data'!H:H="XXX")*('Attendance Data'!D:D="YYY"))
This, as I understand it is counting the number of times a row contains the text "XXX" in column H and also contains the text "YYY" in column D.
This seems to work for me.
Now my problem is when I want to change the formula to search for the text "XXX" in column H and also any text that apperas in a named range on another sheet in column D. The named range is called "New_Starters"
I am using the below formula which is returning N/A's.
=SUMPRODUCT(('Attendance Data'!D:D=New_Starters)*('Attendance Data'!H:H="XXX"))
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May 2, 2007
I'm having a fit with this formula; maybe the gurus will show me what I'm doing wrong. I have a list of area numbers along with dollar amounts that go with these area numbers. I have created a named range named "Areas" and another one named "MO_PD".
At the bottom of the worksheet I am doing a recap that takes the area number and sums all the entries in the MO PD column. This approach has been done before with Thomach's help. I'm trying to mimic it, but it's not working for me.
NOTE - I know that I can get around this using a pivot table, but I would like to use this approach for now. I would at least like to know what I'm doing wrong. Also, I'm not totally sure if I did the dynamic named ranges correctly so that may need to be fixed.
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Jul 2, 2009
My problem is :
1.In G Column I put logic for Fail and Obtained Marks.
2. Now in H column I want use this formula which I obtained from this forum
To get the position of Students.
But the text value "fail" in the G2:G7 getting Position No. 1 and i've noticed the reason by using evaluate formula as well.
3. I got solution by changing "Fail" with 0 by creating column I and then column H put this formula ........
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Jul 6, 2009
I want to get students positions in a class like 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. There can be two 1st position and 2 2nd positions at a time .
1.In G Column I put logic for Fail and Obtained Marks.
2. Then i made array formula in column H to get the position
Some improvement to write fail & position
And more work to get total marks & position and Fail at the same time......
Now I wounder that is there a way to do all calculations in column H without using column G
By replacing (if there is any method) G2, G3, G4 etc. with Sum(B2:F2); Sum(B3:F3);Sum(B4:F4) etc. in below formula
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Oct 4, 2013
I am trying to find out how many projects might be active as of a certain date.
I have a tab in excel that contains project data. For each project there is a "Start Date" and there might be an "End Date"
My question is, how do I count all the rows where the start date is Less than a given date and the end date is after a given date? The wrinkle is... if the end date is empty then obviously it should be counted as well (assuming the start date is still before the given date).
Here are the approaches I've used thus far:
=SUMPRODUCT(1*( AND(OR(RawMetrics!P:P > A2, RawMetrics!P:P = ""), RawMetrics!$O:$O < A2 )))
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Jul 31, 2014
I have 3 ranges of data which each have a quantity and a length. I want to create from these ranges a list of unique values with the total quantity required of each value (as shown). Inputs on any column may be blank but where there is a length, there will be an adjacent quantity to the left.
I'm using Excel 2010.
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Jan 27, 2007
I have searched and found a few postings for #NA errors
The formula I am using is SUMPRODUCT:
=(SUMPRODUCT(('On Premise Activity Tracker'!D19:D26="MAY")*('On Premise Activity Tracker'!H19:H38='On Premise Activity Tracker'!AG32)))
I am trying to count up the number of times 'On Premise Activity Tracker'!AG32 was used from 'On Premise Activity Tracker'!H19:H38 only if it was in the month of MAY.
This is a working document that is going to track information over a years time. Therefore, I have noticed that the formula only works when there are values in the cells. However, when I increase the range to the whole workbook I get the #N/A error because I do not have data in some of those cells.
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Feb 26, 2007
I'm using this sumproduct and it works until a cell has text.
I've tried =SUMPRODUCT(--($C7:$C16=$C$2),($D7:F16)) but got the #Value! error because of the D7:F16 range. If I changed it to become F7:F16, then it works. But...my original formula adds all values giving me a YTD result. If I changed the range to be only F7:F16, then all I get is just that column's data. I have January to December's data across the columns from D to F. Any ideas on keeping my D to F range? I've tried Transpose but it didn't work either.
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Mar 9, 2007
What is the trick for entering the following equation?
When I enter this equation, it yields an #N/A error
Perhaps the { is being entered incorrectly ?
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Jun 17, 2009
I am using the SUMPRODUCT formula as a SUMIF with multiple conditions in the following format:
THis works with or without the 2nd condtion, but I thouht the "greater than 0" bit would eliminate the inclusion of 0's; however, the same #DIV/0 error occurs with or w/out that ">0" condtion as the 1st OR 2nd argument.
I speculated that b/c the final argument was dividing each paid of cells in either range instead of a typical sum, this caused the divisor error.
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Dec 28, 2009
Using Excel 2003
I am receiving an #Value! error message from my sumproduct formula:
As follows:
Data!$A$2:$A$47 is a date
G$2 is a date within the context
Data!$B$2:$B$47 is a unit number
G$4 is a unit number within the context
Data!$A$1:$N$1 are descriptive titles
$B21 is a decriptive string within the same context (copy paste)
Data!$A$2:$N$47 are to be summed is all criteria are met.
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Jul 30, 2007
I have sumproduct formula that returns #N/A error and I'm not sure why
If I narrow the range from $939 to $1093 then the formula works.
But that is only evaluating 1 unit of 10
As I add worksheets to the workbook and update the unit numbers in B10, the entire range needs to be evaluated for matching criteria.
workbook is way too large to upload.
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Feb 12, 2009
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong with this formula in Excel 2003. I figured out how to do it in Excel 2007 using the SUMIFS statement, but alas Excel 2003 won't take a SUMIFS statement.
I have data in a column, J of Worksheet B that I need to add based on 2 conditions. The first conditions are in cells AJ6 to 8 on Worksheet A. The second condition must be matched from Column A of Worksheet B to the same condition in Column F on Worksheet A.
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Jan 27, 2007
I'm trying to sum cells in a column that meet the following criteria: If the first character of the cell = "V" then sum the last two characters in the same cell. I.e., if A4 = "V12" and A6 = "V10", then I need the formula to return the total 22. All other cells, whether blank or starting with a different letter need to be ignored. My attempts have failed, including this last one that returns a #VALUE error.
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Jun 6, 2014
I have the following two columns in A1:B4 (customer # followed by percentage)
1 0.5
2 0.9
3 0.8
4 #DIV/0!
In column D i have a list of the customer #s. In column E i try to identify if the customer in column D have a percentage >=.8.
I am using the below formula, but getting a #DIV/0! error due to the error in cell B4, which i am not allowed to change using an iferror formula.
Is there a way to get around this using sumproduct or any other method to determine if the customer in D has a percentage >= 80%?
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Sep 26, 2006
whats happening to my workbook. On a worksheet called Data, i'm pulling in a lot og data from a database. Then on another worksheet i'm looking for certain things on the data sheet and counting how many there are.
This all goes along find until i close the workbook, and then re-open.I click the automatically update button that appearsand once it finishs updating all my values are replaced with #Value.
This is the formula i'm using.
= SUMPRODUCT(--(Data!$X$1:$X$49871="4")+(Data!$X$1:$X$49871=4),--(Data!$M$1:$M$49873="FTS-Unix"))
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Apr 3, 2008
I am trying to merge data from two worksheets onto a 3rd for a mail merge. The COLLECTIONS sheet contains the acct #, name and amount owed. The ADDRESSES sheet contains the acct #, name and all of the address information. The 3rd sheet is the MERGE sheet that I'm using as the reference point for my word document and the mail merge. Upon reflection the MERGE sheet is probably not necessary, but made sense to have it when I started out.
Never the less...
On the ADDRESSES sheet I am trying to name a dynamic range "AddressList" (I'm trying to go dynamic because the list of addresses will change from month to month). I am using the following formula in the refers to field when I name the range:
I think this is what is giving me my problem, because the named range does not show up in the list when I try to go to the named range.
Just in case that is not the problem, the #Ref is showing up when on the MERGE sheet I type a vlookup formula referencing the acct # on the ADDRESSES sheet. That formula looks like this:
which seems simple enough. Before trying to make the named range dynamic the formula worked fine, which is why I'm thinking the named range is what's giving me the problems.
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Jul 5, 2006
I am using defined names to build a chart. This is working fine, but I also would like to use a defined name to control the +/- fields for the error bars. The defined names I have set up are correct, and I am able to enter them into the sorce data form but Excel does not display them.
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Oct 21, 2012
How to accomplish the goal described below.
A , Method of Range Object "_Global" Failed , error occurred upon running the code below at the emboldened statement.
Sub copytosheet2()
Dim Lastrow As Long, CopyRng As Range, DestRng As Variant, i&
Lastrow = Worksheets("Sheet1").[A65536].End(xlUp).Row
For i = Lastrow To 2 Step -1
[Code] ......
The goal is to loop through columns of data on sheet1 and copy values of cells B-C to the lowest rows on sheet2 column B-C.
Here are the screen shots of sheet1 and sheet2.
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Jan 10, 2012
I am using Excel 2007 and the following code is generating an error 1004 (Method 'Range' of object '_Worksheet' failed) on the .Range select line. I am trying to select a bunch of noncontiguous ranges and then format them all at one time.
With Sheet1
With Selection.Interior
.Pattern = xlNone
.TintAndShade = 0
.PatternTintAndShade = 0
End With
End With
I've written longer lines of code, so I don't think it's a line length issue. Is there a limit to the number of ranges or cells that Excel can select at one time?
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Oct 25, 2007
I need help creating a macro that will search through my excel spreadsheet and for every instance where column A isn't empty it should cut a range of columns from that row and paste them in a different range of columns in the row before it. It should then delete the row that it cut the columns from and keep searching until it has done this for the whole worksheet. I can modify which range of columns are needed, but it has been so long since I've worked with excel macros that I haven't been able to do it.
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Feb 26, 2010
definitions for static ranges and dynamic ranges?
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Mar 7, 2013
I have two vertical ranges that I need summarized into 2 adjacent vertical ranges.
model qty| modelqty
1 4.12922.0000| 4.12952.2000
2 2.000012.1250| 2.000025.1250
3 4.12929.0000| 318.0000
4 318.0000|
5 4.1291.2000|
6 213.0000|
A1:A6 is my SKU's model number B1:B6 is my inventory C1:C6 should contain formulas that result in a summary of the models D1:D6 should contain formulas that result in a sum of the inventory count for each model
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Nov 1, 2006
In the attached file, I have variable range in column A:B, column C:D and in column E:F
I want a macro to do the following:
Start with sheet "A", select the available range in column A
then copy and paste in the sheet "B" but with all the cell values added with the value in H1.
Then in sheet A, simply copy the available range in column B and paste it in sheet B
Do the same until column F in sheet A. Pastespecial if it is odd column. simple past it is even column.
I know the macro code for the simple paste. But I am struggling with the paste special code.
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Apr 28, 2014
I have written this macro to convert into a csv file to run for all defined named ranges in the activesheet. It run jst perfect when I hit SAVE button and it creates that many different CSV files for each named range.
However I am trying to use same macro in the another file and the problem I am facing is there a lot more named ranges and I want to run the macro for only selected NAMED RANGE. In this case 2 Named Range / 24 Named range.
What part of code do I need to change and to what to make it work for just 2 named ranges ?
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May 29, 2014
Error Check Marco.xlsm
see attached example. I am trying to write an error detection routine that iterates through worksheets that have numeric values for names (ignore text names or alphanumeric). Macro checks range on each numeric worksheet E3:E33 and is supposed to report back on the SummarySheet if any value other than 1 or 0 is found in range E3:E33 on any numeric-name worksheet. Code as follows:
[Code] ....
Problem is that it just reports EVERY worksheet as having an error when clearly most don't (none do I think in the attached example).
Try changing some of ranges E3:E33 to values other than 1 or 0, it still reports all sheets. Why the macro does not evaluate the range E3:E33 properly and just reports every worksheet as having an error?
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Nov 9, 2009
See the attached sheet. I am trying to add together two figs which are linked to calculations which have formula built in to stop error messages when there is a 0 / 0 = #value type error. However when these two cells are added, if the cells are blank I get an error message. And if only one cell has a value, I get "" with my existing formula. what I need to do to get a result of 7 if for example cell A4 = "" + B4 =7. At the moment my formula shows "" in the sum total of these cells
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