User Form That Has A Combobox And 5 Textboxes
Jul 17, 2008
I have a simple user form that has a combobox and 5 textboxes.
The combobox gets its row source from all the data in column A of the worksheet and the 5 textboxes will have decimal number inputted.
when commandbutton 1 is clicked I would like exel to find the value in the combobox on the worksheet and input the 5 textboxes in colums B-F. I'm sure it has something to do with "offset", but I can't quite figure it out.
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Aug 30, 2007
I've written a workbook that enables my workmates to enter sample information easily (workbook attached). What i need help on i cant get the combobox 's on the user form to pick up the related info in worksheet named "data" and insert it into the relavant coloumn in tab named "Results". I can get it to work without using combobox's and just typing the info into a textbox but i wanted to use combobox's.
Another thing i wanted to do was pick invidual results and send them the "Report" for printing. how would i do that.
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Sep 11, 2007
Right now I am constructing a macro so that upon exection, the user will be forced to select one of the dropdown menu options which are listed in a dynamic array. The dropdown menu should be in a popup of somekind created by the macro and not on any of the worksheets or charts. I would like to then assign the choice that the user makes to a variant. I have searched the web but not found what I am looking for and was hoping that someone could give me some phydocode that I can look at.
The restrictions that I am operating by do not allow me to place a combobox upon any of the worksheets which is what I find in all the examples posted online.
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Jul 4, 2007
I have been able to create a userform that allows users to fill out a form without the need to navigate throught the excel spreadsheet form that has been created. to further refine this I am trying to use either a list box or Combobox to display specific items for certain cells, ie Travel Method (Air / Rail / Other), or Department (Projects / Finance / Engineering / Admin etc). I can create these in a spreadsheet without to much problem, but sofar have been unable to get them to work in the user form.
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Jan 7, 2009
I have a userform with 3 textboxes. The user will put numbers into 2 of them and the 3rd will add the other 2 textboxes together. My problem is that the result is just stringing the values together and not adding them together. So if textbox1 is 2 and textbox2 is 4 the result is 24 and not 6. Can someone tell me where im going wrong?
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Jun 16, 2006
It seems like a simple problem that is going to have an even simplier answer.
What I'm trying to do is diplay the results from a formula that is in a cell, in a textbox on a form. The values that go into giving this result are changable on another TAB on the same form. The problem I have is that everytime I change any of these values and the formula recalculates, when it is displayed in the final form it over-writes the formula in the excel cell thag is supposed to be calculating the information, therefore I only get one recalculation before everything stops calculating.
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Feb 23, 2007
Im looking to have some data validation on the 3 text boxes of my form.
Text box 1 is Item name and i wish for that text box to only accept Text up to 30 characters.
Text box 3 is Product code and i wish for it to only accept 10 chracters max, the first two of which must be text and the last ones must be number. eg CA04124 or EK123456, there must be at least 2 numbers after the first two letters but no more than 6, there must be two letters before the numbers also.
Text box 4 is Price which i want to only accept number.
I understand the text box numbering isnt even, i dont know why not. Here is the code i am working with. Is the only way for this validation to be done by editting the code? If so i would be very grateful for someone to do this for me or tell me how to.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim LastRow As Object
Set LastRow = Sheet1.Range("a65536").End(xlUp)
LastRow.Offset(1, 0).Value = TextBox1.Text
LastRow.Offset(1, 1).Value = TextBox3.Text
LastRow.Offset(1, 2).Value = TextBox4.Text
MsgBox "One item added to Main Page"
response = MsgBox("Do you want to enter add another item?", _
If response = vbYes Then
TextBox1.Text = ""
TextBox3.Text = ""
TextBox4.Text = ""
Unload Me
End If
End Sub
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May 5, 2008
I have a combobox in which are the numbers 1 thru 10. I'd like for the user to be able to choose a number and then that number of textboxes appear below. I have the textboxes invisible on the userform and I'm trying to work out to code to show them when the number is selected (by command button). Heres my code, it only seems to show my first set of textboxes no matter what number is in the combo box. Can someone please help me make this work? And is there a more concise way to do this?
i changed the names of the textboxes because i built the form before i thought about the code and frankly there are too many all together for me to remember their names
Private Sub CommandButton7_Click() 'Ok button page 3
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
For i = 1 To 10
Select Case Val(ComboBox21.Text) = i
Case 1
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Jun 3, 2006
find the attached workbook
I have a Database and user form, in the user form i have a field named “Vehicle No” this is a combo box from which a user needs to select the Vehicle numbers, and all these are working fine now, I need your help in the following:
When user selects the second field named "Select Vendor name" i need a pop up window which shows all the Vehicles belongs to the vendor which they have selected, and with the popup window user selects the vehicle number then the Vehicle number combo box should be filled.
Currently users have to select by scrolling through Combo box which takes long time and difficult to find by scrolling.
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Mar 28, 2009
I need to link the textboxes of a form to the appropriate cells associated to the selection made by a combobox. And in the process I need to be able to Edit one of those Textboxes on the fly while the rest will be locked to the user.
Not sure if the editing of the Notes section can be real time of if it must be updated through a button.
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Jun 4, 2006
I've been trying for hours to populate a textbox on a userform based on a combo box. I'm including a zip of my workbook to see. (don't laugh to hard at my code, like I said I'm green...:) When you select a mix design in my form I want the next six combo boxes to populate. The way I have it now is based on one of the many examples found here, (none of which have worked for me so far, but this one said "the simplest way to do this is......") And I get an error 425 - "Object not found". I've done searches based on the error but haven't found an answer.
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Feb 9, 2010
I have a user form that has a combo box "City" two text boxes one called "Flight" and the other "Date". What I'm trying to do is to prevent the user from saving the data input from the user form if any of those three fields is left blank. The code that I have so far checks all of the required fields, if any are left blank a message notifys which field(s) is left blank and return the focus back to that field. But the rest of code also fires.
What I really need is either to stop the code if any fields are blank and return the focus back to the blank field, the user completes the field(s) and clicks the save again, or better yet, pause the code until all the required fields are completed and then complete the save. (There is actually another 200+ lines of code in this sub, but I deleted it to keep the post a little shorter.)
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Jan 14, 2009
I have created a registration workbook for this year's youth sports league. All of the information is entered into a User Form and separated onto it's appropriate sheet designated by the child's age. Next year, I would like to use this year's workbook to look up returning players.
Will it be possible to add a "lookup" button into my form, or create a lookup program, that once the registrar clicks on the correct player, the information is plugged into the User Form, the registrar adjusts the age and any necessary info, presses enter, and the information is copied into the appropriate category in the new workbook? I haven't worked with User Forms long enough to know if they can be filled in that way, but if this can be done, you are the people who would know.
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Dec 2, 2008
I'm using a series of user forms for data entry to a workbook, some of them open next stage user form on completion (OK cmd button).
All that is working fine, but I'd like the initial form to close on showing the next one. I've tried adding Unload and Hide commands following the frmInsertEntry.Show (Next stage form), to no avail, but I'd like this user form to close or hide at the end of the sub.
Private Sub cmdContinueType_Click()
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Records").Activate 'Select starting cell in record sheet
If IsEmpty(ActiveCell) = False Then ' Search for next empty cell
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
End If
Loop Until IsEmpty(ActiveCell) = True
If optDrillType = True Then
End If
End Sub
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Apr 19, 2013
My data resides in a workbook in sheet2 and sheet3. I have 4 comboboxs refering to different columns in sheet2 and sheet3. Basically when the user selects all the four comboboxs, the criteria should be satisfied and the results in terms of rows matching those values should be shown in the textboxs below.
Each three of the textboxs refers to individual columns in sheet2 and sheet3. All I want to do is simple search criteria on both sheet 2 and sheet3 and put the results in textboxs.
I have populated my comboboxs but dont know the macro to do the search results .
my userform,which has 4 comboboxs
combobox1 = sheet2 column C
combobox2 = sheet2 column BL
combobox3 = sheet3 column K
combobox1 = sheet3 column F
The results which satisfy the above 4 criteria should come from ,when user presses POP UP DETAILS BUTTON,
textbox1= sheet3 column C
textbox2= sheet3 column N
textbox3= sheet2 column T
Actually I have many records which satisfy the above 4 criteria, dont know how to display them whether in textbox or any another method.
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Mar 5, 2007
Its a phone number directory. the data is retrived based on nickname. when a nickname is selected, its phone number and details will be updated in the textboxes ... example: tony (in A2) is selected from the combobox, his phone number (in B2) and details (in C2) are updated in the textboxes.
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Nov 22, 2006
I have three textboxes (16,17,18) that need to be disabled if a certain value ("Regular Hours") is in combobox1. Would I use an If statement? Also, is there a way to "gray out" the textboxes to show they are disabled?
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Mar 24, 2014
when i choose material from my combobox Options (cboTM), i wanted, only the textboxes regarding to the sheet material unlocked, and the others locked with the color of the form, and the same for the other options like worklabor and equipments. i could blocked for material with this code :
[Code] .....
The prob is, worklabor and equipments will be blocked too, and i dont know how to put correct info on the textboxes.
Attached File :
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Jul 8, 2014
I have created a UserForm that has a ComboBox and depending on the number selected I want it to show that number of Labels/TextBoxes...
So if I select "0" nothing is shown, if I select "1" one set of Labels/TextBoxes is shown, select "2" and two sets of Labels/TextBoxes are shown... but also if I have selected "2" and then select "1" I want the second set to be hidden again...
Also I know I should have renamed the Label/TexBoxes to make it easer but I was adding things and making it up as I went along...
I'm using Excel 2010 on windows 7.
Sub UnHide_NewRoutings()
If (Engineering.ComboBox2.value) = "0" Then
Engineering.Label4.Visible = False
Engineering.TextBox5.Visible = False
Engineering.Label9.Visible = False
Engineering.TextBox9.Visible = False
[Code] ..........
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Oct 25, 2007
I have a spreadsheet with the following headings:
Claims Number
I need to create a user form that will "pop up" and ask the administrator to enter the above details.
A - should be created automatically (ie last claim number + 1)
B - user enters manually
C - data retrieved from a list
D - data retrieved from a list
E - date is the date the information is entered
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Feb 27, 2014
I have two types of lists that has to be populated into comboboxes. First type is in a column with a header - lets say A1:A20. For them I`m using a following script:
For Each cell In ThisWorkbook.Sheets("NACE").Columns(1). _
Resize(Rows.Count - 1).Offset(1). _
UF1.industry.AddItem CStr(cell.Value)
Next cell
With them all is fine until I need to start for example from row 26. (lets say range to populate is T26:T32) Then I`m lost. changing Offset(1) to Offset(26) doesn't work and I`m getting an error. That however can be handled with a workaround - creating another list that starts from the top. So I gave up on solving that. I need to populate a list from a range that is a row - B5:B20
I've adjusted the script to:
For Each cell In ThisWorkbook.Sheets("prod").Rows(5). _
Resize(, Columns.Count - 1).Offset(, 1). _
UF1.PS.AddItem CStr(cell.Value)
Next cell
Because of some strange reason the script doesn`t see the number 1 in cell B5 and unless there are some more numbers in the following cells, it gives the "no cells found error".
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Feb 24, 2009
I have a user form that I want to take the information and have it input on the worksheet. I want it to start at A3 and check to see if that cell is "" and if it is not then enter the data from the from horizontally. If A3 is not "" then continue down column A untill the first nonblank cell is and then select that cell and have the data entered horizontally.
I have this code so far but it is not working.
Private Sub cmdSubmit_Click()
Dim Month As Variant
Month = Me.cmbMonth.Value
I have done a bit of excel programming last year but have not done any for the last 4 months so I am a bit rusty.
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Apr 23, 2014
I created a data entry form that contains a ComboBox. The ComboBox is based on a range that has three columns and many rows. The purpose is to have the user select an item from the first column, and the other two columns are automatically filled in on the table.
The form works and the data is transferred to the table as it should. The issue is that when you select the ComboBox, it displays the data from all three columns wrapped in two columns. Some of the data is repeated and it looks confusing. How do I have the drop down show only the data in the first column?
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Feb 17, 2007
creating this excel file with multiple comboboxes, i was wondering if i can add another into the equation. so i can have sub-categories.
i have attached the original file and how i would like to change the layout!
i also have another question, see with the info that would go into the textbox is there anyway you can put writing on seperate lines,
all within the same cell?
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Oct 28, 2008
What am I doing wrong here? I have a custom form with a combobox on it, and I'm trying to set a variable in my workbook to read that info, but my value always comes up is my code...
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Mar 20, 2014
I have a userform called "Description_Form". I had a listbox on this which worked 100%. I then decided to replace the listbox with a combobox. I replaced the word listbox1 with combobox1 in teh code below and now I am getting an error message:
Run-time error '-2147352573 (800200003)':
Could not fine the specified object.
I have checked the name of the Combobox and it is definitely combobox1.
Sub PopulateListWithHorizontalRange(New_Dest As Variant)
Dim x As Range
For Each x In Range("S_DESTINATIONS").Cells
'here is where I get the error message
Description_Form.ComboBox1.AddItem x.Value
[Code] .........
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Jan 24, 2008
I am trying to create a form with a combobox drop down menu. The list I need displayed is in cells C4:C20 but I only want to show unique values not all of them.
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May 25, 2008
I have a project, i want to create a user form, basically i have a work book that contains dinner menu's on column A and ingredients in column b.
I would like to create a user form that have a drop down box that would show all the possible menu's referencing my workbook sheet1 column A values. and by selecting a item, i would like to be able to show all ingredients needed, is there a way to do this?.
I hope so, it would be so cool to do this.
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Jun 22, 2009
I have created a multi utility user form that user can initialize by a shortcut key. The problem if user want to see the content on sheet or want to change the active cell, he has to close the form and then do any action. This form is initialized by a command and default included in excel as a Add-in. Is there is any way to make the form floating i.e. user can manipulate the data and can see the form as well.
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Jul 8, 2009
On a userform, I have 5 paragraphs of text that the user needs to read. The problem is the user can't see all 5 paragraphs, the user is only able to see about two paragraphs. I don't want to make the userform larger but I would like to add some type of scroll bar that would allow the user to scroll up and down to view all of the text.
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