Charting 2 Data Series With Different Numbers Of Points

Jun 12, 2014

Have Series 1 (to be a line chart) with 20 data points X values are 0 to 68. Have Series 2 (Bar chart) with 68 data points, again X values 0 to 68

Cant get series 1 to display beyond X value of 20

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Dynamic Charting Of Multiple Series Data

Jan 12, 2009

I have several dynamic charts using named ranges, but I am charting 1 series of data. What about when I have multiple data sets or series and do not want to use PivotTables? Do I really have to make each one a named range? If that's the case, using VBA looks much simpler.

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Conditional Format Chart Data Series Points

May 16, 2008

Background: I have a Chart sheet with a combination bar/line chart on it. Data is coming from a "datasheet". There is a combo box on the chart sheet that allows you to choose a specific office whose data you want to view. Pick an office from the dropdown and the chart changes. The data is a count of closed cases by month. The data sheet shows 22 Offices with their monthly data, along with entries for each month of the Upper Control Point, Lower Control Point and Mean based on the nationwide data for that month.

The chart itself uses bars to show the office's case count per month, and I've incorporated 3 additional data series to plot the UCP, LCP and Mean as lines for each month.

I'd like to change the color of the bars to be Blue, Green or Red depending on where they fall in the 3 lines. I sort of have it working, but I'm stuck.

The code below grabs the value of each series point and compares it to the 3 control points and does change the colors. I've figured out how to use the If, next to change from one series point to the next, but cannot figure out how to loop through each of the control points. As it stands now, it looks only at the first month's control point and uses that for each successive month.

I hope this is clear and I've tried to keep it as short as possible while still providing enough information.

Sub chartbarformat()
' chartbarformat Macro
' Macro recorded 5/15/2008 by vacoyoungd
Dim x As Integer
Dim val As Variant
Dim AveragePending As Range
Dim LowerPending As Range
Dim UpperPending As Range

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Charting Multiple Dynamic Ranges As Single Continuous Series

Mar 10, 2014

I have a log where I'm recording daily readings of a pipette. Each day three readings are taken and I have each stored as a dynamic range so that I can monitor how in control my process is. However, when I graph it, I would like it to be one continuous line graph (Three readings from day one followed by three readings from day two, etc.). I'm having difficulty doing any sort of combination.

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Insert Numbers Based On Missing Numbers In Series

Oct 12, 2010

I have a list of numbers in sequential order. There are numbers missing. Is there a way to have Excel insert rows for the numbers that are missing in the series.





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Delete Numeric Series Numbers Between Numbers Entered

Mar 14, 2008

I want to ask that I have got a workbook with different number series i want user form where i can enter its start number and end number and then it finds and delete shift cells up said series number i have entered in user form please see mentioned below example.

and i want to delete 1 to 5 numbers delete to shift cells up.

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How To Add Numbers - Input Points

Jun 25, 2013

How to add numbers such as if a person has 15 points how do I input two points and have them added up to 17 points does it require multiple sheets or is there a command to do this seemingly simple operation.

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Show Chart Data Series Labels On All Series. 2007

May 31, 2008

I just recently installed Excel 2007 and I would like to know if it's possible to change all data points of a chart at the same time. In Excel 2003, I would normally hold down shift while clicking on each of the data points to make a global change. However, it appears I cannot do that in 2007.

I would like to display each data point's series name. When I go to Layout on the Excel Ribbon, and click on "Data Labels", and click on "More Data Label Options", the actual Y-axis values are shown for each data point. However, I do not want this - I actually only want the Series Name, but when I uncheck "Value" and check "Series Name" instead (under "Label Contains"), it only changes it for one of the series. Is there a better way, instead of going through each and every single series to make this change?

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Charting Non-numerical Data?

Dec 2, 2013

produce graphs/charts based on inequalities monitoring information - gender, nationality, age etc. I'm capturing info from several events, one sheet per event. Had a look at COUNTIF but not sure it's what I want and looks like I'd need sub-sheet for each? Capture.PNG

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Banding Numbers Associated Trigger Points?

Mar 4, 2014

We have a customer rebate in place with various levels of refund based on the quantity purchased during the year. I have used a sumproduct formula to calculate this before.

The customer used to have the following set up -

0-999 - £1.00 per unit rebate.
1000-1999 - £2.00 per unit rebate.
2000-2999 - £3.00 per unit rebate.

So if they bought 2501 units they would get a rebate of (1000*1)+(1000*2)+(501*3). However the customer has trigger points so rather than the above it is now -

0-999 - £1.00 per unit rebate.
1000-1999 - £2.00 per unit rebate.
2000-2999 - £4.00 per unit rebate if 2500 bought.

So now it would look like this - (1000*1)+(1000*2)+(501*4). However if they only bought 2499 units it would be (1000*1)+(1000*2)+(499*2).

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Charting To Change Based On Data?

Mar 26, 2012

I have data I use in a Pareto chart. This data is found somewhere in cell range A18:AF20. I want the chart to adjust itself to only the cell range with data. It may be A18:M18 or perhaps A18:AB18.

Is there any way to set the cell to look at only the cells with data in them?

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Reducing Decimal Points Without Rounding Up The Numbers

Jul 25, 2006

I have columns of geological data in number form which may have about 4 or 5 decimal points. I want to reduce them to 2 decimal points without rounding the numbers up. Is there a simple way to do this?

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Change Default Decimal Points For Numbers

Feb 14, 2008

I've got a wierd simple problem in Excel 2003. I have a laptop and a desktop machine, and I'm an accountant who uses the fixed decimal feature as a default, with it set to 2 decimal places.

On the desktop machine, if I input "23." into a cell and then hit enter, the value left in the cell is "23.00" However, on the laptop, when I do the same thing, I get "0.23" In essence, it ignores the fact that I entered a decimal point.

If I enter "23.0" in a sheet on the laptop, it puts "23.00" in the cell.

I thought maybe it was some sort of hardware thing, like the KB was messed up, but then I used remote desktop to try to see what would happen if I enter numbers into the other computer using the laptop, and into the laptop using the desktop. The laptop when connected to the desktop performed normally, just like the desktop machine. The desktop, when connected remotely to the laptop behved like the laptop machine. In other words, I believe this test takes Hardware out of the picture.

Which leaves some strange obsure setting in excel someplace tht is causing this behavior, and I can't seem to find it.

Does anyone here know why these two installs treat the data entry so differently? It's driving me nuts.

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Charting Data Based On Dropdown List Choice?

May 28, 2011

Charting Data Based On Drop Down List Choice

I am trying to build a report where I can chart data base on a dropdown selection.I did build the dropdown lists, however I don't have any expertise on execel functions in order to make it work.I am attaching my draft report.

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Offset And CountA To Auto Select Data Range For Charting Purposes?

Dec 12, 2013

how to play with data ranges and define names for charts to automatically update them by using the formula offset + counta. An example would be: =OFFSET(Sheet1!$B$7,0,0,COUNTA(Sheet1!$B$6:$B$37)-1).

So, the problem comes when there is a need to select a data range which is not that well defined like $B$6:$B$37. So, I need to import data regularly into my workbook, this data will be imported right below of the last cell with values.

Now, how would I manage to automatically select the data range from this new import for my chart? See attached example. I have highlighted in Yellow a potential import... there is no data in there so feel freel to fill it with any numbers you like.

I have tried to use a vlookup to find Country+Programme+Year (cat1 in the example) in the 'counta' part of the formula above. But I get lost,as a vlookup would retrieve a value and would not be useful for the data range?

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Subtracting Until Zero From A Series Of Numbers

Jul 3, 2014

I'm trying to program a spreadsheet for staff attendance at a school. In the spreadsheet the staff member has personal days, sick time, and sick time in the bank (sick time rolled over from last year). When they use sick time, it needs to come out of the bank first, until it reaches zero, then it should move on to the sick time accumulated for this year.

Staff attendance WIP.xlsx

On the left side is the staff name, sick time, personal days, and bank. Then are the school days for July (if a staff member uses sick time/personal day it is placed under the date it was used). On the far right is the total remaining amount that the staff member has left.

The formula I have for cell AF4 is: =MAX(0,G4-SUM(H4:AC4)) so that the cell will not go below zero.

The formula I have for cell AG4 is: =E4-(COUNTIF(H4:AC4,"P")+(COUNTIF(H4:AC4,"HP")/2)) So that when P for personal day is entered, it will take a whole day, and when HP is entered a half a personal day is subtracted.

I need to figure out a formula for cell AD4. I've tried a couple of formulas I've seen on other posts, but they weren't for a series of numbers like this. And when I put them into this particular spreadsheet, it would subtract the bank until zero, move on to the 'sick time' cell and subtract the SUM of all the days sick rather than subtracting what was left when the 'Bank' reached zero.

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Summing Numbers In A Series

Nov 15, 2008

The series 1,3,6,10,15,21,28,36 ("A" series) is the ongoing sum of 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 ("integers") and naturally goes on for as long as on chooses. I am only interested in the numbers up to 100.

Is there an Excel function that will allow me choose any integer as a starting point and any higher integer as an ending point and provide the sum of the "A" series associated with the two choices.

For example: If I begin at 6 and end on 12 it would give me 308 =28+36+45+55+66+78


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Returning Characters After A Series Of Numbers

Dec 10, 2013

I have a list of data in Column A of a spreadsheet that is all at different lengths.

I would like to return the numbers from this (see below) seperately and also everything after the last number so returning "green"



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Subtract Series Of Numbers From Array

Dec 4, 2012

How can I subtract a series of numbers from an array. example.



[Code] ......

=ABS(1-B2) C2,D2,E2,F2 AND G and after start again with =abs(2-B2:G2)

I want to know how to do this for example until 60, I mean 60 minus the row B:G

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Series Collection Names Instead Of Numbers?

Aug 30, 2013

I have a graph with something like 40 series that are being plotted. For one, I create non-standard data labels using VBA. In that code, I refer to ChartObjects(1).Chart.SeriesCollection(34). At some point I deleted a series that preceded it in the "select data" list and the code crashed. Took a lot of digging to learn that SeriesCollection(34) had become SeriesCollection(33).

To avoid this in the future, is there a way to refer to the SeriesCollection by a unique name rather than a sequential number?

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Transform Series Of 7 Numbers In 0 - 4 Scores

Apr 5, 2014

I have a series of raws with 7 numbers in each raw; sums may vary a lot from raw to raw, and also differences between one number and the other in a same raw.

Now, i need to obtain a much simpler distribution of scores, so reducing differences.

I would need to transform all numbers into a 0-4 score distribution, according to differences between numbers in a same raw. It's like a kind of rank score.

I want to obtain in each raw:

- 1-2 numbers with score = 4 (if three or more numbers have similar values: no 4 scores)
- a maximum of 3-4 numbers with score 2-3 (according to differences between these numbers but also also according to the 4 scores already assigned)
- all other scores = 1 if the numbers are >0
- all other scores = 0 if the numbers are 0

example: |14|23|3|0|45|0|10| => |2|3|1|0|4|0|2|

Would it be possible to do with Excel?

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Remove Last Digit On A Series Of Numbers

Mar 25, 2004

I have a spreadsheet, with about 1,500 lines. In column A is a list of numbers that I need to remove the last digit from each number, for example in A22 is 02602726521 - I need this to be 0260272652. The numbers are all uniqe.

How can I remove the last digit from every number, without going in manually to do so?

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Points Property Select Multiple Points

May 2, 2007

Is there a way of amending the following line of code so that it selects multiple data points in a data series in a chart (e.g points 14,15,16)?


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Find Lowest Percentage In A Series Of Numbers

May 27, 2014

I have a series of numbers in cells B2 to G2. The maximum value of each of these columns is found in B5 to G5. Is there a formula that will calculate the percentage of each of the values in row 2 (B2 to G2) and tell me which is the lowest number based on the percentage? Example...

Row 2: 12, 100, 43, 1444, 141, 332
Row 5: 25, 140, 55, 3000, 244, 440

Which number in row 2, is the lowest percentage of the total possible points found in row 5?

B2 is 45% (12 divided by 25), C2 is 71%, D2 is 78%, E2 is 48%, F2 is 58%, G2 is 75%.

I want a formula to tell me in a new cell that "12" (in B2) is the lowest percentage in that series.

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Using For Loop To Assign Numbers To A Series Of Triangles?

Dec 18, 2011

am looking for a code that uses for loops of any other type of loops to create an array shown below:

1 2 6
6 5 1
2 3 7
7 6 2
3 4 8
8 7 3
5 6 10
10 9 5
6 7 11
11 10 6
7 8 12
12 11 7

The array above represents the node number of the triangles within a rectangle as shown in the image. [URL] .....

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How To Calculate Lowest 6 Numbers In A Series Of About 30 Scores

Mar 28, 2012

I am doing a Golf scorecard but I have been having trouble figuring out how to calculate the last 6 lowest scores in a series of about 30 scores. What formula to use? Series looks like this

43 52 52 51 44 44 60 54 40 50 53 = 272

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Get Same Length Series Of Numbers From Different Columns In The Same Cell?

Oct 2, 2012

solve this task with a formula or a macro?

I have this strange number data stored by columns. Each cell contains one number series of different length from 1 to 13.

Needed results 1, Needed results 2
7409998765 7409998766 , 9998766567876, 7409998765 9998766 9998766 7409998766 9998766 9998766567876 9998766 9998766

I need to look-up and bring in one cell for each row only the 10 length numbers separated by space and in another cell the 13 length numbers space separated also.

The number of columns containing data is different from row to row ( from 2 to 60)....and the rows..are thousands..

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Conditional Minimum Formula In A Series Of Numbers

Jul 18, 2013

What is the syntax for the formula for the minimum number, greater than zero, in a series of numbers.

I have a row of numbers, including some zeros, but I want the minimum number excluding the zeros.

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List Missing Numbers From Numeric Series

Apr 4, 2008

I have a long list of numbers (1 to around 3000) in Column A and I need to print out only the numbers missing from that list. The numbers are sequential (except the ones missing) and there are no blank or missing cells, only missing numbers.



So I would only need to print the number 3 and 6. - it can be all in one cell, or in one column, it doesnt matter.

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Changing A Series Of Numbers In An Excel Sheet Column

Apr 29, 2009

I have a series of numbers in one column. Is there some way I can divide all the numbers together by, say 10, without doing it manually?



should become


Is there a way in Excel to do that?

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