Add Data To Table (currently Not Adding Row To Table)
Feb 2, 2014
I need to add data into a Table, i can currently add data to the last cell however it is not adding it in the table set,
I am using a userform to add the data into the next blank cells, however the data it entered is not added within the table but underneath it, here is my current code i am using
How to let the data fall within the table
[Code] .....
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Sep 11, 2013
I have a External Data Table, but I wanted to add a extra column to it for comments. I just need to be able to write down what I did with that particular order or things like that. I did make a column, but the problem is whenever I update the table the comments column fields stay static I mean they don't move with their row. So it ends up the comment belonging to a row is now on another row.
is there a way I can tell excel to move the cell with the record or something like that.
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Oct 17, 2011
Its been ages since I used a pivot table and I cant remember much.
I did one last week - lets pretend on the range A1, B100.
Ive since added some extra info into the range and it now goes from A1, B110.
I go to my pivot table and hit "!" and it updates. How can I be certain its included everything from my range? Is there a way I can check the pivot table to see where the range is from?
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Mar 16, 2012
I have a table of data 300 rows long with protected formulas in adjacent columns and at the bottom of the column. Some of the data cells are blank but the non-blank cells are contiguous and start at the top of the range (see Before Example).
a macro that would allow users to insert a blank cell at any point in the data table without losing any of the other data or disrupting the formulas. In other words I want to move all the data from that point to the bottom of the range down by 1 row. A before and after example for a smaller 10 row data set is shown below.
AB1data aformula 12data bformula 23data cformula 34data dformula 45data eformula 56data fformula 67Â formula 78Â formula 89Â formula 910Â formula 1011formula Aformula B
AB14data aformula 115data bformula 216data cformula 317data dformula 418data eformula 519Â formula 620data fformula 721Â formula 822Â formula 923Â formula 1024formula Aformula B
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Jun 12, 2013
I have created a table in Excel 2010 (pls see attached table named post.xlsx).
Then copied the above table into PowerPoint 2010, using "paste link" (I tried to attach the PowerPoint file but the system says "invalid file type" and I cannot attach it).
I have received income data for another month - the new month is 13 and the corresponding new income is 100.
I typed 13 and 100 into the Excel table post.xlsx and thus extended the table by another column.
Then I went back to PowerPoint slide, then right clicked on the table there, then clicked "update link".
Specific Question:
The newly-typed column in Excel table is not get updated in PowerPoint table.
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Feb 1, 2010
I have enable Refresh on Open for my excel pivot table, but user need to click "Enable Automatic Refresh" , only solution i came across is to change the registry setting. Which i dont have access to edit registry(admin disable the access).
Alternate solution i try to use Access macro to automate the process and use Outputto save it as a excel file A. Then use excel file B to update pivot table from excel file A.(as excel A data is always latest)
The problem is i will get "....A file name already you want to overwrite.." prompt.
Which defeat the automate process.
Any other solution to enable the automatic refresh on open the excel workbook?
Or Access can overwrite the exist file or save it as another file name with timestamp ?
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Mar 14, 2014
In the attachment you will see an example of what I am trying to accomplish. What I am trying to do is find VBA code that is either specific to this worksheet or in a macro. When the sheet is opened I enter a date in B2. I then enter data into A7, B7, and C7. What I would like to happen is when the data is entered into A7, B7, and C7 the sheet goes and finds the same date that I entered in B2 and copies that data from A7, B7, and C7 into F7, G7, and H7.
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Apr 14, 2009
I would like to have a macro to automatically generate a statistics table (on the "statistics" tab) with the 5 following fields:
Fragment names / # samples / # of failed samples / % of success / # of variations in the fragment (SNP). At the bottom of this table, I would like to have a cell with the average % of success for all fragments. The data to generate these statistics are on the "gene name" tab (please note that this name will change every time I will work on a new gene). To make things easier, I think the macro should be run from this tab.
1. The Fragment names are displayed in row #5. I use one column per variation per fragment. If one fragment has 3 variations, there will be three columns and I will merge together the fragment name cells. The fact that some cells are merged can be a problem when copy-paste to the stats table (as I would like to get rid of the merging).
2. # of samples corresponds to the number of cells in blue in column A. The number of samples can change from one report to another but is always constant in the same report.
3. # of failed sequences. In the table, I type "Failed Sequence" (if the analysis has failed) and "Missing Sequence" (if the analysis has not been done). When a sample is failed or missing, it is for the who fragment, no matter how many variation there is in the fragment, so I usually merge the cells of all variations for this failed sample.
4. % of success: this is quite easy #sample/#of failed+missing sequence for this fragment
5. # of variation is equal to the number of variations for this fragment (can be 0, 1, 2, etc.). When there is no variation in a fragment, I put '-- in all cells of the corresponding fragment on the "gene name" tab. Fragment 3 on my file is an example of 0 variation.
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Sep 11, 2009
Is there a function to convert the data shown in table 1 to table 2 without rearranging the columns and rows? because i don't want to use TRANSPOSE. I want a function, somthing like SUMIF with OFFSET or INDEX and MATCH or any other function.
Table 1
Team 1Team 2Team 3Team 4Team 4Team 5Team 5ABABCity 12531642City 231173705City 367891125City 436251348
Table 2
City 4City 2City 1City 3Team 4BTeam 2Team 5ATeam 4ATeam 1Team 3Team 5B
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Mar 13, 2013
Table 1
Table 2
Sr. No
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Jun 2, 2013
I created a lookup table that works quite well. It even has if statements in the LookUp Formula. However, I have to update the table it pulls the information from each day. I wind up recreating the range each time because the table always has more rows each time. Is there a way I could just paste the table in each day and not have to change the range? The columns never change.
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Jul 15, 2014
I have a large table that I want to reconstruct. For simplicity sake, let's just says it's 3 rows (excluding headers) by 3 columns.
Item Description
Cheese Burgers
Hot Dogs
I want to reconstruct it so that the column headers become values in the table. The table headers are dates, in this case, if that gives clearer picture. So the new table would have 9 rows, (3 rows of data, excluding the header times four columns).
Item Description
Cheese Burgers
Hot Dogs
[Code] ....
The above example is sorted by date but I would be indifferent if it's sorted by the Item Description.
Is there an easy way to do this? Pivot possibly? Again, my data table is large: 36 rows x 181 columns. Using the copy/paste/transpose feature is pretty impractical.
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Jul 14, 2014
I was wondering if there is any way possible to link your pivot table filters to filter the data the same way in the table that it comes from? So if i had date as one of my headers and i filtered the date to a specfifc date, is there a way to also filter the date in the data source sheet?
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May 13, 2013
I have a table below that looks like this:
# of days
The # of days column will be a manual input. Then I have a larger table that will take those values and convert them to look like this: (Obviously the dollar values are pulled from somewhere else)
$ 1,292.00
$ 1,292.00
$ 1,292.00
I've been thinking of trying to use a macro but not sure that is the best way. Using a button or something doesn't seem very elegant either.
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Dec 14, 2006
i have a pivot table an extract of each data contained in this table.
[img]Count of NAMdate
SERVICENAM12-oct10-déc11-décGrand Total
Commercial-laura Totalgh11
custody-jonathan Totalgh1113
settlement-ludovic Totalgh11
SPQC-elodie Totalgh112
Grand Total1337
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Feb 22, 2007
I did a data table yesterday and it worked. I tried again today and the results are incorrect. They are coming out as a constant (the same result as the original formula). Has anyone had this happen before and figured out how to fix? My spreadsheet is fairly complex. Does the data table formula need to refer to the "base" cells? For example, if the formula refers to cell F15, but in F15 the formula is +C15, does my data table formula need to use C15?
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Jun 1, 2009
I have a table of data which represents data in different categories by week.
My ultimate goal is to have another table representing the data for each month - for instance - for each of the categories the data for :
is summed to make the data for the month of April.
The way I'm doing this at the moment is very long-winded
I'm using a whole new table - the size of the original weekly one - for each month. A calculation decides whether to effectively leave a cell blank or insert the appropriate data based on a date being within a particular range.
So in each "month table" there is the same list of week values:
but for each "month table" only the cells adjacent to the dates within the relevant month will return actual numerical values within them
This is an example of the forumula I am using in these tables:
Then a master table sums the totals for each month.
I want to be able to keep this table but get rid of the ones for every month as the sheet is getting unwieldy!
I have tried several times to attach the sheet for clarity but each time upon trying to "Submit New Thread " I am getting page not found errors - the sheet is only 133KB and I have tried zipping and sending also - I can't make it any smaller.
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Jul 21, 2013
I have a table thats acting as a database analysing player data and I have a second table in a report sheet based on the database table. In my report table I have a drop down with the player names at the top and I want the data cells underneath to populate based on that particular players data from the database.
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Jun 17, 2002
How to (by vba or whatever):
1) convert the Matrix data into the data table, and;
2) convert the data table into the matrix data
Matrix data (example)
share Ashare Bshare C
data Table (example)
springshare Asell
summershare Abuy
autumnshare Asell
wintershare Ahold
springshare Bhold
summershare Bbuy
autumnshare Bhold
wintershare Bsell
springshare Cbuy
summershare Csell
autumnshare Chold
wintershare Csell
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Oct 15, 2013
i have a large amount of data with a lot of formatting (font sizes, colours, fill colours, mulltiple conditional formatting etc) and i now want to turn it into a table so i can use a data filter without mixing it up with the data that follows.
i tried leaving a blank line after it because i thought the filter only worked on a continous block of populated cells but it still includes rows after it so i'm going to define it as a table.
however, i spent ages getting the formatting right and from what i can see the action of creating a table applies new formatting. Is there a way to create the table preserving my formatting?
if not, the only workaround i can think of is to make a temporary copy of the range and use that to copy and paste the formatting back to the table. would that also work?
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Jun 8, 2012
I recorded a macro to make a pivot table. It doesnt seem to work when i re run it... it is either...
Pivot table 4 (maybe its already been used... can i somehow say next avalibale name? ie pivot table 4, pivot table 5 , 6 , 7 and so on?)
I dont have 5000 rows, but i don't know how to specify that is should only inculde rows were Col A has a value
ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:= _
"damien test!R2C1:R5000C6", Version:=xlPivotTableVersion12).CreatePivotTable _
TableDestination:="Sheet1!R3C1", TableName:="PivotTable4", DefaultVersion _
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Jul 5, 2014
I have two fields in pivot table, "HATA TOPLAMI" and "SIRA NO". "Hata toplamı" is sum of items, and "Sıra no" is count of items. İ want to divide these two fields and add it to the pivot table, like "HATA TOPLAMI" / "SIRA NO". I have tried calculated field function from pivot table. İ wrote "="HATA TOPLAMI" / "SIRA NO"". But the summary is false. I want to divide Sum of "Hata toplamı" and count of "Sıra no" but instead it divides with sum of "sıra no". Is there a way to do this?
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Feb 10, 2014
I have A TABLE (Named Table1) and some columns filled by formula. (Like E,F,G,H columns) When I protect the worksheet E,F,G,H columns are locked, but A,B,C,D columns are UNLOCKED. When is sheet PROTECTED , If I add a row bottom of Table1, does NOT automatically fill the E,F,G,H columns and Table1 range does not expanding. But, if UNPROTECTED, it's OK. when add a row bottom of Table1, automatically fill all columns with formula and table range is expanding aotomatically with new row.
When sheet is PROTECTED , How can I allow, to add a row and aouto fill all columns like unprotected.
And I want to protect sheet in any case, after allowing to add row.
I need a macro code to do this.
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Sep 24, 2009
My table is a much larger version of this:
i want excel to work out the total for x y and z. however i have about 100 different things x y and z could be and its a long list so an automatic way would be great.
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Mar 19, 2013
On a worksheet, I created:
- a list of data
- a pivottable based on these data
When moving this worksheet this worksheet to another workbook, the pivot table can't refresh anymore. This throws an error message "Reference is not valid". To work around this problem I need to adapt the datasource. The same occurs if the list and the pivot table are on separate sheet, with the added strange behaviour that, when data an PT are split, it is not possible to move both sheet together.
This would not be a big issue if my problem had to be solved manually. The real problem is that I need to move the sheets from a C# program.
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May 22, 2014
I've created a pivot table as shown in the attached image - I've had to hide most of the data but I'm not sure how confidential it is so thought I should play it safe.
In between the Job Board Applications column and the Registrations column I want to have a Cost Per Application column.
In this fake example, the company that I've called 'Excel Forum' (imaginative I know) pay $1000 per month for their email marketing, so the cost per application from email would be 1000/1150 = $0.87.
Is there a way to insert a column in a pivot table that you can manually add formulas to?
I've tried replicating the pivot table underneath using cell=B6 etc. and the GETPIVOTDATA function then hiding the whole pivot table apart from the filters, but because there are a different number of subcategories every month the cell references don't work when the filter is changed.
I also tried to add a calculated field but this didn't seem to be what I wanted.
As a last resort I can add the cost per application manually to the raw data and include it as a column when making the pivot table, but this would be an ENORMOUS job to do every month so I'm in need of a better solution!
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Mar 17, 2014
I am trying to add a formula to a defined column in a a table. I get a method range of object error. I previously used the .value and a for loop to enter the forumlas into each cell but I would like to use a different approach. It's basically looking at the compelted column to see if the check box is checked. Here's my code.
Set ntidRange = Application.Range(tn & "[NTID]")
Set dtRange = Application.Range(tn & "[Date]")
Range(ntidRange).formula = "=IF([@COMPLETED]=TRUE,Login!K2,"""")"
Range(dtRange).formula = "=IF([@COMPLETED]=TRUE,Now(),"""")"
'For Each c In ntidRange.Cells
'c.formula = "=IF([@COMPLETED]=TRUE,Login!K2,"""")"
'c.Offset(0, 1).formula = "=IF([@COMPLETED]=TRUE,Now(),"""")"
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Dec 17, 2008
I have a PT with multiple data fields that I want to Rank individually and then give those ranks a weight percentage. Once I have that weighted rank, then I can sort PT items based on the rank.
Is there a way to do this inside the PT?
Items are PNs
I want to rank each field and then assign a weight to it. Then I can sort PT based on the RANK data field.
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Jun 7, 2013
I have fields "Day", "Posts", "Impressions" in a pivot table and I need to create a new metric for the average Impressions per Post. Ideally, this new metric should function just like the other fields in the pivot table, and not just static, because I'd like to break it out not just by Day, but also Time, etc.
Count of Posts
Sum of Impressions
Impressions Per Post
[Code] ........
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Dec 17, 2008
I have a PT with multiple data fields that I want to Rank individually and then give those ranks a weight percentage. Once I have that weighted rank, then I can sort PT items based on the rank .....
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