Chart To Show Event Frequency
Aug 21, 2008
I have a chart with event timestamps (2008-06-09 14:48:15.973) and two event types (A and B) with about 12000 events in total. I want to show a chart (probably line chart) that plots the frequency of events on a time axis (e.g. very many event A last night, not so many today, etc). I figure two time series with A and B independently so user can compare visually. But I dont know how to efficiently convert the events into a counter/frequency of events variable/column.
Ive looked into DSUM, DCOUNT & FREQUENCY functions to make a new column that shows how many events have happened in the previous 10 minutes without success. DCOUNT/DSUM problem: some of the criteria fields are computed by formula (date column minus ten minutes).
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Jun 29, 2007
how to make a frequency table and a bar chart for 6 different branches of industries. These categories have numbers (1 for branche A and 2 for Brance B and so on) I tried Tools > Data analysis > Histogram yet. But then the categories are displayed as numerators. I just want to show how many companies there are in Branche A, Branche B, etc. I tried to change the categories into text, but it wont make a difference. I will include the file.
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Mar 11, 2008
I have four columns in my worksheet. In column C, I need to find the no. of times word "Alarm" is occuring. Further, with each "Alarm" entry in col C, there is a alarm type given in column D. I need to find the no. of alarms for each type and then display a bar chart for the alarm type vs. frequency of its occurence.
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Sep 13, 2013
I have the desire to create a spreadsheet that will, in the end, allow me to see the frequency of certain songs I've seen by a certain band (the same band). trying to figure out the best approach in creating such a spread sheet.
What I want to do is provide the date of a concert, and all of the songs played at that specific concert. I have that info. There are 78 concerts that I need to input. However, it seems redundant for me to list, for example, "Song A" if it was played on "date X", and then list "song A" again if was played on "date Y". This is where I'm not sure what makes the most sense.
Would it be better to use the A-Z axis and provide the 78 dates of concerts, and use the numbered axis to list all of the songs that were seen/heard. Then I could put some sort of check mark in the cell that corresponds to the song and date?This way seems like more work than is necessary.
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Dec 16, 2013
I have a table that can at any point have from a couple hundred up to a couple thousand rows. Within this table lies a column entitled " Offer ". I want to plot the figures in the offer column as a frequency distribution chart.
I plan to do this by listing the x-values (Offer figures), and then using count if formulas to calculate the frequency of that x-value. Then using a simple clustsered column chart to create the visualisation of the frequency distribution.
My question is.... in my large data set, is there any way to get VBA to insert a list of the range of figures in the Offer Column, ? I can figure out how to copy down the countif formula to populate the corresponding frequency column, but how can I have some VBA to dynamically adjust my x-values (offer figures)?
For example... say in the first data set I have
Offer, Frequency
1 10
2 20
3 25
4 20
5 15
that's fine if I make the chart, but what if the data set changes, I want VBA to give me a list of all the offer values, and then I can write some code to insert and copy down along the frequency column the countif formula.
The ultimate goal is to have a frequency chart that will be synced to the self-updating dataset.
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Apr 29, 2013
Formula to show the final/total a numeric values appears in an adjacent column.
I am currently attempting (I've researched many posts on this), to count /show the final totals a duplicate numeric value appears in one column, in an adjacent column (example below).
I am currently using an array Frequency formula below (courtesy of the board) filled down in column Q. this works well to count the frequency of duplicate numeric values appear on the list.
Formula used in Column Q below
However my aim is also to show the final entry of a numeric value in adjacent column R, by displaying text to indicate this. My example below shows “final” in column R
NB: My list is sorted by column C to ensure all numeric values are in ascending order.
Column C Column QColumn R
12567 1 final
15789 1
15789 2
15789 3 final
23456 1
23456 2 final
12678 1 final
18965 1
18965 2 final
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Apr 18, 2013
How can I add missing values to the axis in a pivot chart line chart? I have a numerical X-axis with values such as 0,1,5,8,14, etc. I have another set of Y values that correspond to the X values. If this was an XY-scatter plot I'd be able to plot X vs. Y and connect the dots for "gaps" in the X values. Since it's a pivot chart I cannot use an XY-scatter plot, I can only use a line chart. The line chart doesn't give me the ability to add the "missing" values, so it gives the impression that my data is more closely packed than it is. The data source is external to my spreadsheet, so I cannot add the values before creating the pivot table/chart.
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Dec 17, 2013
I have created a pie chart showing top 10 best selling categories. However, on this pie chart, I want %age of overall sales to be shown.
At the moment say I put in the following
Catalogue 1 100
Catalogue 2 98
Catalogue 3 92
Catalogue 4 85
Catalogue 5 84
Catalogue 6 75
I add Data Labels and select the percentages. This shows at Cat 1 having 12.5% of the sales (100 of 800 sales), Cat 2 having 12.25%, and so on..... However, what you don't see is the following data:
Catalogue 11 60
Catalogue 12 58
Catalogue 13 57
Catalogue 14 57
Catalogue 15 56
So based on 1,088 sales, Cat 1 at 100 is actually only 9.19% of TOTAL sales.
I understand what is happening, the chart is giving the percentage based on the data inputted into the chart.
I did consider adding an 11th category to the chart, which was the total of Catalogues 11-15. Whilst this does give a more accurate percentage figure (as now all sales have been inputted), it makes the chart look ****
Is there a way of either adding the 11th category, and then "hiding" it, so that the chart doesn't display it, but uses it's value to calculate Catalogues 1-10s percentage?
BTW: The reason I ask is that I could be dealing with anywhere from 30 to over 100 catalogues. So it's not ideal showing the others in 1 chart.
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Mar 9, 2009
I have some rows in my sheet locked and some unlocked rows. When user clicks on a unlocked row I should be able to enter some information. I am suppose to populate some dropdowns in that row for him to choose. How can this be done??
I know when a user clicks a row worksheet change event is call. I can write a function in the worksheet change event to populate values in the dropdown. I went through some articles, and they say it can be done by hiding and unhiding rows.
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Nov 19, 2006
When you double click on a number in a pivot table data area you get a new sheet with that information showing the detail, is there anyway to "trap" this action?
I want to run a macro on the detail data but can't see a way to do it automatically, have tried, BeforeDoubleClick, PivotTableUpdate, NewSheet events but all have there draw backs if you are doing something other than showing the detail for the pivot table. Of course I can just run the macro after the sheet is made but it would be nice to do it on its own.
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Jul 10, 2006
it is possible to add a mouse over event to this Macro so that when a user runs the mouse over the bitmap picture that this macro is assigned to it would show the value in TextBox7 for the record with the specified TextBox1 Value.
For example for the below Macro it would show the Value of TextBox7 for the record that matches "103" in TextBox1
I have searched the Forum as well as a few different VBA books and can not find much on Mouse Over events
Sub crkt_id_103()
Load frmMain
frmMain.TextBox1 = "103"
End Sub
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Oct 10, 2012
I'm trying to make a menu in my Workbook to access all the others sheets.
To make things easier for my boss, I'm trying to make the menu with SmartArt Shapes (Hierarchic) because it's easier to add/remove itens.
The thing is: he wants it to show the boxes below (hierarchic child) when i click the "mother" box.
It will work pretty like web menus except the mouseover. Image below
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May 8, 2007
I have an Access application with a form containing an Excel chart based on a pivot table based on an Access query based on an Access table which is refreshed every 5 minutes using a Timer event. When the table is refreshed the Excel chart is refreshed. The chart monitors some processes and is active throughout the day. As the day progresses more and more data points are available for plotting on the x-axis. The x-axis labels get very crowded as the day progresses and I need to programmatically change the x-axis scale at various times of the day. To that end I am trying to find an event that is activated at some point during the automatic refresh of the chart/pivot table.
I have tried the Workbook_Change event, the Worksheet_Change event, and the Chart_SeriesChange event. None of these are executed during the refresh process or I have done something wrong in trying to use them. At the moment they only have a MSGBOX message in them so that I can determine if they are even being executed.
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May 13, 2009
I want to show which rows of data have been changed by incrementing a revision attribute. For example, if a user changes the contents of a cell anywhere between rows 2 and 13 and col 1 and 9 then the revision attribute in col 10 would increment from 1 to 2 (for the affected row). If another change affects the same row then the rev attribute would increment to 3, and so forth. I don't care which cell was changed only that something on that row was touched.
I thought the CHANGE event was a dead ringer for triggering some VBA code to control this but, since part of the change event code writes the revision value, this triggers another CHANGE event causing an endless loop until something (??) kicks in and stops it after 220 iterations. Is there a way to inhibit the change event just prior to updating the cell containing the version attribute?
Rather than post the code here I have submitted the workbook that includes the whole setup and code. I should also mention I looked at all the other worksheet events and I do not see any "triggers" that would fire each time a cell content is changed. As a side note, is there a way to step into the code of a change event? F8 does nothing.
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Nov 7, 2006
I am using the following Selection_Change Event to show a UserForm when a cell in 1 of 31 named ranges is selected.
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To 31
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("StatPost" & i)) Is Nothing And Target.Value = "" Then
If Target.Offset(0, -8).Value = "" Or Target.Offset(0, -7).Value = "" Or Target.Offset(0, -6).Value = "" Or Target.Offset(0, -5).Value = "" Or Target.Offset(0, -3).Value = "" Or Target.Offset(0, -2).Value = "" Or Target.Offset(0, -1).Value = "" Then....................
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Nov 20, 2006
I'm trying to display a graph I've created in a worksheet, in a userform. But it won't work ..
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
image1 = ActiveChart.ChartArea.Select
End Sub
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Jan 26, 2007
Is it possible to show a table on a chart?
ie. Display a Range of Cells right on the chart?
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Aug 20, 2008
I am trying to add the date my charts were created. I have the date the charts were created in a cell then I added a text box to each chart referencing the cell with the date. On some of the charts the date is showing. But on other charts on same sheet, the date only shows when selecting the chart area of the chart but disappears when selecting other charts or cells on the same sheet.
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Feb 10, 2010
I'm creating an Excel chart, and I have some data that goes from 0-100. I want to show all of the data, but I'd like to have a different format when it goes above 90.
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Nov 23, 2011
I have a spreadsheet where users can enter a time using the 24 hour clock - these times are random and can be anything within the 24 hour period.
I want to create a chart or graph that has a timeline of 24 hours, (in multiples of 1 hour starting at 07:00 and going right through to 06:00), and I need the times entered by the users to appear on the chart to give an overview of when these incidents are happening most.
I was thinking that the cluster or scatter chart might work but I can't figure it out. I don't actually need both X and Y Axis, just a timeline - is it possible?
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Dec 3, 2012
Any way using a macro so that a chart will not show the "0" columns?
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Nov 6, 2013
I have a pivot table/chart that I need to show the sums as top 20 (or any other number) and All others. How can I do this.
I have an example file here: [URL] ...........
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Mar 3, 2008
I have a chart that feeds from dynamic ranges which contain whole rows of null enteries displayed as #N/A. The charts do not plot these enteries (as it shouldn't) however it does display the category label even if it too is #N/A. Is it possible to remove the category label if all data for that row is null. ie the label is also removed from the chart.
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Feb 27, 2013
I have a chart with multiple series which I am hoping to show/hide based upon a particular value attached to each series. I was therefore wondering if it was possible to extend the Series object class so that I could have something along the lines of a "Series.specialvalue" property which I could assign and then check to decide whether to show or hide the series?
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Nov 22, 2013
I have 10 graphs with more than 20 legend entries. However, each graph only needs 3-4 elements out of the 20 legend entries in the graph. Is there any way to force Excel to only show those legend entries that have a value? (without deleting them manually)
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Nov 26, 2013
Attached is an excel file of my issue. I want to stretch the graph so it shows at least 3-4 months. at the moment is only shows 1 month.
Timeline format - Copy.xlsx
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Feb 27, 2009
Split from How To Set Up A Spreadsheet The Right Way
Taking onboard what you suggested I have "rethought" the layout and it is now in a single table format. What had stopped me doing this previously was the fact that I was not able to show 7 days a week for 48 weeks in columns. However thanks to the transpose function all the data is now more user friendly (See Attached Workbook)
You mention the data should be quite easy to manipulate from here, any ideas as I am struggling with the concept of how to display the data in a time series. I assume that it will involve some form of lookup function referenced to the table of times, but thats as far as i can get.
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Aug 25, 2004
Attached is a simple chart and I would like Users to be able to tick a checkbox to show/don't show 'available' series. In the example If the User clicks for Group 1, then only Customer A's data is shown. If Only Checked Group B, then Customer B and C are displayed. If both boxes are checked, then all three Customer's figures will show. (Hopefully depending on what's ticked, the chart's scale would adjust accordingly)
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Sep 16, 2006
I created 5 charts and instead of having them spread everywhere in the worksheet, I would like them to be "reduced" to some kind of a link contained in a cell (at the botom of the data of each chart). Then, I would like the chart to appear only if I put the mouse on this cell.
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Jan 5, 2009
I have created a line chart that plots weight of a person, but want to show on the plot area what a certain range of weight represent, Ive attached images to show this concept.
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