I have a user form in which i want an active cell value when it is initialized, its a text box which should not be editable but should able to copy when its shown.
I have created a user form that has 6 input boxs and at the bottom of the userform has a seventh box that has a running total. I have two buttons one to "accept" and one to "cancel". My prloblem is creating the code to make it work correctly.
1) if a cell in B5:B20 become the active cell than the userform is to open up. 2) once the useform is open the user can input up to six different numbers into the input box's which will show the runinng total in the seventh box. 3) Once all numbers are inputed into the input box's the user can hit "accept" to post the total into the active cell or hit "cancel" and nothing have nothing happen.
I am working on a addin UserForm to quickly format cell text, especially only select characters in a cell. I have this functional in a modal setting working with the active cell when I activate the UserForm. What I would like to be able to do is to work in excel without having to close the Userform and have the textbox update with each new cell. I have changed the UserForm properties to ShowModal = false which gets the first half. However the textbox will only show the cell value I started with.
VB: Private Sub UserForm_Activate() TextBox1.Text = ActiveCell End Sub
A custom UserForm pops up when a cell is double-clicked. The form contains a ListBox that presents the user with a list of values to select. When the UserForm first pops up I want the item that matches the value of the activecell to be highlighted/selected.
Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer) If CloseMode = vbFormControlMenu Then Application.ScreenUpdating = True Unload Me RestrictedOptions.Show Else Cancel = True End If End Sub
Trying to use above code to unload active userform and show new userform when red X (close) selected by operator. With the code as is, the Unload Me leaves the form on the screen and displays the RestrictedOptions form. If i remove the Restrictedoptions.Show, the Unload Me does remove the original form.
whenever the active cell is within a given range, highlight the cell on the same row in column S (by changing its interior colour). This should occur each time the active cell is changed, whether by cursor keys or mouse. The effect would be similar to the row and column highlights at left and top of the worksheet.
This action should be restricted to one sheet in the workbook.
I have got stuck on one piece of my code and having trouble fixing... Overall I am trying to find variable station name in cell L2 of Sheet 2 in Sheet 1 and then select and copy the data from the data in "cell L2 of Sheet 2" to the last entry of that row. I have attached an example test spreadsheet of the data and a macro is within Sheet 1 called test1. Please note that cell L2 in Sheet 2 will always be different station name and the station list in Sheet 1 will change with differing station name.
The code I am using is:
[Code] .....
The code that is not working and bringing up an error is:
I have a userform with a dropdown box, a refedit and an accept button.
The user selects an item from the drop down box and then selects where on the sheet they want to place the item. I am wondering how to move the selected box in my Userform once the user has selected an entry from the drop down list. This is so that they dont actually have to click in the refedit box after selecting from the drop down box.
I have created a user form and I am trying to get the active control colored. I am using the code from Mr Excel's VBA book - starts on page 454, and I have entered all the code, but now when I activate the user form I get an error ....."Compile Error. Invalid attribute in Sub or Function." and when I click OK, it takes me to this line of code.....
Private WithEvents objForm As clsCtlColor
In the book, this is where I am supposed to start entering the code "behind the userform" rather than in the class module. So, I assume this means that this code goes with all the other code for the user form (in VBA project click on form, then view code). Am I wrong? Should I be adding a module? Not sure what I am doing wrong.
Here is the code I have in the class module....
Public Event GetFocus() Public Event LostFocus(ByVal strCtrl As String) Private strPreCtr As String
Public Sub CheckActiveCtrl(objForm As MSForms.UserForm).......
I have a userform in my workbook with a button to access it on twenty different sheets in the workbook. Currently the userform will only populate the sheet titled "Blank1". How can I change it so it will populate the active sheet without naming it? So no matter what sheet I'm on when I hit the submit button the userform will populate only the sheet I selected the button on? See macro below.
Code: Private Sub OKButton_Click() Dim NextRow As Long Sheets("Blank1").Activate
I have a range of amounts in Sheet 1 from F7:Q13 and im using the find method to search for the active and non active values in the cell. Which means that if there's a value in the cell it will transfer the value in Sheet 2, if nothing is found in the cell the cells in Sheet 2 will return as nothing or null.
I think the problem lies on the FindWhat variable. Im getting a compiled error which im not sure what is it.
I've attached the spreadsheet so you get a better idea of the problem that i encountered.
When I copy the tab and change some of the data within the cells, I want the macro refer to the chart on the current tab and the values in the current tab - as currently it refers to only "Chart 2" and the values in the tab 'Figure 2 - WE OPH'.
I've tried changing the sheet name to ActiveSheet.name but that doesn't seem to work.
I have a form that loads and depending on the word selected in the drop down the following code loops through cells Q2:AC2 until it finds the word in one of those cells (the word will always be in one of the cells)
Code: For Each c In Range("Q2:AC2").Cells If c = period Then c.Select
The active cell it finds will always change, i know I need something to code the active cell back but I don't know what it should be.
I would like to use this formula many times in the sheet, so I would need a reference to the cell the formula is in, and have the SUM range until the next empty cell one column to the left.
So I would need something like (literally):
=SUM(Offset activecell (1,-1) : Offset activecell (1, (look for next empty cell -1)) / Offset activecell (0,-1)
I have a range of unlocked cells (B5:S10) that users enter data in. This sum of this data is then charted. The formula (sum) in a cell equals zero even when there is no data entered by the user. This zero is then charted.
I need to be able to plot the zeros if the user enters zeros but not plot the zero if the cells are blank.
What I was attempting to do is to use the worksheet change event to add the formulas to a cell so that the chart does not plot the value until something was added.
In my change event I need to know that a cell in the range (B5:S10) was changed and that if it was D7 (for example) that I need a formula enterd in D11 [=SUM(D5:D10)]. If it was I5 then the formula would have to go in I11 [=SUM(I5:I10)].
Need to find the first cell above the active cell containing any sort of variable (integer, string value, cell fill colour, named range, etc...).
For example, a column contains multiple integer values between 1 and 10. I would like the macro to "locate" a specified value, say 3. Ideally the macro will select the first cell matching this criteria, located above the active cell. Once located, the resulting cell will be added to a range to be copy-pasted to a new worksheet.
I am planning to use this code for various applications in a workbook I am creating. At present the code will be used to locate string values, and cell fill colours. It is also likely this will extend to other types of variables in the future.
I've found information relating to the find function, but nothing specifically to find the first result above the active cell.
So, I just started checking Excel Macros. I'm working on a quite large data base where I need to search for a given part number and then move N columns to the right and display the text inside that cell on a message box.
I am just learning to use VBA and this may be the most simple task ever, but I can't figure it out. I've searched for all of the keywords I can think of, but can't find a solution...
I have a list of names in a sheet. Other columns in this sheet contain data like amount charged, amount paid, etc. This sheet must be manually updated (because the other program won't export the information I need) periodically to ensure proper billing/payment application in the original software (all transactions are handled by other people that I don't trust).
I sort the list so that the all names that are the same (ie John Doe) are together.
A short example list looks like this:
Jeremy Apple John Doe John Doe John Doe Jimmy Kravitz Jimmy Kravitz
In updating my sheet, I set up a macro that will input todays date in one of the columns for all occurences of that name (so, every row that contains John Doe in column B, column V will have todays date in it).
Currently, in order for my macro to work properly, I have to manually make the activecell the first occurrence of 'John Doe'. When I'm ready to update 'Jimmy Kravitz', I have to select the first occurrence of 'Jimmy Kravitz' and so on.
Here's my question - Is there a way to use a VBA macro to find the first occurrence of 'John Doe' (and automatically 'know' which name I am updating)? Basically, I need a macro that will take the information that is in the cell in column B in the active row, find the first row that has that same name, and make that cell (column B) the active cell...
I have an embedded chart on my worksheet.I can select a cell behind the chart using the keyboard arrow keys.Is there a way of doing this using a mouse click,so that I know which cell i am pointing to/choosing?
I am looking for VBA that will add the value of the current active cell on the sheet to the value in cell F12. The maximum value of F12 cannot exceed 1000. So if the value in F12 = 950 and 100 is the value in the active cell the maximum value in F12 should show 1000, not 1050.
I'm trying to take the value of a cell and use the value as a name for the row. If cell a1 has value = June. I want to change the name of row 1 to June. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong with the following code.
Sub Name_a_row() ' ' Dim TheName As String Dim RowNum As Integer TheName = ActiveCell.Value RowNum = ActiveCell.Row ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="TheName", RefersToR1C1:="=Data!R&RowNum"
I have a list of items in cells b2 to z2. I want to display the contents of those cells in b2 dependent on what the active cell is. For example if the active cell is in column b I want a2 to show b2. If the active cell is in column C I want A2 to show C2, etc.
I want to automatically put information from several cells into one cell, when these cells are clicked. Let's say that A1:J8 is the range were a cell can be clicked and if a cell is clicked in that range the value of these cells should be put in cell A9. If possible I want to avoid private subs in a worksheet. I preffer to have a macro running, so I can decide when to stop this routine.