I need get an average call time. I have column C that is the time call started and column D is time call ended. What would I need to get the average call time for the entire sheet? I'll attach a copy of my spreadsheet for you to look at.
I'm trying to devise a formula to produce "days in inventory" based on the following data:
Date In Date Out (which may be blank if cargo still here) Todays Date Days in Whse (which is the formula I can't figure out!)
It needs to work like this, date out - date in, unless date out is null. If date out is null, the result should be calculated based off of todays date - date in.
I have data changes regularly (Say like tank level and we wil asume that at time 2:00 AM is the base , no matter what is the value) and I want to recored the that change every two minutes along with the time as list. (i.e. if there is no change nothing will be recorded)
Within 4 columns, I have a series of: Start Dates / Start Times / End Dates / End Times I need to create a formula which will give me the sum total of the difference between the data sets.
For example, the time difference between 8am on the 20th March and 1pm on the 21st March is 29 hours OR 1 day and 5 hours. I need a formula which will calculate this for me.
I am wondering if there is way to analayse date and time data in a way that would allow me to look at time differences.
I have two columns of data, one has the date and time an entry was made onto a client database, the other shows the date and time an amendment or deletion was made.
What I would like is a formula that shows the time period difference between the two entries.
So for example if one column shows 14/02/2014 14:26 and the other shows 14/02/2014 14:28 it would show 1 (minute) as the result.
I have over 1000 entries to look at and manually it is taking a looooooooong time!
see the attached workbook with two different sheets (same data) using different formulas. Each has problems (red text) preventing me from moving forward.
I need to calculate time in level 1, time in level 2 and total time for each row and then be able to sum for the month. Unfortunately, sometimes there is missing data, but I still need to calculate everything possible using a consistent formula that can be applied to the column/row universally.
I have two identical web query's on the same sheet. One from column A to column I and the other one from column K to column S, and both have 404 rows. The one on the left (from column A to I) autorefreshes every 60 minutes and the one on the right (from column K to S) autorefreshes every 4 minutes. I want to subtract the numbers in column Q from column G and the ones in column R from column H, and in both cases if the result is bigger than 0 to place a timestamp in column Y(for Q-G), and in column Z (for R-H). I tried with NOW formula, but the timestamp changed every time the web query from the right autorefreshed, no matter of the result. I guess that I have to use VBA codes...but I'm not good at that .
I have a macro that needs a major improvement in performance. I have a Quad Core 2.67GHz single processor computer and with the current logic it calculates 20 values per minute. I have data sets that can be up to 400,000 data points, which means it will take 333 hours. The attached Sample file has over 9000 point. For this data set it takes 7.5 hours.
The core logic of the macro is to extract what I call “Break Point” into column M and “Time Difference” between the Break Points to column O.
I got the code from this forum (thank you DonkeyOte) and made some modifications. The modified logic does the following:
1) The user inputs the starting cell. In the Sample I use G200.
2) From cell defined in button, It moves down one cell in that column and compares that value to the original cell.
If the value is greater than original cell then there are 2 possible outcomes:
a) move down 1 cell in column and if that value is less than original cell, then extract that value and copy that value to the column M (Break Point value) and copy the Time Difference Value to column O. “Time Difference” is calculated as the difference between the 2 point breaks in Column A. In this case I’ve hardcoded 0.003472222 to get 5 minutes which matches up with each incremental time in column A, but I would like the Macro to automatically calculate that by the difference between Column A values. b) move down 1 cell in column and if that value is greater than original cell, then move down again, until find lesser value than original cell. Once we find value less than original cell, extract value and copy value to column M and copy the Time Difference Value to column O.
Once lesser value has been copied to new cell, logic is now: a) move down 1 cell in column and if that value is greater than original cell, then extract that value and copy that value one cell to column M and copy the Time Difference Value to column O. b) move down 1 cell in column and if that value is less than original cell, then move up again, until find greater value than original cell. Once we find value greater than original cell, extract value and copy value one cell to column M and copy the Time Difference Value to column O.
At any point in the process if we find a value equal to the starting cell, we ignore it and the logic continues. The logic continues flip flopping like this to the last value of column G.
OR Here's the logic now in reverse I need:
If after moving down 1 cell of original cell, the value is less than original cell then logic has the following 2 outcomes:
a) move down 1 cell in column and if that value is greater than original cell, then extract that value and copy that value one cell to column M and copy the Time Difference Value to column O.. b) move down 1 cell in column and if that value less than original cell, then move up again, until find greater value than original cell. Once we find value greater than original cell, extract value and copy value one cell to column M and copy the Time Difference Value to column O.
Once greater value has been copied to new cell, logic is now: a) move down 1 cell in column and if that value is less than original cell, then extract that value and copy that value one cell to column M and copy the Time Difference Value to column O. b) move down 1 cell in column and if that value is greater than original cell, then move up again, until find lesser value than original cell. Once we find value lesser than original cell, extract value and copy value one cell to column M and copy the Time Difference Value to column O.
Again, at any point in the process if we find a value equal to the starting cell, we ignore it and the logic continues. The logic continues flip flopping like this to the last value of column.
Once all the Break Points and Time Difference between Break Points are extracted for each value in column G, the AVERAGE, STDEV and MAX values of column O are calculated in column Q, R and S.
There is a loop that controls the execution of the core logic until the last value in column G. In the macro I’ve hardcoded last row being 9171, but I’d like the Macro to figure out what the last row is automatically.
I know this description is a bit long but I’ve worked for many hours on getting it work properly. I just need some help to make it run much faster. I hope someone can help me out on this. I have the right logic, just need the speed now and I really can’t figure it out.
Attached is a sample files demonstrating showing how the logic to flips back and forth as moving down the column starting in cell G200.
The sample shows the results first 4 loops (Rows 200 to 203). The values in M and O are the results of the fourth loop.
Again, assistance is very much appreciated because I've taken this as far as I can with my limited experience.
EDIT - I can embed the Macro, but it'll probably much easier to actually see it in the sample file.
Refer to the attachment. I am trying to average the data in the Y column, if the times fall into the range between column R and S. I am having trouble with the averageif function. Is there a better way to parse through column W, check if the values fall between the ranges of S and R, and if they do, average the associated values in column Y?
I am having a little trouble with a spreadsheet I am creating, the formulas and cell formatting I should be using to enable this to work.
Here goes:
in cell E3 I have a time started (e.g 12:45 pm), In F3 i have time finished (e.g 2:30 pm)
So, what i'm wanting is the time taken in G3 and also, i have the amount of units that is entered manually in H3. I would like I3 to show the time taken per unit.
how to find the average times of two different sets of groups. There are the baseline times and intervention times. Both groups have three subtopics: Time Fell Asleep, Woke Up, and Duration (how many hours I slept). I am not sure how to find the average of each subtopic. Here are the times....
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) Dim rng As Range Set rng = ActiveCell.CurrentRegion Application.StatusBar = _ "Current SUM is: " & _ Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(rng) & " " & _ "Current AVERAGE is: " & _ Application.WorksheetFunction.Average(rng) End Sub
I now have the following problems:
I get a errot when i select cells with no number
Run-time error 1004 Unable to get Average property of the WorksheetFunction class
The sum and average stay in the status bar.
The code gets confused after i selected different columns.
I would like the code to work only when i select a range of cells.
Is it possible to move the text in the status bar more to the right?
I need to find the average time it takes students to take exams . I use the following formula =text(end time - start time, "h:mm"). I am able to calculate the amount of time it takes a student to take the exam. Now I need a formula to calculate the average time students take to complete a test. I have over 80 times i need to average. Whenever i try a formula I keep getting 0.
I have some data, consisting of two columns. The 1st column consists of time values in the form hh:mm:ss, and the 2nd column consists of a pressure reading, taken every couple of seconds. I wish to find the average pressure from the start time, to a 2nd time, then the average pressure from this 2nd time to a 3rd time, then the the av. pres. from this 3rd time to a 4th time, and so on. The time i want to take the average over varies, sometimes 3 minutes (i.e. ~180 pressure readings), sometimes 4, sometimes 5 minutes. I have to take the average over different ranges dozens of times -
1st problem concerns entering data as text and it being converted to time. I have found the formula 00:00 which does an excellant job of converting. However, when I want to subtract, (=a2-a1) for example, it treats the time as a number. Sometimes it works, but if the hours are different, say 23:30- 22:10, it will subtract 2330-2210! Is there a way to make this work?
2nd problem, related to the first is when I try to avg a column of times, I get a similar effect.
I would like to create an average function that will take an average of the Column labeled "Gap Time (Hours/Min/Sec)". I only want it to take the average for this for each new start date. These values will change daily so I was hoping that someone may help me write a function that will work when data changes instead of manually taking the average every time data is entered.
I'm trying to sort column G for any "Approved" or "Denied" outcomes then find the time difference between columns E and F then divide that difference by the number of approved or denied in column G. I've tried a number of combinations of SUMIFS, IFS, COUNTIFS, and Ave formulas but can't come up with one that works. Here's an example of what I'm trying to do:
Sum E-F if G= "Approved" or "Denied" / the number of "Approved" or "Denied" outc
I am trying to calculate the average Talk Time into Minutes and Seconds. Every time I have tried, I get the wrong average.
For example, if I have a total of 53 calls and the total talk time is 4:19:05, what would the average talk per call be? I tried doing everything in seconds (this would give me a total of 15545 seconds) but the total I was getting is 4:89.
What would the formula be to get the correct average time?
I have a database of over 10,000 entries. I am trying to get the average time for four specific entries (department, test 1, test 2, test 3). I did an averageifs for the tests individually and calculated the average time individually.
The three tests comprise of the department.
Average of test 1 = 40.8 Average of test 2 = 39.9 Average of test 3 = 94.8
Average of dept using the averageifs is 41.3 Average of dept by taking the average of the values above is 58.8
These represent time it takes for a fax to send. I'm trying to find the average time it takes for these faxes to send. Using the built in @AVERAGE option does produce a number albeit an incorrect number. Wondered if I could convert these to decimal numbers then covert the result back to time - when trying that I don't get an average but rather a time of day - say 5:55:30PM.
I'm trying to average some time figures labled Avg Time below: I don't know how to average mm:ss data to give accurate results. 5:09 5:14 5:17 and 5:39 should = an average of about 5:20 but I can't figure out how to use a formula to give me that result. Once I do, I'll apply that to a multitude of other parts of a larger chart.
Sales$12,406.54$13,682.66$14,749.75$15,262.44 $56,101.39 Transactions1,1911,2451,2501,2314,917 Average Check$10.42$10.99$11.80$12.40 $11.41 Sales Per Labor Hour (SPLH)0 Tray Time Reply Time Avg Time5:095:145:175:39 0:00
[for excel 2000] Hi chaps, I have a spreadsheet of lap times that I'm trying to generate an average time from. data looks a bit like this (in time format hh:mm:ss) :
01:23:34 01:44:23 01:56:34 01:23:56
-you get the idea. problem is, when calculating an average I get either #DIV/0!,#VALUE! or 00:00:00 depending on the approach I use (the column is definitely time format hh:mm:ss), so far I've tried:
=AVERAGE(H4:H433) =AVERAGE(IF(H4:H433,H4:H433))
-and so on, none work all give a variation of the aforementioned errors. I've tried changing the column format to number, copying all the data to a new sheet, still no joy. This should be very simple, any idea what am I missing?
I have a set of 7 years daily rainfall data. I need to calculate the daily average of rainfall from this 7 years data set. I don't wanted to calculate it by for example copying and pasting the first day rainfall of each year rainfall to a new sheet and average it for all the days. I need to calculate it all at a time.
I would like to calculate the weighed average rate( rate*qty/ total qty durig a period) for different periods say 2.00 pm to 2.01 pm, 2.01pm to 2.02 pm etc. Is there a way to do this by using database(dsum,daverage) functions. What will be the content of the criterion range? Or is there any other way of solving this.